Summary as I am able:
5-10-22 Tuesday
💥Thoughts for TODAY!
Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
Ephesians 6:2-3 KJV
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10 KJV
Clarence Thomas says Supreme Court cannot be ‘bullied’ with Roe v. Wade leak:
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke out about a leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion on a pending pro-life case that could overturn Roe v. Wade, saying the court cannot be bullied.
Thomas shared the words during a judicial conference on Friday.
The stunning move should not change the outcome of the case but should cause a review of how information is handled within the court.
The nation’s highest court must continue to guard its integrity and information as it serves in its role for the nation.
[Conservative Institute]
💥💥💥FireBombs used on Civilians:
1. 💥Brighteon
Carpet bombing with incendiary bombs on civilian populations is horrendous, yet it was used by the Allies in Germany and Japan during WWII. German and Japanese soldiers who left their women, children and parents at home in the cities found out what happened, and they almost went insane with grief and rage asking "Why? How could America and Britain do this?" Waves of bombers would keep dropping them on buildings and homes for hours until the flames reached higher than the clouds. And then the skies would fill a few days later over another defenseless city. No wonder the Nazis called their rockets over England the V-1 and V-2, "V" for "Vengeance", revenge, pay-back in kind. No wonder the Japanese held the first-ever war-crimes trials in the world. No wonder the crews of these Allied fire-bombers never got medals after the war. No wonder the US dropped the Atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a way to explain so much destruction.
Compare that to the way the 💥 Russians treated the human shields in Mariupol
#3. Would evil men dare to start fire-bombing cities again? 💥💥You tell me.💥💥
[Patrick Bestall]
The Christian Music Festival is an annual celebration of faith, freedom, and cultural diversity… TORONTO City Hall Square!
The Christian Music Festival is an annual celebration of faith, freedom, and cultural diversity.
About this event
The Christian Music Festival is an annual celebration of faith, freedom, and cultural diversity.
This festival draws people from right here and around the world.
Come and experience a day filled with fun, family and friendly celebration featuring the very best in Christian Music in diverse genres!
This multi genre celebration of Faith and Freedom is guaranteed to satisfy every taste in music. [Patrick Bestall]
In A Single Tweet, Elon Musk Sums Up the Problems with the Left:
With each passing day since he announced his plans to buy Twitter, Elon Musk keeps finding new ways to make waves in the public eye. His unfiltered opinion, and his open expression so you know where you stand is exactly what this nation has been missing for some time now. By giving the people the real deal up front, he is setting the stage for the kind of unfiltered opinions he wants to see returning to Twitter across the board.
With the tweet “The far-left hates everyone, themselves included,” Musk has yet again set the liberal’s emotions on fire as they cry out about being picked on. The funny part about the group is that even the moderate liberals tend to get offended when you talk about the hard leftbecause they worry that you might be talking about them, too. With no real level of being able to just accept things and move on, this immediately set Twitter ablaze.
Despite their immediate reactions ranging from general displeasure that he would single them out, to people calling for his head, they saw how transparent Musk is and how he’ll most likely operate Twitter. The downfall of their quick reaction times is their inability to see what they are missing out on.
Musk didn’t just attack the left, but he targeted the right as well. “But I’m no fan of the far-right either. Let’s have less hate and more love.” Given his South African roots and his personality in interviews and public appearances, this makes sense. The man was able to endure some time with Amber Heard and come out on the other side without losing everything to being destroyed. So, he knows how to ensure both sides of the spectrum are kept happy to a point. [Really Loaded News]
Allan Watts: Understanding The Control (119 min)
Based on Their Stats The JAB Efficacy is DECLINING (1 Min)
Great Actors (6 Min)
Doc Charles: What The VAX does in the Body (9 Min)
Billy Says the Code in mRNA VAX can b updated w/o Notice(2 Min)
Biggest Crime F!ne 5zer (2 Min)
Funny Thing When You Look For Humans (12 Min)
UK & Rogan: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)**Crypto (10 Min)
To The Point (2 Min)
Doc Young: Excellent TAlk w/ Pics (10 Min)
The Gates of HELL Shall NOT Prevail* Banned (51 Min)
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
The Real News for Mon. 9 May 2022:
· Release 2000 Mules. Expose the truth. Then pull the ripcord and let America see the criminal cartel. The release of 2000 Mules has already made waves across the country. But if you thought True the Vote was done, think again.
· Bolivian Election Fraud: A car carrying presidential election ballots in Bolivia was intercepted by civilians. The ballots are already marked with a vote for the candidate and current Bolivian president Evo Morales.
· Mon. 9 May 2022 is Victory Day in Russia – a celebration of World War II Nazism finally ending with victory in Ukraine. “American veterans were forbidden to come to the Parade in Moscow. But we are proud of your contribution to Victory. We honor the feat of all allies. All those who defeated Nazism and militarism.”
· 50-year Jubilee. God’s New Year: Sept. 7, 2021 - Sept. 26, 2022. 50 year is the Golden year. 1971 Nixon took away gold standard, World Economic Forum Founded, Roe vs Wade established: 1971 + 50 years = 2022
· Watch the Water: Torrential rain bomb to hammer Australia and it'll last for nine days:
· Avicii Hero wanted to wake up the world and the pedophile Deep State bast--d killed him.
· A Message From Russian President Putin:
· Expose the Pedos, End the Cabal and Delete the Elite:
It is about TIME!
What Should Be In, But Has Yet to Make Today’s Headlines:
· Wed. 4 Nov. 2020 Democrats Altering 2020 Election With CIA App Scorecard:
· Sun. 18 Oct. 2020: Obama, Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Soros Tied to Failed US Electrical Grid Attack? | Politics | Before It's News (
· Thurs. 8 Oct. 2020: Global Currency Reset, Illuminati Taken Down, Millions of Children Rescued | Politics | Before It's News (
· Thurs. 24 Sept. 2020: Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury | Politics | Before It's News (
· Tues. 8 Sept. 2020: Military Continues Child Rescue Out of Underground Tunnels Across the Globe | Politics | Before It's News (