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Wednesday... halfway to the Week-end

Wednesday 8 - [14]-24... 


Verses for today:


This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

Galatians 5:16 KJV


My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

James 1:2-3 KJV


Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

1 Peter 5:6 KJV


Thought for Today:

Profiting from Trials

James Chapter 1, V2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, V3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]patience. V4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be [b]perfect and complete, lacking nothing.



Showing you this could get me arrested if I lived in Europe:







I don't think it's the same problem in Canada because our government has been "cherry-picking" to bring in as many families as possible, and the dangerous men are streaming across our border into the USA. 

Patrick Bestall



EU threat to Musk over Trump interview crosses the line into ‘election meddling’ – his response is epic:

A top European Union bureaucrat’s bullying letter to Elon Musk over Monday night’s X interview with Republican nominee Donald J. Trump was slammed for attempting to  “meddle” in the U.S. election.


Hours before the scheduled discussion between the X owner and the former president, Thierry Breton who’s the European commissioner for the internal market warned the billionaire Tesla/SpaceX CEO that he stood to be punished for the high crime of allowing free speech on the platform.


“With great audience comes greater responsibility #DSA. As there is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content in in connection with events with major audience around the world, I sent this letter to @elonmusk,” wrote Breton, who identifies himself as Europäischer Kommissar in his X bio, publicly sharing the letter.

With great audience comes greater responsibility #DSA As there is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content in in connection with events with major audience around the world, I sent this letter to

“I am writing to you in the context of recent events in the United Kingdom and in relation to the planned broadcast on your platform X of a live conversation between a US presidential candidate and yourself, which will also be accessible to users in the EU,” the letter began.

Breton warned Musk that if he fails to adhere to the authoritarian EU Digital Services Act (DSA) by stifling free speech it could “generate detrimental effects on civic discourse and public security.”


“This is important against the background of recent examples of public unrest brought about by the amplification of content that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence, or certain instances of disinformation,” he wrote, referring to the current state of social unrest in the U.K.


“My services and I will be extremely vigilant to any evidence that points to breaches of the DSA, and will not hesitate to make full use of our toolbox, including by adopting interim measures, should it be warranted to protect EU citizens from serious harm,” the EU censorship czar said.

“Bonjour!” Musk defiantly replied to the letter, scoffing at the unelected Euro’s arrogance.

He also mocked the EU tyrant with a “Tropic Thunder” movie meme.

“The European Union should mind their own business instead of trying to meddle in the U.S. Presidential election, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung wrote on X, telling Breton and his fellow fascists to stuff it.

“Only in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ America can an un-Democratic foreign organization feel emboldened enough to tell this country what to do. They know that a President Trump victory means America will no longer be ripped off because he will smartly utilize tariffs and renegotiated trade deals that puts America First,” Cheung added. “Let us be very clear: the European Union is an enemy of free speech and has no authority of any kind to dictate how we campaign.”


“This is an unprecedented attempt to stretch a law intended to apply in Europe to political activities in the US. It also patronizes European citizens, suggesting they are incapable of listening to a conversation and drawing their own conclusions,” said X CEO Linda Yaccarino in a post reacting to the threatening letter.

“This conversation couldn’t occur on any mainstream news network That’s why progressive Democrats work so hard to shut down X, even resorting to inciting European regulators to threaten @elonmusk,” wrote Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) on X.

Musk recalled the words of former President John F. Kennedy in another post to X.

The French executive’s chilling attempt to interfere in domestic politics is another effort from Europeans to reach across the pond with their fascism. Last week, some British authorities threatened U.S. citizens with extradition and prison over posts on social media commenting on the U.K. riots.


“We will throw the full force of the law at people,” declared Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley.  “And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.”

It’s important to note that Europe was the cradle of fascism in the 20th century and the EU has resurrected it from history’s garbage heap.



UAW Files Labor Charges against Trump, Musk:



  • ·        UAW President Shawn Fain condemns Trump and Musk's actions as illegal and predictable

  • ·        NLRB can order employers to cease illegal conduct and inform workers of their rights

  • ·        Musk's companies face multiple NLRB complaints, including illegal threats and discouraging unionizing


DETROIT, Aug 13 (Reuters) - The United Auto Workers Union said on Tuesday it has filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board against Donald Trump and Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab CEO Elon Musk over attempts to threaten and intimidate workers.


The action came after Musk and Trump held a two-hour conversation on social media platform X on Monday night, during which Trump complimented Musk's ability to cut costs by saying he would not tolerate workers going on strike.

"You're the greatest cutter," Trump said during the conversation. "I mean, I look at what you do. You walk in, you just say: 'You want to quit?' They go on strike - I won't mention the name of the company - but they go on strike. And you say: 'That's okay, you're all gone.'"


Musk chuckled but did not respond to Trump's comments, making it harder for the NLRB to find him liable for making illegal threats to workers at his companies, said Wilma Liebman, chair of the NLRB under former President Barack Obama.

Under federal law, workers cannot be fired for going on strike, and threatening to do so is illegal under the National Labor Relations Act, the UAW said in a statement.


It is unclear whether the NLRB would take action against Trump for his comments, but the UAW jumped on his remarks as it continues to rally behind Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris and encourage its nearly 400,000 workers to vote for her over Trump, especially in battleground states like Michigan that could determine who wins the White House in November. The UAW is based in Michigan and has many members in that state.


The UAW endorsed Harris at the end of July. She met with union officials and workers last week near Detroit.

UAW President Shawn Fain and Trump have exchanged barbs in the past.

"Both Trump and Musk want working class people to sit down and shut up, and they laugh about it openly. It’s disgusting, illegal, and totally predictable from these two clowns," Fain said in a statement on Tuesday.


The Harris and Trump campaigns did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Musk also did not respond to a request for comment. Trump has called for the union leader to be fired, saying he is responsible for U.S. auto manufacturing becoming weaker.

UAW members in Michigan tend to side with Democrats, but pro-Trump workers have organized their own rallies in recent weeks to show their support for the former president.



The NLRB has limited power to punish unlawful labor practices. In cases involving illegal threats, the board can order employers to cease and desist from such conduct and to post notices in the workplace informing workers of their rights. Unions can also use favorable rulings from the NLRB to engage workers they are trying to organize.

"It's trying to expose more than anything politically what Donald Trump is about in terms of workers, and Musk as well," former NLRB head Liebman said, referring to the UAW's action on Tuesday. "Everyone knows the NLRB remedies are toothless to start with, but it's not so much for the remedy as for sending both a political message and an organizing message."


Fain filed separate complaints against Musk and Trump with the NLRB, claiming both men had made statements suggesting they "would fire employees engaged in protected concerted activity, including striking." The complaints did not provide further detail.


The UAW led six-week strike against Detroit's Big Three automakers last autumn, in which workers at Ford Motor (F.N), opens new tab, General Motors (GM.N), opens new tab and Jeep maker Stellantis (STLAM.MI), opens new tab walked picket lines across the country.

The union won record contracts, which included a 25% general wage increase over the life of the agreement.



Musk, who has endorsed Trump for president, has had numerous run-ins with the labor board. His rocket company SpaceX is currently challenging the entire structure of the agency in a pair of pending lawsuits. Those cases stemmed from NLRB complaints accusing SpaceX of firing engineers who were critical of Musk and forcing employees to sign severance agreements with unlawful terms.


In March, a U.S. appeals court upheld an NLRB decision that said Musk illegally threatened Tesla employees by tweeting in 2018: "Nothing stopping Tesla team at our car plant from voting union ... But why pay union dues & give up stock options for nothing?"


Tesla is separately facing allegations from the board that it illegally discouraged unionizing at a Buffalo, New York, plant. Last year, an appeals court threw out a labor board decision that said Tesla broke the law by barring factory workers from wearing UAW T-shirts.


Lawyers at the labor board will investigate the union's claims and decide whether to issue formal complaints against Tesla and the Trump campaign. Those cases would be heard by administrative judges whose decisions can be reviewed by the five-member labor board and then federal appeals courts. The process often takes years.


The Reuters Daily Briefing newsletter provides all the news you need to start your day. Sign up here.

Reporting by: Nora Eckert in Detroit and Daniel Wiessner in Albany, New York;

Additional reporting by: Akash Sriram in Bengaluru, Jarrett Renshaw in Philadelphia, Tim Reid in Washington and Ben Klayman in Detroit; Editing by Tasim Zahid, Rosalba O'Brien and Matthew Lewis

Donna Warren


Premier Doug Ford heaps praise on Kamala Harris’ VP pick Tim Walz:

Ontario Premier Doug Ford expressed delight that Vice President and Democratic presidential Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.


Taking questions from reporters at a news conference on Wednesday, Premier Ford said that he is “happy as punch” that Walz is joining Harris on the Democratic ticket for the coming presidential election in November.

“I was happy as punch to see the governor get nominated as Vice President, well running mate I should say, and it’s all about building relationships,” said Ford.


Ford recalled Walz’s visit to Queen’s Park back in June where the two regional leaders developed a chummy relationship with one another, bonding over their shared passion for football. Minnesota shares a border with Ontario.

“We share a lot in common when we sat down, we tossed the football around a little bit in my office, we gave him a CFL football,” said Ford.

Ford says that he and Walz both agree that Canada and the United States should be working together to promote a “buy North American” agenda, in contrast with former President Donald Trump’s refrain of “buy American.”

“Talking about buy North America, he understands that,” said Ford. “And I get it during the election, I’m just as bad as everyone else in saying ‘buy Ontario’ and yes, go out there and buy Ontario made or Canadian made. But buy USA.”

Ford went on to laud his province’s economic might while touting his ability to work with politicians of all political stripes.


“We’re an economic powerhouse folks in North America. They realize it no matter if it’s manufacturing or if it’s energy or mining, we’re much stronger together. And the governor, we’re gonna work well together if he gets elected. I’ll work with anyone, Republican or Democrat, I don’t care who’s in there, we’ll work with them.”


Earlier in the week, Vice President Harris announced Governor Walz as her running mate in a much-anticipated announcement, beating out reported contenders like Governor Josh Shapiro and Secretary Pete Buttigieg. 

The Harris-Walz ticket serves as a contrast to the Trump campaign which has campaigned on raising tariffs on American trading partners, including Canada. 


In 2026, the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement will be up for mandatory review, allowing a new American administration and possibly a new Canadian government to renegotiate the deal’s details. 

In Ford’s first term in office, the Ontario Premier expressed support for President Trump and ripped Democrats like Nancy Pelosi for ripping up Trump’s State of the Union address and Bernie Sanders for his embrace of socialism.


However, Trump’s proclivity for protectionist trade policy saw Ford’s public support shift, as late into the former President’s tenure, he announced plans to reimpose a 10% tariff on Canadian aluminum. 

TRUE North


Prayer Call:

Featuring a Holocaust Survivor

[This is your Opportunity to PARTICIPATE]


We will be having our most impactful prayer call this coming Sunday!!

Theme: From Darkness to Redemption

During our call we have an unbelievable line up of people who will be blessing us to join our call.  


We are blessed to be joined by Sami Steigmann who is a holocaust survivor who went on to join the Israeli Army - He will share a small part of his story.  

Moving from the darkness of the holocaust, we will be moving to the light of three of the most articulate activists on behalf of Israel.

1) Rabbi Pesach Wolicki - Host of "Eyes on Israel" where he articulates the true Israel narrative.

2) Kevin Jessip - President of The Return Ministries where he helps to support Jews fulfilling the biblical prophecy and returning to Israel.

3) Shanda Hasse - Co-Founder and President of America for Israel in Lubbock, TX - where she has been working non-stop to ensure local and federal legislators support Israel.  


You do not want to miss this call!!

With blessing,

Rabbi Rami


Also don't forget to sign up for our whatsapp group:



Rabbi Rami Goldberg



·       anti-state

·       anti-war

·       pro-market


Kamala Harris is bad enough, but stress on her manifest deficiencies should not make us lose sight of the problems with her running-mate, Governor Tim Walz of Wisconsin, who would become president if Kamala were elected and something happened to her.


Walz is a “progressive” of the worst sort, close to being an outright communist. During the notorious Geroge Floyd riots after BLM (Black Lives Matter [but White Lives Don’t] nearly destroyed Minneapolis and St. Paul, Walz allowed the BLM to run rampant and refused to send in state police and the state national guard to protect white lives and property. As an account in Politico put it, “A report by Minnesota Senate Republicans three weeks before the election argues that DFL Gov. Tim Walz and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey failed to do enough to quell the days of looting and arson that followed the police killing of George Floyd.Lisec, JoshuaBest Price: $21.90Buy New $21.49(as of 11:02 UTC - Details)


The 61-page report, compiled after a series of summer hearings on the topic, blames what Republicans have long argued was an apparent lack of understanding of the quickly escalating situation and a hesitation to deploy additional law enforcement to end the violence and destruction in Minneapolis and St. Paul.


The report follows months of criticism by President Donald Trump and state Republicans, who have turned the civil unrest that followed Floyd’s death into a campaign theme emphasizing law and order and support for police.

Floyd’s May 25 death in Minneapolis sparked widespread protests against police brutality and racism across the globe. In the Twin Cities, more than 1,500 properties, including the Third Precinct police building in south Minneapolis, were damaged or destroyed over several days. Some were looted on multiple nights.


‘One central theme emerged fairly quickly during our hours of testimony: the governor’s slow decision-making caused the riots to be far, far worse than they should have been,’ said Sen. Scott Newman, R-Hutchinson, Transportation Committee chairman, who co-authored the report.”


In acting in this way, Walz was in lockstep with Kamala Harris, who supported a fund to bail the rioters out of jail: “Former President Donald Trump’s campaign pummeled Vice President Kamala Harris for promoting a bail fund during the Black Lives Matter protests that ultimately helped free people accused of murder, sex assault and other violent crimes.


Harris, 59, had amplified a fundraiser for the Minnesota Freedom Fund in 2020 during the wave of Black Lives Matter protests that popped up in Minnesota and other parts of the country following the death of George Floyd.”

Far from stopping the rioters, Walz wants to take people’s guns away, so that they would have no way of defending themselves from the black marauders. In taking this stance, Walz is acting with utter cynicism. He owns a gun himself and was once a supporter of gun rights. But not anymore. According to a story in the New York Times, “Early in his political career, when he represented a largely rural district in Congress, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota was a darling of the National Rifle Association.


The powerful group endorsed himdonated to his campaigns and once gave him an A rating. In 2016, Guns & Ammo magazine included him on its list of top 20 politicians for gun owners. Mr. Walz, after all, was an Army veteran and the rare gun-owning Democrat who spoke of his love for hunting.

But during his first campaign for governor in 2018, Mr. Walz began supporting tighter firearm restrictions. Shortly after a teenage gunman opened fire at a Florida high school in February 2018, Mr. Walz spoke out in favor of an assault weapons ban.


During that campaign, Mr. Walz celebrated that the N.R.A. had downgraded him to an “F” rating. And as governor, he has signed into law a handful of gun control measures, including one that went into effect on Thursday increasing penalties for acquiring a weapon on behalf of someone who is not eligible to own a firearm.

In 2023, Mr. Walz signed legislation giving law enforcement officials broader tools to remove weapons from people who are deemed to pose a risk to themselves and others. The law also expanded background checks for weapon sales.”


One of the absolutely worst programs of the lunatic left is mutilating young people to in fake gender-alteration surgery. The program includes both surgical interventions and so-called “puberty blockers.”

Parents aren’t allowed to intervene. Here is a description of this vile program: “Walz, 60, a former high school teacher, signed the so-called “Trans Refuge” bill into law in April 2023, prohibiting the enforcement of out-of-state subpoenas, arrest warrants and extradition requests for people who travel to the North Star State from other states for gender-affirming care.

A month earlier, the Democrat signed an executive order protecting gender-affirming care in Minnesota, including puberty blockers, surgeries and hormone therapy.


The move came after a slew of red states had imposed a series of restrictions on those interventions.

‘In this state, hate has no home,’ Walz said during a signing ceremony. ‘In this state, love and acceptance is what we preach.’


The governor signed that order next to a 12-year-old trans girl, Hildie Edwards.

Last year, Walz also signed an education finance bill that featured language stipulating that all public and charter schools in the state ‘must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge’ for grades 4 to 12 and that they “must be available to all menstruating students.”

Those products included “pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle”.Rosato, SebastianBuy New $20.00(as of 11:13 UTC - Details)


It isn’t enough that the leftwing “progressives want to destroy the distinction between men and women. They are radical “environmentalists,” who would destroy the American economy in order to “green” it.  They promulgate the phony “climate change” agenda as a reason to do this.

According to the pro-green “Inside Climate News,” “Tuesday’s announcement prompted high praise from climate advocates, including major national groups like the Sunrise Movement and Sierra Club, all of whom pointed to Walz’s robust environmental record.


“Walz is a climate champion moving Minnesota toward 100 percent clean energy,” Gina McCarthy, Biden’s former Environmental Protection Agency administrator, said in a statement. “He gets that climate action isn’t about politics, it’s about protecting our small towns and cities. It’s about creating safer and healthier communities for our kids and grandkids to grow up in.”


Among his most notable accomplishments as governor, Walz helped pass legislation requiring Minnesota to transition to 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2040, his administration adopted stricter vehicle emissions standards for the state and he signed into law several permitting reform provisions that supporters say will allow the state to build out clean energy far more quickly.


As a Cgressman, Walz voted against two resolutions aimed at blocking then-President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, a rule aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions from the nation’s power plants.

Walz is also a radical on immigration. He wants to reward illegal immigrants by giving them a ‘path to citizenship’ and to provide costly aid programs for legal immigrants: ‘As Minnesota’s governor, he signed bills that provided health insurance coverage regardless of immigration status and made undocumented immigrants eligible for state driver’s licenses. He also signed a bill that allowed the state’s nearly 81,000 undocumented immigrants to receive free tuition at a state university.


In 2021 he urged Democratic leaders in Congress to prioritize creating a pathway to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants, including ‘Dreamers’ brought to the U.S. as children, essential workers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, and their families.”

Let’s do everything we can to expose Tim Walz’s record.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed to Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer:

The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

The identified scientists include:

1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.


These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

1.      Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent] (…)



3.      Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias] (… 


4.      Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard (…)

5.      ,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie] (…).

Additional information:

Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.


The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.


The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.


Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning, and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.

Donna Warren


We Are In Oz:

Interesting that this meme was sent to me at this time.  At 81 years of age I finally got to see the movie just a few days ago, and realized what a revolutionary film it was, in a bad way.  


It struck me how destructive it was to the image of any father including our heavenly Father.  Dorothy's love for home was for her aunt and uncle.  There was no father and mother.  The Wizard of Oz was a fake father image, who was alleged to have god-like powers, all fake.  The moral of the story was to trust in yourself, the opposite of the Gospel message.  


So, I went to Wikipedia to learn more about the film.  Never has a movie been so plagued with problems; infighting, changing actors, sickness, accidents, perversion, you name it.  The production was cursed.  It didn't even make any money after it was released. 


Not until it was put on TV 15 years later did it garner an audience.  That's when dark forces I can't name infiltrated Hollywood and the new medium of television and scheduled the movie every year.  (That's when the Christian Code of Ethics was done away with, and nudity hit the screen).


If you read the description of the evolution of the film you'll be shocked.  


Meanwhile, here's the meme below that Fil Beorchia sent.  Most appropriated Fil.

Patrick Bestall

Fil Beorchia




Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




  • Trust The PlanProject Odin Mon. 19 Aug. 2024Worldwide BlackoutWorldwide Martial LawWorldwide Arrests Being MadeWorldwide Global Currency ResetWorldwide Call To Fast And Pray ForWorldwide Freedom From Debt To The Deep State Cabal

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.


Restored Republic:


Tues. 13 Aug. 2024 Martial Law Unleased, Ethan White

  • ·       Deep State Arrests: California alone has witnessed up to 8,000 arrests, with over 3,000 in the Northeast U.S., particularly concentrated in the New England area.

  • ·       Rumors suggest that the populace might be urged to stay indoors for their safety, especially during ‘Disclosures‘, while the final arrests take place. However, a resilient and awakened citizenry, now more than ever, won’t be silenced or confined.

  • ·       The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is on the horizon, and when it hits, it will be swift, silent and shocking. Like a ghostly shadow, everything familiar will fade into obscurity.

  • ·       Just like the eerie silence of 2020, we’ll be asked to remain rooted, perhaps for days, maybe weeks.

  • ·       The Military, it seems, has a broader purpose. As the last of the so-called Satanists face arrest and are sent to GITMO, the Military is also gearing up to distribute food, especially to the elderly. This is not just about control, but also about care.

  • ·       There’s chatter about the Military potentially overseeing the nation until fresh elections are held, precisely 120 days post the Gesara announcement. The focus should shift towards electing individuals with business acumen, particularly those who can rejuvenate local businesses, and more importantly, food-growing enterprises.

  • ·       The bustling stock market? Halted. The digital world you’re so intricately linked to? Gone. And trust me, when the EBS alert vibrates your cell phone, echoing the chilling announcement, you’ll know it’s begun.

  • ·       These messages, sourced from the Starlink, are there to stay. Deleting them? Forget about it. They’re imprinted, lasting reminders of the changing times.

  • ·       Essentials First: Stock up on clean drinking water. Ensure there’s enough food, not just for you, but for your pets too. Medicines? Get them in advance. Remember, the digital world is on a hiatus, so medical records are inaccessible.

  • ·       Cash is King: In a world where digital transactions become obsolete, cash will be your savior. ATMs might be out of service, and swiping those cards at gas pumps? Dream on.

  • ·       Mental Fortitude: When the shock hits, it’s vital to keep your wits about you. Before you extend your hand to others, ensure you’re mentally fortified. Some might be in a state of shock, unable to respond. In such cases, a breath of fresh air, a gentle walk, might help.

  • ·       Your TV, phone, and internet will spring back to life, unveiling a spectacle titled ‘Disclosures’. Rumor has it that it might even grace the big screens. But this isn’t your typical Netflix binge. It’s a 24/7, 8-hour block broadcast, lasting anywhere between 3 to 10 days.

  • ·       The content? Oh, it’s the raw, unfiltered truth of events, spanning Military Tribunals and even, hold your breath, Public Executions. Areas drenched in corruption, like Los Angeles and New York, might experience extended viewing periods.

  • ·       But when the switch is flipped back, expect a metamorphosis. A world pulsating with positive energy, devoid of evil’s grasp. The internet? Transformed. Banking systems? Revolutionized. This dear readers, is the dawn of an era of transparency and abundance. A veritable paradise on Earth.

  • ·       However, as the layers peel back, revealing covert operations, prepare to be flabbergasted. The faces you recognize might just be elaborate masquerades, Hollywood-grade masks, CGI marvels, and eerily realistic Body Doubles. Ever watched the ‘Truman Show’? Our reality might not be far off, with the scripted drama unfolding since 2015, or perhaps even earlier.


Tues. 13 Aug. 2024 Q Phones and GESARA: Quantum Phones and the Starlink Network, Powered by Stellar Blockchain

  • ·       A Quantum Revolution. In this digital age, where innovation knows no bounds, Quantum (Q) phones are poised to take center stage. These cutting-edge devices come preloaded with a Stellar wallet, the gateway to unlocking the treasures of the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA), including the Universal Basic Income (UBI) distribution. Stellar, the blockchain-based digital currency, is set to revolutionize the way we transact. But how do Quantum phones and Stellar come together in this cosmic dance of technology?

  • ·       The Starlink Connection: Quantum Internet and QFS. Enter Starlink, the brainchild of the United States Air Force, World Military Alliance, and the Galactic Federation. This constellation of satellites doesn’t just provide global internet access at optical speeds; it also plays a pivotal role in the Quantum Financial System (QFS). Starlink’s satellites form the backbone of QFS, ensuring secure and lightning-fast financial transactions on the blockchain.

  • ·       Quantum Starlink Internet: Healing Minds and Breaking Barriers. Imagine an internet free from censorship, corruption, and the shackles of traditional gatekeepers. Quantum Starlink Internet makes this a reality. With its quantum technology, it not only connects people globally but also holds the power to heal the human mind. The future of mental well-being might just be one Starlink connection away.

  • ·       Project Odin + Starlink + Space Star Network: The Trifecta of Connectivity. The integration of Project Odin, Starlink, and the Space Star Network promises an open-source revolution in the world of financial transactions. This decentralized network, operating on the Stellar blockchain, empowers individuals to store and move funds seamlessly. The implications are staggering: a world where financial freedom is truly at your fingertips.

  • ·       STELLAR Network (XLM): The Sentinel of Surveillance. STELLAR Network (XLM) emerges as the guardian of transparency and surveillance, ensuring that financial transactions remain secure and accountable. In a world where trust is paramount, Stellar’s decentralized structure offers the promise of a fair and equitable financial landscape.

  • ·       The Coming Financial Shift: Stellar’s Role in Asset Protection. As global financial systems teeter on the edge, the importance of asset protection cannot be overstated. Stellar emerges as a sanctuary, where assets are shielded from the chaos of market crashes. Over 600,000 assets and funds are poised to find their refuge in these cryptocurrencies, safeguarding humanity’s financial future.


Tues. 13 Aug. 2024 Hold on tight as the World hurtles towards an unprecedented climax. Brace for impact as the tides of change sweep across nations, forever altering the course of history.

  • ·       BANKING COLLAPSE Unveils Shocking Connections to Tribunals and War Crimes!

  • ·       Prepare for the Unthinkable: Trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds are flooding back to Europe and 110 nations, revealing the alarming truth that the U.S. Corporation is teetering on the brink of insolvency. Brace yourself for the impending catastrophic COLLAPSE that will send shockwaves throughout Europe and beyond. France's brazen act of pilfering its citizens' wealth has ignited widespread riots and civil unrest, while hyperinflation in Germany is decimating the metal industry, crippling weapons production, and pushing corporations to the edge of bankruptcy. The Deutsche Bank's entanglement with Epstein's dark connections and its web of international ties, including Estonian banks, is unraveling, as world courts launch far-reaching investigations that could shatter the global banking system.

  • ·       Israel's Descent into Chaos An Unfolding Catastrophe: The nation of Israel finds itself in dire straits as it hurtles towards an imminent COLLAPSE. Concealing the true state of its markets, banks are fabricating gains as civil unrest spirals into full-blown riots. Meanwhile, the colossal COLLAPSE of SVB BANKS in California, resulting in a mind-boggling loss of $10 trillion, sets off a catastrophic domino effect rippling across multiple countries. The COLLAPSE, underway for over a year and a half, is finally unmasking the Deep State's cover-ups and exposing their false market reports. As the Biden administration trembles, governments worldwide teeter on the brink, and the Military courts, along with the Alliance, silently monitor the COLLAPSE, knowing that it will lead to military intervention. The intricate web of connections between governments, worldwide money laundering operations, bioweapon creation, and incitement of proxy wars through the U.S. heralds an era of potential war crimes, crimes against humanity, and a global PLANDEMIC.

  • ·       The Global Event: We Stand at the Precipice of Chaos: Massive chaos looms on the horizon, as citizens around the globe remain shockingly unprepared for the impending COLLAPSE EVENT. The Great Awakening, a multi-staged process encompassing declassifications, covert operations, overt military intervention, tribunals, and the cleansing of corrupt establishments worldwide, is reaching a critical juncture. Brace yourself as the deep-rooted powers behind NATO, the UN, human trafficking, world wars, military-industrial complexes, and control over global banks face their inevitable downfall. Jeffrey Epstein, who is only beginning to reveal the dark secrets he holds, and the military intelligence with access to McAfee's servers, unleash terabytes of corruption connecting world child trafficking rings, illicit weapons trades, and global drug cartels.

  • ·       Unveiling Secret Alliances: Poland's Shocking Deal with Russia and China: While the world watches Germany's strategic alliance with China and Russia, an even more astounding revelation emerges: Poland's covert pact with these global giants. This clandestine agreement, involving Italy, France, Austria, Hungary, and more, sets the stage for their banks to merge into a powerful EU BRICS subsidiary system after the impending conflict. Watch as Poland's seemingly contradictory actions, such as dispatching jets to Ukraine, unfold into a master plan to dismantle NATO and expose the corrupt EU system.

  • ·       The Masterstroke: Unmasking the Hidden Hand: The banking COLLAPSE serves a higher purpose: to topple world banks, dismantle the IMF, and expose the sinister connections that extend to the WHO, Gates Foundation, CDC, and beyond. Get ready for a seismic shift that will reshape the global financial landscape.

  • ·       THEY Can No Longer Hide: Behind closed doors, a grand design is being set in motion. Trust the plan. Q.


Wars and Rumors of Wars:

Tues. 13 Aug. 2024 Nord Stream Bombings, Patrick Kennedy on Telegram:

  • ·       Four Star General McChrystal says the NORD STREAM bombings were made by the United States.

  • ·       General McChrystal’s son works directly for the Defense INTELLIGENCE Agency (DIA) and his son holds top CLASSIFIED clearance and briefed his father that the U.S. is directly behind the NORD STREAM BOMBINGs.

  • ·       General McChrystal was the Four Star General who turned against Obama in the 2000s and knew what was really happening behind the scenes with the 911 attacks and inside job and he knew president Bush lied and he knew the 911 FALSE FLAG EVENT was to invade Iraq.

  • ·       Several intelligence agencies across the world also know the truth and have the evidence. Even German intelligence has the evidence. But everyone is waiting for the perfect time to use the information INSIDE THE STORM that WILL LEAD to military intervention and White HATS military going after their own corrupt military intelligence and ranks that covered up the Nord Stream bombings.


The Real News for Tues. 13 Aug. 2024:

  • ·       Tues. 13 Aug. 2024: BREAKING! Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens – The People’s Voice (UPDATE, Tuesday, August 13, 2024) - - American Media Group

  • ·       Tues. 13 Aug. 2024 Trump Attempted Assassination:

  • ·       Tues. 13 Aug. 2024: More riots in the UK and after seeing them arrest people for facebook post I stand with the people.

  • ·       Black Monday Developing Stories: 1. Markets across the globe are crashing, sparking a major sell-off in stocks, oil, and crypto. 2. Iran is ready to attack Israel and any other country that gets in its way. 3. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh was forced to resign after deadly protests forced her to evacuate the country in a helicopter. 4. Civil unrest in the United Kingdom is expected to get worse. 5. The power struggle in Venezuela has led to more protests. 6. Massive flooding due to storm surge from Hurricane Debby in Horseshoe Beach, Florida. Where is Joe Biden?

  • ·       Tues. 13 Aug. 2024: Texas AG Ken Paxton is suing General Motors for “unlawfully collecting drivers’ private data and selling it to several companies—including INSURANCE COMPANIES.”

  • ·       Tues. 13 Aug. 2024: Breaking Exclusive!!! BLACK NOBILITY TERROR: From Venice to Bohemia to London. The Royal Houses of Europe That Ruthlessly Eliminate All That Dare to Stand In Their Way! - - American Media Group

  • ·       Tues. 13 Aug. 2024: BQQQM!!! Inside the Strategic Mastery of the Global White Hats Alliance, Led by Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and a 17-Nation Coalition – The Event We’ve All Been Waiting For! - - American Media Group

  • ·       Tues. 13 Aug. 2024 Isabell Voydat: IRS kept sending me letter that I own them 800+$. I sent then a letter asking them to educate me in writing Provide me please a copy of a Law that requires someone in the private sector to pay income taxes. Where is this Law in the Constitution? I did some research, and I cannot identify the Law which requires me to pay taxes. Phil Hart (R-Idaho) said that the IRS could not provide him with a Law requiring ordinary citizens to pay income taxes. As per my research, I found that there is no Law ordering me to pay taxes neither in the Constitution of the United States nor in the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights. The 16th Amendment allaying taxes on the American People was never fully ratified by Congress, nor evenly signed by any President into law. We've also shown you IRS Rules (NOT laws) 601-602 clearly states that taxes are voluntary, NOT mandatory. The money that I am paid as my wage is a Federal Reserve Note. Please explain to me in writing if this note is a debt or debenture – yes or no? It looks to me that I am being paid my wage in debt, so I am a debtor. How is it possible to pay a tax on debt? The Complete Internal Revenue Codes book is not above the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights.  The IRS replied that they cannot answer me and referred my questions to their legal department and that I will get an answer in 60 days.

  • ·       More than 700 migrants arrived in UK in 11 boats in a single day as PM Keir Starmer fails to stop the boats.

  • ·       A massive protest took place last weekend in Belgrade, Serbia, against the lithium mining project by Rio Tinto and BlackRock.

  • ·       Protesters in the capital chanted "Rio Tinto get out of Serbia" and held banners saying "We do not give Serbia away" as they marched through the city.

  • ·       Rothschilds and Rockefellers in Free Fall as Banks Collapse! In a stunning turn of events, the corrupt [DS] regime of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers is crumbling before our eyes. Desperate to conceal their massive corruption, they are resorting to private banks and covert tactics. The aftermath is becoming painfully clear as hundreds of banks in the US, along with major US stock agencies controlled by BlackRock [Rockefellers], are collapsing.

  • ·       NATO and the UN on the Brink of Bankruptcy: As the dust settles, it becomes evident that the collapse of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers has far-reaching consequences. NATO and the UN are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, with their financial lifelines severed. Shockingly, even the US military, the backbone of NATO, declines to support them in a potential war against Russia. Classified military reports reveal that without US military backing, NATO and the UN would crumble within a month.

  • ·       Closed and Boarded Up The Federal Reserve and the US Capital: Unprecedented scenes unfold as the US Federal Reserve remains closed and boarded up, while the US Capital sits behind barricades. Meanwhile, China, Russia, India, and the Middle East have abandoned the US fiat money banking system, refusing to sell oil to the US. The global financial landscape is shifting, and the implications are profound.


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