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Wednesday - Half way to the Week-end

Wednesday 6 - [26]-24... 


Verses for today:


... while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV


... and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32 KJV


Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

Hebrews 4:11 KJV


For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Hebrews 4:10 KJV


There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

Hebrews 4:9 KJV




Anti-Family Symbols Flying INSIDE Our Schools:

The Pride flag is flying at DPCDSB. Just not outside the schools. 


Rather, the activists working to sexualize your kids have opted to fly the flags INSIDE the schools themselves.

At St. Sofia Byzantine Catholic Elementary School, when parents found out they were rightly outraged. But the school’s principal, Sandra Donaghue, has refused to remove the Pride flags despite concerned parents’ respectful requests. 

Local sources have also informed me that Pride flags have also been found flying INSIDE St. John the Baptist Elementary Catholic Elementary School too.

Allowing Pride flags to fly INSIDE further reveals how activists within the DPCDSB are attempt to supplant the LGBT agenda over the Christian values and beliefs one would expect to be found within a “Catholic” school.



Classrooms should focus on academics, not political stances that contradict our values and confuse our kids. 

Your signature is vital and extremely powerful since it stopped the LGBT activists' attempts to fly their “Pride” flags outside DPCDSB schools. 


With your help, I am confident we can beat them again and continue defending our children’s innocence.

Thank you for your continued support,

Gregory Tomchyshyn

and the entire CitizenGO Team




Historic Upset, Election Now!

Good morning.

A Liberal stronghold crumbles in Toronto and could be the prelude to a total wipeout next year – more on that below.

Big News! Conservatives achieved a historic victory last night in a long-time Liberal stronghold: we've secured the riding of Toronto-St. Paul's, where even the most disastrous Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff managed to win. This huge Conservative victory changes everything.


Conservatives are calling on Justin Trudeau to call an immediate election. It's time to let the people decide!

Trudeau's high-tax, high-spending agenda has lost the support of even the strongest Liberal supporters. Trudeau can't go on like this. He must not cling to power in the face of such strong public opposition. 

My team is printing our brochures and getting out to the doors to engage Canadians ASAP. If you've also had enough of Justin Trudeau's policies and want to signal your support for an immediate election, click here to donate now.

With your urgent support, we can be equipped to fight and win this next election and bring our Common Sense Conservative message to the Canadian people!

Thank you! Now let’s bring it home.

-Garnett Genuis

Denise Duncan



Toronto hospital flies ‘pride’ flag behind Sacred Heart of Jesus statue in display called a ‘disgrace’:

While the sight of the 'pride' flag is 'offensive' and represents 'sexual hedonism' to a concerned Catholic, St. Joseph's Health Centre said in a statement that it is 'working to improve the experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ people.'


TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) – After one of Canada’s oldest Catholic hospitals placed a “pride” flag above and behind a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a concerned local resident said it is a “disgrace” the flag is being flown outside a Catholic facility.

The issue over the “pride” flag concerns St Joseph’s Health Centre, founded in 1921 by the Sisters of St. Joseph and is part of Unity Health Toronto.

LifeSiteNews was contacted by a resident who lives nearby and asked to remain anonymous for fear of being targeted by LGBT activists, who noted that the “pride” flag was raised alongside the Canadian flag and Ontario flag.

“St Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto is once again flying a pride flag next to and over a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” the concerned resident said.

“This is a disgrace in my opinion.”

LifeSiteNews learned that in past year years, notably in 2021, the “pride” flags being flown at its hospitals were “taken down” after complaints were made to Unity Health.


Hospital will ‘celebrate’ June with ‘Pride’ flag despite month being dedicated to Sacred Heart of Jesus

For Catholics, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Meanwhile, LGBT activists in recent years has been dubbed June as “Pride Month.”

LifeSiteNews obtained pictures of the “pride” flag being flown outside the health centre last week and contacted the media department at Unity Health to ask why a Catholic-based institution was flying a “pride” flag outside one of its hospitals.


The corporate communications department responded to LifeSiteNews with a statement saying that “Unity Health Toronto is a place where everyone belongs, is welcomed and is celebrated.”

“Pride flags are raised outside of our hospital sites for the month of June,” the statement reads.

LifeSiteNews was then sent a link to a message from Unity Health president and CEO Tim Rutledge, dated May 31, about how it is “working to improve the experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ people.”

Rutledge said that because there has been a “disturbing rise in harmful anti-2SLGBTQ+ violence and discrimination,” it is “critically important that Unity Health Toronto holds fast to our commitment to create safe, inclusive and welcoming spaces for 2SLGBTQ+ staff, patients and community members.”

‘Pride’ flag a symbol of ‘sexual hedonism’

The concerned resident told LifeSiteNews that seeing the “Pride” flag over the Sacred Heart of Jesus is “offensive,” as it represents “sexual hedonism.”

“The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus represents purity and God’s love. The pride flag represents sexual hedonism, lust, and mental illness. Seeing the pride flag near that statue is offensive,” the resident told LifeSiteNews.

While claiming to be a Catholic facility, some of Unity Health’s new LGBT-charged initiatives include building a new “electronic record system (EPR) to capture sexual orientation and gender identity information, including pronouns and chosen names.”


Also, Unity Health is developing a “policy on gender transition in the workplace, which will provide a list of supports offered by Unity Health, as well as clarify and improve the process for Unity Health staff, physicians and learners who are transitioning.”

Unity Health’s LGBT statement appears to go against traditional beliefs regarding gender and sexuality, such as there are only two genders, and that marriage is between one man and one woman, as taught by the Catholic faith.

St. Joseph’s Health Centre Toronto says it is a “Catholic community teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto and accredited with exemplary standing by Accreditation Canada.”


In terms of its current links to the Catholic church in Ontario, LifeSiteNews’s own research shows that Unity Health lists as one of its ex-officio board members “Catherine Pawluch as a representative of the Archbishop of Toronto.”

LifeSiteNews contacted the Archdiocese of Toronto to ask why Unity Health is allowed to call itself a Catholic health care service while promoting an ideology that is at direct odds with Catholic teaching on sexual morality. As of publication, there has been no reply.


Despite the “pride” flag being flown at Toronto’s Catholic hospitals, there has been some successful pushback against LGBT ideology being imposed on Catholic-based institutions.

As recently reported by LifeSiteNews, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) voted 6-3 against a motion to fly non-governmental flags for various secular initiatives such as the LGBT “Pride” flag.

When it comes to “Pride” and the month of June, Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson recently slammed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government at the start of “Pride” month, saying that in his view it is really a “celebration of casual hedonistic self-centered sex” and not a “celebration of love.”

The Liberal federal government has gone all in on promoting transgenderism and gender ideology, as can be seen from their federal “2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan,” which gives $100 million in funding over five years for homosexual and transgender initiatives.

Trudeau recently went into LGBT overload after introducing a bill that not only mocks Catholic teaching on marriage and family but proposes January 7 as a yearly national “day” to raise “awareness” of so-called “conversion therapy.”

LifeSiteNews recently wrote about Peterson accusing the Trudeau government of going along with the “worst medical scandal ever” after continuing to promote transgender ideology by not banning puberty blockers for children with gender confusion.

Donna Warren


Important Resource for Parents/Grandparents in the Public School System:

One of our Citizen Action Group members found an excellent resource on the MamaBears website to promote conversation about what is being taught at school each day. These questions specifically highlight the LGBTQ+ agenda. You will find in the attachment a list of specific questions.


Please also see the link below to sign a petition to fly only Canadian flags at schools.

Your Citizen Action Group


David YEO:


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David YEO


...are the devil's workshop or playground?  Protestant bibles don't tell us.  It was St. Benedict who told us in the 5th century "Idle hands are the enemy of the soul".  And Reformers like Calvin who read in the King James Bible the [Catholic] book of Ecclesiasticus 33:


25If thou set thy servant to labour, thou shalt find rest: but if thou let him go idle, he shall seek liberty. 26 A yoke and a collar do bow the neck: so are tortures and torments for an evil servant. 27Send him to labour, that he be not idle; for idleness teacheth much evil28 Set him to work, as is fit for him: if he be not obedient, put on more heavy fetters. 29 But be not excessive toward any; and without discretion do nothing. 30 If thou have a servant, let him be unto thee as thyself, because thou hast bought him with a price.


It wasn't always so.  Before the disobedience in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve didn't have to work hard, because the Garden was so luxuriant and easy to manage.  Fruit and vegetables were bug-free, huge and extra tasty thanks to God's energy being so perfect. 

But that energy was short-circuited, like a broken wire, when they broke the rules, and the glory God infused in the Garden faded like a light growing dim, so they could see they were naked and became self-conscious.  Angelic "shining ones", who kept their estate, were placed to keep Adam and Eve out of the Garden which would soon be destroyed.  

It reminds me of a trip I made to the Evelyn Wood Museum.  It showed us all the changes happening during Industrial Revolution at the end of the 19th century.  So many labor-saving devices were invented at that time, newspaper writers were warning the public of new dangers arising from being too much "on your own", especially for women.  It would seem we were escaping the consequence of sin, the curses God put upon us for disobedience which were the pain of childbirth for women, and hard labor for men. 


Women and men wanted to be "free".  Only faith-groups like the Mennonites and Amish refused to accept those modern helps.  The women still have many babies, and the men still work by the sweat of their brow.  They accept God's plan to fulfill them by restoring a God-conscious mind after baptism, replacing the purely self-conscious mindset we inherit at birth from Adam and Eve (Catholics describe as "original sin").  What more do we need?


Apparently, a lot more according to those futurists who are excited about taking us to the next level, corporations who would profit from it, and heartless people who would hurt others or kill in order to satisfy new desires.   What they all have in common is the pursuit and promise of "the easy life" at the expense of others.


We must turn away from the "easy life".  When we accept trials and temptations God's way, they become "helps", to quote a 4th century deacon and hymn-writer St. Ephrem the Syrian.

The kind of self-consciousness we should have is that which leads not to showing off in selfies but to modesty, not to bragging but to confession, and not to pointing but to helping.

Patrick Bestall


Biden's Neck:

Here’s The Uncut Version of The CIA Chief Of Disguise Confirming They Use “Full Face Masks” To “Walk around as someone else” This is why Joe Biden needs both a drug test and a DNA test before the CNN Debate with Donald Trump “I was Chief of Disguise.

The office I worked in was like the Q in James Bond. We were the Q for the CIA and the intelligence community. So, there were different parts of it, whatever you needed. ‌ If you needed a bug, if you needed secret writing or a microdot or a concealment device or whatever you needed, you had to come to us, and we'll put something together for you. Okay.


What's the most memorable moment from being in disguise for you? Um, there were a number of them, but the one I mean, one that has to stand out, I went to the White House and I briefed George H. W. Bush, the president, at the time while I was wearing a full face mask. ‌


So, we're sitting, like, this close together, and I'm telling him that I'm gonna show him the best disguise that we have. And he's looking for a bag, like, where, where is it? I said, well, I'm wearing it, and I'm going to take it off. And I reached to start taking it off, and he said, stop. And he got up and he walked over and he looked and he looked at it. ‌


He couldn't believe that he didn't know it was a mask. He wasn't sure what I was wearing. He sat back down. He said, okay.

  1. So, I took it off. ‌ And I was holding it up in the air so he could see it, my whole head. It had hair and a face and a neck.

  2. So, you could walk around as someone else? Absolutely.

  3. And that would be the disguise. ‌ Absolutely.”


It is important that you view these various PROOF Clips:

Patrick Bestall


New Head of Canadian Human Rights Commission investigated over allegations of Anti-Israel Activity:

Before being appointed leader of the human rights Commission, Birju Dattani shared a stage with a member of an Islamic fundamentalist group and called for boycotting Israel


The federal government announced it is opening up an investigation of Birju Dattani, the newly appointed head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), after allegations of anti-Israel activism.

“We have become aware of potentially troubling statements attributed to Mr. Dattani as well as events he participated in while he was a graduate student in London, England a decade ago,” Chantalle Aubertin, a spokesperson for federal Attorney General and Justice Minister Arif Virani, told National Post in a statement. “It is critical for the Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission to maintain the confidence of all Canadians and to be seen as an impartial and fair judge of matters before them.”


“We are carefully reviewing these statements and discussing them with Mr. Dattani, as well as relevant stakeholders.”

Shortly after Dattani was appointed to lead the CHRC in mid-June, National Post learned that in 2015 he had shared the stage with a member of an Islamic fundamentalist group and repeatedly lectured during “Israel Apartheid Week” at British universities about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. According to a Government of Canada factsheet, attempts to boycott and sanction Israel are one of its six core examples of antisemitism.


Shimon Fogel, the long-standing president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), told the Post that the organization is “deeply concerned” about Dattani’s appointment given that he “has directly associated with individuals and groups affiliated with listed terror entities and has a history of making highly troubling antisemitic statements.” Fogel saw Dattani’s ascension to head the CHRC as underscoring “a crisis of confidence” with the body that “undermines our confidence in the Commission’s ability to adjudicate issues of hate and discrimination.”

Fogel said the controversy calls into question the justice ministry’s vetting process.


“CIJA has been in discussions with the Federal government not only about the revelations about Dattani but also about the failures in the vetting process. The government has expressed concerns and has committed to continuing that consultation over the coming days.”

The CHRC stood by Dattani and said in a statement that the organization is looking forward to him starting his new role on Aug. 8.


“Mr. Dattani was independently appointment by the Minister of Justice and the Commission is preparing to welcome him,” the statement said. “We trust that Mr. Dattani’s experience and expertise in human rights will serve him well when he assumes the role of Chief Commissioner.”

Dattani said nothing in his past disqualifies him from his new role at the CHRC. He denied he supports the BDS movement and said he does not share the views of everyone he has spoken alongside.


“I have never held the views put to me in your question,” he told the Post in an emailed statement. “With respect to the panels you cited, I spoke on many panels as a graduate student with people holding a range of views. This does not mean I shared or agreed with the views of other panellists.”

Channel Israel

Columnist Jesse Kline keeps you up to date with what’s happening in Israel and the effects of antisemitism on life here in Canada. Friday mornings.


Donna Warren


Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




“What Comes Next Will Shock The World”…Q

World War III AlertRussia Blames Terrorist Attack on US

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Note: On Tues. 25 June 2024 Julian Assange was set free – and so was his Intel released on a Trafficking Ring run out of the White House.

Also on Tues. a British MP released Intel of a Cabal Dirty Bomb False Flag that was to be blamed on Russia, while around the same time [Netanyahu] was arrested by the Israeli police force and charged as a War Criminal for instigating a False Flag attack on Israeli soil.

Though the most shocking Event that happened on Tues. was release of the Global Currency Reset of all nations of the World to gold/asset-backed currencies valued at a 1:1 with each other – which will automatically and effectively shut down the Cabal’s international criminal operations because dirty monies can’t function on the new Star Link Satellite Global Financial System.

WARNING: There is a channel calling itself “The Official Restored Republic Website.” I have no connection to this channel whatsoever, yet they daily post my Restored Republic via a GCR Updates claiming they officially represent me.

Wars and Rumors of Wars:


Global Currency Reset:Tues. 25 June 2024 Wolverine: What I have been told by my Brazil contact:

  • ·        Payments have started, some are getting paid, and they are all under NDA.

  • ·        There is a platform paying by crypto and they are about to kick off I think it is “oxygen” (extra dollars so they can de-stress). That is what I am hearing. That is definitely 100% happening for them to be paid on that platform. 

  • ·        About 30 minutes ago I heard that Donald Trump will be reinstated as the legitimate president of the USA on Mon. 1 July.

  • ·        Judge Clarence Thomas will read both sentences where it was established that from the vote count, Trump won the vote by 80% in 46 out of 50 states. We are close to a change of an era. Praying please God let that be true.

  • ·        Another source says it is going to be this week.

  • ·        They are adamant, but some say right after Thurs. 4 July.

  • ·        Many of you cannot wait any longer as you are hanging on by a thread. Let us all pray to God that we will have the green light to move forward with our lives.    

  • ·        I am praying that by tomorrow we will get news from Reno and I will get that miracle call I am waiting for.  Take Care, Wolverine


Tues. 25 June 2024 TNT: “Every single source says it’s done and we await the go signal. So we wait. Sunday is celebration day.”

Tues. 25 June 2024 MarkZ: I am getting inundated with bank contacts telling me to expect that things have already started …but coming to fruition in banks after the 4th of July. With a rollout in the days immediately following. I believe the 4th is on a Thursday this year… so I was told the roll out around the 6th and 7th. That is the rumor. Remember, we don’t know the timing. I am sure getting a heck of a lot from the banking side that things are now moving quickly and that is what they are preparing them for.

Restored Republic:


The Real News for Tues. 25 June 2024:

  • ·        Tues. 25 June 2024: Wisconsin has decertified the 2020 Election.

  • ·        Tues. 25 June 2024: In 24hrs It’s DONE & Strange Events June 2024 (World Alert) | Conspiracy Theories | Before It’s News (

  • ·        Tues. 25 June 2024: The American public is now learning that Merrick Garland and Joe Biden intended to assassinate Donald Trump under the guise of an FBI search warrant. The FBI agents who raided President Trump’s home in 2022 were instructed to prepare to use “deadly force” while executing the search warrant. The FBI agents were prepared to engage with Trump and his Secret Service team and even had paramedics on standby. What role did Obama play in this matter? The man who spied on Trump most likely planned this entire affair. The headlines will blame Joe Biden, but Barack Obama’s fingerprints are all over it.

  • ·        Tues. 25 June 2024 There have been 300 Assassination Innuendos and Nineteen Assassination Attempts on Trump since 2016: Sources claimed that White Hats responded to over 300 Assassination Innuendos since 2016 and Thwarted 19 would-be hits Against President Trump or His Family, including one particularly Nefarious Scheme to Murder his Youngest Son, Barron. Other Alternative News Outlets have placed that Figure closer to 60, though RRN could not independently determine the Veracity of those Claims. SUDDEN LACK OF DEEP STATE CHATTER ABOUT KILLING TRUMP WORRIES WHITE HATS (

  • ·        On Tues. 25 June 2024 Julian Assange regained his freedom after plans to plead guilty as part of a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department that will allow him to go free after spending five years in a British prison, according to court documents. U.S. charges against Assange stem from one of the largest publications of classified information in American history, which took place during the first term of Barack Obama’s presidency. Because of Julian Assange we were informed about:

1. Child trafficking

2. Illegal government spying

3. War crimes of the US government.


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