1-09-21 Saturday
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Consider and make up your own mind.
Psalm 121:7&8
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
Real Life with Jack Hibbs [Devotional]
*** ==> Trump will serve another term!!! Come see how we know!!! [Prophetic] ***This is Incredible!*** MUST SEE!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88GjpPd4fKE&feature=youtu.be [Barbara Hicks]
Mike Pence allegedly enraged at President Trump:
GOP senator says he's never seen the VP as 'angry as he was today.
Here is what is unfolding…
The morning of 7 Jan. 2021 the US Congress certified Joe Biden as the next President of US Inc. Though, there were a couple of major problems with that. On Nov. 2nd 2020, US Inc. was officially declared bankrupt, no longer officially existed and certain members of Congress led by the Democrats and former President Barack Obama, had conspired with foreign countries to conduct a fraudulent 2020 Election – and thereby committed treason. On Thurs. 7 Jan Trump Attorney Lin Wood Tweeted: “Many traitors to be arrested shortly… final list of confirmed traitors acquired last night during the Congressional vote. Now the crime was completed.”
==> This is important:
As the mayhem was underway in the Capitol Building, Special Forces (SOF) plain clothes personnel went into Pelosi's and other Deep State politician offices. They seized computers and other evidence that showed Deep State Swamp Politicians showed treasonous collusion with domestic terrorists as they communicated with CIA, Antifa and BLM leaders in the riots that occurred in Washington DC on that day of Wed. 6 Jan.
It was Antifa and BLM thugs who did the violence in the Capitol during the Joint Session of Congress. They were coordinated by Deep State Swamp Rats like Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Vice President Pence, et. al.
Antifa & BLM were domestic terrorists under section 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi) of title 8, United States Code. Tues. 5 Jan. POTUS statement:
Evidence that Antifa and BLM thugs perpetrated the violence in the Capitol Building was beyond dispute, given clear facial ID data already made public…
Overnight on Wed 6 Jan, POTUS flew on a "Nightwatch" Boeing E-4b Military Command and Control Aircraft to Dyess Air Force Base south of Abilene TX. Dyess was the National Military Command Center (NMCC) that controlled all US military assets globally.
https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/president-boards-e-4b-command-post-flying-to-nmcc-abilene-tx?fbclid=IwAR0SGIKwfND7Q8ZIaIwbo38tCKbcuGNK8Vwt1L_APzq8kHHy47AWi63ysbw) It would be an interesting 12-13 days to watch what POTUS and the Department of Defense White Hats do.
The Crime of Treason Has Been Completed:
https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/ep-2372b-shot-heard-around-the-worldit-had-to-be-this-waythe-crime-of-treason-has-been-completed/ The patriots needed to wait until the crime was committed. On live TV the senate, house, MSM and SM pushed forward their crime of treason. They [knowingly] stole the election. The crime of treason has been completed. The storm is coming, all of the pieces are in place. POTUS and DoD White Hats were having to decide how to handle the Vatican's Deep State involvement with the CIA and British MI6 in 2020 Election Fraud, plus how to sort that out with Italy being a NATO ally of the USA…
Thurs. 7 Jan. Jacobs Homestead on Twitter: Confirmed by Sean Spicer at 6:57 pm: 35+ Antifa members arrested for crimes committed at the DC Capitol, not Patriots.
See following details: Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot:
Police Ordered to 'Stand Down' (2 Min)
Trump supporters are being blamed for all the violence and chaos but according to a former FBI agent, Antifa had infiltrated the Trump rally:
https://twitter.com/intheMatrixxx/status/1347261153228058624 Capitol Shooting of woman was CIA false flag that was staged and not a real shooting:
https://www.brighteon.com/22375a2f-1f93-44fe-8fb5-4a2d0b27298c Antifa member says in video that "It was us Antifa" who broke into the Capitol building:
RNC chair Ronna McDaniel reelected to steer GOP for another 2 years.
McDaniel vowed to help GOP win back the House and the Senate in 2022
Globalists are Cheering the Pope’s Role in the Great Reset!
Globalists Cheer Pope's Role in 'Great Reset' [Patrick Bestall]
Democrat control of Senate could usher Stacy Abrams’ sister onto the Supreme Court.
The Fallout from the Capitol Protest Will be WORSE Than the Riot Itself
Just the beginning?
Corporate speech-policing fears grow as US senator loses book deal over election objections.
President Trump and Don Jr. Condemn Violence After Capitol Breached: Stay Peaceful
Democrats Seize Control of Senate with Georgia Runoff Wins
Chaos in PA State Senate as GOP Refuses to Seat Dem. Declared Winner in Contested Race
==> Breaking!
Law Enforcement Confirms Antifa Posed as Patriots, Stormed Capitol
Coincidence . . . or Conspiracy?
(I wouldn't know how to verify this)
Follow the money and the truth will be exposed!
WELL, WELL! Isn’t this interesting.
A drug called Remdesivir, manufactured by Gilead Sciences, is now being reported as the ultimate “CURE” for COVID-19.
But it gets interesting.
The patent for Remdesivir is currently held by China, through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary, called UNITAID. UNITAIDjust happens to have an office near Wuhan, China.
Can you guess who some major financial investors in UNITAID might be?
You don't know?
· Well, how about none other than: George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates and the WHO (World Health Organization).
I know what you’re thinking! Just coincidence!
Well, here’s another coincidence. Both Gilead Sciences and UNITAID were financial backers of Hillary Clinton in the last election.
And another coincidence. Dr. Fauci authorized millions of American dollars to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, specifically for the study of Coronaviruses.
Oh, did I mention that Dr. Fauci’s wife works for Gilead Sciences?
What do you think?
Just coincidences! Nothing to see here folks, just keep moving.
It’s no wonder Dr. Fauci slapped down hydroxychloroquine, which is inexpensive, has been around for over 60 years with a proven safety record, even though its success rate was very favorable. Why? Because he was told to! And the news media backed him up all the way.
It’s amazing what you find when you just follow the money.
Here is a link to the full, very thorough report.
Do you detect political considerations?
Just a coincidence??? [Patrick & Yvonne]
https://www.bitchute.com/video/fjujidnZOTgV/ [Produced in July ‘20] [Fred Campbell]
No V.X.X for CEO (1 Min)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/GiMIQqEpsDpt/ [David Yeo]
Risks of Sterilization from V.X.X. (41 Min)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/3fDoFneFVANN/ [David Yeo]
Guess who stays in power no matter if Donald or Joe are the POTUS?
https://www.bitchute.com/video/mKm-9fuOOdU/ [David Yeo]
"No thanks" - US health care workers
Alarming number of US health care workers are refusing COVID-19 vaccine [Patrick Bestall]
Thank You – Patrick for great insight into HISTORY and the impact of Christian WOMEN!
I find this current news report very interesting in light of other things I've been reading this month about the influence of women in changing history.
My interest was first piqued when Yvonne L this month sent me an old Kim Clement prophecy about Trump. (He's a radical over-the-top prophet who described Trump as president before Trump thought about it.) Kim said "there will be a woman who shall arise at the time of his presidency who will have a great influence on his future. She will have most beautiful eyes." This week, by coincidence, our home bible study has taken us to the Book of Judith, the story of a woman who saved Israel just like in the Book of Esther. And by coincidence again, I was catching up on some book-reading on Sunday and came to the story of how a saintly woman's prayers kept Paris from surrendering to Attila the Hun who unexpectedly changed direction (I didn't know Jan 3 was St. Genevieve's feast day till now). It brought to my mind how France was saved by Joan of Arc, and how the British Empire was never greater than it was under "born again" Queen Victoria.
