Summary as I am able:
9-13-22 Tuesday
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💥God’s WORD for TODAY!
… and whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:23-24 KJV
He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; And that which he hath given will he pay him again.
Proverbs 19:17 KJV
Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
Ephesians 5:1 KJV
The problem with Justin Trudeau’s house:
Canadian taxpayers have spent millions on PM’s lodgings, while official residence sits in dire straits
Trudeau’s decision not to live at 24 Sussex Drive hasn’t saved Canadian taxpayers as much cash as one might think.
Trudeau residence spent $12K on groceries, and boutique goods in one month…
Spending on official residences is a 'HOT topic' — and always has been.
Debates over spending on official residences are as old as the buildings themselves.
[The Toronto Star]
Queen Elizabeth's connection to Hinduism!
I did not go looking for this. I repeat, I did not go looking for this. I was just watching Orthodox Christian Princess' Global News Series for a couple of minutes
when suddenly I'm seeing the late Queen Elizabeth when she was Princess Elizabeth being initiated into the Sacred Circle of Bards, an ancient Druid ceremony.
Say what!?? So, playing a long shot, I decide to find out if the ancient Druids had any connection to Hinduism. You know, just because Hinduism/Buddhism seems to have cropped up every other day on my internet screen. Why not this too? Why not look? OK, so I do. And after a few minutes searching for a connection, well, blow me away, look at what I find:
The connections between Druidism and Hinduism are particularly striking. One similarity is found in the Druid’s sacred Awen, which looks and sounds much like the Hindu word Aum — both words representing the primordial sound of the universe. The Pheryllt also spoke of a female goddess, Cerridwen, who shares many parallels with the Hindu goddess Kali. Cerridwen’s divine feminine energy is often referred to much like Kali’s Kundalini energy.
Could there have been a common Atlantean origin or ancestry between the Celtic Druids and other ancient Eastern cultures? Similarities in mythology aside, there are also many parallels in their belief systems, including reincarnation and cosmology. Interestingly, the root words for Druid, dru and vid, when translated in Sanskrit mean, “immersed in knowledge.” It has also been common for many modern Druids to feel a connection with the dharmic teachings of these Eastern religions, leading members of OBOD to actively study this connection.
Don't bother to click on the link at the end, because it's a dead end now. I have to leave this with you for now. I'll just copy and paste this email into my growing Word document about the Return of the Gods being Hindu gods. And that's something I don't think anyone else has put together. At least not in anything that appears on the internet lately. I guess the globalists are holding these cards pretty close to their vests. Heh heh heh.
PS - Prince Charles became a member of the elite Magic Circle, which only the best magicians in the world can join.
Prince Charles is an honorary member of the MC. The main room combines the arcane with the postmodern. Close-up of the Magic ... Some of the historic posters and artefacts in the museum. The helical staircase. The Magic Circle, that famous club of magicians.
Remember the magicians in Egypt that copied Moses by producing a hoard of frogs, and turning their staffs into serpents? Prince Charles was admitted to the Magic Circle after performing an ancient Egyptian feat… [Three Cups and a Bean]
[Patrick Bestall]
Derek Prince 25 years ago:
"Don't waste your time on people who are not willing to change." - Derek Prince at the 27 min. mark, putting in his own words 2 Timothy 3: 1-5
I am getting so much out of listening to Derek Prince lately. He live 1915 to 2003, and shaped much of the 20th century. As an intercessor and prophet he was used by God to break up the communist threat in half, separating Russia from China for 50 years. His words in this video apply very very much to us now. Some of you have sent me the same message from other sources, which I believe is more than coincidence.
PS - Derek warns against "preaching extra-biblical revelation". Don and I do not do this in our 40-minute video below. We build our chart on 6 cycles of history that have repeated themselves and mirror another 6 cycles in the future. We do not predict dates and quote only those visions of the future that fit into the repetition of history and contain no dates. Everything is based on biblical history and prophecy such as Daniel's vision of kingdoms to come, and Revelation's vision of things to come. We use as little imagination as Derek does.
Bestall & Brooks - revealing God's puzzle - watch now:
Mattel is no longer an ally but a danger to our children:
As you probably remember, Mattel launched a transgender Barbie. Supposedly, a tribute to Laverne Cox, a transgender actress who turned 50 on May 29. Was it a tribute or just another attempt to arouse controversy and get free publicity? The executive vice president of the company and global director of Barbie, Lisa McKnight proudly announced the decision, while emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusion - as usual. Barbie sells itself as a role model for girls – do girls who play with dolls have to receive messages that neither interest them nor are they old enough to understand? Do we really want to teach our girls to despise their own bodies and grow thinking they can change their biology with technology? Watch this video about the outrageous launch of the transgender Barbie and help us stop Mattel by sharing the video with your family and friends! SHARE THE VIDEO Don't have Facebook? Click here to watch this video on YouTube instead. Mattel joins the "progressive" wave, creating something that young girls neither need, nor want, nor is good for them. And we know that this strategy is bound to fail. They are willing to risk the integrity and innocence of girls. Not us! There are already many of us who have signed the petition to Mattel showing our outrage. But we can have many more! SHARE THE VIDEO Don't have Facebook? Click here to watch this video on YouTube instead. Thank you very much for your commitment in defense of childhood and the innocence of children. P.S. Let me remind you once again to: sign the petition to ask Mattel to withdraw its transgender Barbie and stop risking the innocence and wellbeing of kids.
CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
James Schadenberg and the entire CitizenGO Team
Viral Video Misspeak or Ominous Warning Over September 24th?:
A video of a member of the German legislature warning that September 24th will be a day when everyone will remember "exactly where he or she was" is going viral as we quickly close in on this date.
The speech was given earlier this year on Feb 22nd, and it appears the context of his speech was meant to reference events anticipated to happen on February 24th and not September 24th. However, the misspeak and subsequent reaction in the German parliament (gasping and loud grumbling) has led to much speculation - some commenting that it may even become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th and this earth-shattering event may have in fact set the stage for other world events that will happen on September 24th....
Did this member of parliament reveal something that he wasn't supposed to reveal? It seems like a strange thing for someone in his position to say. At this point we don't know, and some would argue that too much is being made of the misspeak. Those types of days don't come along very often. For those that were alive at the time, the death of John F. Kennedy was one of those days. And certainly 9/11 was one of those days.
The reason why this caught my attention is because I do believe that September 25th and September 26th will be very significant.
This year, Elul 29 begins at sundown on September 24th, and it runs until sundown September 25th.
As I detailed in a previous article, we witnessed the worst stock market crash in U.S. history up to that time on Elul 29 in 2001.
That record stood until it was broken precisely 7 years later Elul 29 in 2008. Elul 29 fell on a Sunday in 2015, and the stock market is closed on Sundays. So, no record was going to be broken then.
However, we did see a tremendous amount of financial shaking in August and September of that year. In 2022, Elul 29 once again falls on a Sunday. So, there will be no stock market crash on that day either.
But I will be watching very closely because Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Sunday, September 25th.
According to Jewish tradition, one seven-year Shemitah cycle will end and a new one will commence once the sun goes down that evening.
Of course, the truth is that we don't know for sure if Jewish authorities have calculated the Shemitah cycles correctly, and the Bible also doesn't make it completely clear on what day the Shemitah cycles are to begin. So, we can't be too dogmatic about any of this.
Without a doubt a great number of believers will be on "high alert" as we approach Rosh Hashanah
There is one more thing that I wanted to mention before I end this article. It has been pointed out to me that "the fall" of the Queen has happened just before we get to "the fall" of this year. And in "the fall" of this year, many are anticipating that we could see "the fall" of western civilization kick into high gear.
Perhaps this is just a huge coincidence and people are reading way too much into all of this. That is entirely possible. But if you had to pick just one figure that represented the entire western world, it would have been her [Qween]. And the western world is certainly on the verge of a complete and totalcollapse.
We are moving into times when we will see catastrophic events happen that most people never even imagined were possible.
All of human history has been building up to a grand crescendo, and we get to be here for it. Is this month going to be particularly significant?
The appointed times in the Bible are always a time for us to gather and meet with the Lord. And throughout history, God has often done really big things during those appointed times. We don't know for sure that God will do anything really big this year, but without a doubt we should all be watching.
Originally published at End Of The American Dream - reposted with permission. [Prophecy News Watch]
California to Strip Custody from Parents of Minors Seeking Trans Surgeries:
On August 31, the California State Senate passed a bill that would allow courts in California to take custody of minors from out of state who come to the Golden State seeking gender transition surgeries and cross-sex hormones, even if these actions go against the wishes of the minors' parents.
Legal experts and children's advocates warn that the measure, which awaits Governor Gavin Newsom's (D) signature to become law, is almost certainly unconstitutional, would cause severe harm to the health and wellbeing of children, and would egregiously violate parental custody rights.
The bill, known as SB 107, was put forward by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and was passed with "overwhelming Democratic support." Wiener has justified the measure because of laws passed in states that bar minors who identify as transgender from taking cross-sex hormones and undergoing surgeries to remove healthy organs, which he characterizes as "brutal attacks on transgender children."
However, the American College of Pediatricians has pointed out that 85% of minors who suffer from gender confusion have their feelings resolved by adulthood, and studies show that undergoing gender transition surgeries and using puberty blocking hormones can lead to increased depression and suicide.
Meanwhile, a host of legal experts have expressed grave concerns about the bill's legality and consequences for children and parental rights.
"SB 107 is one of the gravest threats to parental rights in recent years," said Jonathan Keller, president of California Family Council. "If Governor Newsom foolishly signs this measure, California should brace for lawsuits. Other states' attorneys general will not sit idly by as California steals children from parents who don't want them sterilized with these trans-treatments."
Alliance Defending Freedom, a law firm specializing in religious freedom protections, expressed additional concerns over SB 107's custody law issues.
"SB 107 violates parental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution by giving California courts the ability to strip parents who reside in another state of their parental rights if their child travels to California to obtain gender transition procedures," it stated in a memo.
It went on to note that the bill "would override the jurisdiction of courts in a family's home state that are usually the proper forum for custody determinations. SB 107 could also conflict with various federal laws, including those governing which state courts have jurisdiction to determine child custody and federal laws governing extradition requirements between the states."
The bill raises further questions about who precisely in California would take care of out-of-state minors that would, in the bill's words, be under "temporary emergency jurisdiction" of the state.
Dr. Jennifer Bauwens has first-hand experience with California's foster care system, where she formerly provided counseling and therapy for children through a Christian foster care agency in the state.
"What's happening in California is kind of akin to these other states saying that they are sanctuary states for immigration," she told The Washington Stand. "They want the political kudos, but when it comes to actually serving the people, they don't have the chops to do it, and they realize what a hot mess it is."
Bauwens, who serves as director of Family Studies at Family Research Council, went on to observe that the proposed California measure would add yet another can of worms into the already beleaguered foster care system.
"They don't know what they are opening up in terms of fostering children," she explained. "If they're saying, 'Come to us and the state will take care of you and we won't relinquish you to your parents,' then that ultimately means that they are inviting the foster care system to care for these kids, because who else is going to do it? If they are essentially taking them away from their parents and trying to take custody from the parents, then they are basically burdening the foster care system, which is already overburdened across the nation."
Bauwens continued, "California in particular has a problem with their foster care system, so I don't know that Governor Newsom really realizes what he is potentially unleashing [if he signs the bill] on the California state system. ... Any time that you are divorcing the parent from the child, the child is unnecessarily put into a dangerous situation. Whenever that happens, there is unnecessary risk, and they haven't outlined where these kids are going to go -- I'm assuming the foster care system, but who's going to be responsible for them?"
She went on to underscore how SB 107 fails to take into account the mental limitations of minors and the inherent vulnerabilities in the foster care system.
"Aside from all these other concerns, we're talking about children. We're talking about children who don't really have the mental capabilities to make these life-long decisions, and then when you have a state system that's willing to in theory take custody, but having worked in these types of government systems, things fall through the cracks.
All you must do is look at the current state and the things that we hear about foster care. Now, there are some great people that help in that system and thank God for them. But we also hear horror stories, and so why on earth would we invite children to leave their state, leave their family, so that they can go and be a part of a [large-scale] experiment? It is just crazy."
"We need to fight this at every front," Bauwens concluded. "It would be great to see other governors stand up and say, 'No, you're not going to take kids from my state.'"
Originally published at The Washington Stand - reposted with permission. [Prophecy News Watch]
The Reason Social Justice-
Infected Shows Fail Isn't Racism,
It's Actually Much Simpler – RedState:
There are certain rules these woke producers have to follow in order to have woken shows and it’s so blatantly obvious. Below, I cut and paste these from the article… do these scenarios (highlighted) seem familiar to you?
Outside of consistency within a story, a lot of people have trouble viewing social justice “entertainment” because of a very simple issue; predictability.
Social justice shows, movies, comics, video games, and every other form of media are effectively just propaganda with a mask. Unlike a story made for the sake of a good story, propaganda has to follow certain rules. Social justice/woke entertainment is very rigid in the rules it has to follow.
For instance, the Bechdel test has to be passed. Female lead characters must have almost no flaws. One flaw they are allowed to have is that they don’t believe in their own power enough. If she has a male teacher or leader, she must be better than him at everything from the outset.
The villain must be white and male. The villain can be black, but he or she must also have a compelling argument for doing the things they’re doing. Men must be inferior to women and/or must be stupid and/or evil. A man cannot win an argument or physical confrontation against a woman, no matter how improbable.
Casting must be “diverse,” however if the cast excludes non-white actors completely or has a cast full of one type of non-white person, then that is acceptable
Fil Beorchia
Alcohol Consumption prior to 2021:
Russian boozing down 43% between 2008 and 2021
It would appear that God is Blessing Russia as it turns back to Him, while Cursing the West as we turn away from Him!
[Patrick Bestall]
David YEO:
Suez CanaL*120 Miles*N0 Curve (3 Min)
Marla w/ Embalmer Richard Hirschman (62 Min)
STEW & VA Whistleblower: Heart Issues R rampant+ (16 Min)
Weather Satellite Debunked (4 Min)
What BOJO says About the Queen (3 Min)
1 in 4 Children unable to do Daily Tasks after 3rd Pump
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
A quick Summary:
I have decided to not include the RUMOURS that are floating about… at least until some of them start to be realized.