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Thursday 9-5-24

Thursday  9 - [5]-24... 


Verses for today:


But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:4 KJV


And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; that ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;

Philippians 1:9-10 KJV


In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul.

Psalm 94:19 KJV



Harris Accepts Debate Rules for Sept. 10 Showdown With Trump, Including Strict Mic Controls:

Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted the rules for the Sept. 10 presidential debate against former President Donald Trump, including the provision to mute microphones when it’s not a candidate’s turn to speak.

ABC News announced the debate rules on Sept. 4, finalizing the terms after weeks of negotiations between the two campaigns.


A letter from Harris’s campaign to ABC, obtained by the Associated Press, confirmed acceptance of the rules, marking a conclusion to the negotiations over microphone muting, which had for some time threatened to derail the debate.

Both the Harris and Trump campaigns previously offered dueling statements on the debate and whether microphones should be muted or not. An earlier agreement announced by Trump and President Joe Biden for both the CNN and ABC debates included the muting of microphones, which occurred during the first debate.


Harris campaign adviser Brian Fallon stated on Aug. 26 that both candidates’ microphones should remain live throughout the debate, suggesting that Trump’s team preferred muting because of doubt whether Trump could maintain presidential behavior for the full 90 minutes.


In response, Trump adviser Jason Miller said in an interview with Politico that Harris was trying to avoid debating Trump altogether. Miller also said in a statement they had already agreed to the same terms as CNN’s June debate, which had muted microphones, adding, “We said no changes to the agreed-upon rules.”

While the Harris campaign’s letter to ABC expressed agreement with the rules, it also voiced concern about the format, saying that it shields Trump from “direct exchanges” with the vice president.


Trump confirmed his acceptance of the rules in a Sept. 3 statement on Truth Social, stating that the debate would follow the same format as the June CNN debate, in which he faced off against Biden.

Trump also told reporters at an event in Virginia that he preferred to have his microphone kept on, adding that he did not like it muted last time.


“Doesn’t matter to me. I’d rather have it, probably, on. But the agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time,” Trump said.

The debate will be moderated by David Muir of “World News Tonight” and Linsey Davis of ABC News Live.

According to the debate rules, as announced by ABC on Sept. 4, each candidate will be allotted two minutes to respond to each question, followed by two-minute rebuttals, with an additional minute for clarifications or follow-ups. During these segments, only the microphone of the candidate speaking will be live, with the other muted.


The 90-minute debate will not include an audience, and the candidates will not be allowed to bring notes onto the stage. Both will stand behind podiums and have access only to a pen, notepad, and a bottle of water. No opening statements will be made, but each candidate will have two minutes for a closing statement.


Trump won a virtual coin flip and chose to deliver the final closing statement, while Harris selected the right-side podium on the broadcast.

ABC News noted that if significant interruptions occur, both candidates’ microphones may be unmuted temporarily so the audience can follow the discussion.


The vice-presidential candidates, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), are slated to debate on Oct. 1 on CBS News.

Jack Phillips

and the Associated Press

contributed to this report.



Trudeau named "Worst PM Ever,"

Singh breaks up with him, and we grill Pierre:

I have two critical news stories to share with you tonight, and a favour at the end to ask of you,

Today, Canada can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Jagmeet Singh has finally ended his deal that propped up Justin Trudeau’s government.This means that an election could happen at any moment. It could happen as early as this fall. If Pierre Poilievre & Max Bernier proposed a confidence motion this fall, and enough NDP MPs vote “no” (along with all Conservative & PPC, MPs) Justin Trudeau will be forced to resign. But of course, just like Justin Trudeau, we can trust Jagmeet just about as far as we can throw him.

This means that we need to be ready. With the flick of a switch, our newsrooms is ready to become a war rooms. CBC disinformation will be a massive threat to Canada in the upcoming election, and we are here to dispel it.


Which brings us to the second story you will want to read. Today, we learned that Justin Trudeau has officially been rated the "Worst Prime Minister in history”. You can read it here.


I know I said there was only two news stories, but there is actually a third I have to add in here: our senior editor, Kat Kanada, met with Pierre Poilievre today to ask him about a gender extremist that Trudeau just appointed to the Senate. It is an outrage, and Kat got Pierre's response on the record.  

Now, I need to ask you a favour, because we can't do this alone. I am hoping that you will join our newsroom today as an Insider. We have a sale going on in light of Jagmeet's announcement. We need at least 50 new Insiders to help us turn our newsroom into an election-ready War Room.Claim your access to all our reports, gain premium access, and help advise us on how to best cover this election by clicking here.Keean BexteEditor-in-ChiefTheCounterSignal.comP.S. We need you to join us today. Can we count on you to help us turn our newsroom into an election-ready war room? We have a membership set aside just for you!

Claim your election access now

Jagmeet Singh

David YEO:


F@LL3N ANG3L$ (1 Min)


V@P!NG vs $M0K!NG (6 Min)


TH3 D0N@LD KN3W TH!$ (4 Min)


T3L0$A**$400B N3W U$ C!TY (10 Min)


EV!L CH@0$ PL@YB00K F0R D!V!D3 & C0NQU3R (26 Min)


M0$3$ & EL!J@H W/ J3$U$ (1 Min)


!NF3RT!L!TY**VXX N!GHTM@R3 (7 Min)


WH!$TL3-BL0W3R**$C@LAR M!ND C0NTR0L (79 MIn)


0ZZ!3$ M0$T D@NG3R0U$ W0M@N**R3FU$3D VXX(14 Min)


W3'V3 BU!LT 0ur 0WN PR!$0N$**9*!*! ACC3$$ C@M3RA 0n PH0N3$ (19 Min)

David YEO



Concern over Immigration quadruples in Canada over last 48 Months:

A radio commentator this morning said it takes Canadians about 10 years to experience American problems.  Maxime Bernier was ten years ahead of his time.

Federal politics: Concern over immigration quadruples over last 48 months

Conservatives lead by 22 points in vote intent nationally and hold advantage in all provinces but Quebec

September 4, 2024 – While the number of Canadians galvanized over the cost of living and inflation is beginning to decrease, their attention is fixating on an issue that was once only glancingly thought of: immigration.


New data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds Canadians’ concern over immigration has risen four-fold over the last two years, prompting the federal government to announce plans to shrink the Temporary Foreign Workers program. One-in-five (21%) say “Immigration/refugees” is one of the top issues facing the country, putting it in a tie with climate change (21%), though still far off from the high cost of living (57%), health care (45%) and housing affordability (32%).


The latter concern perhaps represents a ripple effect from Canada’s booming population driven by immigrants, both temporary and permanent. Another may be unemployment, especially among younger Canadians, who encountered an especially difficult summer job market influenced by a growing number of temporary foreign workers. One-in-five (19%) 18- to 34-year-olds say the lack of jobs is a top issue facing the country, as two-in-five (40%) that age fret over housing affordability as well.


As noted above, the Liberal government will be rolling back some of the pandemic-era changes to the Temporary Foreign Workers program, but this has had no impact on vote intentions so far. The Liberals are still operating with a large support deficit which has lasted more than a year. Among decided voters, more than two-in-five (43%) say they would vote Conservative if the election were today, while similar sized groups of one-in-five say they would support the Liberals (21%) and the NDP (19%).


In the nearly two years since the party elected Pierre Poilievre as leader, the CPC have made gains across nearly all demographics and regions at expense of the Liberals. Support for the Liberals has declined double digits in Ontario (-13) and Atlantic Canada (-17), with the Conservatives enjoying concurrent nine- and ten-point positive swings in those places respectively. The CPC have also seen at least eight-point increases in support among women 18- to 34-years-old (+8) and older than 54 (+8) and men aged 35-54 (+10).


While the vote intention story is all about gains for the Conservatives since he became leader, Poilievre himself has made little progress at improving his personal favourability. Half (52%) say they have an unfavourable view of the CPC leader, statistically identical to the figure seen when he was first elected (51%). The same is true of his favourability (36% now; 35% Sept. 2022). He has made inroads on this front among men aged 35-54 (+9 favourability) and women 18-34 (+5), though for the latter opinions are still overwhelmingly negative (52% unfavourable). And any demographic gains are offset by a decline (-15 favourability) among 18- to 34-year-old men over the past two years.

Angus Reid

Patrick Bestall


When Republics become Democracies:

If Hells Angels and truckers act as vigilantes to deal with the illegal immigrant gangs taking over buildings here and there, that's not the "rule of law" envisioned by early Republicans; that's Democracy's "rule by mob vote" to determine justice. 


The difference is explained in this valuable 10-minute lesson in history going back to Rome & Greece.


Our Supreme Court "knows better" than the authors of the Charter:

Canada’s Supreme Court has decided it will not hear appeals to two high-profile cases brought forth by politicians who alleged their “Charter rights” were violated because of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government’s COVID jab travel mandates, which banned the vaccine-free from flying. 


The cases brought against the Trudeau government came from People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier and former Premier of Newfoundland Brian Peckford (one of the writers of the Charter!)

LifeSite News



Supreme Court of Canada refuses to hear high-profile cases against COVID mandates:

The cases brought against the Trudeau government came from People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier and former Premier of Newfoundland Brian Peckford.


(LifeSiteNews) –– Canada’s Supreme Court has decided it will not hear appeals to two high-profile cases brought forth by politicians who alleged their “Charter rights” were violated because of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government’s COVID jab travel mandates, which banned the vaccine-free from flying.  


The cases brought against the government came from People’s Party of Canada (PPC) leader Maxime Bernier and former Premier of Newfoundland Brian Peckford. Their legal challenges were originally dismissed as “moot” by the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal last year. Bernier and Peckford appealed to the Supreme Court, which declared on August 29, 2024, it would not hear the case.  


The legal group helping Bernier and Peckford, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), said on Thursday it was “disappointed” by the court’s decision.  


“In both cases, the Federal Court held the issues were moot because the vaccine travel mandate had been rescinded after the cases had been filed and cross-examination had occurred, but prior to the court hearings,” said the JCCF. 

“Dismissing a case as moot means that the court has found that its decision will not have a practical effect and that it is not worth the time and effort to decide the case otherwise.” 

JCCF lawyer Allison Pejovic lamented the court’s decision, saying, “This case was of paramount importance to all Canadians.”

She noted that Canadians have been “denied the right to know whether the federal government acted lawfully in preventing them from travelling and leaving the country based on their refusal to take a novel medication that failed to prevent transmission of Covid, and that has caused death and serious harm to many people worldwide.” 

“Deeming cases challenging draconian emergency orders that harmed millions of Canadians moot damages confidence in the justice system and undermines the rule of law,” she added.  


According to the JCCF, Bernier and Peckford argued that the doctrine of “mootness ought to be reconsidered by the Supreme Court because emergency orders by their nature are evasive of review, resulting in no oversight by courts or elected legislators.” 


“Hearing these cases would have allowed the Supreme Court to determine whether it is appropriate to allow governments to evade judicial scrutiny of their decisions made through emergency orders. Unlike legislation passed by Parliament, emergency orders are made through Cabinet orders and are protected by Cabinet privilege, meaning Canadians cannot learn the reasoning behind the decisions,” said the JCCF. 


In October 2021, Trudeau announced unprecedented COVID-19 jab mandates for all federal workers and those in the transportation sector. He also announced that the unvaccinated would no longer be able to travel by air, boat, or train, both domestically and internationally. 

This policy resulted in thousands losing their jobs or being placed on leave for non-compliance. It also trapped “unvaccinated” Canadians in the country. 

The mandates remained in place until June 2022. 

Bernier: Canadians ‘cannot trust the courts anymore’

Bernier, who throughout the COVID crisis vehemently opposed mandates of all kinds, said about the ruling that he is “extremely disappointed” by the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to “dismiss our appeal in the case against the tyrannical Liberal travel ban for the unvaccinated.” 

“We obviously cannot trust the courts anymore in this country to uphold our constitutional rights and freedoms,” he wrote on X Thursday. 

“Too many of them have been hijacked by far-left woke activists masquerading as judges.” 

Bernier noted that in his view, there is only “one solution” to fix the courts, which he said is to “inform and educate, change the climate of opinion, to make sure more Canadians are awakened, and no future government dares to implement such awful discriminatory policies again.” 


“This is what the PPC has been doing and will continue to do,” he added. 

Spokesman for Bernier, Martin Masse, told LifeSiteNews that due to the recent decision, there are “no more possible legal next steps to this SCC decision to dismiss the case.” 

“It’s the end of the road,” he added.


COVID vaccine mandates, which also came from provincial governments with the support of the federal government, split Canadian society. The mRNA shots have been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children. 


In 2021, Trudeau saidCanadians “vehemently opposed to vaccination” do “not believe in science,” are “often misogynists, often racists,” and even questioned whether Canada should “tolerate these people.” 

LifeSite News 

Survival Guides (33% Off):

Survival Guides

It is essential to be prepared for whatever life throws your way. Whether a virus, wildfire, economic collapse, or other catastrophe comes, you'll want to be prepared. These three books on emergency preparedness are great resources. They'll help you know what could happen and what you should do to prepare for all types of emergencies.



Russian Missile Hits in Poltava Wipe-Out 700+ Troops/Mercs/NATO Advisors:

A missile strike by Russia against a target in Ukraine has wiped-out 700 Ukrainian military troops, Western-provided Mercenaries, and NATO Military Advisors, in what many are saying is the single most deadly attack of the almost 3-year war.


The photo above, taken well before the attack, shows many of those now dead from the attack.

The Russian army attacked the training center for specialists in the field of communications and electronic warfare of the Ukrainian Armed Forces taught by NATO tutors in Poltava. 


Russia hit the training building first, then about ten minutes later, hit the nearby cafeteria.   The one-two punch devastated Ukraine and its NATO Advisors, most of whom were from Sweden!

Western media outlets are reporting this strike and downplaying the death/injury toll to "50." 

Ukraine is trying to claim the structure that was hit was a "Hospital" but no one believes Ukrainian propaganda anymore. 


One thing is undisputed: This was, perhaps, the single most deadly attack in the entire 3 year conflict.

NATO and Western Mercenaries were hit ferociously hard.  It's what happens when you're on the wrong side.


NOW BEING TOLD 190 Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers killed and more than 600 wounded as a result of an Iskander strike in Poltava, Ukrainian media is reporting.



Joan Eveleigh

from Joni - Prayer Request

I am making Public JONI’s REQUEST to me for PRAYER... Please add to your ‘PRAYER-LIST’.

I trust you've had a good summer & are still pressing in and doing Kingdom work

It's been a while since I've sent out an update on our work in Kenya.

I'm still very much involved in the work in Kenya and have the wonderful opportunity to go back to Kenya for 3 months.


While there I've been asked to teach the women from the community and also to do an after-school program with the kids. 

Pas Mary did a woman's conference recently with about 400 ladies - and 36 committed their lives to Christ!  

So I'm pretty excited about this - I realize there will be a lot of changes - and the kids I knew then are now young adults but I'll be reaching a whole new group.


I would really appreciate your prayer covering while I'm away.  I turned 80 in July this year and feel like Caleb when he was 85 - he felt like 45.  

Retirement isn't  in my vocabulary!  The Lord says, "Work while it is day," and we know our Bridegroom is coming soon...what a Joy!


To find out more - kindly read all the details in my attached newsletter.





Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




The latest news: 

God Is In ControlNational Security Alert IssuedNothing Can Stop What’s ComingPrepare For Ten Days of Communication Darkness

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

We are In a Silent War – the Final Battle of the Planet.In the Next Couple of Weeks the World will Change and TrembleDon’t Be Afraid. All Assets are in PlaceThe Truth is the Light and Light Defeats DarknessBiden Impeached. Trump Q rules.I’m Alive. She is Alive. He is AliveIt Takes Time, Be Patient.…Q Trump on Telegram Wed. 4 Sept. 2024

In Other News:

On Tues. 3 Sept. 2024 an impending attack on US soil prompted an urgent Pentagon briefing and triggered a $1.05 trillion market crash and Black Swan Event National Security Alert!

The Global Military Alliance has been gearing up for major strikes against the US, followed by the EAS and ten days of darkness. They have already dismantled FEMA as it was attempting to interfere with the EBS.

The Emergency Alert System (EAS) Activation was expected at any time. A new 5,000+ army of Star Link Satellites was already in place to take over Mainstream Media. The EAS will broadcast the Global Alliance’s takedown of the Cabal, showing arrests and tribunals of Global Elites charged with Crimes Against Humanity. The documentaries have been made in 55 languages and 600 dialects and will be shown on all channels on the Planet.

Head of the Global Currency Reset Redemption Committee, Dr. Charlie Ward, has always maintained that the Stock Market must crash before the Global Currency Reset would complete and Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would receive appointments to exchange currencies. Today Wed. 4 Sept. 2024 over $1.05 trillion was wiped out from the US Stock Market, with the Dow down 500 points. Most blamed the major Stock Indexes fall on fears about health of the US economy.

Hospitals across the nation are set to be replaced with free Med Bed treatments by the end of the year!

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The Real News for Wed. 4 Sept. 2024:


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Wed. 4 Sept. 2024: Trump to Replace Hospitals with Med Beds Nationwide by Year’s End! …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram

  • ·        Get ready, patriots—Trump has dropped a bombshell announcement: Hospitals across the nation are set to be replaced with Med Beds by the end of the year! This isn’t just another advancement; it’s a revolution that will change everything we know about health and life itself.

  • ·        For years, we’ve been kept in the dark, but the truth is finally coming out. These Med Beds aren’t just about healing—they’re about reclaiming what’s been stolen from us by those who seek to control and suppress. Trump’s bold plan is not just a technological upgrade; it’s a massive shift that will change how we live, age, and even perceive reality.

  • ·        Here’s the kicker: this technology can reverse aging, and it’s already happening. Imagine seeing grandparents looking younger than their own children—this is the future that’s coming. But be warned, not everyone will embrace this change. Some will refuse, creating a world where age and appearance no longer match, flipping our understanding of relationships and society on its head.

  • ·        This is about more than just Med Beds. Trump’s push for these technologies ties into a broader plan: GESARA, the return to the gold standard, free energy, and more. These are all pieces of a puzzle that will restore what’s been stolen from us for generations. The deep state has been using fiat currency, fake history, and media lies to keep us enslaved, but their time is running out.

  • ·        People are waking up. All around the world, even in places like Japan, people are rising up against government tyranny. The media may try to hide it, but the truth is breaking through. The question now is: Will you stand with Trump, with truth, and reclaim your rightful heritage? Or will you stay trapped in the lies of a corrupt system?

  • ·        This isn’t just about new technology—it’s about a new era. The choice is clear: Prepare yourself, embrace the future, and take back what’s ours. The time is now. Med Beds are coming, and with them, the power to change everything. Are you ready?


Wed. 4 Sept. 2024 Code Red: Emergency Alert System Engaged. … NESARA/GESARA on Telegram

  • ·        Military Alliance Gears Up for 10 Days of Darkness, Major Strike Imminent, Coded Signals Sent, FEMA Dismantled! The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the key weapon in a global operation to dismantle the Deep State, and it’s already being tested for the most critical moment of exposure the world has ever seen. These tests aren’t just random—they’re part of a coordinated global strategy to break the hold of the corrupt elite and bring the truth to light.

  • ·        On August 11, 2024, a nationwide EAS test was conducted at 2:15 PM EDT, but it wasn’t just a routine test. It was a full-scale simulation, complete with coded transmissions broadcast through high-frequency channels. These transmissions were sent not only to the general public but also to key operatives in the Earth Alliance—the covert patriots fighting back against the Deep State’s plans.

  • ·        Insiders have revealed that these tests were meant to prepare the system for the 10 days of darkness, when the EAS will be the only communication channel left standing, broadcasting continuous streams of truth to every corner of the globe. These broadcasts will reveal hidden information, long-suppressed technologies, and expose the depths of the Deep State’s corruption.

  • ·        In early July 2024, sources at Fort Hood confirmed live EAS drills involving military units. This wasn’t just an alert test—it was a full deployment simulation designed to prepare for the coming strike. The Deep State is watching these tests closely, and their desperate attempts to disrupt them have already failed.

  • ·        The Deep State is on the run. Warren Buffett, one of the financial overlords, dumped $6.2 billion in stocks. This wasn’t a market move—it was a sign that the elite are preparing for collapse. They’re selling off assets, buying gold, and securing offshore hideouts, knowing they can’t stop what’s coming.

  • ·        But the Military Alliance has infiltrated their plans, and they’re using the EAS to turn the collapse into an opportunity to launch GESARA, the global financial reset that will dismantle the corrupt system and return power to the people.

  • ·        The recent EAS test on September 2, 2024, wasn’t an error when strange symbols flashed across screens in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. This was a coded message for those in the know, a signal that the operation is underway. The Earth Alliance is preparing to reveal everything, and no one in the Deep State can stop it.

  • ·        FEMA, however, is a traitor in our midst. Once thought to be safeguarding the public, FEMA is deeply compromised, actively collaborating with the Deep State. Insiders have confirmed that FEMA is trying to subvert the EAS, plotting to censor broadcasts and control the narrative during the 10 days of darkness. FEMA has positioned itself as the gatekeeper, working to block the flood of truth that’s about to hit the world.

  • ·        Reports have surfaced of FEMA’s closed-door briefings with top military officials and telecom giants, plotting to jam critical transmissions. Their goal? To protect the Deep State’s secrets. But the Earth Alliance is one step ahead. FEMA’s sabotage attempts are failing, and their betrayal will soon be exposed.

  • ·        The EAS is no longer just a test—it’s the sword that will cut through the lies. The 10 days of darkness will be a total communications blackout, except for the relentless, unfiltered truth the Military Alliance has been preparing to unleash.

  • ·        The Deep State’s fortress is crumbling, and FEMA’s betrayal is the final proof that the Earth Alliance is on the verge of total victory. The world will never be the same.

  • ·        The countdown has begun. This is not a drill. The truth is coming, and the EAS is leading the charge. Prepare yourself.


Wed. 4 Sept. 2024 Election Fraud, White Hat Intel on Telegram:

  • ·        Funded by $350 Million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, CTCL created a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican areas.

  • ·        25 of the 26 cities and counties that received at least $1 million from CTCL went to Biden in 2020.

  • ·        If you follow the Zuckerbucks money that poured into the 2020 election, it reveals a massive Dem influence operation.

  • ·        CTCL initiated the use of drop boxes for ballot collection, significantly breaching the chain of custody & failing to maintain proper logs to ensure all improperly cast ballots were not counted.

  • ·        CTCL paid election judges, ordered the consolidation of the counting facilities, paid election officials, dictated the policies that undermined state law, and gave direct access of state voter files to “leftist” groups like ‘Rock The Vote’.

  • ·        In Georgia, 19,000 ballots were counted from a single Zuckerberg dropbox over one weekend, but surveillance shows only 24 people dropping off ballots.

  • ·        Corrupt voting rolls, universal mail-in voting, and Zuckerberg dropboxes are a permanent recipe for ELECTION FRAUD.

  • ·        Imagine having all of this on your side; the media and big tech controlling the flow of information, 1,000 lawyers making c***d-election law changes across 37 states, 35 million more mail-in ballots than 2016, $400 million from Zuckerberg for drop boxes and Facebook ballot-counting arenas.

  • ·        And yet… you were still so far behind on election night… that you had to stop counting ballots in swing states, kick out observers, and sneak pallets full of ballots through the back door.

  • ·        Mark Zuckerberg belongs in JAIL.


Wed. 4 Sept. 2024 The Epstein List. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

The Potential List of Perpetrators To Be Exposed (Officially)

  • ·        [Content Redacted]



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