1-22-21 Thursday
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Revelation 18:23
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
1 Peter 2:9
It is not over:
Sat. 16 Jan. POTUS Donald Trump had declared the nation in a State of Emergency. He invoked the Insurrection Act that allowed Martial Law – meaning Trump would remain as US President until all criminals were arrested. On that Saturday Trump turned over his government authority to the Military, with Gen. Mike Flynn leading the way to mop up the Swamp. The plan was for the US government to remain under Military Law during a transition period to a restored Republic functioning under the original Constitution, the election of which would occur in March 2021. Trump would be back as part of the 1776 Constitutional, or Patriot Party.
Martial Law: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=164161 It was planned that sometime very soon the Emergency Broadcast System would take over all US TV networks. When that would actually happen was the decision of the Military and General Flynn, plus was dependent upon the different network’s cooperation in truthfully broadcasting events of the day. After the EBS took over, the Military would produce all TV programming for at least the next 72 hours and would begin with Trump saying, “The Storm is Upon Us.” Trump would give out seven more messages over the next 72 hours. The networks could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.
Biden wasn’t arrested at the Inauguration because there was a bomb threat, plus there were so many corrupt judges that the courts would likely let Biden walk. It’s no wonder Biden was being prevented from receiving Military Intel.
On Fri. 22 Jan. the Militarywould publish a list of those in Congress wanted for crimes and minuets later Congress would be taken over by the Military Police. They were expected to arrest 67% of the members of Congress. On Sat. 23 Jan. House of Representatives Dillman would submit impeachment articles on Biden. A Military Intel Contact said that by Sun 24 Jan things should become clearer to the American people. “The illegal presidency of pedo-Satanist Joe Biden should begin to be disclosed, along with the disclosure of the crimes of many other traitors / criminals in DC.” By that Sun 24 Jan. the Military could announce over the EBS a suspension of Biden's illegal presidency and expose that we were already in a temporary interim form of government overseen by the US military. Harris would be arrested. The 25th Amendment would be invoked. On Wed. 27 Jan. the remaining Biden members of the House would nominate Trump for US President in exchange for Presidential Pardons. From Thurs. 28 Jan. to 4 Feb. a congressional committee would prosecute seditions on members of both parties.
Military Law was badly needed in the US. Last Feb. 2020 the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) invaded the US with a COVID-19 Pandemic. In Oct. 2020 the CCP bought the Dominion Voting machines and with the help of the CIA and several other nation’s communist parties, were able to swing Trump votes to Biden to steal the 2020 Election – all covered up by a CCP paid off Mass Media. The CCP was all for Joe Biden. The fraudulently elected President had worked closely with Communist China for twelve years. For over forty years he was widely known to have used his political positions to make personal money deals with foreign countries. His son Hunter Biden has used Biden’s political power to develop off-shore Biden Family Businesses in the Ukraine, Russia, Communist China, Iraq and Iran. Biden was known to be compromised to the Chinese Communist Party. Vice President Kamala Harris planned on taking over the US Presidency after Biden was declared incompetent due to his present condition of suffering from Dementia. Harris was said to be a very serious National Security threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic. For over 35 years she has been a fellow traveler of Marxists, Communists, Maoists, Socialists, Progressives and Chinese Communists.
This past week US planes and ships were guarding major cities and both the East and West coastlines. The Military had 60,000 National Guard Troops (who were about to become federalized), 40,000 Law Enforcement and 50,000 Special Forces occupying the District of Columbia, with 28,000 troops sworn in as Marshals to help with Mass Arrests. General Flynn was in charge, along with General Hyten as Chairman of the Pentagon Joint Chief of Staff. Trump appointed Christopher Miller and Pete Gaynor to head FEMA. Right now, there were FEMA tents, personnel and vehicles all over Capitol Hill. FEMA incarceration camps were being prepared across the nation to house recipients of over 200,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office in 2016.
The biggest war against what was referred to as the Cabal had already been won – that of ownership of US Taxpayer monies and the US Treasury. That ownership was taken away by the Cabal back in 1871. You see, the District of Columbia or Washington DC was an independent entity and has never been part of the US. In 1871 a coup by independent bankers like the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers resulted in re-writing the Constitution and transferring the United States of America into US Inc. – a corporation. This coup placed US citizens as property of the Corporation that was centered in Washington DC. Thus, DC was a foreign entity on American soil of sovereign states. The District of Columbia was then a City State, just like the London City State and Vatican City State – where US Inc. have transferred all US Taxpayer dollars since 1871. The Cabal has charged ‘We The People’ interest in order to use our own monies. All was established through a loan from the Vatican via the Bank of London. In 2018 when President Trump signed an Executive Order on Election Interference/Fraud for entities both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assets would be seized under Martial Law. With the present Martial Law established through Trump’s instigation of the Insurrection Act last Saturday, US Inc. assets of the Cabal including US Taxpayer dollars, could now be seized and given back to The People.
Thurs. 21 Jan. Upcoming Schedule, Charlie Ward:
What ‘IF’ ???:
Although we are painfully in the "unknown zone", the Alliance' plan is unfolding beautifully right before our eyes… "Logical Thinking". It makes perfect sense that this so called "inauguration" has transpired. It has given the appearance of capitulation, taking the attention off of Trump and brought our military front and center. Without getting into all the complicated procedural issues regarding the dismantling of the US Corp Inc, verses the re-establishment / restoration of our original Constitution... Can you imagine if the military, under President Trump, had acted any time prior to today? A military takeover under the Trump administration, would have provided the perfect scenario for nationwide violence, rioting, etc. Precisely what the Deep Fake, Satanic Cabal would have wanted. The public outcry, demonstrations & violent protests would have been aimed squarely at President Trump. He would have no doubt been blamed by [MSM] for the unrest and certainly experienced an erosion of public support. However, this "fake inauguration" into a nonexistent "country / corporation" provides the best backdrop for military action apart from President Trump. Haven't you heard all the chatter of military raids at three letter agencies? Haven't you seen footage of troops being deputized for domestic activities? The military now has made these incredible "new discoveries" of crimes against humanity, of unbelievable political corruption and of unspeakable atrocities against children. In all good consciousness, the military leaders will claim they cannot morally follow this new leadership. Thus, the military does the great reveal. A genius plan. The EBS broadcast justified. Yes, many will still be in shock, but I suspect the public's anger will be directed more towards these sick and twisted perpetrators, as opposed to any former administration named Trump.
We shall see. Just my humble opinion. Whatever, whichever the case... I'm rolling with the words of POTUS... "The best is yet to come"... Our journey is only beginning." Wait for it! A Restored Republic. A glorious journey. A new day!
Thurs. 21 Jan. Gene Decode - Optics - INTEL & Current Situation, Mr. Ed:
Thurs. 21 Jan. Charlie Ward, Simeon Parkes on Inauguration:
https://drcharlieward.com/simon-parkes-with-tiana-david-rodriguez-discussing-the-inauguration/ Thurs. 21 Jan. GOP Files Articles of Impeachment Against Biden:
https://trendingpolitics.com/breaking-gop-rep-files-articles-of-impeachment-against-joe-biden/ Thurs. 21 Jan. Simon Parkes:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/hiNftb3fJYzp/ Thurs. 21 Jan. The Marshall Report:
Thurs. 21 Jan. Ships, 300 military planes in the air over US:
The US Patriot Party: https://us-patriotparty.com/
Difference Makers
Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 74
Chuck Schumer Makes a PROMISE to Fight Disinformation but there’s Just ONE HUGE Problem
Lindsey Graham Gets BLASTED by Maria Bartiromo when She Calls Him Out on ALL of His Lies
Carlson Explains What Message Dems Are Sending with The Militarization Of DC
Christian Organization Calls for Firing of Franklin Graham from Samaritan's Purse, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
China Sanctions Pompeo, 27 Other Trump-Era Officials
Report: Labor Pick Paid $90,000 to Biden-Linked Firm Before Nomination
Portland rioters damage ICE Building: police declare 'unlawful assembly.'
Joe Biden:
Amnesty for Everyone Who Was Here On January 1
A new crew at the Pentagon.
Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist is, at least for a time, America's new Acting Secretary of Defense. In this role, "Norquist will maintain continuity and readiness of the Department until a defense secretary is confirmed," White House officials announced just after noon Wednesday.
The U.S. military's new acting service secretaries include:
· John Whitley at the Army;
· Tom Harker for the Navy;
· John Roth is the Air Force's acting secretary.
Here is a list of other interim agency leaders the Biden administration installed Wednesday:
· Central Intelligence Agency: David Cohen
· Department of Energy: David Huizenga
· Department of Homeland Security: David Pekoske
· Department of Justice: Monty Wilkinson
· Department of State: Dan Smith
· National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Steve Jurczyk
· U.S. Agency for International Development: Gloria Steele
· And the U.S. Mission to the United Nations is temporarily led by Rich Mills.
America has a new Director of National Intelligence:
Avril Haines became President Joe Biden's first cabinet official to be confirmed into her new job by the Senate. Haines's nomination was approved late Wednesday in a 84-10 vote, with 10 Republicans voting no.
Pope vs. U.S. Bishops re Biden
Here is the part that criticizes Biden in the US Bishops' statement
Cardinal Dolan sided with the pope giving 100% support to Biden like Francis did, without criticism. He said scripture tells us to pray with and for all in authority. But the word "with" does not appear in the original text. In fact, scripture tells us to NOT pray "with" anyone who goes contrary to the doctrine of the faith:
We can still pray "for" Biden, specifically that he will honour God's words and be converted by them. We can also pray for Pope Francis sins of omission.
I assume the Main-Stream (Leftist) Media will choose to quote the pope's uncritical praise for Biden and ignore the controversial statement from the US Bishops.
Canadian professor warns of inflammatory politics.
‘Opposite of unity’: Democrats’ identity politics pushes US towards conflict akin to Lebanese civil war, Canadian professor warns.
What happened during the storming of the Capitol by an angry mob earlier in January was “wrong” and “criminal,” Saad told an RT podcast hosted by Ben Swann. It still does not warrant flooding Washington with tens of thousands of National Guard members for President Joe Biden’s inauguration, said the professor at Concordia University in Montreal.
Neither does it warrant labeling literally every single Trump supporter a “domestic terrorist” – something Saad believes the Democrats are very much inclined to do now.
Biden's fake Inauguration crowd & speech
Falling number of Covid-19 cases in Russia
Putin saw it coming.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/BqZiI6pfSZAK/ [David Yeo]
Gemma O'Doherty: There's No Proof that BS19 Exists (8 Min)
Quebec: Over 750 Fines handed out in the First 3 Days of Curfew (5 Min)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/j8casNEs17dO/ [David Yeo]
Former Ontario Medical Officer Speaks out.... again. Support Roman Baber
https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/ontario-lockdown-not-supported-by-strong-science-says-former-chief-medical-officer-of-health [Patrick Bestall]
Obama’s Knowledge of BENGHAZI:
Trump declassifies more Crossfire Hurricane documents in final hours of Presidency.
Biden’s tax plan is likely to hurt working-class Americans and small businesses
Kate Bedingfield:
Biden May Deny 'Willfully Lying' Outlets Interviews
Whistleblower Edward Snowden
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSu4rCizyUM [Dianne Dawson]
Charlie Kirk & Pastor Rob McCoy @calvarysanjuan - FSC 268
Tech spying plus - corporate attacks against civil society:
(Info on what your smart phone watches/records/sends?)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rl82OQDoOc [Dianne Dawson]
(more info on how they can put incriminating evidence on your computer/phone, and you are found guilty)
Even NY Times Admits That We Should Return to Trump’s Economy but Doesn’t Believe Biden Has What It Takes
Dr. Fauci Tells WHO Biden Will Lift Ban on Funding Abortion Abroad In ‘Coming Days’
White House staff lists more than 600 achievements from Trump’s first term.
Dems, Media Suddenly Going MAGA on Reopening Country for Some Reason (Let's Guess Why)
You will not Believe What Hollywood is Planning for Trump
Thank God for Iran, China, and Russia
Real News Stations: https://www.newsmaxtv.com https://www.pscp.tv/RSBNetwork/1OdKrVbmmoYKX https://www.oann.com/ https://www.simonparkes.org/blog
Today’s Prayer
Holy YHWH, you see us and know our deepest intentions.
You know whether we are grandstanding or whether we truly desire to do
your work out of love for you. Give us your wisdom Father. Make us like David in faithfulness. Help us to walk before you as Abraham did. Fill our minds with the thoughts of Y’shua.
We thank you that you don’t leave us to our own devices for certainly we would have ceased to exist after Cain. We lift up to you today those who walk in the valley of the shadow of death. No matter what the cause of their suffering, we ask you to send your word to them in such a way that they will turn to you and be saved. We ask you to extend their lives until they have the opportunity to hear your good news and make that choice.
We lift up to you today the decision makers of this world. If it is your time to bring forth the end of days, we trust you to do so and we will cling to your goodness but if there’s a way for you to turn the hearts of those who chase after power and riches, we beg you to do so. For it is only through your revelation that those who determine the fates of the masses will become the leaders they should be. Father, use this time of testing to grow strong roots from the seeds of faith you have sown. Use these challenging days to excise the superficial stuff so that what remains is pure and hardy. Ultimately, KING of kings, we ask that you come and take your throne.
We bless you and worship you in Y’shua’s name and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Matthew 2:11 And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. Revelation 13:16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,[a] to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, Donna Fawcett © copyright 21/01/2021 English Standard Version
