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Wednesday 10 - [2] - 24... 


Verses for today:



Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV


Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Matthew 16:24 KJV


Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

1 Timothy 4:12 KJV


... for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Romans 3:23-24 KJV






MSNBC host tries to fact-check JD Vance after softball Harris interview, but it goes Horribly Wrong: '98 eggs per week':

Stephanie Ruhle defended her softball interview with Kamala Harris. Now, she's fact-checking obvious hyperbole.

MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle became a target of mockery this week after she tried — but failed — to fact-check Republican vice-presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance.


While campaigning in Pennsylvania last month, Vance stopped at a grocery store in Reading where he talked about the inflation crisis and the skyrocketing cost of groceries under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. During his brief remarks, Vance's two sons, Ewan and Vivek, interrupted him when they reached for a carton of eggs.

'Vance: "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Ruhle: "TONIGHT, we talk to PETA to get to the bottom of this Republican-led equine eating catastrophe."'


"You want some eggs? Let's talk about eggs. Because these guys actually eat about 14 eggs every single morning," Vance quipped.


Considering that Vance's sons are young boys — ages 4 and 6 — and not bodybuilders, it's evident that Vance was engaging in hyperbole when he joked that his boys eat more than a dozen eggs each morning.

But Ruhle still tried to fact-check Vance's joke.


"14 eggs per day. 98 eggs per week. 2 children consuming 8+ dozen eggs per week," she posted on X.

Ruhle's response and calculation went viral on social media because it came less than a week after she interviewed Harris. That interview did not include fact-checks, featured few follow-up questions, and it was comprised mostly of softball questions.


On Monday, Vance mocked Ruhle's failed fact-check.

"One time I said I was so tired I could sleep for days. Stephanie Ruhle: Vance, in fact, only slept for 8 hours," he posted on X.

“One time I said I was so tired I could sleep for days. Stephanie Ruhle: Vance, in fact, only slept for 8 hours”.


Others joined in the fun.

"Vance: 'I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!' Ruhle: 'TONIGHT, we talk to PETA to get to the bottom of this Republican-led equine eating catastrophe,'" CNN commentator Scott Jennings mocked.


Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), meanwhile, observed that Ruhle's response demonstrates how "the mainstream media are some of the most pathetic people on the planet," while Christopher Rufo forwarded Ruhle the definition of "hyperbole."


Some implored Ruhle to investigate claims that it is raining cats and dogs outside, while others noted Ruhle's journalistic failure to conduct basic fact-checks on Democrats.

Last week, Ruhle defended her interview with Harris and even appeared to defend Harris for repeatedly dodging her questions.

The Blaze News




Biden prepares for War with a Massive Deployment Order:

The world is on fire. You can thank the Biden-Harris administration for a lot of it.

And now Biden prepares for war with a massive deployment order.


The Biden administration’s Middle East strategy continues to falter as the Pentagon announced Monday that the US is sending thousands more troops to the region, while Israel is forced to conduct “ground raids” into Lebanon to target Hezbollah terrorists.


Instead of projecting strength, Biden’s weak foreign policy has emboldened threats like Iran, whose proxy Hezbollah poses a growing menace to the region.


The Pentagon’s vague declaration of adding “a few thousand” troops is part of an ongoing effort that now brings the total US presence in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and other Middle Eastern nations to around 43,000.

But Biden’s administration has yet to articulate a coherent strategy to address Iran’s influence, which looms large over these developments.


One Pentagon official, speaking to the New York Times, said as many as 3,000 troops could be deployed—but how does this number address the escalating aggression from Iran-backed militias?


Deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh tried to spin the deployment as an effort “to further enhance the defense posture of US forces in the Middle East region to deter aggression,” but the reality is this: Iran’s regime, unchecked by Biden’s disastrous nuclear deal attempts, continues to stoke regional instability, leading to an increased risk of wider conflict.


Singh mentioned that the troop increase involves units already in the Middle East, with others being extended, but this reactive approach merely highlights how ill-prepared the administration is to handle rising tensions.

Meanwhile, Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group to stay in the region—a move that reeks of desperation more than strategic planning.


The military is also scrambling to boost defensive air support with F-16s, F-15es, A-10s, and F-22 fighter jets.

As Singh explained, the goal is to ensure the protection of US forces, but what about protecting American interests by countering Iran’s growing regional influence? Instead, Biden’s policies have empowered the very regimes that seek to harm us.


This flurry of military deployments comes just as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed its ground incursion into Lebanon. The IDF, taking matters into its own hands amid the growing Hezbollah threat, stated that “limited, localized, and targeted ground raids” were initiated to destroy Hezbollah’s terror infrastructure, which poses an “immediate threat to Israeli communities.”


These are the consequences of unchecked Iranian influence.

Israel’s actions follow days of intense bombing campaigns in Lebanon, which have already neutralized several top Hezbollah commanders.


Yet, while Israel seeks to protect its citizens from daily rocket attacks, the Biden administration continues to fumble its role, failing to curb Iran’s power in the region.

Israel’s goal remains clear: halt Hezbollah’s terror and restore security to its northern communities—a far cry from the Biden administration’s muddled approach.

Prudent Politics




Justin Trudeau is in Deep, Deep Do-Do as Polls Put Liberals in Fourth Place:

Canada’s Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party.

One of the last Covid thugs of the democratic world is in deep, deep do-do. I refer to Canada’s Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party. (Note to readers: in Canada the Liberal Party is and has always been a Left-of-centre party, these days a lot Left-of-centre. 


Here in Australia the Liberal Party has historically been Right-of-centre, though a fair few current Liberal Party MPs of the Black Hand Gang persuasion – I’m looking at you Simon Birmingham and most all of the remaining partyroom MPs who voted to defenestrate Tony Abbott in favour of Malcolm Turnbull – would much prefer the name ‘Liberal Party’ to be pronounced with a heavy Canadian accent. 

That’s one of the key underlying difficulties for Peter Dutton, the many, too-many wets in caucus who are incredibly out-of-step with the party base.  We saw how that worked out for the Tories in Britain, didn’t we?)


At any rate, some readers might recall that three months ago Trudeau’s Liberal Party in Canada suffered a terrible by-election blow when it lost an inner-city Toronto seat that had been held by the Liberals for eons. To the shock of many, this past June Team Trudeau lost this blue-ribbon inner Toronto seat to Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives by 633 votes. 


That was bad for Justin. 

It was also bad for Chrystia Freeland, the Liberal Party Deputy Prime Minister, as this by-election loss was for a seat that was next door to her own in the inner-city heartlands of Toronto. (Second note to readers: the Opposition Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre did not throw together Lefty policies to try to cater to this inner-city seat full of the sort of wokesters who here in Australia vote Teal. 


He simply explained how real conservative policies would help them; he shunned all the focus group risk-averse crap; and he ran knowing he could easily win the next general election without such seats but that if the voters in this inner-city constituency wanted to jettison Trudeau they’d be most welcome to come aboard a party with actual conservative values and policies. This approach produced a stunning upset win.)


That was three months ago in June. Then just two weeks ago there were two more by-elections in Canada. One was in Manitoba in the west of Canada where the Liberals generally do badly (to the extent that in the 1980 general election the Liberals won a majority government while taking only two seats, all up, in any of the four western provinces). And in this just held Manitoba by-election the Liberal candidate won – wait for it – only 4.8% of the vote. Ouch! That is strikingly bad even for the Liberal Party in western Canada. 


The other by-election from two weeks ago took place in Montreal in one of the most historically famous Liberal Party constituencies in the country.  At the last general election the Liberals had won the seat by over 10,000 votes. Yet in this just held by-election they lost the seat by 248 votes to the separatist French-Canadian party the Bloc Quebecois that only runs candidates in Quebec. The Liberals gained only 27% of the vote in the by-election. This, by the way, is a riding or constituency that has been held by a former Canadian Liberal Prime Minister. Hence this was a very, very bad result for Justin.


And what was the Canadian Prime Minister’s response to these two brutal by-election defeats? You can’t make this up. It was a combination of two things. There was the trite, vacuous, vapid, hackneyed, platitudinous slogans that up until recently had served Justin so well – “there is lots to reflect on” and “we need to stay focused” type verbiage. And then there was the blame-shifting founded on a core level sanctimony and smugness. After the two by-election losses Trudeau announced that “Canadians need to be more engaged”. Got that?


 He seems to think that he lost because the dumb plebs and Hilary Clinton type deplorables weren’t paying attention to all the supposedly good things he and his Government were doing. (Leave aside that on nearly every front the Canadian economy is bad, the Government’s “accomplishments” near-on non-existent and the Trudeau carbon tax is massively unpopular. Pay attention Mr. Dutton. Pierre Poilievre promises to get rid of the Trudeau carbon tax; get rid of the federal EV mandate; get rid of the Trudeau ban on crude oil tankers off British Columbia’s north coast. 


The Lefties are saying Poilievre will “lay waste to Trudeau’s environmental legislative legacy”. Oh, and don’t forget that Mr. Poilievre continues to pledge to halve the budget of the national broadcaster CBC TV and to turn the broadcaster’s posh head offices (think Sydney’s Ultimo) into social housing units. When a leader is chosen by the paid-up party members – as in Canada, where there are now over 750,000 Conservative party members who alone can vote for leader and only they can remove him – you can observe this thing known as ‘a backbone’ in Right-of-centre party leaders because the views of the partyroom Black Hand Gang types do not determine policy.)


As I said at the start, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is in deep, deep do-do. He is in his ninth year as PM. His first election win was a big majority Government followed by two minority Government wins. When Trudeau first won office back in 2015 he scored 63% approval, a sky high number. Today, after the Left-wing economic policies, all the Covid thuggery, the waning appeal of his vapid pretty boy routine, Trudeau’s approval rating sits at 28%. 


A few Liberal Party MPs are starting to say out loud that Justin should step down. Polls have consistently shown Trudeau’s Liberals to be about 20 – yes, 20 – points behind Poilievre’s Conservatives. (And in my entire life I don’t recall a Tory party that far ahead in the polls. Canada is a more Left-wing country than here. The median Canadian voter would be a standard deviation or more to the political Left of the median Australian voter.)


The Tories lead in every province save Quebec. A couple of recent polls have indicated the Liberals might come in fourth, fourth, in the next election. There are now 343 MPs in Canada’s lower house, the House of Commons, and some polls put in doubt whether the Liberals can win even 35 of those 343 – so just inner city Montreal, the bureaucratic capital city of Ottawa (which is like Canberra in being allergic to conservative outlooks), and maybe a few inner city Toronto ones.


All of this is why the further left NDP party earlier this month tore up its minority Government coalition agreement with Trudeau’s Liberal party. Canada has five-year terms and the next election could be dragged out till as late as next October. But the NDP is just watching to see when a general election might see it replace the Libs as the main party of the Left. It’s balancing that against the clear likelihood of a big Tory win and postponing that for another while. But the odds of the NDP pulling the plug on Trudeau go up with every bad poll and every passing day.


Don’t say I never give readers good news. If the current state of Canadian politics won’t cheer, you up then nothing will.

James Allan is the Garrick

Professor of Law at Queensland University.

 This article first appeared in Spectator Australia.

The Daily Sceptic

Scott Card


Universal Income voted down in Canada:

Interesting who Voted Fore and Who Voted Against it!

Daniel Brooks



Nashville Pastor Ray Ortlund's endorsement of Harris goes really, really badly: 'I should have foreseen it':

Ortlund later deleted the endorsement post, claiming it had been 'misinterpreted.'


Pastor Ray Ortlund of Immanuel Church in Nashville, Tennessee, caught hell over the weekend for endorsing Kamala Harris. After trying to defend the statement, the Renewal Ministries president ultimately took down the social media post with the endorsement, claiming it had been "misinterpreted."

"Never Trump. This time Harris. Always Jesus," Ortlund wrote on Threads.


Self-identified conservative David French of the New York Times — who recently did his best to characterize a vote for Harris as the way to "save conservatism" — responded to Ortlund, "This is the way."

Other Christians were less understanding and quickly piled on.


William Wolfe, founder and executive director for the Center for Baptist Leadership, wrote that Ortlund, Russell Moore's pastor, is the "quintessential 'Big Eva' pastor [a]nd now he's using the name of Christ to endorse a pro-abortion, pro-trans communist."


Extra to supporting taxpayer-funded sex changes for illegal aliens, Harris has committed to codifying abortion as a federal right and has personally targeted a pro-life activist for exposing the trafficking of butchered babies' remains.

'The Democratic platform and the Bible cannot co-exist without one subverting the other.'


Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R) noted that Ortlund endorsed a ticket that supports "kidnapping the children of parents who oppose child genital mutilation[;] Tampons in boys' bathrooms[;] Child murder up to birth and beyond[;] Covid snitch lines[;] Communism[;] And much more."


Some critics shared a video of Harris' running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, announcing protections for those who would subject minors to sex-change mutilations — something President Donald Trump has vowed to criminalize.


"If you claim to be an evangelical but plan to back the most liberal Senator and the most progressive platform in U.S. history — both of which blatantly contradict fundamental biblical principles of creation order and justice — then you have no right to lecture others about sticking to principles and voting with integrity," wrote Andrew T. Walker, associate professor of Christian ethics and public theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. "The Democratic platform and the Bible cannot co-exist without one subverting the other."

'My fault.'


Megan Basham, author of "Shepherds for Sale," noted that "it's understandable that some Christians feel they cannot back Trump. It is not understandable to back Harris. Don't confuse Ortlund with principled third party voters or abstainers. This is indefensible."


When asked how he could vote for Harris and Walz, especially in light of their pro-abortion agenda, Ortlund responded, "Abortion is a horrible evil. But the evils on the other side have risen to levels that jeopardize the foundational rule of law in our country. I am thinking long-term and voting for us to have a chance at national renewal in the future."


The pastor's defense prompted more criticism.

"If Pastor Ortlund is truly concerned about not jeopardizing the rule of law in America, one has to wonder where he has been during the past nearly four years," wrote John G. West, vice president of the Discovery Institute.


After alluding to Democratic lawfare, the Biden-Harris administration's encouragement of censorship on social media, prosecutions of peaceful pro-life protesters, and the "refusal to enforce laws already on the books," West noted, "This [is] only a short list of what has been happening. But Ortlund assures us that in order to protect the rule of law we must vote for the same people responsible for these things."


Sunday evening, Ortlund deleted his endorsement, writing, "I have deleted a post from earlier today because it was being misinterpreted. I should have foreseen it. My fault."

When pressed on how it was being interpreted, the pastor suggested that answering that question "could risk reversing [his] decision to delete."


Amidst the backlash, Ortlund was met with numerous comments on Threads thanking him for his Harris endorsement, several of which he signaled appreciation for.

French and Ortlund — both of whom are involved in Redeeming Babel's "After Party" course for churches — are not alone in thinking that voting for Trump is un-Christian.


Blaze News previously reported that Texas state Rep. James Talarico — pro-abortion Democrat with a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood Texas Votes who regards the display of the Ten Commandments in classrooms as "deeply un-Christian" — told MSNBC's Katie Phang Saturday that "too many Christians have forgotten all about Jesus and now worship at the feet of Donald Trump — a business cheat, a pathological liar, a serial adulterer, a twice-impeached insurrectionist, a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist."


"I guess it's hate the sin, elect the sinner. That seems to be the new motto of too many Christians in this country," added Talarico.

The Blaze News


Oh! My Goodness! Can you believe this???



Prepare with FOOD & WATER for 3-4 Weeks!

Daniel Brooks

Megyn Kelly absolutely just wrecked a liberal host who lied about Donald Trump:

Megyn Kelly had an infamous run-in with Donald Trump during the 2016 Primary debate when she was at Fox News.

But she never got swept up in Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And Megyn Kelly absolutely just wrecked a liberal host who lied about Donald Trump.


Megyn sets the record straight on a popular podcast

The Democrat Media Complex tells endless lies about Donald Trump.

The lies come in flurries, so it becomes difficult to debunk all of them.

But that’s what Megyn Kelly did when she appeared on the All-In podcast.


The hosts of the show are all Big Tech multimillionaires, some of whom have warmed up to Trump over the years.

However, one host, Jason Calacanis, is still no fan of Trump.

During Kelly’s appearance on the show, he tried to justify all of the outrageous lawfare against Trump.

And Kelly, a former prosecutor, tore him to shreds.

She began, “I think Trump, on appeal, will win. There are so many holes in that case, so I don’t think Trump will ever do one single day in jail.”


Calacanis responded, “So, Megyn, if we look at the five cases, you know, six months from now, a year from now, let’s assume all five of them go to trial. He’s guilty of three so far.”

Kelly shot back, “What do you mean, ‘he’s guilty of three So far’?”

Trump was found civilly liable in the cases he was talking about, except for the bogus Alvin Bragg case.

He continued, “He’s been convicted of three. Sorry.”


“No, he hasn’t,” Kelly corrected him again.

“E. Jean Carroll was guilty,” Calacanis said.

“That was not a conviction,” Kelly stated. “That was the civil case.”

Calacanis tried to power through and said, “Yes, so that’s what I’m talking about.”

“Okay, but there’s a big difference,” Kelly answered. 


Calacanis asked, “[W]ill you chalk all five [cases] up in your mind to five different jurisdictions, five different prosecutors, five different juries and/or judges, all conspiring to get him?”

Kelly replied, “One hundred percent, yes.”


That’s when she walked through the cases and explained how flimsy they were.


Kelly goes beast mode

Kelly said, “E. Jean Carroll, they changed the law so that she could bring a civil lawsuit against him, and she did. New York jury. New York went 87% for Joe Biden. That fix was in right from the start. The fraud trial that Leticia James brought against him has never been brought. There’s no victims. The banks were involved. Said we didn’t lose a penny. What are we doing here? We weren’t damaged. Nobody was complaining, except Tish James, who ran for office, saying, ‘I will get him.’”


The James case was so bad that Governor Kathy Hochul had to assure big-money investors that Trump was a one-off case and that they wouldn’t be sued on nonsensical fraud charges like he was.

Kelly continued, “Then you have Alvin Bragg, who’s a George Soros funded prosecutor, who doesn’t like to prosecute any crime in New York City, where I live for 17 years, except if your name is Donald Trump. Let’s go down to Georgia, where Fani Willis and Nathan Wade couldn’t keep their libidos in check long enough to actually bring this case against Donald Trump.


It’s a repeat of what was happening in January 6 up in the case with Judge Chutkan, who loathes Trump and has sentenced almost every J6 defendant to way more jail time than their counterparts would get. Those are falling apart because of Presidential immunity, which was handed down by the Supreme Court, who said you cannot bring a criminal case against a sitting President for any official act.”


The Georgia case is in complete shambles, and Willis might be removed.

Kelly added, “Those cases have been gutted. Also, a Supreme Court ruling saying the same on January 6, defendants in general. And that leaves us with Florida and the documents. And Trump has torn that apart because Jack Smith wasn’t properly appointed and isn’t the right counsel.


But there are other issues. They haven’t even gotten to Presidential immunity there, and so that one’s going nowhere as well. And by the way, they’re going to appeal it up to the Eleventh Circuit. She just threw it out. The Eleventh Circuit is conservative, and thank God so is the current Supreme Court. They’re not going to tolerate that nonsense.”

I think something has lit a fire under Megyn Kelly recently


She’s now unapologetically calling out every single lie she hears about Trump

The way she dismantled all of the lawfare arguments against Trump at the All-In Summit is exquisite.

— George (@BehizyTweets) September 22, 2024

Democrats and their media allies are counting on people not being well-informed and knowledgeable enough about the law that they can swat down all of the lawfare against Trump like Megyn Kelly did.

They’re banking on most people being like Calacanis and believing the preponderance of cases must mean that Trump is guilty of something.


That is the point of the lawfare, to dirty up his name.

Unmuzzled News

Where do JEWS come from?

Are Jews Indigenous to Israel?


Israel, a land of ancient heritage and diverse cultures, is deeply intertwined with Jewish identity. Along with ancient biblical narratives and modern archaeological discoveries, Yirmiyahu Danzig delves into his own family’s history to uncover the profound historical connection all Jews have with Israel, no matter where their families “come from.”

From ancient Jewish traditions to the modern State of Israel, we explain it all. Diving into anything and everything related to Jewish culture, history, and even religion. Understand Jewish holidays, Israeli politics, Jewish diasporic communities, and more.


Learn about Judaism in pop culture, debunking myths about Jews, and explore obscure Israeli landmarks. We’re asking questions as basic as “What is the Talmud?”, and as obscure as “How did hip-hop boost Kosher wine sales?”, and everything in between. About Unpacked:


We provide nuanced insights by unpacking all things Jewish.

People are complex and complicated — yet we’re constantly being pushed to oversimplify our world. At Unpacked we know that being complex makes us more interesting. Because of this, we break the world down with nuance and insight to drive your curiosity and challenge your thinking.

Rev. Joe Campbell



Sign and SHARE this Petition:

There are rising concerns that what we are experiencing is not merely mass immigration for the purposes of increasing Canada’s population but rather a cynical attempt by the government to destroy Canada’s sovereignty, founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and to buy future votes and pander to a politically correct agenda that does not serve any existing Canadian regardless of their ethnic or cultural background. This reckless, self-interested political ploy also erodes our democratic system and the Canadian Constitution itself.


In addition, mass immigration not only poses a serious threat to the well-being and livelihood of Canadian citizens but is creating a financial and housing crisis. Further, mass immigration, especially without integration or assimilation, is destroying our Canadian culture, economy, national security, and is eroding the Canadian fabric from within.


Therefore, demand the government cease and desist their reckless immigration policy and implement a moratorium on immigration until such time as the government can assure Canadians that the policy will be based on selecting immigrants that serve the economic needs of Canada and that they be screened to ensure they accept and embrace our Canadian Constitution, democratic system, and other values that are at the crux of Canadian society. Values, which have up until now, enabled this country to flourish for 156 years.


Please sign and share this petition

Special Notice: It is important to emphasize that the issue of immigration is not a race war. It is not about the colour of anyone’s skin. This is a culture war that is based on extremely different core values and beliefs.

Read petition letter and see videos below to help educate you on why immigration from third world nations poses a serious threat and why Canadians must take action now!

Canadians Have a Right and a Responsibility

to Protect Canada’s Sovereignty



Here is the PETITION:



Ha;;pwe'en [Halloween] as done by my great granddaughter, Joleiene Amber Kentner-Draisma:

Barry Kentner 


My stance on the Halloween topic that seems to be a popular discussion amongst christians this time of season.

Halloween, also known as All Hallows' Eve, has its roots in ancient pagan festivals.

The Celtic festival of Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, which was believed to be a time when the boundary between the living and the dead became blurred.

The Celts would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off spirits. As Christianity spread, the early church established All Saints' Day (November 1) to honor martyrs and saints, and the evening before became known as All Hallows' Eve.

The Problem with Celebrating Halloween:

While some view Halloween as a harmless celebration, its origins and modern practices contradict Christian values.


Halloween promotes:

1. Idolatry: Honoring spirits, ghosts, and other supernatural entities.

2. Occultism: Exploring and glorifying darkness, magic, and the occult.

3. Fear and anxiety: Focusing on fear, death, and the unknown.


Biblical Perspective:

Scripture warns against participating in or promoting practices that contradict God's teachings:

1. Deuteronomy 18:10-12: Avoid occult practices.

2. 1 Corinthians 10:20-21: Do not participate in idolatry.

3. Ephesians 5:11: Have no fellowship with darkness.


Instead of celebrating Halloween, Christians can:

1. Observe the Christian holiday of All Saints' Day (November 1).

2. Host harvest parties or fall festivals focused on God's blessings.

3. Engage in community outreach and service projects.

While Halloween may seem like a harmless celebration, its origins and modern practices contradict Christian values. As believers, we are called to discern and separate ourselves from practices that honor darkness and idolatry. Let us focus on honoring God and promoting His light in the world.


Although the Bible doesn't directly mention Halloween, it provides principles to guide Christians' decisions

1. 1 Corinthians 10:31: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

2. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers... What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"

3. Ephesians 5:11: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."

4. Philippians 4:8: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."


Guiding questions:

1. Does participating in Halloween honor God?

2. Does it involve idolatry or occult practices?

3. Does it promote fear, anxiety, or darkness?

4. Can you participate without compromising your faith?


Personal Conviction:

Each Christian must decide based on personal conviction, biblical understanding, and spiritual discernment.


1. Christian liberty (Romans 14:1-23)

2. Love and respect for fellow believers with differing views

3. Biblical wisdom and discernment

Ultimately as mentioned before it comes down to personal discernment on the matter but I truly believe we are representatives of Christ. So if you’re going to be in the world, taking part in worldly events, perhaps I can make the suggestion to take advantage of the opportunity to spread light and the Gospel.

Barry Kentner


Longshoremen Go On Strike - 36 U.S. Ports CLOSED --50% of all Imports now not coming in:

Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047


Members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) union are on strike for the first time since 1977, stopping operations at the East and Gulf Coast ports of the United States.

The strike has disrupted the flow of many imports and exports, potentially making it one of the most significant work stoppages in decades.


Dockworkers began picketing shortly after their contract expired at midnight, with no agreement in sight.

There is a significant gap between the union's demands and the offer from the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), which represents foreign-owned shipping lines, terminal operators, and port authorities.


The strike is expected to block the movement of a wide range of goods through nearly all cargo ports from Maine to Texas, including everything from toys and fresh fruit to furniture, clothing, household items, and European automobiles.


If Americans thought the effects of COVID on the supply chain were bad, they haven't seen anything yet.

Because companies use "just-in-time" inventory, they no longer store large amounts of products in warehouses.  As such, there isn't a large reserve of products already here in the country, just waiting to be loaded on trucks and taken to stores.  The inventory just doesn't exist.


With port workers now on strike, once those goods run out at stores, there will be no replenishment.  IF you need it, you better get it now because there's no telling how long this strike will last or how fast the things you need will run out.

Patrick Bestall



China: Computer Chips use 90% less power, 20 X faster:

The industry holds high expectations for photonic chips, which play a crucial role in data centers, especially in high-bandwidth and energy-efficient data transmission. With the growing demand for efficient data processing driven by the rise of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and IoT devices, the research and development of photonic chips have become increasingly urgent.


China’s First Photonic Chip Pilot Line Launched in Wuxi

On September 25th, the first domestic photonic chip pilot line built by the Wuxi Photonic Chip Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was officially launched. After the pilot line becomes operational, it is expected to reach an annual production capacity of 10,000 wafers. The first PDK will be released in the first quarter of 2025, providing external chip fabrication services.

The photonic chip pilot platform covers an area of 17,000 square meters, integrating research, production, and services. It is equipped with more than 100 top-tier international CMOS process machines, supporting a full closed-loop process for lithium niobate photonic chips, from lithography, thin film deposition, etching, wet processing, cutting, measurement, to packaging. The platform also supports other material systems like silicon and silicon nitride.


Jinan Achieves World’s First 12-Inch Lithium Niobate Crystal

in May of this year, Shandong Hengyuan Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. in Jinan successfully developed a 12-inch (300mm diameter) large-sized optical-grade lithium niobate crystal.

Shandong Hengyuan Semiconductor has been dedicated to the R&D of optoelectronic materials such as lithium niobate and lithium tantalate, as well as piezoelectric materials. Through technological advancements, the company has started mass production of 6-8 inch Z-axis and X-axis optical-grade lithium niobate crystals. Within three years, Hengyuan plans to increase its annual wafer production to 250,000 units.


Chinese Scientists Develop Mass-Produced New “Optical Silicon” Chips

In early May, the research team led by researcher Ou Xin at the Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a breakthrough in the preparation of lithium tantalate heterogeneously integrated wafers and high-performance photonic chips. They successfully developed a new type of “optical silicon” chip that can be mass-produced. The research results were published in Nature on May 8th.


Tsinghua University Team Releases AI Photonic Chip

In August, Tsinghua University announced that the research group led by Professor Fang Lu from the Department of Electronic Engineering and the team led by Academician Dai Qionghai from the Department of Automation pioneered a fully forward intelligent optical computing training architecture. They developed the “Taiji-II” optical training chip, enabling efficient and precise training of large-scale neural networks in optical computing systems. This research, titled “All-Forward Training of Optical Neural Networks,” was published in Nature.

The previously released Taiji-I, in April, achieved 879 T MACS/mm²area efficiency and 160 TOPS/W energy efficiency, marking the first time optical computing was applied to complex AI tasks such as natural scene recognition with thousands of categories and cross-modal content generation.


Chinese Team Successfully Develops Fully Programmable Topological Photonic Chip

In late May, the “Extreme Optics Innovation Research Team” from Peking University’s School of Physics, in collaboration with Researcher Yang Yan from the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, proposed and realized a fully programmable topological photonic chip based on large-scale integrated optics.

The chip built on a reconfigurable integrated optical micro-ring array, integrates 2,712 components in an area of just 11mm x 7mm. It successfully achieved the world’s first fully programmable optical artificial atomic lattice. The researchers also experimentally validated multiple topological phenomena on a single-chip platform, including dynamic topological phase transitions, multi-lattice topological insulators, statistical topological robustness, and Anderson topological insulators.


Patrick Bestall


Ukraine is Dying:

The Ukrainian army is suffering from a steady decline in the capabilities of its front-line unitsaccording to Polish news outlet Do Rzeczy, citing a report in the London Financial Times that between 50 and 70 percent of recruits survive only a few days on the frontlines.


Soldiers have low motivation and are prone to panic, while losses among trained and experienced units have led to a dependence on conscript units with very limited operational capabilities.

Training standards were reportedly so poor that not all of them knew how to hold a weapon. Furthermore, the depletion of the number of men considered fit to fight means that the average age of recruits now stands at 45.


The report follows a statement by Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi, who was appointed in early February. Syrsky said that recruits were consistently lacking the necessary training for frontline operations. Lamenting the sheer technological superiority of Russian forces, he said that personnel had received just two months of training, although other sources indicated that the training time was much shorter.


Meanwhile, Military Watch Magazine has said that poor training standards in frontline units have repeatedly emerged over the past two years, and back in mid-2023, the Wall Street Journal even reported that the Ukrainian army was recruiting poor men from the countryside, equipping them with Soviet-era rifles and uniforms, and then sending them to the front after just two nights at a base.


When some of the conscripts tried to sign a waiver, citing a lack of proper training, a Ukrainian sergeant replied, “Bakhmut will teach you,” referring to the frontline city that was then the epicenter of the fighting.

One of the conscripts recalled protesting that he had never held a gun before. The Wall Street Journal had written that such poorly trained and equipped men were necessary, as Western-trained and better-equipped brigades would be needed for the upcoming offensive. 


Since the beginning of June 2023, multiple offensives have resulted in extensive losses and further increased Kyiv’s reliance on conscripts.

In the meantime, Ukraine has even reportedly resorted to recruiting convicts.

A senior conscript officer in Ukraine’s Poltava region, Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Berezhnyon, revealed on September 15, 2023, that the units had suffered huge losses.


“Out of 100 people who joined the units last fall, 10-20 remained, the rest are dead, wounded or disabled,” he said.

This indicates a loss rate of 80-90 percent in conscript units over the past year. Former Ukrainian ambassador to the U.K. and former Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko in April pointed to catastrophic personnel losses.


“From the beginning, our policy was not to discuss losses.

When the war is over, we will admit it.

I think it will be a terrible number,” he noted.

Tyler Durden



Trudeau pledges $200 million to push abortion, sex ‘education’ in Africa:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government is spending $200 million in taxpayer funds to push abortion in Africa, $48 million of which will go directly to the International Planned Parenthood Federation.


(LifeSiteNews) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is spending $200 million to promote sexual “education” and the murder of unborn children in Africa. 


According to a September 24 press release, the Trudeau government is spending $200 million in taxpayer funds to promote “comprehensive sexual and reproductive health” in Africa, $48 million of which will go directly to the pro-abortion International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). 


“Prime Minister Trudeau announced over $200 million for projects that will advance the comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights [sic] of women and girls, strengthen action on gender equality and pay equity, fight climate change, support humanitarian response efforts and restore security and stability in Haiti, provide institutional support for the UN, and promote peace, security, and human rights globally,” the press release said.   


IPPF promised to use the funding to prodive “comprehensive sexuality education to young people [and] providing access to person-centred safe and legal abortion care, including post-abortion care” over the next several years.  


In addition to their promotion of abortion, IPPF’s “comprehensive sexuality education” has been exposed for promoting sexual depravity to children, including presenting the exploitation of women through prostitution as a normal “interpersonal relationship” to children under 10.  


Sign the PETITION: [At above LINK]


The funding also includes $2 million over two years to expand “evidence-based and African-led initiatives to combat growing opposition and misinformation surrounding SRHR in sub-Saharan Africa, including access to safe [sic] abortion and post-abortion care. This project will advance global efforts to ensure that a woman’s right to choose remains protected and accessible.”  


Another $6 million project promises to “inform safe [sic] abortion policies by increasing understanding among countries and stakeholders of the need to invest in safe abortion services, as part of a comprehensive and person-centred approach to SRHR.”  


Trudeau’s promotion of abortion to impoverished countries is hardly a surprise, considering a 2017 comment by Trudeau’s then foreign minister that abortion is “a tool to end poverty.” 

The same year, the Trudeau government sent $241.5 million to provide and promote contraception and abortion in developing nations — particularly in Africa — as part of their commitment to securing global access to “sexual and reproductive health and rights.”  


Similarly in 2020, Trudeau announced new funding of $8.9 million to international abortion organizations as part of its commitment to exporting abortion to developing countries.

Campaign Life Coalition’s Jack Fonseca questioned Trudeau’s motive for pushing the murder of African babies, saying, “What can we call it when we witness Justin Trudeau, a white man, using $200 million in western cash to target black babies in Africa for eradication?” 


“This looks like open racism and a most vile form of neo-colonialism,” he continued. “We must tear off the Liberals’ euphemistic mask of ‘sexual and reproductive health,’ and call what the Trudeau Liberals are doing, by name. They are using abortion to eliminate future generations of black people in Africa. That is racism. That is modern day, ideological colonialism, imposing Trudeau’s values on a traditional African society that values having large families with many children, as a great good which gives life purpose, meaning and joy.”  


“The Trudeau Liberal government is a racist, neo-colonialist regime that hates the African people, African culture and African values,” he declared, explaining that the promotion of abortion is part of a “precision-targeted attack on the African culture and way of life.” 


“I have to believe it is not a coincidence that Africa is one of the few places on earth where Christianity is growing,” he said. “Just as leftists have destabilized western society in Europe and North America through sexual revolution, resulting in a breakdown of the family and mass abandonment of Christianity by the populous on these continents, could it be that another objective of bringing about wide-spread use of abortion and contraception in Africa, is to destabilize African family life and culture in the same way, in order to stop the growth of Christianity and eventually, bring about its collapse, just as we’ve seen in the west?”  


Indeed, the African people have begun to speak up against Trudeau’s radical promotion of abortion, warning that he is “not a friend to Africa.” 

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, leading African pro-life advocate Obianuju Ekeocha declared that Trudeau should not have been allowed to speak in her continent because of his commitment to funding the killing of pre-born African babies. 


In 2023, Ugandan MP Lucy Akello bluntly told the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development to stop pushing abortion on African communities.   

“It seems no matter how much money will be spent on making abortion look good, our people still see through the money, marketing, and mass education,” she said. “Almost 80% of African countries have some sort of law prohibiting and restricting abortion.” 


“And it is predicated on a widely held belief that unborn babies have a right to life and deserve to be protected by law,” she continued. “Africa has a long history of colonization, just like Canada — of people, foreign governments, foreign-led organizations telling us what is good for us or what or priorities should be.”  

LifeSite News


US Emergency Measures:

Listen for five minutes starting half way at the :45 min mark.

Takeaways from the AP/Frontline Michael Flynn investigation:

Michael Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general and onetime national security adviser to President Donald Trump, has been systematically building a political movement based on Christian nationalist ideas.


Flynn was a leader of the “Stop the Steal” effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election that Trump lost to Democrat Joe Biden. Flynn sat in the front row at a rally near the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, when then-President Trump urged his supporters to march on the Capitol.


In the years since, Flynn has traversed the United States, trying to assemble his own political support.

An investigation by The Associated Press and the PBS series “Frontline” found that Flynn has used public appearances to energize voters, made political endorsements to build alliances and amassed a network of nonprofit groups to advance the movement. Along the way, Flynn and his companies have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars for his efforts.


The AP and “Frontline” spoke with dozens of people, reviewed campaign finance records, corporate and charity filings, social media posts and similar open-source information, and attended several public events where Flynn appeared. Reporters examined dozens of Flynn’s speeches, interviews and public appearances.


Flynn himself sat down for a rare on-camera interview with what he calls the mainstream media.

Takeaways from the investigation:



Flynn made more than 60 in-person speeches in 24 states, according to a count by the AP and “Frontline.” He often asserts that the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian values. The bedrock, he warns, is crumbling.

Flynn often says the country is in the midst of a “spiritual war” and that many of his fellow citizens are “evil.”

“They dress like us and they talk like us, but they don’t think and act like us,” he told a podcaster recently. “And they definitely do not want what it is that we want.”


Christian nationalism seeks to merge the identity of Christians and Americans, and pushes the idea that the United States was founded on biblical principles and has a favored relationship with a Christian God, said Samuel Perry, a sociologist at the University of Oklahoma, who studies conservative Christianity and politics.

The thread of Christian nationalism runs through many of Flynn’s events.


At one fundraiser, a preacher prayed over Flynn, saying America would stay a Christian nation and that Flynn was “heavy armaments” in the Lord’s quiver. At the Christian Patriot’s Rally at a church in Northern California, Flynn was presented with an assault-style rifle on stage. In Virginia in July, he said pastors “need to be talking about the Constitution from the pulpit as much as the Bible.” In Texas last November, Flynn told a crowd “this is a moment in time where this is good versus evil.”


“If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God, right?” he said.



The AP and “Frontline” found that Flynn has endorsed 99 candidates for the 2022 election cycle. At least 80% have publicly spread lies or sown doubt about Trump’s 2020 loss, or participated in efforts to overturn the election, the AP and “Frontline” found. About two dozen of the candidates were at the Capitol on Jan. 5-6, 2021. One-third have served in the military. At least 38 have used Christian nationalist rhetoric.


More than 40 of Flynn’s endorsements were for candidates seeking state or even local posts. He endorsed candidates for the state legislature in Michigan, Ohio, Arizona, Florida, Texas and Missouri. In Arizona, Michigan, California and Colorado, he gave his approval to candidates for secretary of state, a position that typically involves the administration of elections.


A dozen gubernatorial candidates won Flynn’s backing, including nominees Dan Cox in Maryland and Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania. Both organized buses to take people to Washington for what turned out to be the siege at the Capitol on Jan. 6.


Some Flynn-backed candidates made baseless claims of election fraud after they lost in the primaries.

Flynn and his allies have suggested he wants to get back into government. Some Flynn critics worry the growing influence that flows from the network he’s building may help him get there.



Flynn has become involved in well-financed groups that advocate changes to the way elections are run, based on the false premise there is widespread voting fraud.


Flynn and Patrick Byrne, founder of, last year launched The America Project. The group said it planned to spend $50 million in the 2021 budget year, according to a filing with North Carolina charity regulators. Its leaders told AP that it had spent tens of millions less than that.


Flynn was named chairman of America’s Future Inc., one of the country’s oldest conservative nonprofit groups. It had about $3 million in assets at the end of 2020, and Flynn told the AP and “Frontline” in February that he had raised an estimated $1.7 million since becoming chairman.


The two groups have spent millions on election-related endeavors, including a misinformation-driven review of the 2020 presidential election results commissioned by Arizona Republicans.


The America Project’s leadership has said it has given millions more to “grassroots organizations” around the country. Campaign finance records show it has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to various political groups. It also launched an initiative in several states to mobilize and train poll watchers and precinct captains, and to drive get-out-the-vote efforts.


The initiative has raised alarm bells with pro-democracy advocates.

Associated Press writers Richard Lardner,

Eric Tucker, Helen Wieffering and Aaron Kessler,

 photographer Carolyn Kaster and

 “Frontline” producers Richard Rowley and Paul Abowd

contributed to this report.



BRICS to admit a dozen new members

– Belarus:

Foreign Minister Maksim Ryzhenkov has expressed hope that his country’s membership application will be approved

Foreign Minister Maksim Ryzhenkov has expressed hope that his country’s membership application will be approved

BRICS24 logo at the meeting of BRICS+ communications ministers, Innopolis, Tatarstan, Russia, September 27, 2024 ©  Maxim Bogodvid / RIA Novosti /

The next wave of BRICS expansion will be announced at the group’s annual summit in the Russian city of Kazan in October, Belarusian Foreign Minister Maxim Ryzhenkov has claimed.


Speaking on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, Ryzhenkov predicted that BRICS could add at least ten new members, while expressing optimism that his own country's application for membership will be approved.


“The first wave of enlargement, as we all expect – those who have submitted such applications – will take place at the Kazan summit,” Ryzhenkov told RIA Novosti. Russia is “formulating the list of these countries that will be in the first wave of enlargement,” he added.


As the current holder of the BRICS chairmanship, Russia will host the group’s annual summit in Kazan from October 22 to 24. Earlier this month, Belarusian First Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Lukashevich said his country is in the first pool of BRICS candidates, along with Algeria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Bolivia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cuba, Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Senegal, and Thailand.


Several other countries, including Türkiye, Zimbabwe, and Burkina Faso, have also shared their intent to join. Founded in 2006 by Russia, China, India, and Brazil, the organization accepted South Africa as a member in 2011. Earlier this year, it expanded to welcome four new member states – Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the UAE.


So far, at least 34 countries have expressed interest in joining, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated at a senior BRICS meeting earlier in September.


BRICS member nations are also jointly developing a payment and settlement framework for trading within the group, Putin said last week. This will allow members to “create conditions for the effective and independent servicing of all foreign trade,” he added.


The expansion of BRICS should be “encouraged,” Julie Kozack, a spokeswoman for the International Monetary Fund, said in September, adding that the growth of the group could be beneficial globally.


BRICS countries currently comprise around 46% of the world’s population. Member states’ economies account for over 36% of global GDP, as well as more than a third of the world’s GDP based on purchasing power parity, according to estimates by global financial institutions.

Russian Television RT


Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




As we know it Wednesday Morning...

Chaos Everything, Everywhere, All At Once-   On Tues. 1 Oct. Iran Launched 400 Missiles on Israel-   U.S. & Israel to Launch Coordinated Strike on Iran-   Another Massive Hurricane Set To Hit Same Areas as Helene-   East, West, Gulf & Canadian Port Workers on Strike, Amazon -   -   Workers Threaten Strike, Paralyzing US, Canadian Goods &    Food Supply Chains


The US Government To Shut Down in Less Than 72 Hours!…Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram Tues. 1 Oct. 2024


Trust The PlanSave The Children

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.


The problem with living in a bubble is that you don’t plan and prepare to deal with the chaos that will cause your bubble to burst someday. To put it bluntly, our bubble is bursting and we are in a mess.



Black Swan Events and massive Cyber Attacks were no longer just pending, they were happening right now. On Tues. 1 Oct. without consulting Congress, Biden ordered US Forces and Allies to join the Nuclear World War III in the Middle East – and right while we were in the middle of a Global Financial Collapse.


The Dow and S&P both dove deep into the red on Tues. and were likely to stay there. China and Germany had already experienced financial collapses. There were Banks closures worldwide, Markets were down and Bitcoin had stopped trading. Where was the Biden Administration? I say Biden Administration because everyone knew that Biden wasn’t running the Cabal Deep State Show – and no one knew who was.


On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Verizon and AT&T outages sparked widespread fears of cyber attacks on the USA.Black Swan Events continued on Tues. when another massive hurricane was about to hit and devastate the same areas as Hurricane Helene. Where was the Biden Administration?


On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 US Port workers on the East, West and Gulf Coasts, plus in Canada went on strike, while Amazon workers were threatening strike, all of which was sure to immediately paralyze the US goods and food supply chains. Where was the Biden Administration?


Longshoremen going on strike in Tennessee were facing a much bigger problem. They reported hearing children locked in shipping containers yelling for help. Their superiors did nothing about it. For the last at least three months Dock workers at Long Beach Harbor have reported the same: hearing children yelling for help who were locked in containers they were unloading. Nothing was done about it there either. Where was the Biden Administration?


On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 a pilot in North Carolina said he was threatened with arrest for rescuing flood victims. Where was the Biden Administration?


General Flynn confirmed the problem, “We just received this update from a Lineman in Asheville North Carolina: “I went up Old Fort Road where it connects to number 9. Whole area is gone. 100 ft. ravine where houses used to sit. Kids walking around naked asking where their parents are. People begging for water. Black Hawk Helicopters from FEMA. I don’t want to talk about the smell of dead bodies. I’m in disbelief.”


Flynn continued, “It’s absolutely sickening what is happening and the government response is simply disgustingly mind numbing. America can do better than this. This is what happens when we have a false leader and an even weaker VP. The consequences of a HURRICANE in the Mountains of North Carolina are biblical and we now have to figure out how to help these Americans. Please let me know where aid can be sent. And our military must get heavily involved to assist the humanitarian operations and NOW!”


To add to concerns on Tues. the US found itself at war when Iran launched over 400 ballistic missiles on Israel as Air Raid sirens activated nationwide and Biden proclaimed that the US would join the war he helped create.

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How do we create a path for humanity to survive? Certainly not under the Biden Administration. Though, a Devolution Plan with Martial Law was already in effect for a Continuity of Government. The White Hat Military was making mass arrests. JAG, GITMO and World Court Tribunals were going on. A Worldwide Blackout, EBS Activation and Global Currency Reset was needed, and expected very soon.


On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Children locked in shipping containers were screaming for help.

·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 A Citizen Reporter: “Got a call about hour ago from friend in TN.  He received a call and has been advised that the Longshoremen Strike was due, but when they were unloading containers they began to hear children inside hollering for help. The Longshoremen stopped, refused to proceed and reported it to authorities. The Longshoreman was told the authorities did nothing about it. I guess the kids are still in the containers.”

·        Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: “Dockworkers aren’t threatening to strike only because they’re underpaid, though that’s certainly true. But they are also furious and want to know why they hear screaming children inside shipping containers!”

·        Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: “I have a friend who works at Long Beach Harbor and he told me his dock worker friends have been saying that to him for the past 3-4 years.”  …ThinkBig on X


Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Verizon and AT&T outage sparks widespread fears of cyber attack on the USA:

Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Southern Appalachia After Hurricane Helene: What the Media Won’t Tell You.:

Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: The Strike is On. Red October Begins. Dockworkers go on strike at East and Gulf Coast ports | Fox Business



***The North Carolina Coast Guard announced that if you were in need of rescue in western North Carolina due to Hurricane Helene, contact North Carolina Search & Rescue Center at 211, or 1-888-892-1162.

***SCAM Alerts: DO NOT exchange currency or Zim Bonds anywhere but at a licensed Redemption Center where you will get the highest rates possible.

With the Cabal losing their money supply with implementation of the Global Currency Reset they are hot and heavy to SCAM anyone in any way they can.

The HSBC Quantum Scam: They claim they’ve successfully applied “quantum technology” to buy and sell tokenized physical gold. The trick is when you buy the tokens or Bitcoin they keep the gold and have complete control over your bank account.

Watch out for: The HSBC Quantum Token/Bitcoin Scam, The TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Scam and the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam.

Report your Scam experience to:

Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:

1.   Present a notarized copy of your TRB complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.

2.   Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.

3.   Inspector General of the Air Force’s Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email:


Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are – TRIAL International Contact TRIAL International Email: General Questions: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and


Possible Timing:

  • ·        On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 the US Inc. Corporation ended their fiscal year with a loss of all funding from US Taxpayer dollars, ending the fiat monetary system. As a result, the gold-backed Chinese Yen replaced the fiat US Dollar on the Forex as the basis for International Trade. Tues. 1 Oct was also the deadline for all banks to close worldwide which were not Basel III Compliant (have gold backed currency). On that same Tues. 1 Oct. the Quantum Financial System Global Currency Reset activated with at least 144 countries currencies being gold/asset-backed and trading at a 1:1 with each other; NESARA/ GESARA also activated across the World; LIBOR was replaced by SOFR to support the value of money, ending price manipulation around the World and the new United States of America Republic began its new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note as part of the Global Currency Reset, plus Congress adjourned for 30 days, leaving the members open to arrest by the Global Military Alliance and their over 700,000 indictments for Global and Political Elites who were suspected of having committed Crimes Against Humanity.

  • ·        In the first week of October the Emergency Broadcast System will activate while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will be executing the largest Sting Operation in history and the EBS broadcasts documentaries 24/7 on the state of those arrests.

  • ·        Wed. 2 Oct. Mickey Mouse On The Clock Wednesday 10 2 is the final day.

  • ·        On Thurs. 3 Oct. 2024 Iraq celebrates their Independence Day.

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 EBS Activation Within Six Days: President Trump’s Urgent Livestream as World War 3 Escalates – EBS Activation Imminent in All 52 States! The world is on the brink of chaos as tensions escalate, signaling the start of World War 3. In response, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is set to be activated across all 52 states within the next 6 days. Authorities are urging everyone to stay informed and prepare for what’s coming. This is the most critical moment in modern history—don’t be caught off guard as the unthinkable unfolds. …Trump Advice on Telegram

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 General Flynn Next 37 days: “We are in a period where we are going to see such a level of desperation in the next 37 days. What you think you have been through already in the last 8 years, what we are about to experience in the next couple of weeks/month plus…I think it’s going to blow the minds of people. I think we are going to see things that we have not experienced as a nation.”

  • ·        On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 workers at major ports on the East, West and Gulf Coasts plus in Canada went on strike, severely disrupting the US and Canadian supply chain.


Global Currency Reset:

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Bruce: We could get a true or staggered shotgun start. Bond holders are to be notified tonight or overnight about funds and access in their accounts. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should be notified tonight or tomorrow morning. One source said after 9:30 am EST to Noon. The Call Centers to set appointments are automated and will direct us to the Redemption Center nearest to our Zip code where we’ll speak with a live person. Yesterday Sun. 30 Sept. on Bank and Redemption Center Screens there were nine currencies that were going up in value.

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Mike Bara: The latest from a good source: The Iraqi Supreme Court has told Sudani and former PM Nouri Al-Maliki that they will be arrested if they do not revalue the currency on Tuesday. On the flip side, a high source puts the chances of an RV tomorrow at 15%. “But it should be a good day for the bond people.”

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 MarkZ: Three different banks show a Dinar rate of $3.57. We are seeing a lot of rates over the weekend. Pretty much all my sources agree that the consensus is German Bonds start tomorrow morning when Zurich opens.

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: BQQQM!!! Q Drop: The Transformation Begins! The Great Reset is Active – The NESARA, QFS Plan: Wealth Distribution for a New Earth and New Life! (Must See Video) – – American Media Group


Global Financial Crisis:

  • ·        With the QFS activation governments as we know them will shrink by 90-95%. If new elections aren’t held within 60 days, the Global Alliance Military will take control. Forget the November elections. They’re not happening, not on this timeline.

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: Is Europe’s economy done? Investment banks Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, and Northern Trust Asset Management are warning that investors should prepare for the collapse of Europe’s economy and its impact on corporate profits. The weak economic background in Europe sharply contrasts with the record-high regional stock index. Private sector activity in the eurozone has shrunk this month, and forecasts point to an impending downturn in Germany. Europe has been falling apart for at least a year. Analysts: “Hmm, an economic downturn is coming.”

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: The US Corp. is bankrupt. UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY filed a 11 chapter bankruptcy in the Northern District of Florida bankruptcy court on October 14, 2020. This is a involuntary bankruptcy filing; it was assigned the bankruptcy case number #20-40375. The bankruptcy petition for UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY showed assets in the range of Unknown with liabilities in the range of Unknown. UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY reports that the number of creditors is in the range of 1-49.The debtor indicated their nature of business as ‘None of the Above’. The options for nature of business in bankruptcies are rather limited and archaic. They include ‘Health Care Business’, ‘Single Asset Real Estate’, ‘Railroad’, ‘Stockbroker’, ‘Commodity Broker’, ‘Clearing Bank’, or ‘None of the Above’. Unsecured Creditor Treatment in UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY Bankruptcy: UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it expects there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.


Restored Republic:

Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Blackout and EBS …Patrick B. Kennedy

  • ·        We’re sitting on the edge of a Global Blackout and Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Activation, where normal communication will cease for ten days. This is Operation Stormbreaker—the greatest sting operation ever. Military units have been mobilizing worldwide for a coordinated strike to destroy the Globalist Power Structure.

  • ·        On Mon. 16 Sept. 2024, John F. Kennedy Jr. announced on his Telegram, “BLACKOUT: In one week everything will change. The channels everyone has been waiting for will go live with devastating information. We have it all.”

  • ·        [Content Redacted]

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  • ·        By 2018, celebrities like 50 Cent were blowing the whistle on Hollywood’s Epstein, exposing the filth. The White Hats ensured these whistleblowers were protected.

  • ·        By 8 Sept. 2024, the Swiss National Bank was exposed as a laundering front for the Rothschilds, CIA, and Mossad, funneling billions for t*********g, bio-weapons research, and secret space ops.

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  • ·        This bubble of deception will burst by 20 Nov. 2024 with the start of Nuremberg Trials 2.0. The world will see the depth of the crimes.

  • ·        On Tues. 17 Sept. 2024, a new C***d strain “XEC” was announced, rapidly spreading across Europe. The Deep State is trying to stir panic again with Bird Flu in Colorado and Monkeypox in Singapore. Their attempts to create chaos are becoming obvious.

  • ·        Do you feel like the fight has just begun? I do.


Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?


Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: Unrest, GITMO…Gitmo TV on Telegram

  • ·        Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) is seeing significant new activity. Reports indicate that massive expansions to GITMO’s holding facilities have been completed in recent months, in preparation for the mass influx of Cabal prisoners. Military tribunals are set to begin within weeks, and high-ranking global elites will be facing justice for crimes against humanity.

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  • ·        The Cabal’s final hope was to trigger civil unrest and a false flag event to delay or prevent the arrests, but they have been completely neutralized by the White Hats. Their plans to ignite riots and chaos in California and New York have been thwarted by preemptive military action.

  • ·        Special Ops teams have infiltrated Antifa and BLM cells that were set to be activated for mass violence. Their leaders have already been Detained, and plans for a staged economic collapse in the stock market were shut down by the Quantum Financial System’s automatic safeguards.

  • ·        Furthermore, new intelligence leaks suggest that the Cabal was planning to deploy EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) weapons over key American cities in a desperate attempt to disrupt communications and infrastructure.

  • ·        However, Project Odin, which controls all global communications via the Star Link Satellite System, has rendered these attacks useless. The EMP devices have already been neutralized, and the White Hats have captured the Cabal’s EMP teams be


Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: Iran officially launched a ballistic missile attack on Israel. Israeli military announced that the IDF will carry out “powerful airstrikes throughout the Middle East” tonight. Without even discussion from Congress, Biden joined the US in the Nuclear World War III.


The Real News for Tues. 1 Oct. 2024:

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: Eric Clapton blows whistle on Jewish supremacy around the world.

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  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: It’s coming! 02 October 2024! Before It Gets Deleted, WATCH THIS! Solar Eclipse Warning (video) – – American Media Group

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: Peter Thiel says if the 2024 election is close, Kamala Harris will cheat to STEAL it. He’s also joining people like Elon Musk and calling for strict Voter ID, in-person election-day voting, & heavy restrictions on mail-in voting. “They will cheat. They will fortify it. They will steal the ballots. At a minimum, you’d try to run elections the same way you do it in every other Western democracy. You have one day voting. You have practically no absentee ballots… It’s not this two-month elongated process.” Everything Thiel said is FACTUAL. Democrats bend the rules to cheat, as we saw in broad daylight in the 2020 election. The good news is that we now know exactly how it all works. …Mel Gibson on Telegram

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: Russian President Putin says Western elites turned Ukraine into their colony.

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: Both The Prime Minister Of Hungary & Clayton Morris Exposed The Document Proving George Soros Is Largely Behind The Global Illegal Migrant Invasion. “Back in 2015, George Soros published his plan, which is now being implemented across the globe to bring millions of illegals into the United States and into Europe. As Hungary’s leader Viktor Orban recently pointed out:”

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024: NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli Hanged at GITMO | Real Raw News

  • ·        Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 White Hats Mobilize 25,000 Troops to Stop Election Interference | Real Raw News

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Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Currency Revaluation …Charlie Ward and Friends on Telegram

  • ·        Key Currencies: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, and Zimbabwe ZIM

  • ·        Iraqi Dinar: The Iraqi dinar has been undervalued for too long due to years of turmoil and economic instability. But everything is about to change. With this new treaty in place, the Dinar is set for a major revaluation—bringing newfound prosperity to Iraq and transforming its future.

  • ·        This revaluation won’t just boost the economy; it will bring foreign investors flocking, pushing Iraq into a new era. The elites tried to suppress Iraq, but they can’t hold it down any longer. The rise is imminent, and those who know are getting ready to prosper.

  • ·        Vietnamese Dong: Vietnam’s economy has been growing steadily, but the value of the Dong never reflected this progress—because they didn’t want it to. Now, with a revaluation, the Dong is set to be on par with the U.S. dollar, signaling the unstoppable rise of Vietnam’s economic power.

  • ·        This isn’t just about Vietnam; it’s about a global shift, and the opportunities are endless. Trade, investment, and massive economic growth are on the horizon. Those in the know are already seeing the potential. Are you ready to seize the moment?

  • ·        Zimbabwe ZIM: Zimbabwe has faced economic collapse, hyperinflation, and hardship—but the ZIM is coming back. The revaluation of the ZIM isn’t just a step forward; it’s a leap towards freedom from the chains the global powers placed on Zimbabwe.

  • ·        This change will restore faith in Zimbabwe’s economy and pave the way for recovery and growth. The old system fears countries like Zimbabwe rising—but it’s too late to stop what’s coming. The revaluation is about reclaiming power, and those prepared will see rewards beyond belief.


Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 …Gitmo TV on Telegram:

  • ·        I know it is very bad out there. Hospitals are overwhelmed. There is a guy named James McCann who says he has access to a private airport in North Carolina. He stated he could make it available immediately. But that would only be for those who have accessible means to get there if that is available.

  • ·        Because 400 roads are still closed. Lots of them are destroyed. Helicopter is the only way to get to most people as the damage is about 600 miles out.

  • ·        Communication lines are out so you have people stranded in homes, stores, and schools who are having trouble reaching family & friends that have radio silent for at least 48 hrs or more not knowing if they are alive or not. Entire homes were swept up by the floods.

  • ·        This is a very dire situation. Donald Trump has already started his transition team months early before next year as he wants to be ready on day one. So he is definitely geared up to get things going prior to January. Let’s see what he has for us tomorrow.

  • ·        People are dying in stranded ambulances. People are dying is trapped cars. People are dying on bridges where no one can reach them. People are dying inside their homes. People are dying because life support is no longer connected. This is really bad.



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