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Tuesday 10 - [1] - 24... 


Verses for today:



Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV


Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Matthew 16:24 KJV


Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

1 Timothy 4:12 KJV


... for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Romans 3:23-24 KJV





Be PREPARED for a Military Controlled LOCK-DOWN Soon!

Donna Warren

Dr Scott Young

Don Brooks



Rick Wiles is back:

You must listen to this program, even if it's while you work, even if it's only the first hour.  Everything he says about war(s) fits with the timeline in our Chart, pointing to the year 2029, the end of Trump's presidency.  Only he does not mention the Asteroid Apophis which arrives on Apr 13, 2029, or the opening of Neom which should be that year!



Here is our VIDEO:

Bestall & Brooks - revealing God's puzzle - watch now: 

Patrick Bestall

Don Brooks

 Appalachia After Hurricane Helene: What the Media Won't Tell You:

VIEW this VIDEO...

 It is only 20-Minutes long... A Good Over-View of Hurricane HELENE

Scott Card

66 Years of Lies:

Hurricane Helene Was Engineered!

Military and Corporate Cloud Seeding, HAARP Experiments, and Influential Elites Planned It Weeks Before It Struck         

—Shocking Satellite Footage Shows Planes Flying Suspiciously Over the Storm’s Path!

Powerful organizations and institutions are actively attempting to censor We strongly encourage you to share this news with the world.

Stay informed and uncover the truth with us—they’ve been lying to us for too long. Join our, Telegram Channel. Be part of the revelation.

The devastation of Hurricane Helene is no accident—it’s an engineered, deliberate act of aggression aimed at the very communities that are fighting for the truth and against the elite’s stranglehold on our freedoms.

This is not the first time weather has been used as a weapon, and it certainly won’t be the last. In fact, the timing of this storm is far too convenient, and the groundwork for it was laid out long before the public was warned of its arrival. It’s time we connect the dots and expose the reality behind this so-called “natural disaster.”

This storm didn’t appear out of nowhere. There were weather modification tests conducted in the weeks leading up to Hurricane Helene’s landfall. Reports from whistleblowers have indicated that military and corporate entities were actively engaging in cloud seeding and atmospheric manipulation experiments in the Atlantic Ocean.

These tests were not isolated events—they were conducted with specific targets in mind. The regions now left devastated were mapped out long before Helene made landfall. It was about setting the stage, ensuring that the conditions were “ripe” for a catastrophic event.


The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), a known weather manipulation facility, was spotted ramping up its activity. Independent observers tracking ionospheric disturbances reported significant anomalies just before the hurricane was officially announced.


These disturbances were not random; they were directly correlated with the increase in electromagnetic activity over the Atlantic. This kind of buildup has been noted in the past, always preceding major weather events, but it’s not just electromagnetic pulses—chemical dispersals were observed as well. Satellite imagery from late August showed suspicious aircraft patterns over the Atlantic, dropping aerosols to “seed” the coming storm.


And let’s not forget—this isn’t the first time Hurricane Helene has wreaked havoc on American soil. A storm of the exact same name struck the United States 66 years ago, back in 1958, causing similar inland devastation and loss.

The historical coincidence is chilling, but here’s the real kicker—recently declassified documents have shown that the government was experimenting with hurricane modification technologies as far back as the 1950s.


They wanted to learn how to control hurricanes, to steer them, intensify them, or diminish them at will. And now, more than half a century later, the knowledge and capabilities they have gained have clearly not been shelved—they’ve been perfected and used.


Think about it—66 years later, a storm with the same name, the same destructive path, and the same timing, conveniently reappears. The elites are not only demonstrating their control over the natural elements, but they are also reminding everyone that they’ve been at this for decades. Hurricane Helene of 1958 was just a prototype—Helene 2024 is the final product, honed to perfection to target, displace, and destroy.

There’s even more. In the weeks leading up to Hurricane Helene’s announcement, several influential figures, those deeply embedded in the global elite power structure, were seen making unusual trips.


Individuals like Bill Gates, known for his “interest” in geoengineering and weather modification technologies, were reported to be visiting obscure facilities in locations like Alaska and Norway, places where experimental weather stations are known to operate. Why, you ask? It’s clear—they were overseeing the progress, making sure that the next phase of their climate agenda was ready for launch.


But it wasn’t just Gates. Christine Lagarde, the high-profile European Central Bank figure, was seen at a so-called “climate symposium” in Geneva, where private meetings were held behind closed doors.


Sources who managed to get close to the scene reported hearing discussions explicitly referencing the “targeting of climate resilience” in the American Southeast. Don’t let the euphemisms fool you—they weren’t talking about protecting these areas; they were talking about targeting them. This is how the elites communicate—coded language, hidden in plain sight.


Even the World Economic Forum‘s infamous chairman, Klaus Schwab, made comments during a closed-door session in late August about “accelerating the process of climate alignment.” What process? What alignment? The truth is, they are aligning the climate to suit their needs. The need for chaos, displacement, and control.

The timing of these influential figures taking sudden “interest” in weather research, coinciding with an historic storm bearing the same name from 66 years ago, is no accident. This is coordinated, calculated, and deliberate.

They are using these storms as tools of political warfare—a covert way to destabilize and demoralize the American populace, especially those who refuse to bow down to their technocratic vision of the future.


The 1958 Hurricane Helene struck at a time when America was standing strong against global communism, during the height of the Cold War. The power that this storm unleashed was a stark reminder to those paying attention that weather could be used as a weapon.


Here we are now, 66 years later, at the crux of another major ideological battle—freedom versus technocratic tyranny—and they have unleashed Helene once more, with even greater devastation. Do you think it’s a coincidence that 66 years have passed, and they have chosen this number to revive Helene? Those in power are obsessed with symbolism.


They use dates, names, and numbers to send messages, not just to us, but to each other. 66 years—a number that signifies control, cycles, and power. They’re telling us they are in control, that they have come full circle, and that the cycle of control they initiated back then is being completed today.


Even the responses from local and federal authorities to the devastation are suspicious. Why has there been such minimal and delayed aid to these devastated regions? Why is it that the military, which could easily assist in such crises, has instead focused on maintaining “order” and setting up curfews rather than helping rebuild? Because this isn’t about helping—this is about control, monitoring, and making sure that the survivors of this weather warfare stay compliant.


Power is out in the affected areas. Cell towers are down. The infrastructure is destroyed, leaving these communities isolated. It’s not just about physical destruction; it’s about psychological warfare. Cut off the people, make them feel alone, make them feel forgotten. They want these communities to lose hope, to turn away from their values, and to look toward the state for salvation.


We also can’t ignore the military presence before and after the hurricane. Reports from eyewitnesses in North Carolina have described unmarked military convoys moving into position days before the storm hit.


Why were they there? And why did they not help once the storm arrived? Because they weren’t there to help—they were there to monitor. To make sure the devastation happened exactly as planned, to contain any potential uprisings, and to ensure that the people in these communities were completely cut off.

The elite-controlled media will never tell you this. They want you to think that this is a tragic, unavoidable disaster. They want you to think that Hurricane Helene is just Mother Nature being cruel, that it’s climate change, that it’s your fault for driving a car or using a plastic straw. They don’t want you to see the truth—that they planned, orchestrated, and executed this attack.


They tested the waters, literally, by conducting experiments in the Atlantic in the weeks leading up to the storm. They made sure the conditions were perfect, and then they released it—unleashing a weaponized storm on innocent people to serve their agenda of fear, control, and global domination.


Wake up, America. This is a coordinated assault on our freedom, on our resistance, and on our ability to stand tall against the globalist machine.


Hurricane Helene is just one more weapon in their ever-growing arsenal of tools meant to subdue and silence those who will not comply.


We must not allow ourselves to be blinded by the lies and misdirection of the mainstream.

We must stand together, expose the truth, and resist this dark agenda with everything we have.




James Comer sent Kamala Harris the letter that she feared the most:

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer unearthed some of the biggest corruption bombshells about Joe and Hunter Biden.

Now Kamala Harris is under investigation.

And James Comer sent Kamala Harris the letter that she feared the most.


James Comer announces investigation into Kamala Harris for soliciting foreign election interference 

Kamala Harris stirred up a hornet’s nest by flying Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Pennsylvania to tour a munitions factory and campaign against Donald Trump.

On the trip, Zelensky appeared with three top Pennsylvania Democrats – Governor Josh Shapiro, Senator Robert Casey and Congressman Matt Cartwright.


Zelensky then attacked Donald Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance as delusional and “radical” over their support for a negotiated settlement to the war in Ukraine.

Chairman Comer (K-KY) was hot about a foreign leader appearing on U.S. soil to meddle in the 2024 election at the request of the incumbent administration.


In a statement announcing the committee’s intention to investigate Kamala Harris for inviting foreign election meddling, Comer reminded Democrats that they impeached Donald Trump over phony allegations that Trump solicited Zelensky to participate in – what turned out to be an ongoing criminal investigation – into Hunter Biden. 

“In 2019, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives impeached President Donald J. Trump for abuse of power under the theory that he attempted to use a foreign leader — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky — to benefit his 2020 presidential campaign, despite a lack of any evidence of wrongdoing on the part of President Trump,” Comer began.


Comer announced this amounted to a potential abuse of power and what could amount to an impeachable offense.

“The Committee seeks to determine whether the Biden-Harris Administration attempted to use a foreign leader to benefit Vice President  Harris’ presidential campaign and, if so, necessarily committed an abuse of power,” Comer added.


Comer takes aim at Zelensky

Comer also expressed displeasure at Zelensky’s partisan attacks on Trump while visiting America on the taxpayers’ dime.


“He further stated his belief that President Trump and his administration would not be able to stop the war, despite this being one of President Trump’s main campaign platforms (and peace in the region under the entirety of the former Trump administration),” Comer continued.


Republicans were steamed that Zelensky would align his remarks with the campaign messaging of Kamala Harris.

“My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how. With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand. I’ve seen many leaders who were convinced they knew how to end it tomorrow, and as they waded deeper into it, they realized it’s not that simple,” Zelensky said in an interview with the New Yorker.


Comer said his committee intended to investigate whether the Kamala Harris-Biden administration coordinated with Zelensky and the Kamala Harris campaign to use taxpayer funds to orchestrate a scheme to utilize a foreign leader to meddle in an American election.


“This rhetoric coming from a foreign leader released in anticipation of a U.S.-taxpayer funded visit about the current Administration’s political opponent is highly concerning,” Comer concluded. “The Committee is investigating any coordination or communication among the Biden-Harris Administration, Pennsylvania’s Office of the Governor, and President Zelenskyy for use or solicitation of use of government property to politically benefit Vice President Harris’s presidential campaign.”

24 / 7 Politics


Intentional if you pay attention:

Daniel Brooks

This happened a few years ago but is still amazing.


Tim Tebow stepped into a quarterback role as a backup when the number one QB got hurt.

Tim Took his team to a fantastic win.

Tim Tebow


Kamala Harris put on Notice by one Swing State’s Board of Elections:

Vice President Kamala Harris is in a tight race. She’s looking for every leg up.

But Harris was put on notice by this one critical swing state’s board of elections.


Most Americans agree with more frequent cleaning of voter rolls so that errant mail ballots aren’t sent to the wrong address as often as they are and so that the state has a clean database of valid registered voters. This is just common sense to the vast majority of American citizens.


Plenty of Democrats, though, lose their minds when they hear about states taking action to clean their voter rolls. They call it a form of “voter suppression,” arguing that people being removed are actually valid voters. There’s no proof of that though, so they must be removed.


Texas recently announced over the Summer that they had removed over a million individuals from their voter rolls who did not have a valid registration anymore. Now North Carolina is following suit with an announcement of a giant purge just weeks before Election Day arrives.


North Carolina has recently undertaken a major update to its voter registration rolls, removing over 700,000 individuals due to ineligibility. According to a statement by the State Board of Elections, 747,000 people were taken off the voter list over the past 20 months. These removals were largely attributed to voters moving without notifying election officials, either within the state or out of state.


The State Board emphasized that the process ensures only ineligible voters are removed, stating, “The county boards follow careful policies to ensure that only ineligible records are removed, not those of eligible voters.” Despite the removals, the state’s voter base continues to grow, with nearly 7.7 million registered voters currently on the rolls. “Meanwhile, newly eligible voters are constantly being added to the registration rolls in our growing state,” the board added.


Other reasons for removal included not participating in the last two federal elections and failing to respond to follow-up notifications, as well as death, felony convictions, requests to be removed, or lack of U.S. citizenship.

In the political landscape, a recent Marist Poll finds that North Carolina remains highly competitive in the 2024 presidential race.


The poll shows a tie between Vice President Harris and former President Trump at 49% among likely voters in the state. Additionally, 91% of respondents who had already decided on a candidate said they were strongly committed to their choice.


Historically, North Carolina has swung between parties in presidential elections. The state last supported a Democrat in 2008 when then – Sen. Barack Obama narrowly won by 0.3 points. Trump secured a 3.7-point victory in 2016, though that margin tightened to 1.3 points in the 2020 election against President Biden.

As election season heats up, North Carolina has already begun absentee voting for registered voters. The state began sending out absentee ballots to military and overseas voters last Friday, and all other absentee ballots started going out Tuesday.


Notably, voters do not need to provide an excuse to request an absentee ballot, making the process more accessible. However, the state’s Board of Elections reminds voters that absentee ballot applications must be received by Oct. 29, with completed ballots due to county officials by Nov. 5.


Election Integrity a High Priority For Red States, Democrats Lament

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has said that removing invalid voter registrations is important to help prevent any wrongdoing on the side of the state as well as any wrongdoing for any individual trying to commit nefarious election activity.


“Identifying these individuals that are ineligible doesn’t just make for a strong voter registration list, it also prevents individuals from potentially making mistakes that could impact them negatively, too,” Christina Adkins, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice elections division director, has recently shared with reporters at the Texas Tribune.


Primarily, it creates accountabilities for all involved in creating a safe and integrous election, which is ultimately what all Americans want from every political background. Democrats, though, have been apprehensive to the idea of more regular voter roll cleaning and tighter registration requirements.


In the Democrat Party platform, you will find the Democrats outright admit they do not want voter ID laws and want same-day registration as well as automatic registration, meaning citizens who do not request to sign up as a voter have no choice to. They also call these purges of voter rolls as “excessive,” though the federal government just recently approved the Texas and North Carolina states as in accordance with federal law on voter roll cleaning.


The Democrat Party also includes in their party platform a call for “universal vote-from-home and vote-by-mail options.” That reads as if their election utopian idea (some would say dystopian) is a scenario in which all Americans are casting their vote from home either on a computer or with a piece of mail.

The DC Daily Journal



Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!





The latest news: 

Welcome To Red OctoberThe Fall of The EliteExpect Lots of Chaos In The Next Three WeeksThe Dawn Of A New World Follows

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report]


Red October is coming in hot and heavy. The apparent manmade Hurricane Helene was the first indication as it appeared just a few days after the UN declared their “Pact for the Future.”

In their Pact for the Future Globalists unleashed digital IDs, handed unchecked power to the World Health Organization, and crafted a blueprint for total control through digital gold-backed Bitcoin and Token currency that only they had control over.

The Cabal appeared to have well planned the devastation of Hurricane Helene in Red States. Reports from Whistleblowers said that in the weeks prior to Hurricane Helene’s landfall the privately owned US Inc.’s HAARP facility ramped up it’s High Frequency Activity; their Military conducted Weather Modification tests in cloud seeding and atmospheric manipulation experiments in the Atlantic Ocean and days before the Storm hit in North Carolina unmarked Military convoys moved into position, while planes were seen suspiciously flying over the Storm’s path as it happened.

Right now another twin-like storm was brewing that appeared destined to go on the same path as Hurricane Helene. Worse, Antifa-type groups were ready for the upheaval and were shutting off Truckers trying to get supplies to their destination in the Red States.

Do you really think it’s a coincidence that Hurricane Helene hit shore just before the International Longshormen’s Strike commenced at ports across the East, West, Gulf Coasts, along with a “sister strike” in Canada? The strike which began Tues. 1 Oct. shuts down 36 US ports which handle roughly half of the goods shipped in and out of the US. This strike could lead to significant disruptions in the international supply chain, potentially causing delays and price increases for a wide range of goods including food items.

The strike fit in with the Cabal’s agenda for a Worldwide food supply shortage – a secure way to control the World population. They were also using Chemtrails to contaminate food production worldwide  – though that surprisingly was not the most decrepit scenario they were carrying out.

[Content Redacted]

And, since at least 2022 the FBI, USDA and FDA have known that that the Fluoride added to municipal water sources causes neurological damage in children. Plus those same federal agencies appear to support Cabal Companies that were taking down the small farmer, while poisoning our food supply with chemical-laced manmade food.

To add to the Cabal’s planned chaos agenda and according to a Tier 2 technician at Verizonon Mon. 30 Sept. there was a deliberate and unauthorized shutdown of the U.S. electrical grid that specifically targeted cell towers, starting locally and expanding nationwide. Verizon has experienced the most significant impact, with other carriers also affected due to their reliance on Verizon’s infrastructure. The systematic nature of this shutdown indicates it was likely executed with ill intent rather than being a simple system malfunction.

And just what is the Biden-Harris Admin doing about all this. Well, they approved a $567,000,000 military package for Taiwan. In the past seven days they have sent military aid packages to Ukraine for $8,000,000,000; to Israel for $8,700,000,000 and to Taiwan for $563,000,000 for a total of $17,263,000,000. At the same time just how much have they allocated for Hurricane Helene victims? I heard a million or so. Trump just donated $25 million of his own money to Hurricane Helene victims.

Biden was blaming Hurricane Helene on Climate Change, but in reality our Cabal run US Inc. Government was deliberately unleashing weaponized devastation on their own innocent people to serve their agenda of fear, control and global domination – and the Red October problems were only just beginning.



  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 Major Alert: Verizon Wireless has been shut down all around the World.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 General Flynn: General Flynn is preparing people on what’s to come in the next 37 days or so:

    He says ‘We are in a period where we are going to see such a level of desperation in the next 37 days. What you think you have been through already in the last 8 years, what we are about to experience in the next couple of weeks/month plus…I think it’s going to blow the minds of people. I think we are going to see things that we have not experienced as a nation’.

    We are in a war right now, this is an intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual war’.

    ‘People have to faith in each other, we are facing a dark soulless group of people that have no soul. They are dark hearted. Their idea about how the United States should be, is without a constitution’.

  • On Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed currency officially entered general circulation.

  • On Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 EAS testing happened across dozens of US States. Multiple independent video verifications and timeframes aligned across State borders to within minutes of one another

  • On Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 a Temporary Flight Restriction Notice went out via NOTAM closing off all air space until further notice around Washington DC from surface to 99,000 feet. A Temporary Flight Restriction was also issued over Chimney Rock NC supposedly “to provide a safe environment for search operations.”

  • On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 the gold-backed Chinese Yen will replace the fiat US Dollar to determine the price of oil on the Forex for international trading and thus the fiat US Dollar will cease to exist because it has no value and cannot be used for international trade.

  • On Tues. 1 Oct. the US Inc. Corp. fiscal year ends; has not been funded by Congress for the next fiscal year and thus will be forced to close down, ending the fiat monetary system.

  • On Tues. 1 Oct. all banks worldwide not Basel III Compliant (have gold backed currency) will be closed.

  • On Tues. 1 Oct. the Quantum Financial System Global Currency Reset activates with at least 144 countries currencies being gold/asset-backed and trading at a 1:1 with each other, which means that NESARA/ GESARA also activates across the World on 1 Oct.

  • On Tues. 1 Oct. LIBOR is slated to be replaced by SOFR that supports the real value of money, marking a significant change in financial benchmarks as it is the end of price manipulation around the World.

  • On Tues. 1 Oct. the new United States of America Republic will start its new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note as part of the Global Currency Reset.

  • In the first week of October the Emergency Broadcast System will activate while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will be executing the largest Sting Operation in history and the EBS broadcasts documentaries 24/7 on the state of those arrests.

  • On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Congress adjourns for 30 days (Congress can only be arrested when it’s not in session).

  • On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 workers at major ports on the East and West Coasts plus in Canada will go on strike, severely disrupting the supply chain. Stock up on goods.

  • Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 is the one year anniversary of the US Debt Clock Messages on Telegram.

  • Wed. 2 Oct. Mickey Mouse On The Clock Wednesday 10 2 is the final day.

  • On Thurs. 3 Oct. 2024 Iraq celebrates their Independence Day.



  • Fiat money is disappearing, and now we have USN (Notes) and USTN (Treasury Notes), backed by gold which will be exchanged 1:1, or 1 US dollar for 1 Treasury Note. Backed by gold.


  • Argentina has joined BRICS.

  • The QFS is a quantum consciousness.

  • Trump is awaiting confirmation from Reno that the USTN is active.

  • We must remain vigilant because bad actors will try to destroy us. They have controlled the financial system for hundreds of years, and now they are losing everything. Like any mafia, they are becoming very dangerous.

  • We must stay vigilant and seek strength within ourselves. We need our God.

  • We will see a lot of chaos in the next 3 weeks. Much destruction. We need moral fiber and a connection with the Creator. We will be guided during this time. We need divine intervention. The only certainty is that God will win! Don’t worry! Stay out of trouble, and if needed, get on your knees. God is in control!

  • Q. SAT. 24 AUG. 2024, OCTOBER AND THE FALL OF THE ELITE: New encryption technology, deployed in August 2024, ensures secure communication across military networks. Military units are tirelessly preparing, setting up not only the technical infrastructure but also crafting the explosive content that will expose the elites’ crimes.

  • These broadcasts contain sensitive, top-security-clearance material—videos so damning they have been locked away in the highest echelons of power. Once aired, the truth will be undeniable, and the global populace will witness the elites’ systematic manipulation and control unravel.

  • The final phase of satellite testing is nearing completion. Recently launched satellites under the guise of commercial projects have been fitted with technology far beyond civilian knowledge. This will bypass conventional internet censorship, delivering the EBS message directly to every digital screen, uncontested.

  • Mobile broadcasting units, disguised as military transports, are positioned globally to ensure coverage even in isolated regions. No one will escape the revelation.

  • The sheer scale of this operation is unprecedented. Military shipments are rapidly being deployed to global ports, encrypted communications suggesting coordination akin to wartime logistics. But this war is different—it’s not between nations; it’s between the people and the shadow forces that have held them in bondage.

  • In the shadows, the masterminds behind this global effort remain unknown to all but the innermost circles. Their identities are protected, but their mission is clear: dismantle the global elite power structure and usher in a new era for humanity.

  • As the activation date draws closer, key operatives are being relocated to undisclosed locations, securing the operation against potential retaliation. These individuals are the last line of defense in ensuring the EBS activation proceeds without fail.

  • October marks the fall of the global elite. What follows will be the dawn of a new world, one where the shadows not long.



  • U.S. Military Alert: All military forces worldwide are preparing to suspend all media, internet, phone, and TV services. Emergency services will stay active, but everything else is about to go dark.

  • During this time, no internet, no ATMs, and phones? Only working for 911 calls. This is the global martial law we’ve been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout. But here’s the kicker: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Nonstop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest

  • The military is taking down Cabal-controlled governments worldwide, executing mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we’ve been fighting for.

  • After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new quantum internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, and commerce? Gone. A new age is coming.


Global Currency Reset:

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 TNT Tony: “On Friday I was told this would happen Mon/Tues. People in Kurdistan are being told they have a new rate tomorrow Tues. 1 Oct. Banks are currently in meetings at this moment. Brought Feds in last night. All waiting on the go. It’s done. All three letter agencies said their portions are done and expecting it tomorrow morning Tues. 1 Oct. Kurds are always ahead of Lebanon and Kurds got paid yesterday Sun. 29 Sept. It’s the end of the Quarter.


Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Imminent GESARA Mass Wealth Redistribution Unleashed: NESARA’s Rainbow Currency Being Printed and Secretly Tested, EBS Set to Activate, as Global Banks Collapse and CEOs Resign Worldwide! …Gitmo TV on Telegram

  • September 29, 2024—The Revolution Has Begun! We are living through the final chapter of the old world. The global elites are in a state of panic, scrambling to keep control as the most monumental wealth transfer in history is being prepared under NESARA and GESARA. The signs are exploding into view, visible to anyone who dares to see beyond the lies of the controlled media.

  • The Prosperity Funds—Activation Imminent: The Prosperity Funds—the secret weapon in GESARA’s arsenal—are locked and loaded, ready for imminent distribution. Reports from insiders suggest that by mid-October, we could see the first round of direct wealth transfers, wiping out personal debts, and distributing the wealth that has been stolen from the people for generations. The old systems of debt slavery are being torn down, and this redistribution will be unlike anything the world has ever seen.

  • Banks have already begun quiet debt forgiveness, erasing loans and credit card debts without fanfare. They’re trying to avoid the inevitable backlash when the truth comes out—that they’ve been exploiting humanity with fake money, fake loans, and fraudulent interest rates. The world is waking up to GESARA wealth redistribution, and there’s no stopping it now.

  • Banks Are Collapsing, and It’s All Part of the Plan: The recent collapses of Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse, and others? These aren’t just failures of management; they are deliberate takedowns to weaken the cabal’s control. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is operational, directly challenging the old fiat infrastructure. Even JPMorgan Chase is under pressure, with rumors of a quiet run on the banks. They can’t win—every transaction is traced by the QFS, and the corrupt elites have nowhere to hide.

  • The Rainbow Currency—It’s Happening Behind the Scenes!: The Rainbow Currency, backed by gold, silver, and platinum, is already in circulation in select areas. Eyewitness accounts in Montana and West Virginia confirm that these bills are colorful, holographic, and impossible to counterfeit. The fiat currency system, controlled by the Federal Reserve, is gasping its last breath, while the Rainbow Currency is rising from its ashes.

  • The EBS Is Ready to Be Activated: The EBS is prepped and ready. Insiders confirm military communication channels are being cleared in anticipation of the global broadcast. Expect mass internet outages, power grid disruptions, and a complete communication blackout—this is the 10 Days of Darkness. The Emergency Broadcast System will deliver the truth bombs the world needs to hear.

  • Mass Resignations—The Elite Rats Are Abandoning Ship!: In the corporate world, the dominos are falling fast. Just in the past two months, we’ve seen unprecedented resignations of high-profile CEOs: Disney, Amazon, oil giants—all jumping ship. These CEOs are being forced out as the NESARA purge continues. Insiders report that sealed indictments are finally being unsealed, and many leaders are receiving “resignation or arrest” ultimatums.

  • The Quantum Financial System—No More Secrets: The Quantum Financial System is the backbone of this revolution. Every movement of money is being tracked and traced. This isn’t just about eliminating corruption—it’s about ensuring never again can the wealth of the people be siphoned away in the dark.

  • The Mass Awakening—The Revolution Is Already Here: NESARA and GESARA are happening now. The old world is collapsing, and a new world of freedom, abundance, and peace is being born. The elites are in disarray, their power structures dismantled piece by piece. The greatest wealth transfer in history is imminent, and the elite can do nothing to stop it.

  • The world is changing, the lies are falling apart, and the truth is setting us free. Prepare yourselves—the world as you know it is ending, and something much greater is taking its place.


Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 SITREP: East Coast Port Strikes

  • The port strike, involves dockworkers from the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), is set to commence at midnight TONIGHT, affecting ports across the East and Gulf coasts of the United States.

  • Scale and Impact: Approximately 45,000 dockworkers are expected to go on strike. This could potentially shut down 36 ports which handle roughly half of the goods shipped into and out of the U.S.

  • This strike could lead to significant disruptions in the supply chain, potentially causing delays and price increases for a wide range of goods from automotive parts, electronics, to food items like fruits, coffee, and even holiday goods.

  • Economic Impact: Some sources suggest losses could reach up to $4.5 billion daily if the strike continues.

  • Why are they Striking?: The ILA is demanding a substantial wage increase, reported to be around 77% over six years, and stricter controls or bans on automation in port operations. This automation, which includes cranes and container-moving technologies, is at the heart of the dispute, with workers fearing job losses.

  • Preparation: Many businesses have shifting shipments to West Coast ports or preparing for extended supply chain disruptions. I encourage everyone to stock up on essentials. Today… don’t panic.. but just get what you need.

  • What is Biden/Harris Doing? Nothing… absolutely nothing. President Biden has the ability to use emergency powers under the Taft-Hartley Act, which would allow him to order the workers back to work.


Restored Republic:


Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: United States to deploy thousands more troops to the Middle East to boost security and defend Israel.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Moscow now says non-nuclear attacks by West could warrant nuclear response by Russia.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Biden-Harris admin approves $567,000,000 military package for Taiwan. In the past 7 days, the US has sent military aid packages to the following countries: Ukraine: $8,000,000,000; Israel: $8,700,000,000; Taiwan: $563,000,000; Total: $17,263,000,000 How much have they allocated for the recent US Hurricane victims? I heard a million or so. You can tell where their priorities lay. They make personal income for themselves and Cabal friends by funding both sides of wars.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 CNN: CNN reports that recent satellite imagery reveals around 100 Israeli military vehicles, including tanks, trucks, and armored personnel carriers, arriving at a mustering point in an agricultural field approximately 5 miles from the border with southern Lebanon. Additional imagery from today and Sunday shows more equipment arriving at the site.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 Reuters: Lebanese army withdraws from several sites on the southern border. The Israeli operation in Lebanon may begin tonight and last days, not weeks, within a limited scope. NBC reports via U.S. official: Israel has already begun reconnaissance operations and deployed engineers for tasks such as breaching barriers. Israel has deployed five brigades on the border, though not all are expected to move. Al Arabiya has reported that movement of Israeli Defense Forces armored units has been recorded along the border with Lebanon. Israeli armored vehicles reportedly cross the border into Lebanon near Metula: Local sources report that Israeli armored vehicles have crossed the border into Lebanon in the Metula area. It appears that the IDF has launched a ground invasion in southern Lebanon. Reports indicate that a border breach has been detected, and IDF sappers are removing barriers in southern Lebanon.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 Lebanon: The IDF is calling on Lebanese civilians near several buildings in the southern suburb of Beirut, a Hezbollah stronghold known as Dahiyeh, to evacuate immediately. Col. Avichay Adraee, the IDF’s Arabic-language spokesman, publishes maps alongside the announcement, which call on civilians to distance themselves at least 500 meters from the three sites.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 Beirut: The IDF says it destroyed a cache of surface-to-air missiles stored by Hezbollah near Beirut’s international airport in a recent airstrike. The IDF says the warehouse where the anti-aircraft missiles were stored was located some 1.5 kilometers from Beirut’s airport.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: The Pentagon has finalized plans to wrap up the U.S.-led mission to fight ISIS by next year, with many U.S. troops leaving the bases that they have occupied for much of the past two decades.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Israel is bombing Syria, targeting Mazzeh in the vicinity of the capital Damascus RIGHT NOW.


The Real News for Mon. 30 Sept. 2024:

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Ice justified Kamala Harris’ border photo op with cold hard truths. Turns out, the Biden-Harris administration didn’t just let in 10 million illegals, half a million of them were convicted criminals. That means five percent of the Biden-Harris migrants are ex-cons and the White House has no idea where they are. They let in 13 thousand convicted murderers—and lost track of them. They let in 15 thousand convicted r*****s— now gone, and she has the audacity to say she’ll protect this country.

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Georgia’s Rockdale County has ordered 90,000 residents to “shelter-in-place” indefinitely. The EPA and state-level EPD testing has confirmed chlorine is being vaporized and spread throughout the region. Americans 20 miles away are reporting smelling chlorine in the air. Highway traffic will be impacted, while ports are going on strike. October Surprises have begun.

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Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

  • Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Joe Rogan comments on the war on farmers being waged by sociopathic “elites” using the pretext of “climate change” as a means of seizing control of the global food supply.


Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Global Government Is Here: UN’s ‘Pact for the Future’ Ushers in Digital ID, WHO Control, and a Blueprint for Tyranny …Gitmo TV on Telegram

  • The United Nations has just quietly validated every so-called “conspiracy theory” by rolling out the Pact for the Future. Under the cover of darkness, with zero coverage from mainstream media, the globalists have unleashed digital IDs, handed unchecked power to the World Health Organization, and crafted a blueprint for total control.

  • September 13, 2024—mark it down. This is the day global governance was established, with the Pact for the Future. They’ve turned conspiracy theory into reality.

  • Remember the Global Citizen Digital ID conspiracy? It’s here. Remember the WHO pandemic treaty surrendering all sovereignty in a “health emergency”? It’s all part of the plan, and it’s just getting started.

  • Here’s a glimpse at their blueprint for tyranny: Sustainable Development and Financing; International Peace and Security; Science, Technology, Innovation, and Digital Cooperation; Youth and Future Generations; Transforming Global Governance

  • The Pact for the Future is a desperate, last-ditch attempt by cowardly world leaders to sew up the cracks of their collapsing system of control. These so-called “leaders” dream of a future utopia by 2045—all the while pushing us toward a technocratic nightmare.

  • Enter the Global Digital Compact: their fantasy of corralling the digital Wild West with shiny digital IDs and vaccine passports. They talk about inclusion and privacy, but read between the lines—it’s Big Brother 2.0, dressed up in techno-utopian nonsense. It’s not about keeping us safe; it’s about power.

  • And let’s not forget the New Social Contract, a global framework designed to erase national constitutions and replace them with standardized tyranny. Justice, social protections, healthcare? Hollow words from those who want nothing more than to control.

  • Meanwhile, they create chaos: fake scarcity, engineered wars, and collapsing economies—crises brought to us by the very same so-called “leaders” who offer the solutions. It’s Hegelian Dialectic on full display: create the problem, watch the chaos, and swoop in with the “solution” that consolidates their power.

  • The Geezer Media still sings praises to the globalist agenda, as the NPC-Normies remain hypnotized by their screens. Every conspiracy theory of the last 25 years has been proven true, yet the masses still act like they’ve known all along. Fluoridated water? Perhaps that explains why the rubes embrace today what they rejected as madness yesterday.

  • But as the peons slouch toward their fate, at least us in the wilderness can rest knowing we were right all along. Alex Jones was right, and now the truth is undeniable, even if the world refuses to admit it.

  • The Pact for the Future was passed in the cravenest manner—by not voting. A rusted-out filing cabinet, a pile of broken office furnishings—if no one objects, then it must be law. That’s how the UN works.

  • Why 2050? Because by then, all of us who warned about this will be gone, and no one will be left to complain.


Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Three Gorges Dam Collapse  …Mr. Pool Secrets on Telegram


When The Three Gorges Dam Collapses:

1) We take out the 24 nuclear reactors for Gesara.

2) We take out Bitcoin mining and destroy the Deep State fee used for child t*********g – we get the QFS (Quantum Financial System).

3) We take out Big Pharma and we get the cures (MedBeds)

  • ·        All the above adopt the CCP.

  • ·        Everything is linked to the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam. This is THE EVENT!!!

  • ·        This is how General Flynn and Julian Assange will be freed.

  • ·        The Three Gorges Dam Collapse is imminent. Our Earth is about to go through the birth pangs of a new age. We are beginning to wake up and realize our true power and destiny.

·        Pray and prepare yourselves.


Mon. 30 Sept. 2024: Breaking News! Not Reported! Trump Exonerated for January 6! …Steve Bannon on Telegram

  • Transcripts Show President Trump’s Directives to Pentagon Leadership to “Keep January 6 Safe” Were Deliberately Ignored – September, 2024

  • Days before January 6, 2021, President Trump met with senior Pentagon leaders, urging them to do their jobs and protect lives and property. The transcripts show that Trump specifically directed Pentagon officials to ensure the safety of the Capitol, even calling for the use of the National Guard. But those directives were ignored, leading to chaos instead of order.

  • This revelation exposes the lies in the DoD’s report, which had attempted to shift blame elsewhere. In truth, Pentagon leadership prioritized “optics” over protecting lives. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley, recalls Trump saying, “Make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.” However, Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller falsely assured him, “We’ve got it covered.”

  • On January 5, Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy placed unprecedented restrictions on the D.C. National Guard, effectively shackling them from acting without his explicit approval. The Guard was ready to go, but was deliberately held back – while the Capitol fell into chaos.

  • When rioters breached the outer perimeter at 12:53pm, it took five long hours before the Guard was deployed. Why? “Optics” concerns were prioritized over protecting the Capitol, as shown by Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt’s remarks.

  • Chairman Barry Loudermilk demands answers, and rightly so: “It is very concerning that these Senior Pentagon officials ignored President Trump’s guidance AND misled Congressional Leaders to believe they were doing their job, when they were not. The DoD IG’s report is fundamentally flawed. We will continue to dig until we are satisfied that the American people know the truth.”

  • Why were our heroes sitting on buses, waiting for hours, watching the Capitol fall, unable to help? Where was Secretary McCarthy, and why did it take two full hours after verbal approval was given to actually communicate it to the D.C. National Guard?

  • These transcripts are a clear testament to the betrayal of those at the top, who chose to let chaos reign over protecting our nation. As our beloved Capitol was overrun, the Guard was left waiting – for no reason other than a calculated decision to hold them back.

  • We will not let this go unnoticed. We demand full accountability, and we will keep pushing for the truth until it is heard loud and clear.


Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 End of the Cabal Reign …White Hat Intel on Telegram

  • We are witnessing the end of the Cabal’s reign. GITMO is full. Executions are happening daily.

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  • Gina Haspel? Arrested in the Frankfurt server raid, handed over to Trump’s team and now spilling the secrets of the CIA’s dirty operations.

  • But the show isn’t over. The doubles and AI clones have been activated, and the Deep State now works for Trump.

  • DECLAS is rolling out, and everything we’ve suspected is being revealed to the world.

  • The list of arrests and executions is long, and it’s growing every day.

  • Hollywood is crumbling, the elites are running scared, and the White Hats are delivering justice like never before.


Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 Red Oct. 1 Starting Gun Julian Assange on Telegram

  • Are we ready for what is about to commence? October 1st, we are about 24 hrs away from the starting gun. The course of history will change our lives forever. Everything is not going to be roses for everyone starting off, but it will even itself out, and the corrections will be noticed where it was needed for decades.

  • Banking systems have long been accused of benefiting the wealthy at the expense of average citizens, contributing to economic inequality. High fees, limited access to credit for the underserved, and a lack of transparency have been major concerns. A shift towards decentralized financial systems will allow individuals more direct control over their finances, cutting out intermediaries like banks. Reforms will focus on ensuring underserved communities have access to banking services, credit, and investment opportunities traditionally out of reach.

  • We will be going through changes on every level of society. Nothing will go untouched. Many do not know that D. Trump has already chosen his cabinet. Whoever is left will just be add-ons as we move forward—he is not going to start his new administration in the traditional manner. The transition has already started.

  • Tomorrow, LIBOR is slated to be replaced by SOFR, marking a significant change in financial benchmarks. America will potentially start the new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note, phasing out the current fiat USD over time. Because we are going back to a real value-based economy. And Basel 3 will be the standard way to accomplish this for all financial institutions.

  • Banks are now required to maintain higher capital reserves, meaning they must hold more secure assets relative to their liabilities. This leads to a stronger, more stable banking system, reducing the chances of another financial collapse. For the real estate industry, this means more responsible lending practices. Developers, homebuyers, and investors can be more confident that their loans are being issued by stable financial institutions with better safeguards.

  • Which is why I constantly tell you all to only do business with Basel 3 banks. I never said all banks are evil or that we should avoid them and start bartering. I’ve always stated Basel 3 is the way to go. So if a bank goes under, it’s more than likely because they weren’t compliant with the new Basel protocol.

  • We are entering a new phase of our lives. This point in history marks the official start of the long-awaited changes we desperately needed. We are at the doorstep, ready to step into this future with confidence that everything will work out to our benefit in both the short and long term. These changes will be welcomed by everyone who has long sought a new way of doing things.

  • So understand this: we will never be the same after this. Nothing will. We deserve to live in a world where we are not solely focused on survival—a low vibrational way of living that feeds the very system we want to escape. We’ve been corrupted by this system, putting profits above fairness, equality, and even God and humanity. All of this will begin its realignment back to God just hours from now.

  • Hope you all are ready. Things will speed up, and we should have a very big October.


Mon. 30 Sept. 2024 A Look At The Future …HammerOG on Telegram

1. Ships coming in don’t get unloaded & start backing up.

2. Truckers stop working because there’s nothing to haul because the goods aren’t being unloaded.

3. Retail outlets for food and imported goods are informed that they won’t be getting replacements anytime soon. Think food, gas, electronics, tires, medications– anything that isn’t produced locally.

4. Prices of everything skyrocket, due to a critical shortage going into winter.

5. People who haven’t prepared desperately try to stock up AFTER prices skyrocket & availability goes down.

6. Long, cold winter ahead for many, not including civl unrest and/or domestic attacks from hostile foreign players.

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