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Wednesday 9 - [11]-24... 


Verses for today:


Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Matthew 5:4 KJV


Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

1 Corinthians 3:16 KJV


...with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;

Ephesians 4:2 KJV





Kamala Harris falls flat on her face and Democrats are panicking:

Vice President Kamala Harris was supposed to “shake up” the election. Democrats didn’t see this on the horizon.

As Kamala Harris just fell flat on her face and now Democrats have gone into panic mode.


Most people who knew that Joe Biden was not going to be making it to the general election season did not think the Democrats would pivot so quickly to Kamala Harris. The reason is that everyone knows she is already in over her head as the Vice President of the United States. She didn’t even complete a term in the U.S. Senate and she’s also one of the most disliked Vice Presidents of all time.


The reality is that she has a ton of baggage coming with her, but the Democrats shut down any and all possible alternatives to her to be the Democrat nominee for President to take up the mantle for Joe Biden.

Since then, the Democrat-friendly media (some would say ‘controlled’, wink wink) has been proclaiming that Kamala Harris has staged one of the most incredible turnarounds for her political career. Incredible is definitely a good word because the corporate media “experts” have been saying that Kamala Harris’s favorability has completely flipped.


She’s no longer one of the most unpopular Vice Presidents, according to these corporate media talking heads.

Not so fast, says an independent political pollster, who says that Kamala Harris has absolutely fallen flat on her face. According to this pollster, Kamala Harris is on the decline, not the incline like CNN and MSNBC are saying.


Vice President Kamala Harris’s Rebranding Efforts Fall Short, According to Pollster

Pollster Matt Towery’s recent appearance on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle shed light on Vice President Kamala Harris’s struggling efforts to rebrand herself in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election. Towery’s analysis, based on recent polling data, suggests that Harris’ attempts to shift her image have not gained traction with voters.


New York Times poll revealed that 47% of voters view Harris as too liberal, while only 32% consider former President Donald Trump too conservative. This disparity in perception has contributed to Trump’s resurgence in battleground state polls, according to Towery.


“It’s not working. What’s interesting is the battleground polls that I do are showing the same thing you’re seeing in this New York Times poll, and that is the numbers that Trump had when Biden was in the race are beginning to come back to Trump at about the same levels as before Harris became the nominee or the designated nominee,” Towery explained.

Trump’s Momentum Continues To Shock

Despite expectations of a potential bounce in support for Harris following President Biden’s withdrawal from the race in July 2024, recent polls indicate a reversal of fortune. Towery noted that Trump’s polling numbers are returning to levels seen when he was competing against Biden.


“So you’re seeing a complete return to where Trump was before, whatever bounce was there is disappearing. Now, I don’t know what kind of nonsense we’ll hear tomorrow night out of the media, because regardless of how well Trump does, they’re going to pretend like that she won this and maybe they’ll get a bounce out of that,” Towery added.

The pollster emphasized the significance of battleground states in the upcoming election. According to Towery, Trump’s current standing in these crucial states mirrors his position during the 2020 race against Biden.


“Donald Trump has come on the upswing, she’s on the downswing, and Nate Silver is right. He would carry those battleground states right now as they’re correlated to where they were back in the Biden 2020 race against Trump,” Towery stated.


A recent New York Times and Siena College poll conducted between September 3 and 6 shows a tight race between Trump and Harris. The survey places Trump at 48%, with Harris trailing by just one point at 47%.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, these polling trends suggest that Vice President Harris faces an uphill battle in her efforts to rebrand herself and gain a decisive edge over her Republican opponent.

The DC Daily Journal



David YEO:


P@!NKi!LL3R$**B!G PR0BL3M (1 Min)


9 T!P$ +o G3T R!D 0f P@RA$!T3$ (13 Min)


N@$A C@N'T G0 B3Y0ND 1,200 M!L3$ (5 Min)


F@L$3 PR0F!T**DUTCH $H33T$ !s a FR@UD (87 Min)


'24 F@K3 D3B@T3**D0N@LD H0X $3T TH!NG$ Up (5 Min)


GR3G**5G C0NN3CT3D**!LLN3$$ D!$P3N$!NG N@N0B0T$ (5 Min)


P3T3R H0T3Z**FR0NT-M@N 4 HUG3 U$A!D/G@T3$ F0UND@T!0N (7 Min)


TH3 0R!G!N$ 0f ANG3L$ (1 Min)


D@NG3R$ 0f ANT!-!MFL@T0RY DRUG$ (10 Min)


TH3 H$ $H00T!NG H0X**TH3 !NV!$!BL3 A*R*!5 (6 Min)


TUCK3R B@N$ $T3W FR0M H!$ EV3NT**!+'s V!RAL (54 Min)


$0NG**"$P@C3 !s a F@RC3**TH3R3's a D0M3 0V3R Us" (5 Min)


C@NC3R $URG30N**R3V3@L$ P0W3RFUL U$3 0f !V3RM3CT!N  (10 Min)


M@R!A**D!G!T@L !D C0M!NG +o TH3 U$**ALL P0L!T!C!@N$ BacK!Ng  (25 Min)

David YEO


What’s happening to Canada? Wow

Can you BELIEVE this???


Are PRIORITIES all messed up?

“Only in CANADA” ... you say!

Donna Warren



Israel turns to Russia for Help:

Why Israel is turning to Russia for help

With American efforts to mediate a solution going nowhere, Moscow appears the next best option for negotiations with Gaza

Following the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, diplomatic efforts led by the United States, Egypt, and Qatar focused on finding solutions to end the conflict and secure the release of hostages. However, negotiations have stalled for months due to numerous obstacles. 


The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, on July 31, 2024, in Iran, marked a significant turning point in the Gaza ceasefire talks. Haniyeh had played a key role in these negotiations, and his death has severely complicated the peace process, increasing the risk of further regional escalation.


First, Haniyeh’s death provoked a strong negative reaction from Iran, which had been his closest ally. Iran accused Israel of a “disgraceful assassination” and threatened “harsh revenge.” According to the Iranian leadership, if the conflict in Gaza does not cease, Tehran will strike Israel. These threats have significantly heightened tensions in the region, forcing the Israeli government to prepare for the possibility of a full-scale war with Iran and its allies, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon.


This assassination also added further complexity to the ceasefire negotiations. Iran, which has played a major role in supporting Hamas, claimed that Israel was undermining all peace efforts by killing Palestinian resistance leaders, thus making it impossible to reach any agreement. Countries like Qatar and Turkey have also expressed concerns that this could lead to a full-scale regional war and derail any diplomatic attempts at resolution.


Meanwhile, the US, which is actively participating in these talks, developed a new plan aimed at breaking the prolonged deadlock. According to officials, most of the agreement’s terms have been settled, but two key issues remain. First, there is Israel’s demand to maintain its forces in the Philadelphi corridor – a strategic area on the Egyptian border designed to prevent arms smuggling into Gaza. Second, the exact lists of hostages and prisoners to be exchanged remains a sensitive issue for both sides.


President Joe Biden’s administration insists on reaching an agreement as soon as possible, especially in light of the upcoming US presidential elections. However, Washington is not willing to participate in the negotiations indefinitely. According to sources in Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the US has indicated it will exit the talks if no progress is made within two weeks. This statement has increased pressure on all parties involved, as the failure of the negotiations could further destabilize the Middle East.


Israel cannot afford to make concessions

Despite mounting international pressure, Israel remains firm in its refusal to agree to a ceasefire in its conflict with Hamas, driven by several key factors related to both internal political dynamics and external security concerns. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has found himself in a precarious position, balancing the demands of the international community, pressure from the US, and his own political interests within Israel.


One of the primary reasons Israel cannot agree to a ceasefire is security. Netanyahu and his government view Hamas as an existential threat to Israel. Any concessions, such as a ceasefire without the complete destruction of Hamas’ military infrastructure, could be perceived as a sign of weakness, potentially leading to further violence. The Israeli military insists on continuing operations to prevent the resurgence of Hamas and maintain control over key areas like the Rafah crossing and the Philadelphi Corridor on the Egyptian border, which are critical to preventing arms smuggling into Gaza​.


Domestic political pressures also play a significant role. Netanyahu faces strong opposition from right-wing political forces that are staunchly against any concessions to the Palestinians and demand a hardline approach. In July 2024, the Israeli Knesset passed a resolution rejecting the creation of a Palestinian state, even as part of a negotiated settlement. This resolution reflects the mood of a significant portion of Israeli society and its political elite, underscoring Israel’s commitment to maintaining control over key territories and its distrust of the two-state solution.


Any steps toward a ceasefire that could be seen as concessions to Hamas may lead to the political downfall of Netanyahu and his government​.

Netanyahu is also personally at risk. If he agrees to a ceasefire and fails to deliver on his promises to eliminate Hamas, his political opponents could call for his resignation. Given his involvement in ongoing corruption investigations, such a scenario could be catastrophic for his career. Some analysts suggest that if the military campaign against Hamas fails, Netanyahu could be accused not only of political weakness but also of ineffective leadership, potentially leading to criminal prosecution and imprisonment​.


International pressure, particularly from the US, has so far failed to significantly alter Netanyahu’s course. President Joe Biden and his administration have repeatedly called for “humanitarian pauses” to provide aid to Gaza’s civilian population, but this has been met with strong resistance from Israel. Biden has publicly expressed frustration with the slow progress of negotiations and criticized Netanyahu for his lack of flexibility.


However, US influence on Israel is limited by several factors. First, Israel is a key strategic ally of the US in the Middle East, and excessive pressure could strain relations between the two countries. Second, the strong pro-Israel lobby in the US exerts significant influence over Congress and the White House, limiting the Biden administration’s freedom of action​.


Thus, Israel’s current position is shaped by both national security concerns and internal political realities. Netanyahu cannot afford to concede, as doing so would likely lead to his political demise and possibly legal consequences. External pressure from the US and the international community has so far not been sufficient to change Israel’s stance in this conflict.


Can Moscow help?

Amid stalled negotiations mediated by the US, Israel has apparently turned to Russia for assistance in securing the release of hostages held by Hamas. According to a statement issued by the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, Netanyahu’s military secretary returned from Moscow on Sunday, September 1, after discussing a possible deal with Hamas. The statement did not clarify whether any agreements were reached.


Israel’s appeal to Russia for help in releasing hostages from Gaza may seem unexpected, but is a logical move in the context of the prolonged and intense conflict with Hamas. With the diplomatic efforts of the US, Qatar, and Egypt yielding no tangible results, Israel opted to seek assistance from Moscow, as it has long-standing connections with Palestinian factions, including Hamas. This appeal underscores Russia’s strategic importance in the Middle East, where it acts not only as a partner to various players but also as a mediator capable of influencing parties that are less accessible to Western diplomats.


Netanyahu is being forced to explore alternative channels to achieve his goals, as key international mediators have been ineffective in resolving the hostage crisis. Hamas, despite numerous offers and negotiations, refuses to agree to a deal for the release of the captives and has continued its brutal actions. Recently, the bodies of six hostages who had been killed by Hamas were found in underground tunnels near Rafah, including a Russian citizen, Alexander Lobanov.


This likely pushed Netanyahu to engage more actively with Russia, given its vested interest in protecting its citizens.

Netanyahu understands that resolving the hostage situation is the number one priority, especially amid growing domestic pressure. Mass strikes have erupted in Israel, led by the country’s largest labor federation, the Histadrut, demanding the immediate release of all hostages. Histadrut leader Arnon Bar-David declared that this issue is more critical than any other political or social matter. Strikes and societal discontent are making Netanyahu’s situation increasingly unstable: if he fails to succeed in negotiations, it could undermine his position as the country’s leader.

For Netanyahu, turning to Russia is not just a diplomatic move but also a step aimed at preserving his political influence. Domestic political pressure is mounting, and each day the hostages remain captive increases the risk of his removal. Failure to resolve this issue could lead to his resignation and even prosecution over ongoing corruption cases that continue to cast a shadow over Israeli politics. Thus, seeking Russia’s help is an attempt to find a way out of a critical situation that could prove fatal for Netanyahu’s political career.


For Russia, this request represents an opportunity to strengthen its position in the Middle East, solidify diplomatic ties with Israel, and assert its role as a key international player capable of resolving complex regional conflicts. Moscow’s established connections with Hamas make it a significant partner in possible negotiations for the release of the hostages. Additionally, Russia can use its influence on Hamas and other Palestinian factions to push for a compromise that had previously been elusive. 


In the end, cooperation between Israel and Russia on the hostage issue could significantly impact the future course of the Gaza conflict. If Moscow manages to make progress in negotiations with Hamas, it would not only boost its influence in the Middle East but also mark a critical step for Israel toward resolving one of the most painful issues in the current conflict.


While the US continues its efforts in ceasefire talks with Gaza, the conditions remain complicated, and deep disagreements persist between the sides. With Washington now preoccupied with the upcoming November presidential elections and lacking effective leverage over either Israel or Hamas, the outcome of these negotiations remains uncertain. However, whatever results are achieved could significantly influence the further development of the conflict and the stability of the region.

Russia TV [RT]

Patrick Bestall



2024 Fall Holy Day Calendar Fixed & Perfect Storms:

Tim McHyde

Well, it spiritually rained and poured on EATT very hard so far this year. Tim did us no favors by going to our Father with all the talents he had to share. EATT experienced it's THIRD internet attack this year, and it is finally back up again. 


So far, EATT is still standing on The Rock- Yeshua/Jesus, and it is surviving. We are a little weathered, but God is good and we walk forward with endurance. I know many of you count on EATT to be a place to be encouraged by its content and to share that encouragement with others. Please continue to pray that these attacks end.

To make the perfect storm, not only did we have another cyber-attack to clean up, but I ended up having to deal with a tumor the size of a baby's head according to the doctors. That was a many months ordeal. And yet, our God has been faithful in it all!


So, I wish to share a most happy Fall Feast Season to you! We made it to the Fall Feasts!

Here are some things that may help you and inspire you during this wonderful season:

1) The 2024 Fall Holy Day Calendar Is Now Updated! The moon observations are accomplished and the Holy Day schedule is ready for your viewing here.

2) Probably The Most Important Video I Have Made Is Available

We always live in prophetic times. We cannot be outside of prophetic times. With each prophetic moment, God gives instructions to deal with where we are at. He gives us encouragement as well. The message in this video has information that you have heard many times in your life most likely. Maybe, like many others, you stop really hearing things when you hear them over and over. But this you need to hear: this information is super important with what God is doing with His children.


3) Tumor Lessons for Those Who Like Updates of How I Am And What Can Be Learned.

Life will come with difficult experiences and easier ones. In all experiences we can grow into being more like our Messiah OR not (if you know what I mean ). When I go through hard things I like to share what is happening and I like to share spiritual tools that we can use to overcome our bad attitudes and bad habits. Sometimes it is encouraging to see someone else going through hard times and still hanging on to hope and pushing in to God. If you are one of those people then this playlist that journals my journey with a tumor is your cup of tea 


Sorry that I broke our last deal of no more dramas in the last email . Maybe the deal to make is that we decide together to make sure to plant ourselves deep into The Rock (Yeshua) so that when the winds, floods, and rains come, we stay standing. (Matthew 7:24-27). Do we have a "new" deal? 

May Fall Holy Feast Time Shalom rest upon all of you!

Katrina McHyde


To Read the Full Post...

To read this article and understand what the events of this war in Israel means please join my support team monthly or even for just one month (no monthly financial commitment required). 

I appreciate your material support in exchange for helping me to continue to bring forth spiritual support (as Paul taught in 1Co 9:1114) for the saints to finally learn God's will and to do it (Lk 8:21=Mt 12:49-50=Mk 3:34-35).

If you cannot afford to join the Support Team at this time, I understand. Please enjoy the hundreds of other free studies on this site instead!

Katrina McHyde


Credit Card Breach hits 1.7 M Cardholders:

Massive credit card breach hits 1.7 MILLION people after hackers access payment processing service -how to find out if you were affected

Almost 1.7 million consumers in the US and Canada may have had their data exposed in a massive credit card database breach.


Florida-based Slim CD, a payment processor, is sending emails to customers that their information may have been accessed anytime from August 2023 to June 2024. 

The company provides software systems to merchants, allowing them to take any kind of electronic payment, both online and in-person, across variety of hardware. 


Slim CD, which only discovered the hack in June of this year, warned that 'identity theft and [financial] fraud' may be issues after finding that individuals' names, addresses, credit card numbers and credit card expiration dates were all accessed.

While it is unknown how many of the 1,693,000 customers were directly impacted in the 'data event,' 797 residents of Maine were confirmed to be the most at-risk, according to the warning notifications issued Friday by Slim CD. 

Representative of the Coral Springs headquartered payment processor did not disclose whether Maine residents had been expressly targeted by the hackers, or if this portion of Slim CD's database had simply proven to be the most vulnerable.


Although the hackers fortunately did not obtain 'card verification numbers' (CVVs) during the hack, cybersecurity experts and Slim CD itself have cautioned that card holders should take action to protect themselves.  

Without CVV information, cybercriminals would be forced to attempt further hacking gambits to actually be able to make fraudulent transactions with these stolen cards.


These follow-up hacking attempts could take the form of 'phishing' emails or text messages to those already victimized by the data breach, meaning those whose card information has been stolen are advised wary of requests for more private data. Security experts advised that credit card owners who believe they might have been victimized by the breach should contact their bank or credit card provider immediately about getting a replacement card. 

Additionally, potential victims may want to also closely monitor their financial accounts for signs of fraud, particularly unauthorized transactions or more subtle changes to personal account information.

While Slim CD did not specify how exactly its attackers managed to gain entry to its system in its public 'Data Event' notice (PDF), 'experts believe that a combination of phishing, malware, or social engineering tactics may have been employed,' according to UK tech site HackRead.


Shockingly, the payment processor disclosed that the hackers appear to have first gained entry to their system on August 17, 2023, but only kicked off in mid-June 2024.

This 'unauthorized system access,' based on their investigation, was finally flagged that month, when the hackers made a run for the firm's database of credit card information.


'That access may have enabled an unauthorized actor to view or obtain certain credit card information between June 14, 2024, and June 15, 2024,' according to Slim CD. 

Under ordinary circumstances, a company that has discovered a data breach will typically offer those impacted by its own security lapses 'free access to either the best identity theft protection services or at least credit monitoring,' VPN privacy tester and security writer Anthony Spadafora noted. 

And, fortunately, senior leaders at Slim CD tell that they are doing exactly that for impacted individuals.

'We are providing credit monitoring to individuals in accordance with state and federal laws,' Slim CD's chief technology officer Frank Haggar said via email.


However — as listed on an advisory notice by Office of the Maine Attorney General — Slim CD has not, at least, offered 'identity theft protection services' to victims in that northeastern state at the time of their posting. 

Per its direct notice to the 800 or so most 'at risk' Mainers whose private credit card info was stolen in the hack, the company is also providing broader guidance as well. 


Slim CD said it's 'providing individuals with information on how to place a fraud alert and security freeze on one's credit file, the contact details for the national consumer reporting agencies, [and] information on how to obtain a free credit report.'


The firm added it was also offering users of its customers' payment software 'encouragement to contact the Federal Trade Commission, their state Attorney General, and law enforcement to report attempted or actual identity theft and fraud.'

Daily Mail







Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




The latest news: 

QWhere We Go One, We Go AllTogether We Are Unstoppable!…President Trump on Telegram Tues. 10 Sept. 2024

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

I’d rather go through the Storm with Jesus than sail through life without Him.” …Q

Judy Note: What we think we know as of Tues. 10 Sept. 2024:

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        he Vatican/UK Royalty/Rothschild Banker-owned corrupt US Inc. Corporation is no longer. The United States would soon be a Republic for which it stands under concepts of the original Constitution.

  • ·        Right now the Military was controlling our country until new elections in a couple of months. The Insurrection Act has been signed. The Trump 2018 Presidential Executive Order is in full effect. Soon Trump will be implementing a blockchain fraud proof election which was patented back in August 2020.

  • ·        In the upcoming Election eligible US Citizens will be able to vote for their political preferences from their phones and computers hooked up to a secure and transparent StarLink Satellite System that immediately tabulates the results and lets such known to the general public.

  • ·        Donald Trump is the legally elected President of the new United States Republic and Commander in Chief of the US Military, with John F. Kennedy Jr. as his Vice President.

  • ·        Trump commands over 50,000 secret troops whom he has deputized as Federal Marshals.

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

  • ·        All US banks have been purchased by the new US Republic Treasury, which has been relocated from Washington DC to the Sparks Indian Colony near Reno, Nevada.

  • ·        On Wed. 10 July 2024 Trump signed a new law which zeroed out all mortgage, credit card or other debt to banks due to their illegal activities.

  • ·        As of Aug. 2024 it is illegal for banks to foreclose on home mortgages.

  • ·        Activation of the NESARA Law restores homes and property ownership due to bank foreclosures.

  • ·        The NESARA Law allows all pricing of homes, cars and merchandise to return to 1955 pricing.

  • ·        All credit reporting agencies have been dismantled.

  • ·        In 2023 the EPA approved another dangerous chemical (Chlormaquat Chloride) that they said could be (safely?) ingested. It was presently being sprayed on food in the US.

  • ·        Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 “The (privately owned corrupt and defunct) US Inc. is preparing a Bird Flu False Flag to sabotage the 2024 Election.” …Putin on Telegram

  • ·        Make America Healthy Again: “For 19 years I prayed every morning that God would put me in a position to end this calamity. I asked myself, what choices must I make to save America’s children and restore national health? President Trump told me he wants this to be his legacy. Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our children more than we hate each other. We gonna win this fight together:”…

  • ·        “The Cabal Deep State US Inc. Government facility in Alaska called HAARP was claimed to exist for “scientific research,” though in reality it was a weapon designed to control and manipulate humanity on a global scale.” … NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden

  • ·        The Deep State Cabal US Inc. Government Agency FEMA was once thought to be safeguarding the public, but has been caught stealing from, even k*****g, victims of disaster such as in Hurricane Katrina and the Maui Hawaii disaster. FEMA was believed to be deeply compromised, actively collaborating with the Deep State. Insiders have confirmed that FEMA is trying to subvert the EAS, plotting to censor broadcasts and control the narrative during the 10 days of darkness.

  • ·        Tues. 10 Sept. 2024: The attack on Free Speech just escalated. Arrest warrants have now been issued for Chris Pavlovski, CEO of Rumble, and Andrew Torba, CEO of GAB, on charges of Conspiracy to Defraud the US and more—just two weeks after Pavel Durov was arrested in France. This crackdown on independent platforms is becoming all too familiar. Is this just another step in the drive for mass censorship? Free speech is clearly under siege. Who’s next?

  • ·        Tues. 10 Sept. 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: With the US and Eight Other Major Nation’s Economies Collapsing Sovereign Countries Were Shifting from Fiat Currencies to Gold/ Asset-backed and Closing… – – American Media Group

  • ·        Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video):

  • ·        Mon. 9 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/9/24 “MILITARY IN MAJOR CITIES, OCTOBER SURPRISE, NYC FF WARNINGS, VT INTEL” (

  • ·        Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Battle for the Republic Has Begun! US & Eight Nations’ Economies Collapsing. Be Ready For EBS, Blackouts! Special Intel Report 9/10/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (      


Possible Timing:

  • ·        On Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 the iconic White House, a symbol of American leadership, was lit up glowing in orange. Trump, often dubbed the “Orange Man,” could be sending a signal that his comeback is imminent in a “Trust the Plan” mantra, reassuring Patriots that everything is unfolding as planned, and nothing will stop it—NCSWIC.

  • ·        Mon. 9 Sept. 2024: U.S. Greenlights Iraq’s International Status!

  • ·        October 20, 2024a night the world will never forget. Martial law will roll out worldwide, and with it, a blackout like nothing we’ve seen before. Lights out, no communication, no news. The Cabal’s fortress of power will crumble, and in that darkness, the military will move like clockwork, sweeping through cities, arresting the elites who’ve bled the world dry. … Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 8:40 pm Julian Assange’s Telegram post #78

  • ·        Reuters has announced that Iraq and the US have come to a preliminary troop withdrawal agreement that starts in Sept. 2024 and goes to Sept. 2025.


Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 Bruce:

  • ·        All new rates came up on the screens Sunday night 8 Sept. 2024. Monday we had all new rates on all currencies at the banks – but today we didn’t see them on RC screens. This is because bank screen rates are not as high as at the Redemption Centers. The Dinar was 3 x time higher at the Redemption Center and the Dong was 2 x higher and I think it’s just because they didn’t want the high rates visible.

  • ·        The Iraqi Dinar is to be traded on the ISX also on the Forex possibly with a new rate and the SBI site itself. The Dinar Contract rate is extremely high and is the same as the rate of selling a barrel of oil. They will offer Tier4b the Contract Rate at Redemption Centers.

  • ·        One person known in the community is saying it’s highly possibly the RV will happen tomorrow or Thursday.

  • ·        A Redemption Center Leader was to have received an email from a certain person who was over ALL the Redemption Centers East of the Big River and this leader had to get those emails out. All the Redemption Centers will have that green light from Treasury at the same time.

  • ·        Those of us in Tier4b (the Internet Group) should be notified either tonight overnight tonight or tomorrow, with exchanges that could start tomorrow and/or Thursday. We won’t know till we get the emails.

  • ·        Only Zim Holders will be getting the new StarLink Satellite phone at their appointments.

  • ·        The servers for Social Security payments have been down for the last five days. We believe it’s to connect to Starlink  – which may or may not include that increase in SS. They should come back up tonight for payments tomorrow on 9/11

  • ·        So we have the possibility and this might well ALL get started on 9/11. All of you who are in the know and KNOW that would be very interesting timing.  


Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 Wolverine: “Hi guys. I can’t say anything. Just stay put. It’s coming.”


Restored Republic:

  • ·        The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (   How To Save America | Republic for USA (  

  • Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?

  • Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 8:40 pm Julian Assange’s Telegram post #78:

  • ·        STORM! Trump’s Imminent Return Sparks Global Military Activation, Martial Law, and a Worldwide Blackout as Forces Mobilize on the Frontlines of the Ultimate Global Operation!

  • ·        October 20, 2024a night the world will never forget. Martial law will roll out worldwide, and with it, a blackout like nothing we’ve seen before. Lights out, no communication, no news. The Cabal’s fortress of power will crumble, and in that darkness, the military will move like clockwork, sweeping through cities, arresting the elites who’ve bled the world dry.

  • ·        The military is not here for crowd control. They’ve been staged for weeks, waiting to execute mass arrests of traitors—politicians, CEOs, and tech moguls who thought they were untouchable. Pelosi, Schiff, Soros—they’re all on the list. This is the storm we’ve been waiting for!

  • ·        We are on the edge of an unprecedented shift. Trump’s return is not just a political event; it’s the trigger for the complete breakdown of the Cabal’s global control. This is a centuries-old system of manipulation, and the Global Military Alliance has been waiting for this moment to strike.


CODE RED! Emergency Alert System Engaged: Military Alliance Gears Up for 10 Days of Darkness, Major Strike Imminent, Coded Signals Sent, FEMA Dismantled!

  • ·        The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the key weapon in a global operation to dismantle the Deep State, and it’s already being tested for the most critical moment of exposure the world has ever seen. These tests aren’t just random—they’re part of a coordinated global strategy to break the hold of the corrupt elite and bring the truth to light.

  • ·        On August 11, 2024, a nationwide EAS test was conducted at 2:15 PM EDT, but it wasn’t just a routine test. It was a full-scale simulation, complete with coded transmissions broadcast through high-frequency channels. These transmissions were sent not only to the general public but also to key operatives in the Earth Alliance—the covert patriots fighting back against the Deep State’s plans.

  • ·        Insiders have revealed that these tests were meant to prepare the system for the 10 days of darkness, when the EAS will be the only communication channel left standing, broadcasting continuous streams of truth to every corner of the globe. These broadcasts will reveal hidden information, long-suppressed technologies, and expose the depths of the Deep State’s corruption.

  • ·        In early July 2024, sources at Fort Hood confirmed live EAS drills involving military units. This wasn’t just an alert test—it was a full deployment simulation designed to prepare for the coming strike. The Deep State is watching these tests closely, and their desperate attempts to disrupt them have already failed.

  • ·        The Deep State is on the run. Warren Buffett, one of the financial overlords, dumped $6.2 billion in stocks. This wasn’t a market move—it was a sign that the elite are preparing for collapse. They’re selling off assets, buying gold, and securing offshore hideouts, knowing they can’t stop what’s coming.

  • ·        But the Military Alliance has infiltrated their plans, and they’re using the EAS to turn the collapse into an opportunity to launch GESARA, the global financial reset that will dismantle the corrupt system and return power to the people.

  • ·        The recent EAS test on September 2, 2024, wasn’t an error when strange symbols flashed across screens in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. This was a coded message for those in the know, a signal that the operation is underway. The Earth Alliance is preparing to reveal everything, and no one in the Deep State can stop it.

  • ·        FEMA, however, is a traitor in our midst. Once thought to be safeguarding the public, FEMA is deeply compromised, actively collaborating with the Deep State. Insiders have confirmed that FEMA is trying to subvert the EAS, plotting to censor broadcasts and control the narrative during the 10 days of darkness. FEMA has positioned itself as the gatekeeper, working to block the flood of truth that’s about to hit the world.

  • ·        Reports have surfaced of FEMA’s closed-door briefings with top military officials and telecom giants, plotting to jam critical transmissions. Their goal? To protect the Deep State’s secrets. But the Earth Alliance is one step ahead. FEMA’s sabotage attempts are failing, and their betrayal will soon be exposed.

  • ·        The EAS is no longer just a test—it’s the sword that will cut through the lies. The 10 days of darkness will be a total communications blackout, except for the relentless, unfiltered truth the Military Alliance has been preparing to unleash.

  • ·        The Deep State’s fortress is crumbling, and FEMA’s betrayal is the final proof that the Earth Alliance is on the verge of total victory. The world will never be the same.

  • ·        The countdown has begun. This is not a drill. The truth is coming, and the EAS is leading the charge. Prepare yourself.

  • ·        The Great Awakening begins                                                                              


The Real News for Tues. 10 Sept. 2024:


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Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 MILITARY INTEL: Decoding the Imminent EBS, DEFCON ONE ALERT, Trump Commander-in-Chief, Star-Link Satellites Awaiting the Green Light! …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram:

  • ·        The storm is brewing, and the countdown has begun. The EBS—Emergency Broadcast System—signals the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Martial Law is about to hit, and with it, a ten-day blackout plunging the world into total communication darkness. During this time, phones, internet, ATMs, and credit cards will shut down. Are you ready?

  • ·        The Deep State won’t be able to hide anymore. The web of lies they’ve spun around global finance, media, and government is about to unravel. The White Hats have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to expose the truth. The masterminds controlling the Central Bank, manipulating the masses through news channels like CNN, FOX, and even The New York Times are about to face the music.

  • ·        The plan? 500,000 global arrests of elite puppeteers who’ve enslaved the world for centuries. These aren’t small-time criminals—these are the so-called untouchables. But their reign of terror is crumbling.

  • ·        And it gets better. Star-Link satellites are on standby, ready to send emergency alerts to every mobile phone on the planet. We’re talking about a global shutdown, with the EBS blasting the truth 24/7. Martial law, combined with the broadcast of a year-long documentary exposing fraud, corruption, pedophilia, and more, will shake the foundations of society as we know it.

  • ·        The Global Financial Reset is looming. The stock market is set to crash in an event so huge, it’s being called the Black Swan. With 209 countries facing a currency transition, the global economic system will be forever altered. This isn’t just a theory. It’s a plan, and it’s already in motion.

  • ·        DEFCON ONE Alert. Trump, as Commander-in-Chief, will lead the charge as the White Hats prepare for the final phase. This isn’t just another warning. This is the final countdown.


Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 FISA: Unraveling the Military Coup – Trump’s Treason Call …GITMO TV on Telegram

  • ·        The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is no longer just a tool for foreign surveillance. It’s the key to exposing the darkest coup in American history. President Trump’s bold declaration: “It’s TREASON,” has sparked a firestorm, pointing to forces within the government using FISA for their agenda—against you, the American people. They never expected this to come to light, but now it’s all unraveling.

  • ·        In 2021 the FBI did 3.4 million warrant-less searches. No oversight, no transparency—just raw power. They hijacked FISA, originally intended to spy on foreign entities, and turned it on innocent citizens. It’s a massive invasion of privacy, but it doesn’t end there. This is about control, about silencing dissent, and yes, about installing their puppets in place of real patriots. Think back—who ordered these searches? Who benefits from this totalitarian a***e?

  • ·        The Flynn factor. They tried to destroy him, but why? What did General Flynn know that made him a target of FISA? Trump’s inner circle was never just about politics; it was a battle for control over America’s soul. The FISA warrants weren’t just about Flynn. They were about dismantling Trump’s influence and crushing anyone who dared to resist.

  • ·        QAnon warned us. The signs were always there. Every cryptic message, every drop hinted at FISA’s role in this covert war. FISA is the hidden thread connecting corrupt global maneuvers—from the Middle East to Washington, D.C. The attempt to overthrow leaders like Bin Salman and the engineered revolutions point to FISA’s global reach. What the elite don’t want you to know is that FISA is a weapon in their game to reshape the world—and the U.S. is just one of their targets.

  • ·        Military Coup in Motion? The whispers are growing louder—U.S. generals, split and at war within the ranks, may be gearing up for an internal coup. The deep state’s stranglehold on military leadership is being challenged, and the outcome could shift the balance of power forever. But don’t forget—there are white hats in the military, patriots ready to blow the whistle and reveal the plot. These patriots are gathering evidence, working behind the scenes, and preparing to expose the deep state’s crimes at the 11.3 moment.

  • ·        Blinken’s tangled web. White hats have him in their sights. His ties to Obama and secret dealings with Iran paint him as a key player in the shadow government’s plans. Did you know? Blinken was at the center of the fake Osama Bin Laden operation. The revelations to come will rock the establishment, implicating him in high treason.

  • ·        It all leads back to the Biden Crime Family. Hunter’s dirty deals, the Biden’s criminal empire—it’s all coming out. But it’s not just about corruption; it’s about national security. Hunter’s laptop holds classified military secrets. The elites thought they could bury this, but the truth is about to explode.

  • ·        Stay tuned. The Storm is brewing.


Mon. 9 Sept. 2024 The Deep State Cabal: A Power Struggle …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • ·        According to XRPLion, the real battle is between the Deep State Cabal and the WHITE HATS Global Military Alliance, which is backed by Space Force. XRPLion argues that this alliance is preparing to shut down all financial markets, aiming to dismantle the corrupt systems that have long enslaved humanity.

  • ·        A planned power outage, initially designed to protect the Cabal’s interests, will ironically trigger their downfall. Once the financial markets are shut down, they will never reopen. From the ruins of the old system, the Quantum Financial System—driven by divine principles—will rise, ushering in an era of transparency and fairness.

  • ·        Quantum Power and the Star Link Revolution: The transition to the Quantum Financial System is underscored by the activation of Star Link, a groundbreaking technology harnessing quantum power. This technological marvel will dismantle the existing financial frameworks, leading to a dramatic collapse of both stock and crypto markets. This seismic event won’t just level the playing field; it will completely redefine it.

  • ·        The resulting market crash is anticipated to be the largest in history, surpassing even the Great Depression. While this financial apocalypse will devastate the unprepared, it presents a historic opportunity for those ready to embrace the new paradigm. This is where the true wealth transfer will take place, as assets are revalued under the new system.

  • ·        The Rise of the APES: A New Financial Order: Amidst this upheaval, a new group emerges—the APES, a term that represents the collective power of retail investors. XRPLion emphasizes the importance of HODLing (holding on for dear life), as the APES remain steadfast in their positions, waiting for their desired outcomes.

  • ·        As the old system crumbles, the APES will seize the moment to redistribute wealth. This isn’t merely about financial gain; it’s about reclaiming power from the institutions that have suppressed the masses for so long. Representing ordinary people, the APES will rise as the new financial elite, facilitating the largest wealth transfer in history.

  • ·        The Demise of the Cabal: A Divine Mandate: XRPLion makes it clear: the Deep State Cabal is not in control. The real orchestrators are the White Hats Global Military Alliance, operating under a divine mandate. The shutdown of corrupt financial systems is part of a broader spiritual awakening, as prophesied.

  • ·        This divine intervention guarantees that nothing from the old, corrupt system will make its way into the new. As XRPLion states, “All EVIL IS GONE.” The new Quantum Financial System isn’t just a technological upgrade; it’s a complete overhaul of the ethical foundations governing finance. Redemption centers will play a critical role in this transformation, ensuring that only those who align with these divine principles will benefit from the new system.


Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 “The Entire World is Watching.” …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy

  • ·        Patriots from around the World are PRAYing for AMERICA.

  • ·        We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question: Put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.

  • ·        Remember the battles of Lexington and Concord – “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!”

  • ·        For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate.

We became divided.We became weak.

We elected TRAITORS to govern us.

We allowed EVIL to prey on us.

Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.

The evil and corruption only grew.

This is more than party politics.

This is about restoring OLD GLORY.

This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm.

This is about preserving our REPUBLIC.

This is about preserving our SAFETY.

This is about restoring our STRENGTH.


This is about PROTECTING our children.


We are all God’s children.

We are, FATHERS.

We are, MOTHERS.


We are, SONS.


We are, SISTERS.

We do not look at race.We do not look at skin color.


We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.





Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 “They are lying to you and will continue to lie to you until we stop it.” …QAnon – The Storm is Coming on Telegram

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