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Tuesday 6 - [25]-24... 


Verses for today:


... and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32 KJV


Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

Hebrews 4:11 KJV


For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

Hebrews 4:10 KJV


There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

Hebrews 4:9 KJV




Our Latest VIDEO:

Is the Wikipedia Data base BIASED? If so, is that affecting A-I results?

View this VIDEO... it addresses that question.


Daniel & Don Brooks


Pastors Needed:

Evangelical churches in Canada need around 625 new pastors per year over the next 12 years just to deal with retirements.


In the last six months I’ve had conversations with denominational leaders who report unusually large numbers of pastoral vacancies, and these vacancies are taking longer to fill than in the past.

Finally, the rising cost of housing is pricing many pastors out of the job market, especially in larger centres. In the 1990s many evangelical churches started selling their parsonages, a church-owned house where pastors were accommodated, and offering pastors a housing allowance in lieu.


The sale of the parsonage gave congregations a one-time influx of cash while giving pastors an opportunity to invest in real estate so they would have an asset for retirement.

Generally speaking, this worked well for the pastors who got into the market in the 1990s. In 1995 the average fair market value of new homes in Canada was $154,906, according to Statistics Canada. In January 2024 the benchmark price in Canada was $659,395 (MLS average, non-seasonally adjusted).


For Pastors who were involved for the past 30-years – the value of their investment has increased by$500,000.00

The CHURCH is in dire straits these days having gotten entangled with Business Goals and Objectives... Off Centre and trying in Fleshly effort to get back on track... It does not work that way... It is His Work... Done His way... By HIM!

The Clay NEVER gives direction to the Potter! It is Him... all Him... and only Him!

Great Verse: Hebrews 12:28

Patrick Bestall

Don Brooks

David YEO:


R0G@N 0n UF0$ (1 Min)


0UT3R $P@C3 !s N0T a PL@C3**!+'s a L!3 (6 Min)


B!LL C00P3R**L@$T !NT3RV!3W**TRUTH UF0$ (12 Min)


J@M3$ C0RB3TT PR3D!CT$ TH3 CBDC R0LL-0UT (44 Min)


"W3 L!V3 !n a CL0$3D $Y$T3M W!TH a D0M3 AB0V3 Us" (15 Min)


NFL H@LL 0f F@M3 L3G3ND**B@RRY $@ND3R$**H3@RT !$$U3$ (1 Min)


L3M0N$ & C@Y3N3**F@TTY L!V3R (1 Min)


EV@NG3L!CAL$ R BL!ND3D +o D0N@LD (11 Min)


4 W@Y$ +o !NCR3@$3 $T3M C3LL PR0DUCT!0N (9 Min)


C@N a PL@N3 P3N3TR@T3 a $T33L $TRUCTUR3? (2 Min)


CYB3R P0LYG0N?**C@R D3@L3R$H!P$ CYB3R ATT@CK (11 Min)


UND3RW@T3R $3A C@BL3$**Y3$**$@T3LL!T3$ !n $P@C3**N0 (20 Min)

David YEO



An Injection of Truth


Dr Byram Bridle, Dr William Makis, Dr Eric Payne, Dr Jessica Rose, Dr Chris Shoemaker, Dr David Speicher, Dr Trozzi, Jeffery Rath, Dan Heartman, Shaun Newman, Darrell Komick, Eric Bouchard, and more.

When I received the request to travel to Calgary Alberta for this event sponsored by a riding of the UCP party, which holds a majority government in the province, I knew immediately that this was a priority and started making travel plans.


A delegation of Canadian MD’s and scientists was called upon to present scientific information, help explain the dramatic rise in unexplained deaths of children in Alberta by more than 3000%, and provide Albertans and people around the world with critical knowledge needed to ensure informed consent or informed refusal of modified mRNA C-19 injections, commonly referred to as Covid-19 “vaccines”.


Prior breakthroughs in bringing truth to governments have involved minority parties facilitating our speeches to governments, including the Parliament of the European Union, the Romanian Parliament, the US Senate, and various other states and countries.


An Injection Of Truth marks a new breakthrough in that the organising political party holds the majority in the legislative assembly of Alberta. It was an honour and a great opportunity in our mission to restore justice, human rights, the rule of law, and health to society.


This collection of presentations is exceptional. I encourage you to revisit the post to view the full collection and to share this material with friends, family, and your elected public servants at all levels of government: municipal, provincial or state, and federal.

Sincere thanks to the organisers and my fellow scientists and experts who presented this material.


Full Event Recording

Dr. Eric Payne, M.D.

Experimental COVID Genetic Injections – Informed Consent vs. Medical Propaganda


Dr. David J. Speicher, PhD

Residual DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines


Dr. Byram W. Bridle, PhD

What historical science supports the ban of mRNA COVID jabs?

Dr. Mark Trozzi, M.D.

Mechanisms of injuries of Covid-19 mRNA injections


Dr. Chris Shoemaker, M.D.

Ban all C19 Spike Protein generating mRNA shots immediately


Dr. William Makis, M.D.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines on Alberta’s Childhood vaccination schedule


Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD

Does science support banning the modified mRNA/LNP platform?


Related Material:

1.     This Is Not A Vaccine - Covid-19 mRNA injections do not satisfy the definition of a vaccine. (23-01-2021)

2.      Doctors Nurses Ethics & Law - Ethical and financial conflicts in healthcare during Covid-19. (16-04-2021)

3.      How Dangerous are They? - A thorough investigation of the science behind the Covid "vaccines". (04-06-2021)

4.      Dr Trozzi | Does DNA in the vials proves it is a bioweapon? New interview by Iron with with Dr Trozzi, exploring details and implications of high amounts of dangerous DNA found in Pfizer and Moderna Vials.

5.      Ribosomal Frameshifting - Ribosome frameshifting 2 minute alert video. No one knows what variety of strange proteins are being produced in injection victims’ bodies.

6.      Autopsies confirm Covid-19 “Vaccines” cause Myocarditis and Death - New study from doctors: Peter McCullough, Roger Hodkinson, William Makis, and Nicolas Hulscher.



How did Google, Amazon and Walmart get so Big?

And the story is not what it at first seems. Wright’s downfall exposes the entire political machine of firms like Google, Amazon and Walmart in Washington, D.C., in academia, and in the legal establishment.

So who is Josh Wright? Well he wasn’t just a professor, though he published over 150 papers on law and economics, some with powerful people like D.C. Circuit Court Judge Douglas Ginsburg. He ran George Mason’s Global Antitrust Institute, the heir to the Henry Manne training centres of the 1970s, which helped teach legal scholar Robert Bork’s thinking about political economy to endless numbers of professors and judges. 


Pay-to-play scholars and so-called independent experts like Wright aren’t just in the United States. My message to Canadians is to scrutinize anyone who seems too over-the-top and one-sided when it comes to defending monopolists — and follow the money.

Mat Stoller



Government Funding for New Newswriters:

Read this if you follow the news or write it.     


The second feature speaks volumes to me since my wife and I ran group homes, foster homes, special needs home and a half-way house.  No, we never got anywhere near $300 a day per child.  Yes, we knew about the lying care-givers and social workers.  Native kids are not the only ones that can run into abuse in care.

New Gov't Funding for Legacy Media Farm Teams, How Farm Teams Compare to Actual Independent Media Outlets, Ontario’s “Scary” Child Welfare System & Dr. Fauci Lying to RFK Jr in 2016


Tonight’s new media personalities include Freedom Forum editor Chuck Black, independent media commentator Marie Anne and Mongo Minds Productions owner Richard Gagnon.

New Government Funding for Legacy Media Farm Teams

Our first piece tonight is all about the Canadian Journalism Collective, an organization more commonly known as “the collective.


As outlined in the June 7th, 2024 CBC News post, "Google signs deal with organization to distribute $100M to Canadian news companies," the collective has signed a deal with Menlo Park CA based multinational conglomerate Google to distribute the approximately $100Mln CDN collected from Google every year under the provisions of the Online News Act for redistribution to Canadian media outlets.


The collective, formed in May 2024 specifically to distribute the Google funding, is currently taking applications from Canadian based media focuses companies and startups looking to receive the funds.

The collective insists they’ll take applications from pretty much anyone who applies for grants, although the group seems to have some strong biases against conservative news outlets.


Their “temporary” board of directors includes people from most of the bigger Canadian media startups and startup associations formed over the last five years. 

They cover probably around 100 organizations with maybe 1000 or so paid employees which most people in the media know nothing about. 

A quick survey of the collectives current, but temporary board of directors shows mostly SJW focused government supported media outlets and local publishers mostly focused around community news or indigenous, LGBTQ+ and “inclusivity” topics.


None of the outlets seem intended to directly compete or replace legacy news outlets and most (with one or two notable exceptions) seem to derive the majority of their revenue through foundation funding or government grants.

Essentially, they mostly don’t depend on or even seem to need any actual readers.


They instead seem designed specifically to compliment larger, government funded legacy media outlets by providing smaller, local stories and training junior journalists who might one day graduate to covering national topics.

This makes them different from the privately funded “new” media publications tracked by Freedom Forum in pieces like the December 27th, 2023 post, “The 2024 Freedom Forum Listing of Important and Influential Canadian "NEW" Media.”


The truly independent, new media generally focuses on larger issues related to international, federal and provincial politics and/or business and economic issues, plus often provide stories on the massive societal changes currently going on across the globe.


They compete directly with legacy media outlets instead of complimenting them. New media outlets also depend almost entirely on their audience for financing and distribution.

They’re another group of media outlets which those in the legacy mostly knows nothing about.

As for the legacy media farm teams represented by the collective, a few of their more interesting member include:

  • ·        The PQ based Fédération des télévisions communautaires autonomes du Quebec (the Federation of Autonomous Community Televisions of Quebec) a 40 member non-profit organization which promote independent, community based television production in Quebec.

  • ·        Indiegraf, a tech firm providing technology and services to small and startup news publications.

  • ·        The Inspirit Foundation, which dispenses “social and economic justice by investing our assets and funding media and arts for change.” The foundation has approximately $35mln CDN under management.

  • ·        Village Media, a very fast growing Canadian media company, with almost 150 hyper-local online news and community websites based throughout Canada slowly taking over the roll of community newsgathering from an earlier generation of print community weeklies. This specific organization seems to be one of the few collective members not dependent on government funding to remain in business.

These organizations are quite obviously not intended to compete with legacy media, but instead are designed to serve as farm teams for the CBC and other legacy outlets already on the government payroll.

Essentially, the collective isn’t designed to give grants or encourage the participation of independent outlets like Rebel NewsThe Opposition with Dan Knight, Viva FreiCanpoli or the Iron Will Report in their activities. Those outlets aren’t politically congruent with the collective’s ideals (or federal government policy).

[High Light Mine]

They also compete directly with legacy media outlets the collective intends to support, not replace.

But the collective may eventually end up giving money to places like the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (

After all, lots of other government departments already have given money to and are continuing to do so. The collective seems to favor media organizations which are already well connected to Canadian government media grants so is well positioned for future federal government support.


As outlined in the June 20th, 2024 Infowars post, “Trudeau’s Government Gave $440,000 to Private SJW Community Organizer Group, has just received another grant from the Canadian Heritage department’s Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program. even issued a press release announcing the grant, the June 18th, 2024 post, “Informing, Connecting and Encouraging Anti-Hate Activities in Canada.”


This isn’t the only grant has received from Heritage Canada over the last few years. For example, there’s the $268,400 from the Government of Canada through their “Anti-Racism Action Program” in 2022.

That funding supported project to “monitor and report” on “extreme-right activities,” according to the June 29th, 2022 Heritage Canada press release, “Government of Canada and the Canadian Anti-Hate Network launch Anti-Hate toolkit for Canadian schools.” is also referenced in the Federal governments June 20th, 2024 press release, “Issue 1 — The Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat Newsletter,” the June 19th, 2024 press release, “Changing Systems, Transforming Lives: Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy 2024-2028,” and the June 11th, 2024 press release on, “The National Security Transparency Advisory Group (NS-TAG).”


The NS-TAG press release even notes that NS-TAG member Amira Elghawaby was “a founding board member of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network” who currently works as “a journalist, human rights advocate and a contributing columnist for the Toronto Star.”

So, you just know that is well connected.

According to the November 3rd, 2023 True North post, “Federally-funded “anti-hate” group only covers hate from “extreme right,” founder says,” has a history of only noticing hateful comments from “right leaning” conservatives and their publications.

Even will all the funding Anti-hate receives from the Canadian government, there’s nothing left over to critique Liberal government policy.


As outlined in the November 24th, 2022 National Post article, “Jamie Sarkonak: Jon Kay's legal victory exposes Canadian Anti-Hate Network's anti-conservative agenda,” the organization once called a mainstream conservative political commentator “racist,” then sued in an attempt to silence debate on the issue.

They lost, but it was a long, drawn out wasteful fight intended to discourage others from promoting conservative views.


Here’s the punchline.

Essentially, Heritage Canada disburses several billion dollars of funding annually to legacy media, Canadian Journalism Collective members and small players like the Canadian Anti-Hate Network to sell “woke“ federal Liberal Party ideology to Canadian voters.

They’re using Heritage Canada as a slush fund for media campaigns supporting the Justin Trudeau Liberal government, and calling into question the legitimacy of anyone who objects to current government policy.

This is not what Heritage Canada was created to do.

The current Liberal government should doing this before they’re defeated in the next election and the winning Conservatives do it for them.

Our second piece tonight is a critique of the May 22nd, 2022 Global News piece, “Inside Ontario’s "scary" child-welfare system where kids are "commodities."

We discuss the techniques, the focus and the flaws of the short Global documentary.

We conclude by noting that, while the piece is officially a critique of existing government structures and policies, the implied solution outlined by the story seems to be more government bureaucracy and more government policy, not less.

They are among the most vulnerable in our society: kids in the child welfare system - mistreated, neglected, deemed unwanted, or too challenging. Ontario has the greatest number of kids in care in the country - at over 12,000. For years there’s been talk of overhauling the system: blueprints, redesigns, modernization strategies. And yet, as a year-long investigation by Global News and APTN uncovered, the child welfare system remains deeply flawed. As Carolyn Jarvis reports for The New Reality, the kids who go into care today are often scarred from the experience. For more info, please go to


Dr. Fauci Lying to RFK Jr in 2016

Our final story tonight is about how the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Here’s the June 23rd, 2024 Mongo Minds on Bitchute post, “RFK Jr Asked Anthony Fauci which of the 72 Vaccines had been Subject to a Safety Test.”

Roasting the Press,” is an open forum with new media journalists critiquing and complaining about our well funded competitors, the stories they create and the techniques they use.

For more information on the show, or to become a guest, please send an email to

Please support our sponsors below.

Chuck Black – Roasting the Press

Patrick Bestall




Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!





On Sun. 23 June 2024 under order of the Biden Administration and without approval or even knowledge of the US Congress, the US Air Force directed Missile Strikes on innocent Russian civilians, killing and wounding many – which was considered an Act of War – yet no one knows it. If the FBI won’t investigate it, they’re in on it. If the media won’t report it, they’re in on it. If Congress won’t talk about it, they’re in on it.

My Fellow Patriots, we’re in BIG trouble.


Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) June 24, 2024


Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024: The US Air Force directed a ATACMS missile strike against Russian civilians today. This is an act of war by the US Govt against Russia. Did Joe Biden seek permission from Congress to start a direct war with Russia? Did Americans sign up for this?

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024: Two terrorist attacks against an Orthodox Church and a Jewish Synagogue in Russia occurred simultaneously on the same day that Russia accused the United States of carrying out a deliberate terrorist missile attack on the city of Sevastopol using American-made weapons. This is the perfect distraction and cover for the CIA/Deep State for the missile attacks from earlier.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024 Russia: More terrorist attacks continue in Russia’s Dagestan. At least 9 people confirmed dead. Churches and synagogue attacked. Two cities are on lockdown.


Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 24 June 2024 Wolverine:

  • ·        “I’ve just received incredible news from my contact in Brazil. He said to “Get Ready.” I think Tuesday (25 June 2024) is going to be the day.

  • ·        “Yesterday I received an intel from Brazil saying that the payments are about to commence, and that is regards to his platform, and then about two hours ago (today), I sent him a message asking how things were progressing. He said, “They are progressive beautifully. The leaders are getting paid.”

  • ·        “I received another intel from Brazil, where he said, “Remember about what I told you last week.” He said, “I am letting you know it is about to commence.”

  • ·        “I received an intel audio in Portuguese, and it said, “Practically all is started, and everything is confidential. Stay attentive, because everything is happening.” He is talking about Brazil – The Tier4 A group and the Tier4B.

  • ·        “And the USA is already close. About an hour ago, I received an Intel from my contact in America, which says, “Intense movement In the USA. Tier4B notification news.”

  • ·        “There is another audio I received, not in Portuguese, but in Spanish, saying that it looks like things have started.

  • ·        “It looks like things are rolling. I am hoping that what I received is correct as I am only a messenger. Praying is all happening. People are getting emotional. But the person said I am not going to get emotional until I start seeing things happening from my end, but it looks like things are beginning to start. Lets’ hope and pray to God that tomorrow we will end up having real solid news in terms of hearing people getting paid and/or my contacts being paid and so on. We pray this comes true. Hopefully, tomorrow, we will get the victory sign. Take care, Wolverine.”

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024 TNT Tony expects it on or by Sunday, June 30. Banks already have been told they’ve had their last meeting prior to the RV.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024 Mike Bara The situation as I understand it: This should have gone in April. That was Plan A. The USA stopped it. The window for Plan B opens tomorrow Tues. 25 June at “Sundown” and is a week long. There is no Plan C.

  • ·        On Sat. 22 June 2024 Texas Snake, Wolverine, MarkZ and Tony all reported that this weekend Redemption Center staff were put on a one hour alert for report to their stations in order to schedule Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) appointments and later, help complete currency exchanges. A HSBC Bank Manager in Australia confirmed the above, saying the one hour alert extended until Thurs. 27 June. Wolverine said the Brazilian channel was adamant that this was our week. A Bond Holder claimed he was promised liquidity by Tues. 25 June. Tony maintained that the Dinar Contract rate was $28.50, though you couldn’t get it unless you asked for it.


Global Financial Crisis:


Restored Republic:


The Real News for Mon. 24 June 2024:

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024 Scary: The magnificent Seven of Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia and Tesla make up 53% of the nation’s GDP.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024 California: My Jaw Dropped & Hit The Floor While Listening To This. California Corruption IS OUT OF CONTROL. California is ordering tiny homes for the homeless, however they are paying $834,000 MORE PER tiny home than what you can order the same tiny home on Amazon for. California residents, how are you allowing this level of government corruption and thievery to just keep going on? How are you not demanding to know where that extra $834,000 per home is going? This is why your state 4 years ago had a surplus, one of the biggest surpluses in California history, but as of this year you have a $73,000,000,000 deficit. …Wall Street Apes on Telegram

  • ·        Sun. 23 June 2024 New York: Major protests against so-called “Bird Flu Virus” being called real.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024 Immigrant threatens Canadians: “Soon we will be in majority because we have many children and we will impose Sharia. We don’t want homosexuals in Islam!” They escape from countries governed by Sharia Law and migrate to western countries. Then they want Sharia again in the country they came from. Mind blowing.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024 Linden Switzerland: Modern people are very dependent on electricity, despite its cost and the negative impact of its generation on the environment. But what if electricity was available to everyone and its generation were much easier? The Swiss village of Linden is much luckier than most people, electricity is more accessible to them and generation is easier. For more than 40 years, they have been living off a generator created by Paul Bauman. It consists of discs that rotate using the forces of electrostatic interaction. The pioneering device has not gained widespread popularity, to the delight of companies that produce electricity by conservative methods. Apparently, until the planet’s resources are exhausted, we will learn about such inventions only accidentally and with great delay.

  • ·        Voter Fraud: Welfare Offices in 49 States are handing out Voter Registration Applications to Illegal Aliens No Proof of Citizenship Required… Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms —— Ain’t it odd that Arizona requires proof of citizenship for state, but not federal (presidential) elections… MY THOUGHTS: It’s not entirely about illegals being able to vote… they will try at every turn, but hear me out… Illegals don’t even NEED TO VOTE… It’s about generating ballots in key areas… The ballot mules will do the rest, just like they did in 2020.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024: SHOCK! Hackers have hacked into the Freemasons’ database! What they saw surprised them a lot – they have the whole world plan, from 1950 to 2050. The hackers created a secret telegram channel Hidden Truth, and leaked all the information: ➖ Why is the testing of the new biological weapon “FrOT-11”, capable of “vaporizing” the population of Germany in 6 days, being hidden?  This article was published on the official White House website and removed immediately. ➖ Why did 98.88% of the human population become extinct and what is the reason for this extinction?  ➖ What artificial disaster is planned for 2025? What will happen to the world?➖ The nuclear winter of 1816. Why does no one talk about it? You’ll be shocked Learn the whole truth about what has happened and will happen to our world.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024 NEVER Believe The Official Narrative: What Really Happened During The Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting Incident? A Vegas cab driver caught on camera a SECOND GUNMAN on the FOURTH FLOOR, you can see it as clear as day. The sound matches with flashes of the gun fire. This disappeared from the news permanently.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024:  According to the Citizen Free Press Atlanta’s highest paid judge, Democrat Christina Peterson was arrested this week for punching a cop in the head, outside of a bar. She was booked into Fulton County jail on felony charges. She was already facing 30+ ethics charges.

Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

  • ·        The World Economic Forum touts ‘carbon removal plants‘—each of which removes five million tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere each year—as “crucial to meeting global climate goals”, despite the fact that CO2 currently makes up just 0.04% of the atmosphere, and if it drops to half of that, all plant life—and thus all animal and human life—will perish.

  • ·        Mon. 24 June 2024: In lockstep with the Net Zero/Agenda 2030 plan to ban meat and traditional agriculture, bought and paid for propaganda outlets like Sky News have been given the green light to start sales pitching lab-grown “meat” for mass public consumption.


They are lying to you and will continue to lie to you until we stop it! …Q+++ on Telegram

Mon. 24 June 2024 WHY did Q tell you that Israel was saved for last? David Wilcock

  • ·        The Deep State took control of local governments, financed trains and public roads and created the ROTHSCHILD’S banking systems throughout Europe.

  • ·        You are watching the EXPOSURE of how a captured U.S. government by outside foreign entities created a MILITARY COUP using the CIA Three Letter Agencies.


  • ·        This is all happening and being recorded into Congressional records. The United States Archives and Military sectors are recording everything.

  • ·        The world is going to change on a massive level as the CIA, Globalist Western funds and fiat currency comes near extinction level .

  • ·        Right now in Congress a huge topic is taking place on Globalist powers and their reach into the U.S. system that is connected to an OPEN MILITARY COUP.

  • ·        The real story of the Illuminati reaches far back into the Knights Templars who created the earliest banking systems through Europe. The story of the Knights Templars goes back to the Middle East where they found King Solomons gold and the real Ark of the Covenant.

  • ·        Hugh De Payens was one of the leaders of the Knights Templars. De Payens had family that was of the Islamic Faith and they had deep connections to the secret society of the Brothers of the East.

  • ·        The secret society met with the Templar’s Knights and De Payen and gave them the secrets of the ATLANTIS – the real story connected to the original hidden Bible and the Angels, aliens and different deity’s that were connected to old Summarian Gods of Mesopotamia and the civilization before Christ and the other several civilization hundreds of thousands years older and much like ATLANTIS. And their connections to the Anunnaki.


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