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Writer's picturedonbrooks777

SUNDAY... and the Weekend is flying by!

Summary as I am able:

5-8-22 Sunday



💥Thoughts for TODAY!

Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

Ephesians 6:2-3 KJV

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Romans 8:26 KJV


The rest of the story…. Pass it on.

Excess deaths: ALL lockdown policy related deaths

Recent BBC Article on Excess Death - Explained from the DATA!

Recent article from BBC causing quite a stir - here I analyze the published data to help explain it. My Odyssey channel here: [Richard Phillips]

99.6% of COVID deaths in Canada were among vaccinated people between April 10-17 - CHECK THE METRICS FOR YOURSELF:

It's been a while since I forwarded anything to do with what I call the "Babylonian stab" (death by needle instead of sword). All my friends and newsletters cover the topic very well. But this is a good summary for Canada thanks to Michael Dara (write to him if you want to be on his list). And my friend Don at informs me 9 European countries have come to the same conclusions, Italy being the latest to ban the stab. Too bad the old-boys' media still don't report any of this. Their unbalanced news reporting is killing their ratings and circulations. As you may know, the once giant Toronto Star's circulation has slipped so much even the Liberal's multi-million dollar fund to support main stream media is not enough to keep the paper alive. Ford had to give the Star an online gambling license. Meanwhile the rest of us on the right suffer.


12.4m Canadians have said no to a booster so far. 1.8m Canadians have said no to a second dose.


According to official health data, 222 fully vaccinated individuals died from COVID compared to only one unvaccinated person among the eligible population in Canada between April 10-17.

Note: We have excluded the “cases not yet protected” category, which covers those too young to receive a COVID vaccine or those with underlying conditions that make them ineligible. Curiously, this number went down over the week, likely due to a death being wrongly attributed to COVID.

On April 10, the total amount of deaths for the unvaccinated population was 9,511. The subsequent release of weekly data showed that, on April 17, that total increased by only one to 9,512.

Conversely, on April 11, the total amount of deaths for the double-jabbed vaccinated population was 2,770. That total jumped by 62 after the same weekly update, totalling 2,832.

Finally, the “fully vaccinated with an additionaldosecategory shows a shocking 160-count increase over the week, from 1,835 to 1,995.

Thus, during the week of April 10-17 in Canada, when comparing unvaccinated to vaccinated and vaccinated with a booster dose, 222 out of the 223 COVID deaths were among those with two or three COVID vaccinations. Just one COVID death was attributed to an unvaccinated person.

In other words, 99.6 per cent of these 223 COVID deaths were among the vaccinated population, with 72 per cent of the COVID deaths in those that had received booster doses.

The total deaths rose from 15,775 to 16,002, making a difference of 227 over the week. The additional four deaths come from the partially vaccinated category having five deaths attributed to them and one from the “cases not yet protected” category being subtracted.

Of course, a much greater percentage of individuals in Canada have been vaccinated than not. But even when accounting for the differences in population size, the vaccinated population is still more likely to die from COVID.

As of April 24, 86 per cent of the total eligible population in Canada has been “fully vaccinated.” When comparing those numbers to the 99.6 per cent death rate among the vaccinated, the week of April 10-17 reveals vaccines had negative efficacy in saving lives.

The same negative efficacy conclusion comes from the “fully vaccinated with an additional dose” category. This group accounted for 72 per cent of deaths during the week, but as of April 24, only 48 per cent of the population has had at least three shots.

The numbers justifying COVID vaccinations appear to be getting worse by the week. Countries are dropping their mandates accordingly — except Canada, which continues to persecute unvaccinated individuals.









Moderna Trial Data Predicted a 'Pandemic of the Vaccinated'

A new study suggests recipients of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine may be more likely to suffer repeated infections, perhaps indefinitely.

The study, still in preprint, found participants in Moderna’s adult trial who received the vaccine, and later were exposed to the virus, did not generate antibodies to a key component of the virus as often as did those in the placebo group.

The authors’ findings, which are corroborated by U.K. data that demonstrate the rates of infection are significantly higher in the vaccinated, suggest Moderna knew of this safety signal in 2020 when the vaccine maker was conducting its trials.


[Patrick Bestall]

Interview with Maxime Bernier:

Here is an interview/conversation Robert Vaughan of the Just Right Media did earlier this week with the PPC leader Maxime Bernier.

Maxime is on a 3-week road trip to the Maritimes, and he dropped by to visit Robert Vaughan in his home in New Brunswick.

This is a very good interview and Maxime touches upon a few critical issues, such as the war in Ukraine and the continuing irrelevance of the vaccine mandate that deprives unvaccinated Canadians of their mobility rights to travel inside their country. [Salim Mansur]

Mariupol steel plant:

All women, children and the elderly evacuated, official says

The fate of Ukrainian troops hunkered in the plant’s tunnels remains unclear

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said Saturday that the humanitarian mission in Mariupol had been "completed" and that all women, children and elderly civilians had been pulled from the Azovstal steel plant.

"All women, children and elderly people have been evacuated from Azovstal. This part of the Mariupol humanitarian operation has been completed," Vereshchuk said on social media.

The fate of Ukrainian troops hunkered in the plant’s tunnels remains unclear.

Hundreds of soldiers and civilians have been holed up in the tunnels deep underneath the steel plant for months seeking shelter from Russia’s assault on the port city.

Ukraine and international officials urged Russia for weeks to stop its constant bombing campaign on the already pulverized plant to allow humanitarian evacuations to be carried out.

Ukrainian soldiers have refused to surrender to Russian forces and urged President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to form an evacuation plan for them.

Officials are concerned the final Ukrainian holdout in Mariupol could be wiped out by Russian forces as they look to end the resistance in the port city in time for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s "Victory Day" parade on May 9.

Civilian evacuations brokered by the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross began last week to remove an estimated 200 individuals holed up in the tunnels. [Fox News]


John Durham Grand Jury Indictments Hillary, Obama, FBI! Trump's RICO Lawsuit! China Invades Taiwan! 2000 Mules: Irrefutable Proof! Hunter's Laptop from Hell! Biblical Times!

It’s All Happening Right Now! The MAGA Storm is Upon Us! The John Durham Investigation is Heating Up! Hillary Clinton, Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Our Corrupt 3-Letter Agencies (CIA/FBI/DOJ) Are Being Implicated! No One Gets A Free Pass! Patriots Are in Full Control! Trump’s RICO Lawsuit Continues to Advance!China’s on The Brink of Invading Taiwan! PLUS, 2000 Mules is Selling Out in Theatres Across the Nation! They Are Presenting Irrefutable Proof of The Crime of The Century - The Theft of The 2020 Presidential Election! Tucker Carlson Just Interviewed Catherine Engelbrecht. She’s The President and CEO of True The Vote. Their Evidence is Conclusive, and it Could Trigger The Decertification in The 6 Swing States Where Dems Cheated Most! We’re in Biblical Times! A Flood is Coming! Prepare.

Elon Musk Named Himself the New CEO of Twitter, a Move That Could Save Free Speech On-line! TRUTH Social Just Launched on Android Phones & Desktop! The Ultra MAGA Storm Starts NOW! Are You Ready for BOOM Week?

The Stage is Set! Those Responsible for the [Coup Attempt] Against President Donald J. Trump, Will Not Go Unpunished! And Treason Is Only the Beginning! Corrupt Politicians and Their Fake News Propaganda Media Partners Will All Be EXPOSED For Their Crimes Against Humanity! Soon [They] Will Not Be Able to Walk Down The Street!

It Had to Be This Way To Safeguard Future Elections And Save Our Children From The Real Pandemic: Child Sex Trafficking! Patriots can prove everything! But the longer we wait, the more The Deep State is Exposed! Every Scenario Was Planned For! The Whole World is Watching! A Biblical Flood is Coming! We Had to Walk Through the Darkness Before We Could See the Light! Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of These United States! [Before It Is News]

IHOPKC - The most encouraging videos ever!

I guarantee that if you watch all four of these short videos (approx. 15 minutes each) you will come away with fresh faith and amazement at what God has been, is doing, and plans to do before Jesus returns. I say "fresh" because it is like new wine that can't be poured into old wineskins or they will break (Matthew 9:17). You want both new and old because aging improves the flavor. So, watch these videos with respect for the old wine contained in old church traditions. For instance, singing prayers and scriptures instead of just speaking them is new to these young people, but nothing new to old Catholic and Orthodox liturgy. Praying and worshiping 24-7 is new to the International House of Prayer, but nothing new to the early Church which set the pattern for continuous prayer and worship in monasteries, convents, daily morning and evening liturgy and chapels open 24 hours for "Adoration" (we have one in London). Whenever the Spirit has moved Christians to act like this, be it in ancient liturgy or a contemporary movement of God, it is always accompanied by miracles. And that's the story these videos portray, in God's outpouring of New Wine. (Blessed be the Old.)

I dare you to watch just one of the four videos. If you're like me, you can't stop from watching them all and rejoicing with the Spirit of Dance. That's something us old-time religion folks have difficulty in doing. The young are discovering what we are forgetting…

With thanks to Rev. Joe Campbell, a Messianic minister who told us about the Prophetic Foundations of a Global Prayer Movement exploding today. [Patrick Bestall]

Why is Russia taking so long in Ukraine? How can Nazis and Jews join together?

This was recorded two weeks ago, so you have the benefit of time to see if Michael Jones was right or not. Hint: he was right.


Dr. E Michael Jones joins Sean Jackson to discuss the real powers at play in Ukraine and how this war is in no way new conflict.

[Dr. E. Michael]

[Patrick Bestall]

2 Top Stories; about the #1 Birds and #2 Digital Footprints:

Crucial details about the incoming White House Press Secretary:

The Biden Administration has named Karine Jean-Pierre, an “out” black woman, to take over the position of White House Press Secretary after the departure of current press aide, Jen Psaki on May 13.

Jean-Pierre’s appointment to the role is being s hailed as “historic,” since she is, according to Breitbart News, the first black woman and the first LGBTQ person to serve in the role. [Conservative Institute]

The publication also put together some crucial information about the incoming press secretary in the form of five facts that Americans might want to know about the communications officer. Jean-Pierre worked for from 2016 until the 2020 presidential campaign.

The first biographical fact of note was about Jean-Pierre’s former work with the radical leftist organization, which was launched in the late 1990s to oppose the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

This is the same group that pushed for the impeachment of former President Donald Trump in what appeared to be an abandonment of its former principles. Another cause they championed was when they “infamously accused General David Petraeus, then commanding U.S. forces during the Iraq War, of betraying the country,” according to Breitbart.


Worship of Saturn*Black Cube Exposed (21 Min)

ALEXA SPILLS The Beans on Gov't Sprayed Chem-Trails (1 Min)

FAKE ALIEN Invasion (7 Min)

HuG0000: Witchcraft & The WEF (9 Min)

RE-POST: Nuclear HOAX: What Happened? (27 Min)

Weather Tampering (4 Min)

Germany: 3.6% of Population Disabled (1 Min)

Vaccine Producer Admits ON AIR That VAX alters DNA (1 Min)

What if FE? (9 Min)

Emperor Has NO KORONA**Censored (20 Min)

NOTE: Excellent VID. They Have NO PROOF.

UN & WEF: NEW Agreement to Accelerate 2030 Agenda (1 Min)

B’nai Brith Canada

Has written to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), demanding that it examine the charitable status of mosques that facilitated the recent al-Quds Day hate-fest in downtown Toronto.

Last Saturday (Apr 30), protesters mostly bused in from pick-up locations at mosques near Toronto, gathered downtown to call for the elimination of Israel, the world’s only Jewish state. As they marched around Nathan Philips Square, they chanted “Long live the intifada!” In the Israeli-Palestinian context, an intifada means a violent uprising, and each Palestinian intifada has involved the use of suicide bombings, shootings, stabbings, car-rammings and other attacks against Israeli civilians.

In addition, protesters chanted, “We heed your call, oh Nasrallah!” in reference to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, a designated terrorist entity in Canada. This came during a speech delivered by Ali Sbeiti, a Montreal-based cleric whose passport was revoked by the Government of Canada in 2014 before being restored the following year.

B’nai Brith has obtained an image distributed by al-Quds Day organizers that lists five mosques located in Southern Ontario as the bus pick-up locations for people travelling to the Toronto rally. Four of the five mosques involved operate as registered charities and some have also had clergy attend and deliver speeches at previous Toronto rallies.

Three of the five mosques have been the subject of prior complaints by B’nai Brith to the CRA over apparent antisemitic or pro-terrorist conduct, yet little or no action has been taken against those Islamic charities.

“The ongoing impunity for religious charities that breach the conditions of their charitable status is unacceptable and against public policy,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “Canadian taxpayers must not be forced to subsidize the promotion of hatred against Jews or Israelis and glorifying acts of terrorism, via our charities system.”

Al-Quds Day was created in 1979 by the Islamic Regime in Iran and calls for the complete destruction of Israel. Al-Quds Day events in Canada have become a notorious forum for the promotion of antisemitism, terrorism and even calls for genocide. At the 2014 Toronto iteration of the event, Moulana Zaki Baqri called for “Yahoodi,” i.e. Jews, to be “dismantled.” In 2013 and 2016, speakers called for Israelis to be shot. [Patrick Bestall]

We the People of London - N6K Mexican Cinco De Mayo Potluck Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you! Date: 05/13/2022 (Fri.) Time: 6:00pm - 11:00pm EDT Location: 62 Fairlane Road, London ON 62 Fairlane Road, London, ON N6K3E4 Created by: MK Mark Killeen Already signed up? You can change your sign up.



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

Here is a Memo from Judy... Judy produces our REPORT!

===================================================== I’m sorry, but I’m having computer problems and I won’t be able to send out a report until late in the evening... If then.

No real news on the RV other than I had a source say Iraq was celebrating on Sat. because the Dinar had been reevaluated.



I will forward anything I receive later today...



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