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Writer's picturedonbrooks777

Thursday 8-4-22

Summary as I am able:

8-4-22 Thursday

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💥Thoughts for TODAY!

For which cause, we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

2 Corinthians 4:16 KJV

Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.

Psalm 119:114 KJV

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV

The Mystery of Music:

I used to be a songwriter in my youth (yes, I had a few hit songs on the country-pop-folk music charts of the day). Music was like a drug to me which I had to quit to recapture my thoughts. I know from experience how music can amplify feelings and conversely it can temper them if you use it to deliberately focus your feelings. Plants feel the same about music. All nature does. It's the "music of the spheres" discovered by sciences now called occult. Everything vibrates at different frequencies. Bad, ugly or disformed things give off "bad vibes" in music and color (for every tone there is a color, a number, a shape, a scent etc.). Strong energy applied to a bad frequency is like voodoo. It makes sickness resonate inside the targeted frequency of the human victim.

Read up on radionics and keep in mind the military uses it so much is classified top secret.

Or read up on the positive power of vibrations that accompany electromagnetic fields, a power ancient man and modern occultist utilize with stones and trees that can focus it by drawing it from cracks in the earth's mantle (ley lines) or underground streams (especially "magnetic" hills) that are situated near geomagnetic anomalies.

Christians have no need to deliberately ally themselves with natural currents of energy from the earth, music, color, scent or geometry (e.g. the pentagram). Nor need to alter the bodies currents by manipulating them with yoga, acupuncture, hot stones, copper bracelets and other devices. Christians have direct access to the source of all energy embedded in nature. Rather than needing to absorb it or bask in it by New Age therapies, our spirits can naturally exude energy in our creativity that is united with the creative Holy Spirit. In tune with the Logos, we will produce whole notes, so to speak, instead of dissonance.

The benefits of being directed and filled by the Creator, rather than trying to draw on creation or recreate His power, are enormous. We will never feel "drained". We will never need artificial energy to sustain us like fallen angels and men who will spend eternity like parasites sucking energy from hellfire (a primitive word to describe something like a black hole cut off from our universe). I recently sat with a man who was a master at manipulating bodies and circumstances to align with forces in nature. Tragically, he described falling into a three-month depression last year, from which he believes he has recovered. I know Christians can also fall into long depressions, but we should know that ours are brought to us by a loving God who intends to use them for His purposes, and we can, we must, say "Praise the Lord" for them, rather than become further depressed by trying in vain to escape them. We know it is to God's glory and not our own that we patiently endure such trials. We love them! Just like we love our enemies! Thank you, Jesus, for everything that you send us including evil! What Satan means for evil, God means for good.

Understanding all this we must wonder what evil is in store for us when runaway science and technology comes up with Artificial Intelligence that can now write music.

It's still in the pioneer stage of development, but it won't take long before AI is creating songs you can't tell apart from real people music, just like it's writing articles for university exams and newspaper columns today, and perfectly reproducing the likeness of a person's voice and face. Peter Cushing died during the filming of Star Wars - Return of the Jedi, and they continued filming with Peter's face superimposed on another actor.

It has been said that Gregorian chant is the most edifying form of music because of its simple structures. It's been called the oldest form of music. Recent discoveries about the notations in the Psalms give us the ability to hear the notes played by King David, but not the meter or rhythm. I know from attending the Orthodox Church that other primitive musics are more mystical. Two thousand years has proven there is nothing wrong with that if you want to become fully detached from progress. When I was in the Mennonite Church for a few years I learned that they don't even like musical instruments. Neither did the Church of the Middle Ages when the organ was introduced. Neither did the mainline denominations when the Salvation Army started playing bar songs with Christian lyrics. Today's "Christian rock" makes a good bridge to contemporary music fans, but the purpose of a bridge is to get over it. I pray all our individual per-conditioned preferences lead us to experience some variety so long as we can hold it all together in community. St. Paul advises us to sing three different kinds of music (Ephesians 5:19), and this should be understood better by reading his letter to the Corinthians chapter 14. It's all well and good to have our differences so long as they multiply our pleasure in God and not divide it. Let us approach God in the spirit of an opera, singing different melodies in harmony. In other words, listening to each other as well as to God and our inner voice.

[Patrick Bestall]

They LIED to Us:

It's now here - a new viral threat that could devastate America as we know it. The CDC said we have nothing to worry about… But they're quickly changing tunes… After an EXPLOSION of Monkeypox infections spread across the USA… In the last 24-hours - Folks of all ages are showing up at clinics blanketed with painful pus-filled lumps from head to toe… And some people are even permanently blind as a result. Look - It's clear as day… The government is trying to keep this new outbreak hush hush… So folks don't enter a panic during these already difficult times. Now I couldn't imagine catching Monkeypox… and then passing it to my family or some poor child. What if they end up with complications - and it's MY fault? That's why I'm not waiting for the government - and their awful track record - to keep myself and loved ones safe. Instead, I'm now drinking this morning cocktail… Which Harvard University and the Mayo Clinic say will: - Turn "on" your immune system… - Block bacterial and viral infections… - And even slow down the aging process. The best part? - It takes just 10 seconds. ==> Fuel your immune system with this morning cocktail (protects against deadly infections) P.S. Make no mistake. Monkeypox is now a nationwide threat. Don't wait until it's at your doorstep. Do this now to shield yourself and loved ones.


The Opposite of Self-Check-Out:

Even Toothpaste has to be LOCKED-UP!

[Patrick Bestall]

BREAKING: Kamala Harris Goes Down – She Can’t Do It…

New York magazine is known for being one of the friendliest publications toward liberals in the entire world.

So when even they are voicing concerns about the Democratic Party and its people, you know that there are real problems brewing.

Their newest target is Cacklin’ Kamala Harris, who they were very pumped to have as Vice President next to Joe Biden.

That was then though, and this is now.

At this point, Kamala is obviously a less popular person than even Joe Biden.

Both of them have been such disasters in office that even liberals like those at New York are insisting America look elsewhere for leadership.

72 Nations Publicly Worship Satanic Idols in Televised Luciferian Ritual:

Every western government is run by satanists, and they are now openly carrying out public rituals to celebrate Lucifer's (temporary) dominion over Earth.

The iconic image from the luciferian ritual opening of the British Commonwealth Games is shown in today's article, notice the use of fire and smoke to indicate a "world on fire" while Satan's Baal demon creature is now glowing with light, center stage, indicating that Satan rules over Earth and commands the nations of the world into war.

As yet another display of the pure demonism and luciferian evil that is taking over our world, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay -- of "Hell's Kitchen" fame -- proudly released a video where he is stalking frightened lambs, declaring, "I'm going to eat you" and asking, "Which one's going in the oven first?"

He then stalks the lambs in a Gollum-like posture, invoking the full power of the demons that have seemingly possessed his once-human form, calling out, "Oven time" and declaring "Yum, yummy yum"

- Horned demon "Baal" publicly worshiped in hellscape ritual performed at the British Commonwealth Games opening ceremony, involving 72 nations - Public luciferian rituals are literally carried out to summon demonic entities into the Earthly realm - Demonic possessions are skyrocketing, and demonic influence as everywhere - Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay goes "full demon," stalks innocent, frightened lambs (representing Christ) while drooling out, "Oven time!" - We are in a grand spiritual war, as the world is taken over by demons and satanists

For more updates, visit:

NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency. [Brighton]


Joe Biden Appeals NOMINATION!

  • · Cdc collaboration with big tech on covid-19 misinformation a threat to first amendment rights: legal advocacy group:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was sued by America First Legal (AFL) to compel the release of records regarding correspondence between the federal public health agency and social media companies during the pandemic. AFL, a legal nonprofit run by former Trump administration officials, recently obtained documents showing that the CDC worked with Big Tech companies to flag and censor posts deemed as COVI-19 misinformation.

Gene Hamilton, vice president and general counsel of AFL, spoke to The Epoch Times, stating that “seeing [then-press secretary] Jen Psaki at the White House podium last year, admitting that they were actively collaborating with social media companies to combat what the administration deemed as misinformation” was great cause for alarm….

  • · Biden nominates pro-abortion lawyer to appeals court:

President Joe Biden nominated pro-abortion lawyer Julie Rikelman to the Boston-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit, the White House announced July 29.

Rikelman’s nomination is likely to encounter opposition in the evenly split U.S. Senate. Left-wing activists are applying pressure to Democratic senators, urging them to accelerate the pace of judicial confirmations out of fear that Republicans will retake control of the chamber after the November elections. Rikelman currently serves as senior director for the Center for Reproductive Rights, an international abortion defense organization with offices in New York, Washington, Switzerland, Colombia, and Kenya. The group’s mission, according to its website, is to use “the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world.”…

  • · Us postal service makes announcement on mail-in ballots ahead of midterm elections:

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) confirmed it has created a division that will oversee mail-in ballots in future elections. Adrienne Marshall, executive director of the newly created Election and Government Mail Services, said that it will oversee “election mail strike teams” in local communities to deal with possible problems

“We are fully committed to the secure and timely delivery of the nation’s election mail,” she told media outlets on July 27. Several months ago, the Biden administration requested $5 billion to support the USPS’s mail-in voting operations over the next 10 years. “This proposal expands on the essential public services that the Postal Service provides to the American people and will also help to relieve budget strain on local election offices across the country,” the administration wrote in March….

  • · Fed bank president sends dire warning about inflation: ‘it’s spreading out’:

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis president warned Sunday that the current rate of inflation is troubling and will spread across the country.

“It’s very concerning. We keep getting inflation readings, new data that comes in as recently as this past week, and we keep getting surprised. It’s higher than we expect,” Fed branch President Neel Kashkari said on CBS News’ “Face The Nation.” “And it’s not just a few categories. It’s spreading out more broadly across the economy and that’s why the Federal Reserve is acting with such urgency to get it under control and bring it back down.”…

[Streetwise Politics]

Globe & Mail:

Morning Update:

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says she didn’t know Kyiv embassy staff were in danger:

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says she and her department were unaware of intelligence reports delivered weeks before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in which diplomats in Kyiv were told Ukrainians who worked for the Canadian embassy there were likely on lists of people Moscow intended to detain or kill.

The Globe and Mail reported earlier this week that, after receiving the intelligence, the Canadian diplomats were given clear instructions from Ottawa on how to proceed: Don’t share any of the information with the Ukrainian staff members, despite the apparently dire situation, and don’t help them flee.

“Morally, we have an obligation toward our locally engaged staff,” Ms. Joly said on Wednesday at a news conference in Montreal, after being asked about The Globe’s report. She added that Global Affairs Canada is in the midst of an internal process that is examining this and other issues.

Read more:

This PODCAST episode is making WAVES!

Kid Carson invited me to be on his podcast and WOW, I can't believe the thousands and thousands of viewers that listened in and flooded the internet with shares, responses and LOVE. I am still in shock with the amount of love and messages of appreciation I got, because... well... I got raw and real here. I shared everything about my herbal journey and how I got started (not very pretty to be honest), we dove into being a health freedom fighter, PLUS we took a dive into natural healing and how Big Pharma took over the medical system in the early 1900s, taking our own healing power away from us by introducing the "pill for an ill" mentality. So here it is if you haven't already tuned it; [Tania]

Sinai to Zion:

The Ultimate Romance

Get ready for the ultimate romance story between God and His people. Joel Richardson, end times expert, bestselling author and filmmaker, joins Pastor Jim and Lori today to discuss updates in Israel, the Middle East, and so much more. Want to know what's going on, and how you can pray? Watch today's broadcast and find out!

This needs to beVIEWED!

Joel Richardson makes good sense…

See following’’’

[Patrick Bestall]

[Joel Richardson]

[Jim Bakker]


· Exodus 19:18 MEV Now Mount Sinai was completely covered in smoke because the Lord had descended upon it in fire, and the smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently.

· Genesis 12:3 MEV I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed.”

· Exodus 34:12 MEV Watch yourself so that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it become a snare in your midst.

· 1 Kings 11:2 MEV from the nations which the Lord warned the children of Israel about, saying, “You shall not go in to them, nor shall they come in to you, for they will surely turn your heart away toward their gods.” Solomon clung to these in love.

· Isaiah 28:15 MEV because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death, and with hell we are in agreement. The overflowing scourge shall not come to us when it passes through, for we have made lies our refuge and under falsehood we have hid ourselves.”

· Matthew 24:21 MEV For then will be great tribulation, such as has not happened since the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever shall be.

· Daniel 12:1 MEV “And at that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who shall be found written in the book.

· Jeremiah 30:7 MEV Alas! for that day is great, so that no one is like it; it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.

· Hosea 4:6 MEV My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from being My priest. And because you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.

· Ezekiel 38:2 MEV Son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshek and Tubal, and prophesy against him

· Numbers 24:7 MEV He will pour the water out of his buckets, and his seed will be in many waters. “His king will be higher than Agag, and his kingdom will be exalted.


NEW $$ System (3 Min)

STEW: CDN Pumped Docs Gone (11 Min)

RSE: Lucifer's Temple Exposed**Inside the VATICAN (20 Min)

U-Decide: ELVIS @ 87 (2 Min)

HIGH Impact: BLAK-ROOCK PT 1 (17 Min)

Doc Mike concludes Respiratory Viruses D0 N0T EXIST (2 Min)

Fake Space w/ Yoda (4 Min)

Geoengineering Chemtrail Cover-up #1 (15 Min)

Listen to what D0NALD said about HEIR KLAUSE (1 Min)



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

Current Suppositions:

The following is Rumour… make up your own mind:

Trump averts WW-III

The nation today Tues. 2 Aug. came closer to nuclear Armageddon than it has since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

· As a State Department C-32—a modified Boeing 757—allegedly carrying Nancy Pelosi screeched toward Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ,) four Chinese Chengdu J-20 5th generation fighters from Huian Airbase scrambled to intercept the intruder, purportedly with orders to destroy the C-32 once positive visual identification had been made. While the J-20s zipped to the Taiwan Straits, U.S. F-35 Lightning IIs from the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, which had detected the J-20s, pushed into afterburner in hopes of intercepting the Chinese fighters before they could launch on the C-32, a provocative act that could’ve sparked a thermonuclear conflict.

· The opposing forces were minutes away from meeting each other in the night sky above Taiwan. The unthinkable seemed inevitable.

· But in Palm Beach, Florida, President Donald J. Trump, who had been writing his keynote speech for this weekend’s CPAC conference in Dallas, entered his Mar-a-Lago “War Room” upon learning that a potential battle was unfolding on the other side of the world. As RRN has reported previously, Trump’s Florida command center mimics the technological capabilities of the White House Situation Room: satellites stream real-time data to terminals monitored by Trump’s handpicked staff, and encrypted radio transmissions are captured and deciphered by White Hats who have sworn to uphold the Constitution.

· Uncharacteristically, Trump told staff to get Xi Jinping on the line. “I need to talk to President Xi right now, not in one second,” Trump reportedly said. A Mar-a-Lago source familiar with the crisis told RRN that a cautious Xi Jinping took Trump’s call.

· “The U.S. and Chinese fighters were less than a minute from merging when Trump implored Jinping to back off his aircraft. President Trump said he could defuse, deescalate the situation without going to war. Jinping prattled on about how he had warned the U.S. that China considered Pelosi a war criminal but gave Trump a chance to explain and ordered his planes to veer away from the combat area,” our source said.

· Trump dropped in Xi Jinping’s earsa pair of bombshells, he added. Trump claimed to have proof, which he would later give Jinping, that the person aboard the C-32 was not really Nancy Pelosi but a body double whom the Deep State had sent in her stead. Moreover, President Trump told President Xi that even if the real Nancy Pelosi were aboard the plane, she had absolutely no authority to negotiate with Taiwan on behalf of the United States. Reluctantly, Trump admitted that his invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 had stripped Pelosi and her Deep State allies of power. The only reason the Biden regime appeared to hold sway over world affairs, Trump said, was because they were empowered by a corrupt mainstream media.

· “This is huge. We’ve had many disagreements, but let’s not turn the world to ashes over some bitch trying to pretend she’s still relevant. I will make sure you get proof that what I say is true. Biden might be trying to start a war. Let’s not let that happen today,” Trump told Jinping.

· Xi Jinping, our source said, agreedthat the world need not end over the American Deep State’s hubris. He recalled his fighters, and the C-32 ferrying a double-masked Pelosi doppelganger landed safely in Taipei. “ICBMs could be flying right now, but they’re not. Let no one say Donald Trump doesn’t care about the survival and prosperity of the United States, and the world,” our source said.

Additional News:

· Finland: grocery stores may close to conserve power. Grocery stores in Finland could have to take turns closing for hours at a time to reduce their energy usage this winter, the country’s grid operator told news outlet YLE on Sunday. With fuel shortages expected, Finnish households will also be told to lower their consumption. According to the grid operator, Finland’s roughly 2,800 food stores will need to come to arrangements with each other over who will close and who will stay open if power is rationed in a particular area. This kind of agreement is especially important in rural areas to ensure that all the outlets in one town or village don’t end up shutting at the same time, YLE noted.

· Putin has announced total independence from “Rothschild controlled” US Dollar.

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