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Wednesday - Halfway through the Week

Wednesday 7 - [31]-24... 


Verses for today:


This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Joshua 1:8 KJV


Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Hebrews 12:1 KJV



Your Favorite Voice:

It's weird to hear this voice with so many different heads.  It's been in many YouTube videos that show Top 10 things.

Patrick Bestall



Something Fishy is Going on with Kamala Harris, and Joe Rogan Can Smell It:

In episode #2182 of the Joe Rogan Experience, the world’s most popular podcaster was baffled by how Kamala Harris went from being “the least popular vice president of all time” to a celebrated “hero.”

“Try googling a negative story on her. You won't find one.”

But Rogan didn’t stop there; he took another interesting turn. He asked why the Democratic party is so hellbent on pushing candidates like Kamala Harris when people like Tulsi Gabbard exist.


JOE ROGAN: “Well, it just shows you that what they're looking for is not what they say they're looking for.”


JOE ROGAN: “Because she [Tulsi] is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice in a medical unit. So she got to see people blown up by the war. She was a congresswoman for eight years.”


JOE ROGAN: “She is a person of color. She's everything you want, all those things you want, and you don't want her...”

MICHAEL MALICE: “Because she's not for war.”

JOE ROGAN: “Yes, well, she's also just not willing to play ball. There's a game that's being played, and if you're like, hey, you're not supposed to f—king move the ball. Like, oh, look at this bitch over here. Like, get out of here. You're gonna f—k up our game. It's not real democracy. It's controlled parties.”

The Vigilant FOX


Another "Global" Outage!

Microsoft's service status website shows an alert for 'network infrastructure,' which is critical for connectivity and communication between users, apps, devices and the internet. The previous outage was triggered by CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity software company, but the current issue has not yet been linked to the firm.

This reminds me of a dream my wife had almost 20 years ago.  She saw worldwide power outages that were so bad people could only find out what was going on by listening to short-wave radio pirate stations.  She said, "For local news of what was happening they'd go down to the railways and listen to people tapping in morse code."  It's real easy to learn if you use "tap code".  SEE ATTACHED and video below.

I figure there are half a dozen good locations here in London where people could gather near a CP rail at designated times (say, 1 pm and 7 pm daily) to pick up messages from near or far (sound carries for at least half a mile if you put your ear on the rail). 

What if the NETWOR was being PREPARED to be taken over by a NEW Satellite System... Taking Mainstream Media OUT!!! [DB]

PS - Even if you could keep a cell-phone charged and towers were still operating, you may not want to let everyone know where you are.  Cell phones have built in GPS so you can be tracked.

Patrick Bestall

Tap Code Cipher

Donna Warren

David YEO:


TH3 FL00D (1 Min)


TH3 M!ND 0f TH3 D0N@LD (4 Min)


W!TN3Y**C0LL@P$3 has B3GUN (21 Min)




TH3 R3@L ANT@RCT!CA**"! have $33N TH3 !C3 W@LL" (13 Min)


0H $HHHHH**$@TAN!C MU$!C !$ PR3D!CT!V3 PR0GR@MM!NG (16 Min)


B0b's X-G!RL-FR!3ND (1 Min)


WHY U $H0ULDN'T T0UCH $33D 0!L$ (15 Min)


J@C M@R!N0 had M@NY AL!3N C0NT@CT$ (51 Min)


L3T's T@LK @BoUT D0N@LD's 3@R AN0M@LY (49 Min)


N@$A**B0B**"0h My $T@R$............!t's !mP0$$!BL3" (48 Min)


R3-P0$T**TH3 T0P $3CR3T PL@N 4 D0N@LD as M3$$!@H (2 Min)

David YEO



Our Power Transformers...

China has captured the market with low priced transformers.  And now it's been discovered that they have secret "back doors".


...can be shut down with the push of a button in China.  Listen to the former Deputy Director of EMP Task Force in the USA.  It's worse than I heard a few years ago.

alternative website

Patrick Bestall



Jihadist rockets broke through the Iron Dome, killing Israeli children. The war with Hamas and Hezbollah is escalating, and the world is betraying Israel.


Now we have an urgent MIDNIGHT deadline as we take unprecedented legal action today.

In the face of these genocidal attacks, Kamala Harris betrayed Israel, refusing to preside over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress. And the International Criminal Court (ICC) is trying to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu.


Israel is in a fight for its very existence.

If Biden & Harris won't defend Israel, the ACLJ will. In a major move, the ICC JUST GRANTED the ACLJ's legal request to file a vital amicus brief before the court in defense of Israel's interests. Our deadline is in just hours.

Let me be blunt. Today's filing at the ICC could be the single most important legal action we've EVER taken to defend Israel.


This fight will require immense resources as we mobilize our Jerusalem office and battle the endless resources of enemies that seek to eradicate Israel. We need YOU.

Our critical Life & Liberty Drive Deadline is MIDNIGHT tonight, but we're still short of our goal. Have your gift DOUBLED TODAY. $25 becomes $50; $100 becomes $200.

As we file our vital legal brief to defend Israel at the ICC TODAY, sign our urgent petition.



We're fighting back against President Biden's betrayal of Israel.

We’re mobilizing our office in Jerusalem in the face of unthinkable war. We’re preparing critical legal letters, FOIA requests, and lawsuits; and we're defending Israel’s interests at the U.N. and in Congress. We're representing families of the hostages on Capitol Hill and at the U.N. We’re filing a massive lawsuit against the Biden Administration. We held back the Obama-Biden Administration's repeated attempts to abandon our ally Israel before. But this time, we’re battling President Biden’s unlimited, taxpayer-funded resources. You could be the difference.


Have your tax-deductible donation to defend Israel DOUBLED before our MIDNIGHT Life & Liberty Drive Deadline.

A Tax-Deductible gift today will be matched, dollar for dollar, by a group of ACLJ Members. Every $10 gift becomes $20 for the work of the ACLJ.

Jay SekulowACLJ Chief Counsel



When Mediapart started digging around online for details on some of the other members who were training in central France, at the La Courtine camp, they hit a social media jackpot of 'Heil Hitler' salutes, Hitler art, and a potpourri of various Nazi SS division emblems like they were some kind of Hitlerized stamp collection. 


And those were just the half-dozen or so attendees who were dumb enough to post it all over social media when this rebranded Azov Batallion had gone to all the trouble of hiring a 12-person, full-time media team, including a cameraman, press officers, and editors, according to the European Center for Policy Analysis.

Patrick Bestall

Ukraine’s Rebranded Neo-Nazis dazzle the Western Press on tour:

As the Third Assault Brigade continues its European PR journey, its roots in the radical Azov Battalion are conveniently forgotten

By Rachel Marsden, a columnist, political strategist,

FILE PHOTO. Military officials are seen during the launch of the recruitment center of the Third Separate Assault Brigade in Lviv, Ukraine on July 22, 2023. ©  Pavlo Palamarchuk/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

“Four soldiers from Ukraine’s popular Third Assault Brigade kicked off their meet-and-greets in the Polish capital on Sunday, home to large numbers of Ukrainian refugees, more than two years into the conflict,” reported Agence France Presse in an article picked up by the French state media’s Radio France Internationale (RFI).


“Popular?” Really? That’s the only defining characteristic that came to mind when describing the Ukrainian Army faction created in 2022 from what was left of the Azov Battalion in the wake of the battle of Mariupol? 

A little digging in the French press itself would have revealed that, when this same Brigade was being trained here in France last year, a leaked report prompted the French investigative outlet, Mediapart, to describe one member as having a Nazi SS logo tattooed on his head, while a photo of the same guy showed him with a swastika flag.


When Mediapart started digging around online for details on some of the other members who were training in central France, at the La Courtine camp, they hit a social media jackpot of 'Heil Hitler' salutes, Hitler art, and a potpourri of various Nazi SS division emblems like they were some kind of Hitlerized stamp collection. 


And those were just the half-dozen or so attendees who were dumb enough to post it all over social media when this rebranded Azov Batallion had gone to all the trouble of hiring a 12-person, full-time media team, including a cameraman, press officers, and editors, according to the European Center for Policy Analysis.


A Ukrainian showman and comedian who was also a member had been doing some vlogging to promote the Third Assault Brigade, according to the think tank. All this industrial-grade whitewashing and here these trainee members were, all over social media, Naziing it up. 


Guess the Azov brand was too tarnished. Too closely associated with neo-Nazism. And with losing to Russia. So here’s the rebranding. They should have to take out an ad in the newspapers announcing a name change like anyone else. Especially since it’s pretty clear that the Western press isn’t going to take the initiative and investigate in the public interest. That would be rather inconvenient for all the Western elites interested in promoting these “heroes” to do the West’s bidding against Russia. Who needs a negotiated peace that could save lives on all sides when the Western elites have an opportunity to stuff the pockets of their special-interest cronies by making and selling more weapons.


Enter the Azov movement’s Third Assault Brigade’s European summer tour, initially intended to encompass nine cities in six countries, but as of now, reduced by almost half. Billed as the “Our People are Everywhere” tour, with admission available for purchase on a European ticketing site alongside gigs like the band Thirty Seconds to Mars’ concert in Istanbul and Lenny Kravitz’s latest tour. Instead of those shows, people can be entertained by “stories from the front,” according to their online promotion.


The spin here in Europe now seems to be that all these guys are “popular” heroes. And if you happen to notice that the group is the successor to Azov, then the spin dictates that they’re not all neo-Nazi bad guys. That’s just Russian propaganda. Which is kind of like someone joining Alcoholics Anonymous and then arguing that they’re strictly there for the free coffee and snacks. 


The Western press used to at least be a bit more honest, prior to the Ukraine conflict going red-hot. “Azov fighters are Ukraine’s greatest weapon and may be its greatest threat,” The Guardian reported in 2014, calling the group’s “far-right volunteers” a “danger to post-conflict stability.” Even in the early days of the conflict’s latest incarnation, on March 5, 2022, an NBC News piece, whose author clearly had no love lost for Russian President Vladimir Putin, nonetheless underscored that “Ukraine’s Nazi problem is real,” and cautioned of the need to “guard against it.”


Fast forward just over two years and the Azov movement has now toured Stanford University as heroes, where a research department has since dropped Azov from its roster of radicalized groups, and Oxford’s Reuben College. They received a warm welcome at the British Parliament’s Westminster Palace for a roundtable discussion, and former Prime Minister Boris Johnson was photographed posing with their flag, whose wolf’s hook symbol was used by various Nazi divisons during the Second World War. And just last month, Washington lifted its ban on directly supplying the Azov movement with weapons.


The US State Department said at the time that Russia had “long tried to conflate Ukraine’s National Guard Unit of 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov with a militia formed to defend Ukraine against Russia’s invasion in 2014, called the Azov Battalion,” which it says was “disbanded in 2015.” Well, that settles it, then. All the neo-Nazis just went home a decade ago, kicked up their feet, cracked open a cold one, and took up gardening and soap carving.


“After a thorough review, Ukraine’s 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade passed vetting,” the State Department added, adding that “no evidence” of violations of the questionable, neo-Nazi kind had been found. That’s not actually that hard to believe when considering that the entirety of the Canadian parliament couldn’t see an original article Nazi when he was plopped right in front of them, clapping and cheering for an actual bona fide World War II-era Ukrainian Nazi invited as a guest of honor to celebrate Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to Ottawa – before learning that a Ukrainian killing Russians was effectively Hitler’s homeboy. Woops. 


Canada also knew exactly who Azov was, even before the current conflict, when military brass worried about its trainees’ Nazi tattoos, but ultimately just decided to keep their mouths shut in the hope that the media would never find out, as the Ottawa Citizen reported. But the State Department said they all retired? Guess those were the ones who got bored with their reconversion to competitive dog grooming?


While the Western establishment treats anti-establishment right-wingers in their own countries as the enemy, they’re celebrating actual neo-Nazi groups as cool and heroic badasses. Perhaps – just maybe – it has everything to do with the masters that each serves.

Russian TV [RT]

Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




On Tues. 30 July 2024 the US National Debt (to the Deep State Cabal) hit over $35 Trillion. Although Congress was legally liable to pass and conform to a budget each year, they have never done so to my knowledge during my 80 year lifetime.

The privately owned by the Deep State Cabal Bankers Federal Reserve and IRS have taken our hard earned US Taxpayer dollars and spent them into fiat status by sending those monies to the UK Crown in London, where they used our money for their own vile purposes including their underground…[Content Redacted]

The British Crown then sent the US Taxpayer monies on to the Vatican Bank, where the Black, Grey and White Popes then used it again for their own purposes, and then sent our monies on to their Central Banks across the World – where Bankers made even more money off of US Taxpayers.

About a month later the US Taxpayer monies were returned to a Cabal Deep State owned bank in New York, where they charged us Taxpayers interest in order to use our own monies to pay their private corporation US Inc. employees.

That’s where the National Debt came from: Over $35 Trillion in debt of Taxpayer Monies caused by the Cabal, was now owed to the Cabal.

The monies were then money laundered through Congress to various pet projects (where Congress people could gain even more monies for themselves) including granting more millions to the…[Content Redacted]

Members of the US Congress were well aware of this corrupt financial system that has been in place since 1913, yet have been blackmailed and paid big monies to not do anything about it – which they don’t, never have and seem to have had no incentive to change the system in the future….until along came Trump.


Restored Republic:


Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • ·        Tues. 30 July 2024: According to the Saudi news channel Al-Hadath, U.S. warships are heading towards the Lebanese coast. This movement follows an Israeli strike in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.


  • ·        Tues. 30 July 2024 Israel just killed the President of Hamas Ismail Haniyeh in an attack on his home in Iran. They threatened this action would lead to an overwhelming response.


World Alliance Storm Operations Happening in Unison:

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        At the same time in the US, Trump has exposed the corrupt Judicial system and Military Coup that is connected to ex Presidents/current president Biden (the same presidents who fund and funnel money to Ukraine).

  • ·        Muhammad Bin Salam (a great friend of Trump) ends the CIA Deep State fiat US Dollar that has controlled World governments by dropping the US Dollar.

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        Trump Operations expose the CIA and Five Eyes Agencies and Military Coup.


The Real News for Tues. 30 July 2024:

  • ·        Tues. 30 July 2024 The Internet Is Disappearing: The internet is quietly disappearing, with many web pages from the past decade no longer accessible. Older content is especially at risk, vanishing at a much higher rate than newer pages. Broken links are widespread, affecting news sites and government pages, making it harder to find and trust information online. This issue of disappearing digital content underscores the fragility of online information and highlights the need for better digital preservation. Social media and scholarly research are also suffering from digital decay. Many tweets vanish within months, and important legal and academic documents are often lost or not properly archived. Google’s removal of its “cached” links feature makes it even harder to access old content and track changes. As bot spam, ads, and AI-generated content flood the web, finding real, valuable information becomes increasingly difficult, creating a cluttered and less reliable digital landscape.

  • ·        A Fox news segment yesterday showed a map of the USA and the fires going on in each state. I’d post this photo as it is mind blowing, but the photo has been removed by Fox. The smoke in our air here in Montana is so bad, our chests hurt and our eyes are burning. Very little information from our news channels on the cause of these fires. Lightening is the main cause they say. The battlefield is very dangerous right now. Fires, floods, tornados, earthquakes. …Kim Q Skelton on Telegram Tues. 30 July 2024

  • ·        Tues. 30 July 2024 Dan Bongino: The Secret Service Acting Director wouldn’t allow their counter snipers be sent to Donald Trump events if it wasn’t drivable from Washington DC. They’re not agents. You gotta understand that. The Secret Service has an agent division, 18 elevens, and then you have uniform division. They are not, uh, they are not g s 18 elevens. They’re uniform police officers. The counter sniper division only comes from the uniform division. They are they are headquartered in DC. Whether it was a money saving thing, I don’t know. He didn’t get into that, but that is a stunning piece of information. That counter snipers were not being sent to Donald Trump events if it wasn’t drivable from Washington DC?

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        President Biden & Vice President Harris have a sacred duty to protect our nation. Yet under their watch, 383 known Terrorists have been apprehended crossing our border illegally. Who knows how many more unknown terrorists are in our country because of their dangerous policies? …Wall Street Apes on Telegram Tues. 30 July 2024


Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

  • ·        Founder of CNN, Ted Turner—who has six children—speaking in 2008 about the need to reduce the world’s population by five billion people, to prevent “Global Warming.” We’ve got to stabilize the population. We’re too many people. That’s why we have Global Warming. We have Global Warming because too many people are using too much stuff. If there were less people they’d be using less stuff.”


Tues. 30 July 2024 Nancy Pelosi LEAKED EMAIL Revealed She Instructed Democrat Politicians To Only Pander To Black People: “DO NOT Implement Policy For Them.”

  • ·        “For the longest time, the Democratic Party has relied on the Black Vote, but they haven’t really done anything for the Black Community.

  • ·        One of the things that was revealed with the Nancy Pelosi emails — These were instructions for Democrat politicians during the George Floyd protest that don’t offer support for concrete policy solutions.

  • ·        This has continued with any ask from the black community. They implement policy for every group except black people. You don’t owe them a damn thing. And we’ll look at this. This is straight from that information that was revealed from Nancy Pelosi’s email.

  • ·        “Tactics meet with local activists. If approached by BLM activists, campaign staff should offer to meet with local activists. Invited BLM attendees should be limited. Everybody paying attention, right? It should be limited. Please aim for personal or small group meetings. Listen to their concerns. Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions. Frontline district staff should meet with activists. Again, we want to focus on number two. Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.

  • ·        Ladies and gentlemen, the Democratic Party has been doing this to the black community as long as I’ve been alive. They’ll pander to you. They’ll offer you symbolic gestures, but it’s revealed right here in the instructions that was given to the Democrat politicians.”

  • ·        “Remember at that point in time, wasn’t Nancy Pelosi speaker of the house? So what was told to Nancy Pelosi and to get her sheep in order, was not to offer any support for concrete policy positions.”

  • ·        “The Democratic Party. They pander to you. They kneeled in, in Kente cloth. They gave you Juneteenth as a holiday, but when you start asking for real reform, real change, real material conditions, they’re not offering you any concrete policy positions.”


Tues. 30 July 2024 Mr. Pool on Telegram:As I see it, we are waiting for some public announcements to come forth including:

1.  Public announcement of the USN on the gold and asset standard

2.  Public announcement of the new USN notes money supply

3.  Public announcement of USN bills paid. a.  Iraq has a trust problem with the US. b.  They need to see items 1-2 and three above publicly announced So they can go forward.

4.  Public announcement of the new Iraq international Dinar rate

5.  Public announcement of the new Iraq international data rate published in The Gazette

6.  Public announcement of Nesara

7.  Public announcement of Gesara

8.  Public announcement of Biden gone

9.  Public announcement of trump’s return

10.  Private announcement of RV notifications including 800 numbers and Starlink a.  Private announcement of tier 3 liquidity and spendable. b.  Private announcement for liquidity of all tiers

11.  Public announcement of the following

a.  Social Security increase and change of system

b.  Reclamation monies

c.  Debt forgiveness jubilee

d.  Other funds as applicable

We should begin to see these flowing out in the soon coming immediate future

  • ·        There are other events that are important such as the stock market crash, EBS, and the new financial system. I have chosen not to include them in the list above, but those things are coming and we should pay attention to real events that are about to and very soon begin to unfold.

  • ·        Hold the line and stay steady. Lock your faith into the Word of God. What is about to happen is biblical and we should understand that.

  • ·        See you on the other side. The other side is the Promised Land. Are you truly ready?


Mon. 29 July 2024 Carpathia: We continue prayers for the Freedom of the People of Venezuela.Dear God,Watch over and protect the peoples of Venezuela as they fight against the suppression of their legal votes. Prove the illegality and corruption of their elections and bring the True Righteous Victor to Light!   We pray for those who yearn to breathe free air, who yearn to speak their minds without fear of punishment, and who yearn not to worry how they will feed their families on the meager wages and food rationing in their country.  We pray for your deliverance of the People of Venezuela from their tyrannical leaders, and for the protection of those fleeing their beloved country, at this very moment as they clutch their children to their hearts in the darkest dark, making their way through treacherous terrain towards borders hope and freedom.  Protect them on their dangerous journey and bring them safely to the shores of the Freedom and Justice they seek.   Again, we ask for your Mighty hand to smite the Evil ones from their country. Hear their cries for Justice and Freedom, and open wide the doors of liberation for all of humanity.Amen.

Venezuela Timeline1992 Became 3rd richest country in Hemisphere1997 Became 2nd largest purchaser of F-1502001-Voted for Socialist president “Income Inequality”2004 Private healthcare is completely socialized2007 All higher education becomes “free’2009 Socialist banned private ownership of guns2012 Bernie Sanders praises their “American Dream”2014 Opposition Leaders are imprisonedFood/healthcare shortages become wide spreadConstitution and elections are suspended2019 Unarmed citizens massacred by own governmentIt took only one generation of progressive leadership to plunge this country into civil war.


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