Summary as I am able:
5-22-22 Sunday
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💥Thoughts for TODAY!
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 KJV
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
Habakkuk 2:14 KJV
Monkey Pox planned for, just like Covid 19 was:
They have been working on this for YEARS!!!
Unbelievable! [Les Breznyansky]
Hear & See… all about it: [Patrick Bestall & True News]

Suicide Weekend!
Q's Impossible 4-Year Prediction to The Day! How Does Q Know the Future?
Q Promised a Week to Remember!The First of Many John Durham Trials Began. We Got a Bombshell Revelation on Friday. Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Manager Was Supposed to Be A Witness in Sussman’s Defense. When, Seemingly Out of Nowhere, He Went Rogue on The Witness Stand, Testifying That Hillary Clinton Herself Knew of, approved of, and Even Signed Off on The Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax! Attorneys on Both Sides Were Shocked! Eric Trump Tweeted That Robby Mook Would Likely “Commit Suicide” By the Weekend! Get This. Exactly 4 Years Ago to The Day, Q Posted “Suicide Weekend”! It’s Another Impossible 4-Year Prediction to The Day! How Does Q Know the Future? PLUS, Elon Musk is Waking Millions on Twitter! He Tweeted the Latest Durham Developments to His 94.2 Million Followers! Welcome To the Great Awakening!
John Durham aka The Punisher & The Q Team Are Taking Out the Worldwide Deep State Criminal Cabal! The Best Truly is Yet To Come!
A D5 Avalanche [Think DECLAS] is Coming! It’s Checkmate on The Deep State Cabal and Nothing Can Stop It! Nothing!
Those Responsible for the [Coup Attempt] Against President Donald J. Trump, Will Not Go Unpunished! And Treason Is Only the Beginning! Corrupt Politicians and Their Fake News Propaganda Media Partners Will All Be EXPOSED For Their Crimes Against Humanity! Soon [They] Will Not Be Able to Walk Down The Street!
The John Durham Investigation is Heating Up! Hillary Clinton, Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Our Corrupt 3-Letter Agencies (CIA/FBI/DOJ) Are Being Implicated! No One Gets A Free Pass! Patriots Are in Full Control! Trump’s RICO Lawsuit Continues to Advance! China’s on The Brink of Invading Taiwan! PLUS, 2000 Mules is Selling Out in Theatres Across the Nation! They Are Presenting Irrefutable Proof of The Crime of The Century - The Theft of The 2020 Presidential Election!
Tucker Carlson Just Interviewed Catherine Engelbrecht. She’s The President and CEO of True The Vote. Their Evidence is Conclusive, and it Could Trigger the Decertification in the 6 Swing States Where Dems Cheated Most! We’re in Biblical Times! A Flood is Coming! Prepare.
Arrests & Military Tribunals Are Coming SOON! Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Fauci, The Obamas, Bidens & Clintons will all end up in GITMO for High Treason!
[Christian Patriot News]

Rowan Atkinson:
This is a short clip where comedian Rowan Atkinson plays an Anglican minister giving a speech to a room full of other ministers. If you are familiar with his works, you will be like me waiting for something funny to happen. Instead, he gives a poignant message about God's Grace. (3:25) [Scott Card]
I’m on my way to cover the WEF annual meeting:
Andrew Lawton…
I’m writing this email to you from 35,000 feet in the air! I’m on my way to Davos, Switzerland to cover the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s annual meeting.
This trip took months to plan, mainly because the WEF didn’t want any unapproved media to cover its conference.
The WEF booked up all the hotels in Davos, convinced Airbnb hosts to cancel their bookings and is allowing only invited journalists to even apply for accreditation.
The WEF may not want me to cover its Davos meeting, but I’m going anyway because I believe Canadians deserve to know what’s happening on the ground.
We know the Trudeau government is heavily influenced by the radical ideas and policies promoted at these international conferences, many of which deeply impact the lives of everyday Canadians.
And we know Canadians can’t count on the legacy media to report about what’s actually happening on the ground.
The reality is, True North doesn’t get government handouts like the legacy media. We’re 100% dependent on the generosity of Canadians like you, which means we’re accountable for every dollar we spend.
Your support ensures I’ll be able to call out politicians for their climate hypocrisy at the WEF conference, report on the extreme leftist policies being promoted and report the truth about what’s happening.
If you’re able, please consider making a donation to support our coverage of the WEF Annual Meeting.
Andrew Lawton
Senior Journalist

'My G-d': Dem senator leaves Interior Secretary stumbling after confronting her with Agency's own statement:
Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) left Interior Secretary Deb Haaland stumbling on Thursday after confronting her with a statement released by her Interior Department.
What is the background?
Haaland was testifying before the Senate Energy Committeeto address the agency's proposed budget. But considering the energy crisis and record-high gas prices, oil and gas were the hot topics at the hearing, especially in light of the Biden administration's hostility toward fossil fuels.
At issue was the fact that the Interior Department has delayed issuing a new five-year program for offshore oil and gas auctions. The department is required by law to produce such a program, but has blamed the Trump administration for causing the delay.
What happened with Manchin?
During Haaland's testimony, the Interior Department released a statement explaining the next program proposal will be released on June 30, the same day the current program expires.
Manchin received a copy of the press release during the hearing, and he immediately confronted Haaland over an alarming detail contained in the statement.
"Secretary Haaland, you all just put out a statement, the U.S. Department of Interior just put out a statement, and the statement basically says, 'A proposed program is not a decision to issue specific leases or to authorize any drilling or development,'" Manchin said.
"This is from y'all's office,'"he explained. "So, it looks like you are gonna shut everything down. Did you know y'all put this out?"
"I, I, I, I — I'm sorry, I'm sitting in this hearing, and not —" Haaland stumbled.
"My God — this shuts it down," Manchin shot back. "It shows what your intent is." [The Blaze News]

Senate passes $40 billion in aid for Ukraine:
The Senate passes a new $40 billion aid package for Ukraine on Thursday in an 86-11 vote.
President Joe Biden has already signed the bill. It was flown over to South Korea where he is visiting, so that it could be signed right away! [Conservative Institute]

Retired U.S. Naval Pilot Speaks Out Against Forced Jabs in the Military:
On this episode of Open Mike, Mike speaks to retired U.S. Navy pilot and Commanding Officer, Captain Chuck Migonet about the Federal government's push to force ineffective investigational jabs on their soldiers and the consequences of non-compliance.
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Fauci Doesn’t Hesitate…He Won’t Serve with Trump Again:
Fauci doesn’t even need to think about it…he’s made up his mind. When the White House chief medical adviser was asked if he would remain at the White House if former President Donald Trump got elected again in 2024, he did not mince any words in his decision.
Jim Acosta from CNN asked Dr. Fauci these questions, “If Trump were to return to the White House as president, and COVID is still a threat or there is some other public health emergency, would you have confidence in his ability — would you have confidence in his ability to deal with a pandemic of this nature? Would you want to stay on in your post?”
Dr. Fauci who is 81-years-old said with a laugh, “Well, no to the second question. The first question, if you look at the history of what the [COVID-19] response was during the [Trump] administration, I think at best you could say it wasn’t optimal. And I think just history will speak for itself about that.”
The former First Lady, Melania Trump, recently gave strong hints that her husband is planning another bid for the Oval Office. Former President Trump is widely expected to begin his campaign to resume the presidency later this year. If elected, there would be tension with Dr. Fauci.
Fauci has been the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. The relationship that Fauci had with Trump was rocky from the very beginning of the pandemic. The mainstream press magnified that tension continually.
As the 2020 election was getting close, Trump was publicly talking about the option of Dr. Fauci being dismissed if the voters gave him a second term. The relationship that Fauci has had with President Biden is different. The doctor is defending the White House administration’s statements concerning the pandemic. He even defendedVice President Kamala Harris’ shocking declaration that the White House had to “start from scratch” when Biden took office.
In January of 2021, just after Biden was inaugurated, Dr. Fauci spoke to reporters about how he felt serving the former president and now serving under the Biden administration. He said, “I can tell you I take no pleasure at all in being in a situation of contradicting the president, so it was really something that you didn’t feel you could actually say something and there wouldn’t be any repercussions about it. The idea that you can get up here and talk about what you know, what the evidence and science is, and know that’s it — let the science speak — it is somewhat of a liberating feeling.”
Dr. Fauci also talked about how he felt when Trump tweeted a message in April of 2020 saying that states should be “liberated” from lockdowns. He said that hit him like a punch to the chest.
Former President Trump downplayed the tension with Dr. Fauci during his four years in the Oval Office. He said in a May 2021 interview that he always got along with Fauci “pretty well.” And then he said that he usually did just the opposite of what the doctor wanted.
Just last month, Fauci said that he did not have any plans right now to retire from government service. He wants to stay active until the United States is “really out” of the COVID-19 pandemic. He did concede that the country may already be there. In a follow-up interview with ABC’s “This Week,” Fauci was asked if the country was nearing the end of the pandemic and if that meant he would get “some rest.” The doctor answered by saying that he was not sure and that he would stay in his post and make sure that we continue to move in the right direction. [The Patriotic Voice]

Tony on Small Pux (1 Min)
Stock Market: In for the Long Haul?(15 Min)
Doc Jane: US Gov't buys Millions of Monkey POX Shots (15 Min)
2-Yrs Ago: In WHO we Trust (6 Min)
Warrior's CALL: MILLIONS R Coming (114 Min)
Brilliant comment by Doc Amandha on Viruses & Terrain (6 Min)
One Brave Leader (1 Min)
FOOD: Build Soil Fertility & Abundance (5 Min)
1 Person with Monkey**USA get 13,000,000 Vaccene (2 Min)
Monkey Exercise (1 Min)
TOP 5 Proves of the Dome (8 Min)
This is what the Graphene Shots & Five-G R For (19 Min)
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
No REPORT received today!
