Wednesday BLOG 11-22-23
Verse(s) for today:
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Psalm 23:6 KJV
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25 KJV
Political Zionism and its war against history
NOV 22
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
—Søren Kierkegaard (1813-55)
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Jihad on Churches in France:
by Raymond Ibrahim
• November 22, 2023
· A map, published by, which marks with a red pin every spot where a church in France was attacked between just 2017-2018, looks like a war zone. Virtually the entire map of France is covered in red. Even Snopes, which presents itself as the final arbiter on what is real or fake news, admitted the accuracy of the map, while trying to minimize its findings...
· One wonders if [Snopes] would be so casual if a Christian vandalized a mosque, or broke into a mosque while screaming Christian slogans?
· In July 2023, Muslims torched the 12th century Saint-Georges De La Haye church in Descartes, France. (Image source: Joël Thibault/Wikimedia Commons)
· Christian churches are under attack throughout Western Europe, with very recent examples from Austria, Germany, Italy and Sweden.
· No Western nation, however, seems to experience as many attacks on its churches as France, once known as the "Eldest Daughter of the Church."
· Investigative journalist Amy Mek tweeted on July 1, 2023:
· "Attacks on Churches are the norm in France; two Churches a day are vandalized — they are being burned, demolished, and abandoned, and their adherents are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Priests are under constant threat. At what point will France's open border politicians be held responsible?"
· That last question inadvertently identifies the culprits — namely, migrants from the Muslim world, where attacks on churches are not abnormal.
Christian churches are under attack throughout Western Europe, with very recent examples from Austria, Germany, Italy and Sweden.
No Western nation, however, seems to experience as many attacks on its churches as France, once known as the "Eldest Daughter of the Church."
Investigative journalist Amy Mek tweeted on July 1, 2023:
"Attacks on Churches are the norm in France; two Churches a day are vandalized — they are being burned, demolished, and abandoned, and their adherents are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Priests are under constant threat. At what point will France's open border politicians be held responsible?"
That last question inadvertently identifies the culprits — namely, migrants from the Muslim world, where attacks on churches are not abnormal.
In July 2023, for instance, Muslims attacked and desecrated several churches in France, by breaking the doors and windows of one church and spray-painting anti-Jesus and pro-Muhammad graffiti on its walls. The men also torched at least two historic churches — a 16th century church in Drosnay, and the 12th century Saint-Georges De La Haye-Descartes church — after general riots prompted by the June 27 police shooting of Nahel Merzouk, a Muslim criminal.
Not only did French authorities pretend that these two heritage churches simply "caught fire" — "probably due to a storm" — but they insisted that it was the police killing that prompted otherwise peaceful Muslims to riot at all.
If this was the case, what does one make of the fact that Muslims have been attacking churches in France for decades? Below is a recent sampling of attacks that occurred before the June 27 shooting of Merzouk:
June 26: Saint-Lazare church, which stands near another church that was heavily vandalized by Muslims on July 5, was desecrated and robbed.
June 20: A "gang of college students" stormed into the Saint Roch Church in Nice, mockingly doused themselves with holy water, and began shouting "Allahu akbar," which, the report notes, is "regularly heard during Islamist attacks." The first deputy mayor of Nice, Anthony Borré, responded in a letter to his apparently indifferent higher ups, urging them to take such matters seriously:
"Since October 29, 2020 and the Islamist attack on the Notre-Dame Basilica in our city [when another "Allahu akbar" yelling Muslim slaughtered two French women—one by beheading—and a man inside a church], you are not unaware of how traumatic it can be for our fellow citizens to hear such remarks within a church and the painful memories that they can revive. Faced with these attempts to destabilize society and with the attacks on our secular Republic, we must provide a strong and collective response."
June 23: Three Muslims, aged between 12 and 13, barged into Saint Joseph Church in Nice, during an afternoon mass, and also began shouting "Allahu akbar." Nice, it bears remembering, is also where another Muslim murdered 84 people in 2016.
June 12: After breaking into church property, a gang of Muslims — described only as a "group of young people" — savagely beat Fr. Joseph Eid of Notre-Dame-du-Liban parish and called him a "dirty Christian." While fleeing intervening passersby, they spewed other "anti-Christian insults."
Muslims also thrashed the 80-year-old Catholic priest of Saint Vincent de Paul in Saint-Étienne. After knocking Fr. Francis Palle to the ground, they continued beating and kicking the octogenarian, until he fell unconscious (last reported he was in critical condition). Although this attack occurred on June 30, three days after the police killing of Nahel Merzouk, the diocese said that it had nothing to do with the riots, but was, rather, standard fare.
June 3, The Church of Mailhac was heavily vandalized.
May 28: Several "unidentified" people broke into and vandalized the Saint-Laurent church in Cugnaux, which has a large Muslim presence: they defaced a crucifix, overturned candles onto the ground, and damaged icons — before setting the church aflame. A passerby, however, quickly intervened, including by calling the fire department which arrived swiftly and put out the flames. In response, Albert Sanchez, the mayor of Cugnaux, called for more "dialogue and understanding between the different religious and cultural communities of our city," since "diversity is our strength and our pride."
May 4: "Long live Islam," as well as Arabic writing, were found spray-painted on the walls of a church in Lieusaint in Seine-et-Marne. The report adds that "This is not the first time this church has been vandalized... Several statues had been damaged and knocked over."
March 16: A man, previously "on file for his Islamist radicalization," stormed the Saint-Hippolyte Church in Paris and disrupted its service. He also stole the church's six-foot-tall Plexiglas cross, which had supported a 400-year-old wooden Christ. It was later found nearby "smashed into many pieces," said police.
March 8: A Muslim migrant entered into the Saint-Louis church cemetery in Évreux and proceeded to break off and desecrate the crucifixes affixed to some 30 graves.
March 2: A man described as of an "African type," vandalized Saint-Eustache, one of the largest churches in Paris, in part by smashing the protective glass of an altar with a fire extinguisher. The report notes that "The suspect's modus operandi ... [is] comparable to that of the Saint-François-Xavier church [vandalism], where damage had been committed on Tuesday, February 28."
While discussing these Paris church attacks, a March 17 report noted that a total of eight Parisian churches were vandalized or set on fire during the ten weeks between January and mid-March of 2023.
The above, as mentioned, are just a few examples: most attacks on churches in France are not even reported by local media. Investigative journalist Sonja Dahlmans offers more details:
"Crucifixes, organs, altars and other religious symbols are regularly destroyed or stolen [from the churches of France]. Statues of saints also suffer. In the church of Angers, seven statues of saints were beheaded or amputated in April this year. A statue of Mary was beheaded in the St. Martin's Church in Choicy-le-Roi. Stained glass windows of old churches are also regularly smashed by vandals, such as in Guerlesquin. Extreme violence was used last October in the Saint-Joseph Chapel in Saint-Pol-de-Léon. There, vandals smashed the church doors with an ax and smashed all the church windows. All crucifixes and other religious symbols were destroyed by the perpetrators.
"Church cemeteries and graves cannot escape vandals. In Velsy, this involved damaging and robbing 150 graves in June 2022. The crosses on the graves and other religious symbols were taken or destroyed by the perpetrators. Eighteen graves of the church in Rocquemont were destroyed in May of the same year. A statue of Mary at the Guignicourt-sur-Vence cemetery was stolen in August 2022."
It would seem that a full-blown jihad has been declared on the churches of France, and the country's leadership is looking the other way.
A map, published by, which marks with a red pin every spot where a church in France was attacked between just 2017-2018, looks like a war zone. Virtually the entire map of France is covered in red. Even Snopes, which presents itself as the final arbiter on what is real or fake news, admitted the accuracy of the map, while trying to minimize its findings:
"While this image [the map] is often shared as if it shows all of the churches that were 'destroyed' in France, this map actually documents a wide range of nefarious activity, such as vandalism, theft, and arson, that occurred at both churches and cemeteries over an apparent span of two years (not four), covering 2017 and 2018.
"It should also be noted that while this map does document some relatively serious crimes, such as arson or the toppling of church statues, many of these pins correspond to graffiti-related incidents. We also found one pin related to a person's simply interrupting a church service."
In other words, according to Snopes, having jihadist, anti-Christian graffiti spray-painted on a church, or having a church service interrupted by a Muslim intruder screaming "Allahu akbar," is not sufficiently "serious."
One wonders if they would be so casual if a Christian vandalized a mosque, or broke into a mosque while screaming Christian slogans?
It should, incidentally, be unsurprising that the official mainstream response to the jihad on French churches is one of feigned ignorance, as captured by one somewhat surreal Newsweek title: "Catholic Churches Are Being Desecrated Across France—and Officials Don't Know Why."
While this report does a decent job of summarizing the "spate of attacks against Catholic churches" — including through "arson," "vandalism," and "desecration" — the words "Muslim," "migrants," or even "Islamists" appear nowhere in the report. Rather, "anarchist and feminist groups," angry at churches because they are "a symbol of the patriarchy that needs to be dismantled," are alluded to.
Meanwhile, even deductive reasoning makes clear that Muslims perpetrate the lion's share of attacks on churches. Dahlmans reports:
"[A]ccording to a 2022 OSCE report, France is in the top five European countries with the most recorded anti-Christian hate crimes. The other countries in the top five are Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden."
There is something else that these top five nations have in common: significantly large Muslim populations. Put differently, while Poland, Hungary and other Eastern European nations have their share of "anarchist and feminist groups," they have very few attacks on churches — and even fewer Muslims.
There are, of course, "practical" reasons why all of these Muslim attacks on French churches are massively obfuscated and dissembled. Imagine, for instance, how the tragic burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral in 2019 might be understood if it was common knowledge that countless churches in every corner of France have been and continue to be under constant attack, including through arson, by that nation's significant Muslim population (hundreds of whom made it a point to gloat as Notre Dame went up in flames)?
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West, Sword and Scimitar, Crucified Again, and The Al Qaeda Reader, is the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.
[The Gatestone Institute]

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Trozzi Report: 2023-11-21
Hamilton November 25 Please Join Us
Michael Alexander, Derek Sloan, Dr Jennifer Hibberd, Dr Chris Shoemaker, and Dr Trozzi
I pray that you are all well. I’ve been very engaged in Romania for the past days, meeting with a great team of covid truth experts from around the world, and some exceptional Romanian politicians, including Christian Terhes, the beloved Romanian member of the parliament of the European Union who defended Canadians. Christian is the EU MP who called out Trudeau as the “dictator” that he is, when Trudeau went into covid-hiding and sent foreign military thugs to assault innocent Canadians during our Canadian Truckers Freedom rally in Ottawa in 2022.
I will have lots more to report soon from my time here in Romania, including a press conference alongside members of the Romanian Federal Parliament.
This Saturday November 25th I hope you can join us in Hamilton Ontario. Constitutional Lawyer Michael Alexander, Human Rights activist and former federal MP Derek Sloan, covid truth and freedom leaders Dr Jennider Hibberd and Dr Chris Shoemaker, as well as myself will all be there. We will uplift and encourage each other; update you on our actions and strategies to restore ethical nurses and doctors to serving you; explain some of the most recent scientific findings related to the toxic covid genetic injections and strategies to detoxify from them; share international news of the fight to restore human rights and rule of law; and answer your questions on law, politics, and science.
Attendance is free; this is voluntary donation fund-raiser for the David verses Goliath fight against the criminal covid agenda in Ontario and Canada. Please share this post especially with friends, freedom lovers, and coerced-injection injured persons in SW Ontario , Hamilton, or Metropolitan Toronto regions. If you can not attend and still want to support the cause, please donate to this team. For anyone who can not attend but is seeking help with covid genetic “vaccine” injuries, please refer them to the detox information.
For more information and to register for Saturday please email the host at
Here is my short video announcement and more info.

'I like kids better than people':
President Biden asks 6-year-old girl if she's 17 at awkward 'Friendsgiving' event:
President Biden's apparent good deeds were overshadowed by strange comments made toward children at a Friendsgiving dinner event in Virginia.
Biden, addressing service members at Naval Station Norfolk for 'Friendsgiving,' asks a 6-year-old girl if she's 17
The president visited Naval Station Norfolk to serve Thanksgiving dinner to military members and their families, Reuters reported, including families associated with the Dwight D. Eisenhower and Gerald R. Ford aircraft carriers. The carriers are both deployed in the Mediterranean Sea due to the Israel-Palestine war.
Biden's first awkward comment was made before children at the event got a chance to view the new "Wonka" movie, a remake of the classic "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" story.
"I like kids better than people," Biden said. "I wish I could stay and watch 'Wonka' with you, but I'm not gonna get to do that," he added.
Biden used the same line in 2021 during a CNN town hall with Anderson Cooper. After the president made a comment about the host's child, Cooper replied "Yes, he's 9 and a half months, so I'm very happy."
"I get it. No, no, everybody knows I like kids better than people," the president remarked.
Alongside first lady Jill Biden, the president served portions of mashed potatoes and sweet potato casserole to hungry diners at the military hangar and told service members that they are "the spine, the sinew, the backbone of this operation."
"You family members are the heart of this operation," Biden added.
Unfortunately, the president made questionable remarks as he approached the table of a family who was seated to the left of where he was giving remarks.
"I love your ears!" Biden told a little girl who was wearing a festive headband with animal ears. "I love 'em. They’re really cool! What’s your name?"
"Catherine," the small girl replied.
"Catherine ... what a beautiful name. That’s my mommy’s name," the president remarked before presuming the girl's age.
"How old are you? 17?" Biden asked the young child.
"No, she's 6," someone else replied.
"Six?!" the president said.
The president turned 81 years old the following day, making him the oldest president to serve in the Oval Office.
Comedian Bill Maher was the first to kick off with jokes about the president's age, saying that his latest birthday is an occasion that is "very bad politically."
"We've never had a president who is 81. Doesn't mean he can't do it, I'm just saying. I like the guy, but I'm just saying if Joe Biden was a balcony, I wouldn't step out on him for a smoke," Maher joked.
[Ox News]

Axelrod continues criticisms of Joe Biden after name calling:
Former Obama adviser David Axelrod continued to criticize President Joe Biden's chances at reelection after the president blasted him as a "pr**k."
Axelrod shared the details in a New York Times column on Sunday that addressed the aging Democrat's chances in 2024.
The facts
"I don’t care about them thinking I’m a prick — that’s fine," Axelrod told Dowd. "I hope they don’t think the polls are wrong, because they’re not," Axelrod stated.
"I think he has a 50-50 shot here, but no better than that, maybe a little worse," Axelrod said. "He thinks he can cheat nature here and it’s really risky. They’ve got a real problem if they’re counting on Trump to win it for them. I remember Hillary doing that, too," he added.

The background
"During the 2020 presidential election cycle, Axelrod said Biden was 'Mr. Magooing his way' through the Democratic primary. 'You keep worrying he's going to hit a wall,' he added, 'but he's moving forward,'" Newsmax reported.
"Meanwhile, amid sticky inflation and ongoing wars in the Middle East and Europe, according to recent polls, Americans have grown pessimistic about a second Biden term," it added.

Doubling down
“Listen, I understand he was irritated because I raised concerns that many, many Democrats had. And again, you know, my feeling is either get out or get going," Axelrod stated during a CNN interview.
"But the status quo, the way they were approaching the campaign, this sort of ‘What, me, worry?’ attitude about the campaign was not going to get him to where he needs to go,” he said.
Biden, who turned 81 Monday, has continued to be the source of concern among many Democrats who see him as too old to serve another term.
The issue also continues to grow as polls show former President Trump pulling ahead of Biden in many places, including five of six battleground states in a recent poll.
Biden appears determined to run regardless, but Axelrod is not alone in his concerns that the president may not do as well in a second election against Trump.
[American Digest]

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has criticized the Biden campaign for considering the use of TikTok to attract voters, citing national security concerns.
In a recent development, Cotton has voiced strong opposition to the Biden campaign's potential use of TikTok for the 2024 presidential campaign.
This stance comes in the wake of the app being banned on U.S. government devices due to national security concerns. The controversy surrounds the application's ties to China and the risks it may pose to the United States, as FOX News reports.
Political dilemma:
TikTok's use and national security!
Cotton's criticism is grounded in the app's ownership by ByteDance, a Chinese company.
The lawmaker argues that using TikTok, which has been prohibited on government devices, could present a significant security risk.
This concern is amplified by the app's widespread use among the younger demographic, a key voter segment for the Biden campaign.
The senator's remarks emphasize the contradiction of using an app banned by the government for a presidential campaign. This issue is particularly sensitive given the current geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China.
Talking about the hypocrisy of Biden's campaign, Cotton stated:
Joe Biden's campaign is now thinking, apparently, about going on to TikTok. So just think about that. You have all of these senior aides at the White House who carry two phones, one government phone — on which they can't download TikTok — and one personal campaign phone on which they'll be obsessively checking TikTok to look at Joe Biden's campaign account.
TikTok: A tool for political campaigns?
The use of social media platforms like TikTok in political campaigns is not new.
However, the unique nature of TikTok, particularly its association with China, makes its potential use by the Biden campaign a subject of debate.
The app's influence on American youth and its capability to shape political narratives is a significant aspect of this discussion.
Cotton stated:
Joe Biden's campaign shouldn't do it, and President Biden should sign a total ban of TikTok into law next month.
Cotton's argument centers on the app's history of influencing political narratives, citing instances of TikTok users impacting events like former President Donald Trump's campaign rallies.
The debate over TikTok and its implications
While acknowledging TikTok's popularity and its potential as a campaign tool, Cotton warns of its use in spreading Chinese propaganda.
He expresses concerns over the platform's capability to undermine U.S. interests and influence its domestic and foreign policy.
These concerns are not limited to the U.S. but extend to other countries as well, highlighting the global impact of the platform's content and its potential use by foreign entities.
Public and political reaction to TikTok's potential use
The potential use of TikTok by the Biden campaign has sparked a mix of reactions.
Supporters of the campaign might see it as an innovative way to connect with younger voters. However, critics, including Cotton, view it as a risky move that could compromise national security.
This debate reflects the broader conversation about the role of social media in politics and the balance between engaging voters and ensuring national security.
Security risks and social media in politics
The discussion about TikTok's use in the Biden campaign highlights the complex relationship between social media and politics.
The integration of these platforms into political strategies raises questions about security, propaganda, and the influence of foreign entities in domestic political processes.
As the 2024 presidential campaign approaches, the decision of whether to use TikTok will likely remain a contentious issue, reflecting broader concerns about cybersecurity and foreign influence in U.S. politics.
· Senator Tom Cotton criticizes the Biden campaign for considering TikTok use, citing national security risks.
· The debate centers on the contradiction of using an app banned on government devices for a presidential campaign.
· TikTok's potential influence in political narratives and its association with China are key concerns.
· Cotton warns against the app's use for spreading Chinese propaganda and undermining U.S. interests.
· The issue reflects broader concerns about the role of social media in politics and national security.
· The decision on TikTok's use in the Biden campaign is seen as a significant indicator for future political strategies and digital platform use.
[Washington Digest]

James Comer is outraged after these damning memos leak to the public:
The system of checks and balances established in the United States Constitution are essential to preserving the three co-equal branches of government.
Having said that, Joe Biden and his cronies face a barrage of allegations, claiming that they have abused their executive powers to not just check other branches of government but rather to undermine them.
And James Comer is outraged after these damning memos leak to the public.
The Department of Justice’s latest alleged scheme could be their most shocking abuse of power to date.
In a small period of time the size and scope of the federal government has ballooned, costing taxpayers both their hard-earned tax dollars and their liberties.
In particular, the Department of Justice and its many agencies have grown significantly, and the full extent of their overreach has yet to be determined.
However, last week a Senate investigator named Jason Foster, who now works at the Empower Oversight whistleblower center, revealed to Just the News he has evidence that the Department of Justice successfully convinced the courts to hide the DOJ’s spying program, which allegedly targeted members of Congress and their staff.
Foster claims that he was spied on by the Department of Justice while he served as the chief investigative counsel for Sen. Chuck Grassley on the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017.
Furthermore, Foster claims that he learned of this spying after Google provided him with information about exactly when his data was handed over to federal investigators.
Typically, the Department of Justice is required to reveal any sort of data seizures within a year; however, the Department of Justice successfully convinced the courts to keep their efforts under wraps.
On last Tuesday’s broadcast of Just the News No Noise, Foster claimed, “They (Google) provided me the notifications that they got from the court signed by magistrate judges showing that for five of the six years there were non-disclosure orders requested by DOJ and approved by the court.”
He added, “Why after that occurred, would they still be trying to keep the order for my records, and my other Democrat and Republican colleagues’ records secret, after the case is already over? That’s the question that I am urging authorities on the Hill and the Inspector General to look at.”
There are few agencies with as much power as the Department of Justice
It almost goes without saying that the modern executive branch far exceeds the authority given to them in the constitution.
Many political experts call the massive size of the executive branch bureaucracies, such as the Department of Justice, the fourth branch of government, which undermines the constitution’s systems of checks and balances.
If these allegations against the Department of Justice are even remotely true, then it shows that the executive branch has abused its power to undermine the legislative branch, which is an egregious violation of the United States Constitution.
[Un-Muzzled News]

Texas Defies Mexico, Passes Border-Busting Bill: Biden Beware!
In a move that has surely rattled the Mexican government, the great state of Texas has passed legislation that would make illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border a state crime. Ah, it’s a beautiful sight to see Texas taking control of its own destiny and slamming the door shut on those who want to break our laws!
Mexico ‘Rejects’ Texas Bill to Enforce Border Security
— (@townhallcom) November 17, 2023
Of course, the Mexican government had to throw a little fit in response. They claimed to “categorically reject” this proposal and tried to play the sympathy card by talking about due process and the rights of migrants. Well, guess what Mexico? We have our own rights too, and one of them is the right to protect our borders and determine who can enter our great state!
You see, dear readers, Mexico doesn’t seem to understand that the United States has the sovereign right to make its own decisions when it comes to immigration policies. And let’s not forget that Mexico has the audacity to claim they want to defend the millions of people of Mexican origin in Texas. Last time we checked, Texas was a part of the United States, not Mexico. So maybe they should focus on defending their own citizens instead!
But Texas Governor Greg Abbott hit the nail on the head when he said that Texas is just trying to fill the gap left by President Biden’s refusal to enforce immigration laws. It’s about time someone took a stand against the chaos at our borders! This legislation will allow state troopers to arrest illegal immigrants who enter the United States illegally. And if you have a criminal record and keep sneaking back in, you could even be convicted of a felony! Now that’s what I call tough on crime!
This is a bold move by Texas, and it’s sending a clear message to the Biden administration and Mexico: We are taking control of our own destiny, and we won’t stand idly by while our laws are broken. So, bravo to Texas for standing up for what’s right and defending our great state from those who want to take advantage of our generosity. It’s time to put America first and protect our borders, and Texas is leading the way!
[Patriot Power Network]
[Right Wing American News]

The truth about January 6 comes out after top Republican releases unseen video:
Democrats believe the riots on January 6 were worse than 9/11. But now new footage will put those ridiculous beliefs to rest.
That’s because the truth about January 6 came out after top Republican releases unseen video.
The riots on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, was not the best day in American history.
But it also wasn’t the massively tragic event that the Left makes it out to be.
And now video released by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), gives Americans the chance to view the footage themselves.
“Follow the link below to view the January 6th tapes for yourself. To restore America’s trust and faith in their Government we must have transparency,” Johnson said in a post to X.
“This is another step towards keeping the promises I made when I was elected to be your Speaker.”

This isn’t the first time video of that day has been released.
In February of this year, former Fox News host, Tucker Carlson was given 41,000 hours of footage from January 6 by then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), according to Axios.
Carlson then went on Fox News and showed some of the footage, including a video of Jacob Chansley, the protestor who was famous for wearing bison headgear, being calmly escorted by Capitol Police through the Capitol building almost as if the officers were acting as “tour guides,” according to Carlson.

The video Carlson says, “does not support the claim that January 6th was an insurrection. In fact, it demolished that claim.”
And the newly released CCTV video that Johnson provided to the public, shows more of the same.
In one excerpt from one of the security cameras, protestors can be seen guided by Capitol Police in a calm manner.
There were no moves to try and apprehend any of them despite them being an alleged threat.
This yet again proves to Leftists that January 6 and the events that happened that day, were nowhere near as dangerous as that they claimed it to be.
But that doesn’t matter to them, as they’ll continue to peddle lies to try and scare the American public about a Trump-led insurrection.
[Federalist Wire]

Breaking News – Capitalism Institute:
[Capitalism Institute]
Charges Dropped against Restaurant that Defied Vax Mandates:
Without Papers Pizza was forced into insolvency due to government COVID dictates.
Johnson said, however, that people need to learn how to “forgive” their oppressors as “Christ” commanded.
“We need to pray to Jesus Christ to offer us forgiveness and to give us the light to fight further into the future,” he said.
The TDF said that Johnson’s lawyers had argued in their constitutional application that the city bylaws in question “were implementing public health orders that were found to be invalid by judges of the Court of King’s Bench.”
“More specifically, the impugned health orders were held to be ultra vires the Public Health Act as they were made by the provincial cabinet as opposed to the Chief Medical Officer of Health, which is what the law required,” the TDF stated.
Johnson’s charges being dropped came in the wake of a recent court ruling that declared certain public health orders effectively null.
At the end of July, Justice Barbara Romaine from Alberta’s Court of Kings Bench ruled that politicians violated the province’s health act by making decisions regarding COVID mandates without authorization.

The decision put into doubt all cases involving those facing non-criminal COVID-related charges in the province.

[Life Site News]
The Andrew Lawton Show | Human rights commission says Christmas is a “Discriminatory” Holiday:
[Donna Warren]

David YEO:
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C@NAD!@N PR3PP3R: !R@N 0n FULL AL3RT (44 Min)
***R0B3RT Y0uNG: D!$TurB!nG TruTh @B0UT VXX (78 Min) [see Picture following]
NFL: F0RM3R PL@Y3R**C0UNTRY $!NG3R D!3$ @ 35 (2 Min)
ANT@RCT!CA (3 Min)
$@TAN'$ 3ND G@M3 PL@N (4 Min)
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UnVXXD M@N !s M3$$3D Up AFT3R a BLD Tr@N$FU$!0N (2 Min)
Th3!R $CR!PT (1 Min)
H0$P!T@L TUNN3L$ (10 Min)
F@L$3 R3@L!TY & M!ND C0NTR0L (6 Min)
K!W!: F!TN3$$ M0D3L D!3$ $uDD3NLy (1 Min)
P!L0T-P@UL 0n Th3 PL@N3**F@K!NG $P@C3 (56 Min)

Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND
There is a lot of INFORMATION here... Things are happening FAST!
Jan. 6 Findings:
· Last week, Speaker Johnson released the January 6th tapes and one thing is clear: the more we learn about that day, the more we see how the heroes in the US Capitol Police were completely failed by their leadership and that starts with Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. That is why Speaker Pelosi kicked me and Jim Jordan off the January 6th committee because we promised to investigate the security failures on that day. The President of the Capitol Police Union and rank-and-file officers told us the USCP did not receive critical intelligence reports, and were left without the proper equipment, staffing, and training to do their job. The Democrats’ sham committee refused to address this or take any steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Adding insult to injury, many members of the committee are now profiting off this shameful circus by selling their personal memoirs. Releasing the full January 6th tapes fulfills House Republicans promise of transparency and allows the American people to see for themselves how badly Capitol leadership, led by Nancy Pelosi, failed our officers and our nation.
Fake Mainstream Media:
· Mon. 20 Nov. Trump's social media platform Truth Social files defamation lawsuit against twenty media companies.
· Tues. 21 Nov. Texas Attorney General opens an investigation into Media Matters "for potential fraudulent activity." Earlier today, Elon Musk's X sued Media Matters for defaming the platform and "maliciously" driving away advertisers.
· Tues. 21 Nov. Absolute 1776 on Telegram: Having a look see around and it is clear that a lot of folk are unaware of exactly how nefarious Media Matters really is. They are not simply a network of harmless shills and trolls. Media Matters is tied very closely to Shareblue. Why is this relevant? Because Shareblue is headed up by David Brock. David Brock and Shareblue are tied very closely to the Clintons, DNC, and Clinton Foundation. David Brock is also very veeeeery close to James Alefantis of Pizzagate infamy. Is the picture a little clearer now? All Media Matters has done is bully conservative voices, websites, businesses and people for years - including yours truly not so long ago. They have ruined lives. They have ruined careers, and they have ties to some seriously dark and seedy people. Elon Musk placing Media Matters in his sights while referencing their “dark money” and pointing out how evil they are is not a small deal. Elon has everything. All of it. Media Matters is fooked, and watching their demise will be absolutely glorious. Enjoy the show.
Tues. 21 Nov. NESARA / GESARA: The Dawn of a New World, Charlie Ward
· "The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!" Prepare for a world where poverty, hunger, and debt are relics of the past, replaced by global prosperity and lasting peace for all!
· NESARA Joins Forces with GESARA In a monumental shift: NESARA, a comprehensive economic reform plan for the United States, has united its destiny with GESARA, its global counterpart. This momentous announcement heralds a profound transformation that will impact not only the United States but also a coalition of 206 sovereign nations worldwide. The linchpin of this transformation is the new financial system enshrined within GESARA.
· A Global Gold-Standard Monetary System: Once GESARA takes center stage, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will declare the inception of a "global gold-standard monetary system." In this new era, all remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-backed currency, a significant step away from paper money. The march toward digital currencies will gain momentum under this revitalized financial system.
· A Transition Rooted in Simplicity: To ensure a seamless transition, meticulous preparations have been made. The new financial system has been operational for months, securely hosted on a quantum server impervious to hacking or unauthorized access. Crucially, wealth proliferation is a cornerstone of this transformation. Newly minted wealth holders are more inclined to contribute to humanitarian efforts, ultimately fostering wealth for all.
· Wealth-Building Mechanisms: This transformation might witness a shortage of skilled workers, which, paradoxically, is a wealth-building catalyst. The resulting surge in wages and salaries counterbalances the price drop stemming from tax reductions, sometimes up to 80% of final product costs, thus ushering in deflation. Lower energy costs, thanks to free-energy technologies, further contribute to this financial renaissance.
· The Future: A Glorious Reality: Our future is poised to be a grand tapestry of innovation and abundance. Technologies once suppressed by the cabal, some dating back centuries, are finally being unleashed. For instance, the pristine waters of Antarctica will revitalize arid regions and infuse life into all flora and fauna. A world with personalized credit cards, Replicators that produce everything, and newfound awareness of the power of the mind to manifest our desires awaits. Real healthcare capable of rejuvenating our bodies, re-growing limbs or organs, and even reversing the aging process by decades is on the horizon.
· Liberation from Financial Chains: Money and traditional banking, tools historically employed by the cabal to manipulate and control us within a debt-based economy, are slated for obsolescence. Coinage, however, will endure. With the elimination of national debts globally, taxes will be lowered for individuals and corporations. Instead, a flat sales tax of approximately 15% on new items will be implemented.
· The Dissolution of the Global Elite's Pyramid: The current pyramid structure dominated by the global elite, governments, and corporations has reached its limit. This structure perpetuates class divisions and scarcity. True spiritual evolution arises when one's identity transcends material attachments. With the advent of free energy, advanced transportation, and Replicators accessible to all, true equality emerges. No one will be enslaved, people will pursue their passions with ample free time for reflection and creativity. Hoarding becomes unnecessary.
· A Vision of Advanced Civilization: In advanced civilizations, concerns about food, shelter, and transportation are relics of the past. As NESARA and GESARA unfurl, we stand on the brink of a world where prosperity, freedom, and innovation thrive, and the human spirit soars unburdened by material concerns.
