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Writer's picturedonbrooks777

Wednesday... already!

Summary as I am able:

5-25-22 Wednesday

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💥Thoughts for TODAY!

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16 KJV

Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Colossians 4:6 KJV

If you took the JAB… here is some GOOD NEWS:

If you or a loved one received the jab, you still have options to heal your body.

Numerous medical experts have raised concerns over the heavy metals and toxins found in the vaxx and the statistics prove their possibly detrimental impact…

Take a look at the CDC’s data on adverse reactions (as of April 22nd, 2022):

· 27, 532 deaths

· 152, 946 hospitalizations

· 14, 096 heart attacks

· 51, 163 left permanently disabled

· 4,570 miscarriages

You can see more data here.

This type of data is not being publicized at all by Big Pharma, the mainstream media, or the global government…

Sadly, it may be only 1% of the true number (meaning you can multiply the above by 10 to get a more accurate number, based on low reporting).

This is why it is so urgent that you download the free resource below so you fully understand how to recover and heal from the vaxx. And, if you haven’t received the vaxx yourself, please download and pass along to those in need of this information:

[Pauline Clements]

In this brand-new eBook titled, Restoring Health Post-Vax - Expert Healing and Recovery Advice you’ll finally learn what they’ve hidden from you for too long.

Here’s what you’ll find:

The top vitamins and minerals your body craves when battling vaxx-related injuries

Why gut health is so important to battling heavy metals and toxins your body receives or produces when coming in contact with the vaxx

The exact protocols medical experts recommend healing your body from the potential deadly future caused by the jab

The truth about Ivermectin (plus why it was covered up by Big Pharma and the global government)

Why so many people are dealing with shocking post-vaxx reactions and what those victims can do to help prevent it (this is very important information to have, just in case)

Is detoxification enough to help your body battle the vaxx and all of the side effects it could cause?

See the answer inside this eBook

Plus, so much more potentially life-saving information

Don’t wait, access to this special eBook will be removed very soon…

Best of all, when you claim access now, you will also receive free access to the brand-new docuseries, Unbreakable: Destined to Thrive launching on Tuesday, May 31st.

In this exclusive, never-before-aired 9-part docuseries you’ll learn about the future of C0VID, the global government’s agenda, and what your personal freedom will look like.

This information will become censored so don’t wait around…

[Jonathan Otto]

[Pauline Clements]

The W.E.F.’s Climate Agenda in their own words:

White House Caught ‘Lying About Vaccines, Even CNN Noticed

As the COVID disease continues to impact the lives of Americans during a second president’s term, we've witnessed a variety of diverse opinions about what we should do and what American citizens ought to be trying out. When former president Trump quit the presidency, he gave his predecessor, President Biden an extremely straightforward, yet effective plan. However, similar to pulling out of Afghanistan, he bungled the plan. Instead of continuing his legacy of the Truth, Trump shared with Americans, Biden keeps pushing false information.

It's been so bad with Biden's stance on vaccines that even CNN has been troubled in pushing Biden's latest agenda when it pertains to vaccines. When Biden's White House official account makes absurd statements like the one in the tweet from May 12th, you can tell that things are getting worse. “When President Biden was elected in January, millions of Americans were without jobs with no health care on the market. In the past 15 months the economy has generated 8.3M jobs, and unemployment is at 3.6 percent — the largest drop in unemployment of any President's term.” [Sounds Good]

This type of false information goes beyond telling American people the wrong things and is an act of pride. Blatantly giving credit to things you did not do or are not happening on Biden's behalf is something his office is showing to be extremely creative with. An idea that they will build his legacy using dirt and garbage isn't something you'd want to see a President or their staff members believing. But this is the case.

CNN's fact checker Glenn Kessler issued a direct response. “‘There was no vaccine to choose from is a lie. Over 3 million Americans had been fully vaccinated. Over 18 million had a minimum of one or more doses before Biden's day of Inauguration. Biden himself was completely vaccinated. It became widely accessible over time, but it's not a question, and it's not a problem to tweet that the vaccine was not available to a large portion of the general public or something similar. “There was no vaccine on the market at the time of the inauguration, which is way too extreme considering that there were 19 million people who had shots, falsely implying that the whole process began with Biden.”

A shocking indictment of the Biden presidency:

1. The economy, according to 69 percent of people, is in a bad state.

2. The majority of people are worried about the cost of living.

3. 70 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling on inflation.

4. 65 percent believe Biden was “slow to react.”

[Rick Right Media]

Below is a message from one of our valued sponsors that helps allow Patriot Arsenal to remain free. Please read it carefully as if it was one of ours as they have some special information to share with you.

Thank you.

Patriot Arsenal & Paul Jones

This is troubling. Have you heard of COP26? Almost nobody has. Amid the distractions caused by lingering health issues, conflicts overseas, shortages, and inflation… Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently took the stage at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland to address some of the world’s most powerful people, including: U.S. President, Joe Biden… British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson… Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau… French President Emmanuel Macron… … and many more… From the stage, Yellen called for world leaders to commit to a $150 trillion ‘global transition’ of our economy. Since then, Bank of America has signed this accord, along with 131 countries, 234 cities, and 695 of the world’s biggest companies. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk have invested in this ‘transformation’ as well. What is it that Yellen, Biden, Trudeau, Bezos and Musk are pushing for? And what does it mean for your money? Investigative journalist and renowned economist, Nomi Prins has followed the money… And what she’s found is startling. She says: “While most Americans are distracted by mainstream media headlines calling for a stock market crash, I’ve found evidence that shows where the elites are spending $150 trillion to ‘transform’ the economy. Most Americans will be shocked when they see what happens next.” I had to know more, so I scheduled an interview for Nomi to go deeper into the details of this ‘transformation.’ She agreed to do the interview on one condition: she wanted to record it so she could get her message in front of as many Americans as possible before it’s too late. Go here to see how this ‘transformation’ will play out – and what it means for your money. Regards, Maria Bonaventura Senior Managing Editor, Distortion Report

Patriot Arsenal 8 The GRN, Ste #5072 Dover Delaware 19901 United States

Knocking on Disney's Door:

Dear CitizenGO member:

In 2019 Disney announced the first gay parade in its Paris Park... yes, in a park for children.

Since that time, it has been revealing its agenda, clearly influenced by the LGBT lobby. In fact, Disney has become the new political muscle for the LGBT agenda.

Recently leaked videos of an internal meeting of Disney doesn’t leave room for doubts:

"We no longer say ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.” - Vivian Ware, Diversity & Inclusion Manager of Disney

“[Disney] is the home of really incredible groundbreaking LGBTQIA stories over the years.” - Karey Burke, Disney Corporate President

“I want to thank the LGBTQAI+ Advisory Council, who submitted ideas on how we can take action, so we are taking some actions right now.” - Bob Chapek, Disney CEO

This is the reason why on behalf of more than 1,400,000 families we went to Disney in Orlando to make your voice heard. We sent a message to Disney CEO, Robert (Bob) Chapek: We will not buy Disney Products, streaming services, or attend their parks unless they end their LGBTQ indoctrination immediately. [CitizenGo]

Putin's Own Men Discussing Who Will Replace Him:

President Vladimir Putin has lost the support of many Kremlin officials and Russian elite members, with some critics already discussing a post-Putin leadership.

A source told the Russian independent website Meduza that potential Putin successors are being discussed behind the scenes. They include Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, and First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko.

The reports come three months after Putin forces began their unprovoked attack on Ukraine.

Sources told Meduza that "there are almost no happy ones" in the Kremlin and officials hope that Putin will leave and choose a successor "in the foreseeable future."

"This is not about the fact that they want to overthrow Putin right now and a conspiracy is being prepared," a source told Meduza. "But there is an understanding, or a wish, that in a fairly foreseeable future he will not govern the state."

Another Meduza source said: "The President messed up, but then everything can be fixed — somehow come to an agreement [with the West and Ukraine]."

However, sources told Meduza that Putin can leave the presidency only if his health deteriorates seriously. Thus, dissatisfaction among high-ranking officials simply results in talk. [NewsMax]

Sen. Rick Scott Slams Biden as 'Incompetent,' 'Incoherent':

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., unleashed a Twitter attack on President Joe Biden, calling him "incompetent and incoherent."

Scott took to Twitter on Monday night: "As Americans struggle to make ends meet thanks to his raging inflation, @JoeBiden celebrates their suffering.

"Biden is incompetent & incoherent, but he's made one thing very clear: He couldn't care less about the problems he's caused for your family."

Scott linked to a New York Post story from Monday. The Post had reported Biden "celebrated" high gas prices by saying the cost to consumers was part of "an incredible transition" of the U.S. economy away from fossil fuels.

"[When] it comes to the gas prices, we're going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it's over, we'll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over," Biden said during a press conference in Japan.

The average price for a gallon of gas was about $4.60 as of Tuesday, according to AAA. And the Post noted some states are seeing an average cost of more than $5, while California's average cost sits just above $6. [NewsMax]

Did Biden just let slip that record-high gas prices were PLANNED?

He actually said the QUIET PART out loud!

President Joe Biden on Monday appeared to praise record-high gas prices, saying it's all part of an incredible transitionthat will make America and the world better off.

“When it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” Biden explained during a joint press conference with Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo. [The Blaze Media]

World Health Org [WHO] Vote Will Force USA to Comply:

Frontline News Director Mordechai Sones presents this week's top stories

Latest Articles

· U.S. Navy Lieutenant wins battle against vaccine mandate

· Why are globalists promoting lab-grown meat?

· Cuban immigrant mother loved US freedom until hospital took it away; ‘They’re starving me!’

[AFLDS Frontline News]

Tony Robins:

Life Force

Life Force Health Summit | May 26, 2022 at noon PT | 3PM ET

See Following Flyers… [Carol Roch]

Video: "Canada First - A concept foreign to Canada's foreign policy:

Roberrt Vaughan of the Just Right Media posted earlier today his interview/conversation with me [Salim] on what is Canada's foreign policy or national security thinking/doctrine in the context of the war in Ukraine. Here is Robert Vaughan's description of this YouTube video, for whatever it is worth:

'Since Confederation Canada's policies regarding war have always been as a follower; a follower of Mother Britain (Boer War, WWI, WWII), a follower of the United States (Avro Arrow, Bomarc Missile) and a follower of the United Nations (Korea, Cyprus, Rwanda, Balkans...). During those times it did not join the US in battle—Vietnam and the second Gulf War—it had been because such actions were not sanctioned by the UN. The current conflict in Ukraine only demonstrates, once again, that Canada does not have a foreign policy which benefits Canadians. Rather, its position is crafted to ingratiate itself to its betters in the United Nations. In this discussion, Professor Salim Mansur explains that Canada has been living in a globalist fog which prevents it from asserting its own best interests in foreign affairs and from having a "Canada First" foreign policy. Worse, as a "post-national state" without a "core identity" as Justin Trudeau has described Canada, it has no concept of what its national interests even are.'

[Robert Vaughn & Salim Mansur]

Dr Rashid A Buttar - You MUST Know This Information!

The current level of propaganda is beyond anything ever witnessed in recorded history, in a supposedly "free" country anywhere on this planet. Don't believe it? Then watch this video. and ask yourself, when do you ever remember so much marketing to compel people to do something to supposedly prevent an illness, especially one with a 99.96% rate of survival?

Cancer, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases account for 92% of causes of ALL death in the industrialized world. So why are we NOT witnessing marketing efforts to prevent cancer and heart disease? [Something is very STRANGE HERE]

This is exactly why you need to come to the 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference. Because what's about to happen is going to be catastrophic for those who have already taken the jab. But, there may be a possible way to eliminate (or at least reduce) the danger of what has already been put into your bodies via the jab.

Watch this video which shows the level of the propaganda and then listen to the new warning. You need to know this. Your life could depend on it, and most probably will depend on this if you've already taken the jab. And if you find this information to be vital, please tell everyone you know and send them this video. Dr Buttar's voice was already suppressed through YouTube and Facebook because of his warnings 2 years ago. He's only coming back now because this information is critical for people to understand and be warned about.

Is there a solution? Yes, based on anecdotal evidence, empirical evidence and observation, as well as supported by the literature, there may be a possible solution to help millions and millions who already have been condemned to die early, to turn the tables and save themselves. Best of all, it's not going to cost anyone any money!

How this was discovered and everything explaining the science will be disclosed at the 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference. See what the user experience was from last year’s 3rd Annual Advanced Medicine Conference, on this same Rumble channel. Each year, the Advanced Medicine Conference is held over Memorial Day Weekend. The Advanced Medicine Conference is where facts, truth and honesty coincide with the latest and greatest in medicine, science and research.

This year’s 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference is going to be held in San Antonio, Texas, at the Henry B Gonzales Convention Center in downtown San Antonio on May 28-30 (Saturday-Monday).

Visit to get your tickets today! [Pauline Clements] & [Rumble]

Dr. Michael Yeadon - The End of Freedom Begins with Digital ID:

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Once you've got a digital ID, and they [say], 'You can't buy this cheap bread without sharing [digital ID]. If they say next week, 'You can't buy bread without sharing [digital ID],' or the week after, 'You can't buy food without it.' They literally changed the conditions. All it requires is a massive network and your digital ID, *beep*, into the system.... The database and the algorithms [would] determine whether you are [permitted] to enter somewhere or leave somewhere, [and] whether you're able to buy or sell any particular thing at any moment.

That's the end of democracy; that's the end of freedom."

Watch FULL EPISODES of ‘Doctors And Scientists’ With Brian Hooker, PhD on CHD.TV

Live Every Thursday 10:30am PT // 1:30pm ET


Re-Run from the Past (5 Min)

Planned OIL Shortage CALLED OUT (2 Min)

WHO holds Emergency Meeting: Monkee POX & Human Rights (81 Min)

FE: 7 States @ same time (10 Min)

Monkee POX WAR Games & Side Effects (4 Min)

STEW & Doc Jane: Fake Pandemic Target Cites Identified (11 Min)

Miscarriage (1 Min)

Chaddington: Monkey Business (8 Min)

Hypnotized through ALL The LIES w/ MSAA MEDIA (41 Min)



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

BIGGEST Recession Coming!!! This Will Be Worse Than 1929

BIGGEST Recession Coming!!! "This Will WORSE The 1929"

Some call the current crisis "The Next Great Depression" or "The Greater Depression," but the truth is that things have gone so wrong this time that the 1930s crisis may no longer be a point of reference.

The circumstances were vastly different back then, and the proportions of The Depression of The Twenty-First Century are so vast that it is likely to become a point of reference in and of itself - an event of such singular conditions that will be used as a comparison in future financial and economic meltdowns.

Many questions remain unanswered because we are still in the midst of the crisis. We don't know how long it will last or how bad it will get; we can't even predict our chances of recovery with any certainty because each week has been decisive so far.

As a result, today we will examine how the current economic collapse differs from the Great Depression of the 1930s, and in what ways they may have similar outcomes.

We have grown accustomed to being cared for as a society, and this generation has little experience or memory of hardship. Part of this coddled behaviour stems from a paternalistic state, with which we have developed such a strong co-dependency that we now let the state make the difficultdecisions we don't want to deal with.

The state offers very appealing guarantees to investors and consumers, and they want to see proof of those guarantees, hoping it isn't just a hollow promise.

Alternatively, in this century, the "lax" attitude toward stock market selloffs is the result of the assumption that the market will be fixed and rebound as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if things become too serious, the Federal Reserve will always come to the rescue. The assumption that the Fed will always be there to bail out banks and financial markets has led to investors becoming increasingly reckless. Some of these people appear to be quite pleased with themselves because they purchased stocks this spring and are now reaping the benefits of the Fed's liquidity injections into the financial markets.

We appear to have a short memory when it comes to remembering how difficult it was to escape a similar chaos a little more than a decade ago. [Chats And Rumors, Economics]

Although the financial markets appear to have recovered more quickly this time, the economic backdrop against which they are based is collapsing by the day. But don't think the Fed isn't aware that everything is about to collapse at any moment, because they are well aware of how dangerous the situation has become.

They have already pulled out all the stops in their quest to "restore inflation," but they face an uphill battle. Every financial system crash injures it even more, and it never fully recovers; it is simply dragged along.

As Kelsey Williams described in his piece "A Depression for the Twenty-First Century," the economic collapse has many complex components that have yet to cause major turbulence in our society, and while Wall Street projections for a rebound are optimistic, the real economy is not.

Or, as she put it, "we are currently in poor financial health, and before we can get better, we will face a healing crisis of enormous proportions."

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