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Writer's picturedonbrooks777

Thursday... BIG Events this Weekend!

Summary as I am able:

3-31-22 Thursday

Thoughts for TODAY!

I waited patiently for the LORD; And he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

Psalm 40:1-2 KJV

A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, Is God in his holy habitation.

Psalm 68:5 KJV

💥 💥 London Bylaw Censoring Pro-Lifers Delayed:

Last week the London City Council met to discuss a proposed by-law that sought to censor the free expression of pro-life activists by banning pro-life flyers that show the truth of abortion through graphic imagery.

They decided not to go forward with this by-law, instead asking city staff to consider legislation forcing pro-life groups to stick their flyers in envelopes with content warnings.

Some councillers, such as Councillor Stephen Turner, correctly acknowledged that a city council cannot regulate the message of pro-life protestors, and voted against referring the proposed bylaw back to staff. Most city councillers voted in favour of this though.

In a few months, we’ll likely see these un-constitutional by-laws come back to London’s City Council as city staff prepare the by-law to force pro-life groups to hide their flyers with trigger warnings. Until then, we need to keep emailing the London City Council to let them know that censoring the pro-life movement is unacceptable.

It is not the place for governments to step in and exert control over peaceful protest. Thank you for all your help in combatting these attacks on freedom of expression. [James Schadenberg and the entire CitizenGO Team]

💥 Russia & other Hot Topics on the Remnant show:

UPDATED EDIT: Dear Friends, this afternoon it became necessary for us to change out last night's version of this Remnant Underground with the current one (above) in which was restored several sections that had been mistakenly cut out during the edit. Please consider sharing the edited version which was posted Sunday March 27 at 3:30 Central. Thanks so much for your patience. MJM

Buckle up, Buttercup, Joe Biden says he's gonna "lead the New World Order!" In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt argues that if Biden's the leader, the New World Order is the New World OVER.

As Putin gives his Federation a Christian facelift, Pope Francis consecrates Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Plus, Michael finally reveals his thoughts regarding this consecration.

George Soros wants YOU to know that he is displeased with China’s… COVID lockdowns?? Great! But why is he doing this? This Soros condemnation of Xi Jinping is more telling than you realize.

Justin Trudeau’s name is mud, according to the EU parliament. Michael shows you footage of an epic roasting of Trudeau’s tyrannical abuse of his truckers. One of the most cathartic things you’ve seen since 2020

Another bit of karma: the CEOs of nearly every major commercial and delivery airline sign a letter telling the Biden Administration to “sunset” the COVID travel mandates – testing and masks included. [R- TV]

An Excellent Overview 34-Minutes… well worth the time! [Patrick Bestall]


💥 💥 Hunter Biden’s role in Ukrainian BioLabs raises serious questions about Gain of Function and Ukraine policy:

Earlier this month, I detailed the known connections between biotech firm Metabiota Inc., responsible for the pathogen research in Ukraine, the DOD, and EcoHealth Alliance, along with the Wuhan lab most likely responsible for the leak of SARS-CoV-2. I also noted that Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP), a subsidiary of the Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz-founded Rosemont Capital, gave Metabiota, a company accused of dangerous lab protocols during the African Ebola pandemic, its first infusion of cash a decade ago. Now, new emails from Hunter’s laptop demonstrate that his involvement in Metabiota and pathogen research in Ukraine was much deeper than just an initial investment. [The BLAZE Media]

💥 The Cost of Individual Sovereignty and Ballistic Definitions:

A doctor in British Columbia has been suspended from practicing while the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia completes an investigation into allegations that he circumvented COVID-19 public health orders.

The interim suspension order, effective March 24 but posted on the college’s website on Monday, affects Dr. Stephen Malthouse, a family practitioner on Denman Island.

The order says an inquiry panel hasn’t decided on the merits of the allegations, but it has determined there would be “a real risk of harm to the public” if Dr. Malthouse continued to practice without restriction.

It says Dr. Malthouse has not responded to allegations that he signed COVID-19 vaccine and mask exemption forms based on false statements and used his status as a doctor to “circumvent public health orders.”

Also today: Canadian insurer Manulife said employees can return to its offices across Canada from April 25 regardless of vaccination status, amid a fall in COVID-19 infections. [Richard Phillips]

💥 💥 💥 The Ford PCs have taken another step towards making their Emergency Measures Permanent.

Yesterday, Ontario's three establishment parties got together one more time to vote in favour of the PC's Bill 100 - misleadingly named the "Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022" - on second reading. Bill 100 makes some of the powers the Ontario PCs gave themselves under a state of emergency permanent. These permanent measures include:

· Fines and/or jail time for anyone deemed to be "impeding access to or egress from, or the ordinary use of, protected transportation infrastructure."

· Giving the Registrar of Motor Vehicles the power to suspend or cancel the plate portion of a permit for a commercial motor vehicle or trailer or a CVOR certificate without a hearing.

· Giving police new powers to arrest without warrant.

Click here to read the bill. Like she did two years ago - as the only current or former PC MPP to vote against Doug Ford's Lockdown Bill, Bill 195 - Belinda voted"no" to more unnecessary government overreach in Bill 100.

Ontario's establishment parties have ushered in an era of corrupt "deal-making" at Queen's Park. That is why we are getting the New Blue Party of Ontario ready for the June 2nd election. With 118 prospective New Blue candidates across Ontario and 116 local riding associations registered, we are almost there! And on Thursday, our first online conference will begin! This will include a great lineup of speakers, an introduction to our 118 candidates, and the grand reveal of our platform, the New Blueprint! Click here to read the agenda and register! It is time to stand on principle. The best is yet to come!

Today is the day! At 6:30pm, Belinda and the New Blue team will kick-off our first conference! If you haven't registered, click here to do so! The final agenda with speakers and topics is also available by clicking here. We have a fantastic lineup of speakers including PragerU political commentator Will Witt, former NHL player Theo Fleury, broadcaster Richard Syrett, and popular podcast host Dr Steve Turley. [Jim Karahalios] [New Blue Party of Ontario]

[Richard Phillips]

[Patrick Bestall]

💥 💥 Bill C-11 will set Internet Quotas for Diversity and Inclusion:

Henry, March 30, 2022 Canadians just got word that Bill C-11, the Internet Censorship Bill, is due to come up for debate in the House of Commons.

If this bill passes, the internet as we know it will be changed forever. “The text of the bill itself asserts that “diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and ages” must be prioritized in internet programming. That guarantees we will see more sexual perversion, more gender ideology, and more identity politics pushed on us and on our children online.”

[Patrick Bestall]

💥 Biden’s OESE makes quiet move to Restrict Federal Funding for Charter Schools

A vast majority of the media’s attention has remained on Russia’s devastating invasion of neighboring Ukraine, allowing the Biden administration to make quiet moves behind the scenes to accomplish many of their woke agenda items.

According to the New York Post, the administration’s latest progressive maneuver involves the controversial subject of charter schools, which are routinely criticized by radical progressive Democrats. In a recent budget move, the Biden administration and Dems leveled a huge blow against charter schools around the country.

Last Thursday evening, when the Senate passed a $1.5 trillion budget bill to fund the U.S. government, “the Biden administration’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education issued 13 pages of rules designed to cut off Charter Schools from federal support and that will likely serve as a model for state regulations limiting charters,” the Post noted.

As the Washington Examiner noted, a former Department of Education official sounded the alarm on the maneuver, saying that it could kill off charter schools, forcing many to close their doors.

The new language in the Senate bill not only places massive restrictions on federal funding for the schools, but also implements a new form of demographic reporting requirement, placing more undue burdens on already struggling learning institutions.

“There’s been an ideological realignment within the Democratic Party that is reflected in this in these priorities,” said former DOE official Robert Eitel. “This is confirmation that the Democratic Party has shifted hard to the left on education issues and that they’re no longer supportive of the charter school.”

Eitel added that if the rule is formallyadopted, “it [would] have a chilling effect on new charter schools and make it difficult for existing ones to continue.”

The proposed rules, essentially an attack on charter schools, is now in a 30-day public comment period, which critics of the move say is far too short, and completely unfair. [Main Street Gazette]

💥 💥 Debunking the media's lies about ESG Social Credit Scores and the Great Reset:

We’re used to legacy media misleading, concealing, and even downright lying about the important issues facing America — especially when it comes to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores and the Great Reset movement. And on many occasions, we don’t respond with a detailed response. After all, most Americans don’t read or watch legacy media outlets anymore.

However, sometimes, we come across something so dishonest that we simply can’t stay quiet, because if we were to, our heads would probably explode. (And we happen to be very fond of our heads, thank you.) On March 18, the Idaho Statesman — the largest newspaper in Idaho — published one of those truly blood-boiling articles we just can’t ignore.

In the piece, which was written by the paper’s opinion editor Scott McIntosh, the author promotes one false claim after another about ESG scores, their use, and the Great Reset movement — all in an attempt to discredit us and the countless other people in Idaho working to protect the rights of American families and businesses. [BLAZE Media]

💥 💥 💥 Time for A Great Awakening: 💥 💥 💥

Something to consider and look for our VIDEO about July!

I spent hours yesterday looking up videos that portend to conditions in America, Ukraine and the world...just to see what Christian influencers have to say and compare it to what Don Brooks and I [Patrick Bestall] have to say in OUR upcoming video. I get the feeling that they are applying prophecy and personal revelations to what's going on in the news, while Don and I are applying news stories to see how they fit into our chart of future events. In other words, they are understanding news in the light of prophecy, scripture, and personal insights, while we are understanding our predictions in the light of current news and events (the opposite process). Or as one friend put it, "you are always trying to make events fit into your chart" while other commentators are always trying to make their charts fit into current events. As a result, Don and I see things coming that are nowhere in the news, while others analyze what they see coming in the light of what they already know. Don and I expect the unexpected, conclusions that we were forced to make in order to maintain symmetry with the past. You'll know what I mean when our video comes out on YouTube sometime this spring. Russia's actions are described in it, but not what you're hearing about in today's news. We describe what Russia will be doing in tomorrow's news(which year is anybody's guess, it's all up to the coming Caliphate in Turkey). It's a good thing the presentation based on our book isn't coming out now because viewers probably wouldn't believe us while there's a war going on in Ukraine.

Something else I notice, is the wide divergence of opinion among respected commentators. Some are calling Putin evil, some call him God's soldier, some want us to prep for disasters, and some want us to prepare for miraculous times ahead. See a couple of video examples below. Don and I expect things to get worse in the short term, then abruptly change for a short era of gloriouspeace before the devil comes back at usone last time. I say that right now, while the Babylonians are in charge, we need to "grow underground".

[Patrick Bestall] [Don Brooks]


Kyrie: Standing (1 Min)

JP: WILL & CHRIS* staged or Real? (9Min)

15 Facts about The Financial Condition in the US Today (13 Min)

Increase Gut Bacteria (4 Min)

Micro-Chips R The Future 0f AI (14 Min)

Mike: Americans R Waking Up to The Reality of F00d Shortages (13 Min)

Song: 'Member ThIs! (2 Min)

Man Survives Remdesivir (17 Min)

Knight: Canada Leading in Digital $$ (8 Min)

Gravity Deception (3 Min)

STEW & Jane: Safe to get BL00d from Vaccinated? (11 Min)

Doc Sherri: The vaccinated WILL Experience an Explosion of Cancer (2 Min)

💥 💥 W.H.O. to Monopolize Health Systems Worldwide:

Story at-a-glance:

The globalist cabal is planning to monopolize health systems worldwide through the creation of an international pandemic treaty that makes the World Health Organization (WHO) the sole decision maker on pandemic matters.

The WHO may also be planning to seize power over health systems more broadly. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has stated that his “central priority” as director-general of the WHO is to push the world toward universal health coverage.

In the name of keeping everyone “safe” from infection, the globalist cabal has justified unprecedented attacks on democracy, civil liberties and personal freedoms, including the right to choose your own medical treatment.

Now, the WHO is gearing up to make its pandemic leadership permanent, and to extend it into the health care systems of every nation. The idea is to implement universal health care organized by the WHO as part of the Great Reset.

If this treaty goes through, the WHO would have the power to call for mandatory vaccinations and health passports, and itsdecision would supersede national and state laws.

Considering the WHO changed its definition of “pandemic” to “a worldwide epidemic of a disease,” removing the requirement of high morbidity, just about anything could be made to fit the pandemic criterion, including obesity. [The Defender]

[Pauline Claments]

The SMART Health Cards system is used by more than a dozen countries, 25 U.S. states, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.; the Australian Parliament is pushing a “Trusted Digital Identity Bill”; U.S. Congress is pushing the “Improving Digital Identity Act” and the WHO has signed a deal with a Deutsche Telekom subsidiary to build the first global digital vaccine passport.

All of these have one thing in common: the end goal, which is to expand them into a souped-up, global social credit system.

💥 💥 China Takes Over the Solomon Islands — And the Pacific:

China, after years of persistent commercial, diplomatic, and military efforts, is taking over the Pacific.

Beijing is moving from island group to island group, and soon the People's Liberation Army will be in striking distance of Hawaii.

The five-year deal, subject to automatic renewals, will allow Beijing to use the islands to base its military and to do pretty much what the Chinese military wants.

If implemented to its full extent, the Framework Agreement will give China the ability to sever shipping lanes and air links connecting the U.S. with its treaty ally Australia and partner New Zealand.

For decades, Washington allowed Canberra and Wellington to manage the Solomons and its region.... Beijing, through payoffs now detailed in public, essentially owns Sogavare's government.

There is now talk that China will ink a security agreement with Papua New Guinea, just north of Australia.

Moreover, China wants to upgrade an airstrip in Kiribati. Beijing says the improvements are for civilian purposes only, yet the military uses are apparent and no one believes the Chinese assurances.

The facility is just 1,900 miles south of Hawaii. In Pacific terms, Kiribati is America's next-door neighbor.

On March 25, the Solomon Islands announced it was "expanding" security arrangements, "diversifying the country's security partnership including with China." [GateStone Institute]



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

  • · GCR Update as of noon Wed. 30 March, Charlie Ward, Chase Carter, MarkZ:

  • · Fri. 1 April was the beginning of the first quarter of the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) using the Quantum Computer and new digital currency of Blockchain. From now on trading of all nations would be done with gold/asset-backed currency.

  • · On Mon. 21 March a new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System officially began across the globe.

  • · By Tues. 22 March seven countries began using their gold/asset-backed currencies including Russia, China, India and Saudi Arabia. More were likely in the system by now. The US would be the last country to go.

  • · Our bank accounts converted from fiat US Dollars to asset backed USTN on Sat, Sun and Mon. 26. 27, 28 March.

  • · The Central Bank of Russia announced that the Russian Ruble currency was gold backed as of Mon. 28 March.

  • · Kayleigh McEnaney RIPS OPEN 💥 Hunter Biden’s laptop from HELL Live on AIR to show America the crimes of the Biden Family — this will give you CHILLS:

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