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Sunday - 5 - 21 - 23

Writer: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Sunday 5 - 21 - 23

Verse(s) for today:

Strength and honour are her clothing; And she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; And in her tongue is the law of kindness.

Proverbs 31:25-26 KJV

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

John 14:1-3 KJV

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, That I might not sin against thee.

Psalm 119:11 KJV

Thought(s) for the Day:

Controversy Erupts as Canada Pushes Forward with CBDC Plans - Angry Reactions Flood social media – YouTube:

Controversy Erupts as Canada Pushes Forward with CBDC Plans - Angry Reactions Flood social media – YouTube.

[Carol Roch]

Is the "digital dollar" the same as cash or not? or the Mark of the Beast?

It becomes the "mark of the beast" when the number assigned is used to force people to "worship" (i.e., be subservient to) a man whose image will be everywhere (like on the card). Right now, it will not be used to force people to do things, and there is no image such as appears on our cash money, but the CBDC central computer can do it at the drop of a hat (a few key strokes). AI has the ability to monitor your activities and cut you off for disobedience to future rules.

The most immediate danger is the vulnerability of the Digital Card. Any power outage would leave you without the ability to get cash or spend it. Also, it's trackability. Anyone in power can monitor everything you buy and sell and connect that to all the other information about you on the internet. You say you don't have anything to hide from the government? How about hackers who could steal your info, block you from your info, or plant false info in your file?

You could get around these problems if you belong to a barter-credit system such as our Trading Post which meets once a month at the Lambeth Legion. Barter will grow as the problems grow.

Then there's also the problem of what the subservient sheep will do for eternity. It won't be the same as what the Shepherd has in store to reward the alert sheep who recognize His voice.

Young's Literal Translation of Revelation 19:20 and the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who did the signs before him, in which he led astray those who did receive the mark of the beast, and those who did bow [bend] before his image; living they were cast -- the two -- to the lake of the fire, that is burning with brimstone. [Patrick Bestall]

Durham report reveals FBI shut down four Clinton investigations:

Special Counsel John Durham's report released on Monday showed that the FBI shut down four investigations into Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The investigations were all within the past decade and include issues surrounding Hillary Clinton's run for president in 2016.

The cases

"In 2014, the FBI investigated a 'well-placed' confidential source’s claims that an unnamed foreign government intended to “contribute to Hillary Clinton’s anticipated presidential campaign, as a way to gain influence with Clinton should she win the presidency,' Breitbart News reported.

"Durham’s report also revealed that three separate FBI field offices in Washington, DC; Little Rock, Arkansas; and New York City, New York, opened investigations into 'possibly criminal activity involving the Clinton Foundation' less than one year before the November 2016 presidential election," it added.

The 2016 connection

"Three of the FBI’s four investigations that were launched in early 2016 were looking into allegations that the Clinton Foundation has a hub of 'criminal activity,'" the New York Post reported.

"Those federal probes originated from field offices in Little Rock, Arkansas, Washington, DC and New York — all of which opened audits into the charity as Hillary was in the midst of her presidential run," it added.

Fox News host Jesse Watters blasted the report, saying more than reporting is needed.

"There needs to be a lot more than reports. People need to be prosecuted for this,"Watters said.

"The Clinton campaign and Hillary Clinton herself, is it any coincidence that she is tweeting about collusion at exactly the same time her campaign operatives are feeding this BS to the FBI? I don’t think so. There needs to be consequences for her and also for the FBI," he continued.

The Durham report reveals much more than the key issue that former President Donald Trump should not have been investigated over alleged Russian bank collusion due to a lack of evidence.

The report also reveals strong evidence against Hillary Clinton surrounding her presidential run-in ways that few have been aware of prior to the release of evidence from the special counsel. [American Digest]

Students stay home in droves on a day when Ontario schools fly 'pride' flags – LifeSite:

This was here in London, and they were all Muslim students. The gay lobby was successful in controlling our bishops but it won’t work with the Muslims. This is the only time I believe in “coexisting”. The enemy of my enemy is my ally. Not my friend, my ally.

LONDON, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Hundreds of students stayed home on May 17 as Ontario schools flew the rainbow “pride” flag. Over 400 students, including about a third of the student body at Eagle Heights Elementary School in London, Ontario, were absent as schools raised “pride” flags to mark the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, as reported by The London Free Press. Many of the student were from Muslim families.

In response to the absences, Craig Smith, president of the Thames Valley district of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, encouraged the board to engage in “courageous conversations” with the Muslim community.

“At the end of the day, there is clearly a big issue there that needs to be addressed,” Smith said.

Tami Murray, president of the umbrella group Oxford County Pride, said she was left “speechless” by the idea of parents keeping children home to avoid the LGBT celebration. “I guess it’s the parents’ choice, but it’s very unfortunate,” she lamented. “In a time where the same group (Muslims) has been quite marginalized, you would think that minorities and marginalized groups would unite and support each other,” she added. One teacher from Thames Valley, the region’s largest school board, was missing almost half her class on Wednesday and said teachers are “tired of fighting against discrimination.”

Thames Valley provided little information as to why the absences took place. Andrew Canham, the board’s superintendent of student achievement, promised, “We will work with individuals, schools and communities who may have experienced higher than usual absenteeism rates on May 17 or any other day during the school year to encourage all students to attend school when they are able.” According to an anonymous source within the school system, other elementary schools reported low attendance rates that day, including Ashley Oaks, Sir George Etienne Cartier, Westmount and Sir Isaac Brock elementary schools. At Arthur Ford Public School, 375 students were absent, and 300 students were missing from Wilfrid Jury Public School.

Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition was encouraged by what took place, telling LifeSiteNews, “Thank God for these Muslim families who kept their children home on the so-called International Day against Transphobia and Homophobia, another invention of the gay lobby which is used for indoctrination!” “Parents said a big fat NO to teachers brainwashing their children with homosexual and transgender ideology,” he continued. “The risk of being called ‘homophobic’ by the mainstream media was obviously less important to these loving moms and dads than the need to protect their children’s immortal souls from being led to accept evil as good, and good as evil.”

“I would guess another factor for the mass absence was the fear of kids being groomed at these events to question their gender,” he suggested.

“Because of the rapidly spreading social contagion of children identifying as ‘transgendered’ and demanding to be put on puberty blockers, this is a realistic fear on the minds of a growing number of parents,” Fonseca explained. “It’s also well-founded because that is indeed happening, both in schools and on social media.”

This is not the first time that students at Eagle Heights Elementary have missed school on days when the “pride” flag was flown. In February, in celebration of “Rainbow Day,” the Thames Valley District school board saw an unusual number of absences, which education director Mark Fisher later claimed was a “miscommunication.”

Parents have begun to speak out against LGBT agenda being pushed on their children at school. Pro-LGBT school trustee Wendy Ashby recently resigned after over 3,000 parents petitioned for her resignation.

Similarly, last month, a group of young Canadians protested a school-sponsored drag queen event in front of York Mills Collegiate Institute in Toronto.

Fonseca urged Catholic and Christian parents “to follow the lead of these wonderful Muslims. In fact, I am encouraging all parents across Canada to plan what I will call a ‘Pride Flag Day of Absence’ as a form of peaceful protest on June 1st, the start of homosexual-and-transgender Pride Month.”

“Keep your children home that day,” he added. “Suggest it to other parents at your school to do the same so that we can emulate the mass absence experienced at Eagle Heights in every school across the nation which flies this symbol of sin and of LGBT political power.”

“Whether yours is a public or Catholic school that plans to fly the flag, let them hear your protest by the silence of your child’s absence,” Fonseca continued, adding that some schools plan to raise the “pride” flag before June 1 to avoid “the embarrassment of significant student absences on June 1st.”

Parents must find out which day their public or Catholic school is going to raise the LGBT flag,” he urged. “Demand an answer from your Principal or Vice-Principal. Ask directly whether they’re going to do it June 1st or on an earlier date. Don’t take no for an answer.”

“Then, spread the word to other families in your school, and make it happen,”

Fonseca said.

“It’s time to push back in large numbers.”

[Thank you, Fil]

St. J.P. II & Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch:

What do they have in common? The sainted pope John Paul II and Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch both have the same opinion about the use of emergency powers; such powers need be restricted to short periods of time, like months instead of years, or you're stretching the definition of "emergency" beyond recognition.

See FOLLOWING 2 PAGES which quote JP II's Encyclical Centesimus Annus May 1, 1991. He refers to the Church's foundational principle of Subsidiarity described in another Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno as the most important principle of "social philosophy". I quote from the latter here:

… it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order to assign to a greater and higher association what lesser and subordinate organizations can do. ...

One may also envision the reality of serious social imbalance or injustice where only the intervention of the public authority can create conditions of greater equality, justice and peace. In light of the principle of subsidiarity, however, this institutional substitution [intervention] must not continue any longer than is absolutely necessary,

[Patrick Bestall]


Note: This is HUGE!

"Early child masturbation" recommended by WHO:

(LifeSiteNews) — The World Health Organization’s (WHO) sexual education guidelines for Europe have caused an outcry in the U.K. The guidance advocates for sexual education from birth and advises educators to teach infants and toddlers about “early childhood masturbation.”

The 68-page document titled “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” states that “it was deliberately decided to call for an approach in which sexuality education starts from birth.”

The WHO document includes a “sexuality education matrix” that provides guidelines for educators on how to “educate” children in different age groups. Some of the instructions that have caused outrage include the following:

  • · The guidelines advise educators to inform children aged zero to four about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body,” and “early childhood masturbation.”

  • · Four- to six-year-olds should “consolidate their gender identity” and learn about same-sex relationships.

  • · Children aged from six to nine years old are to be taught about “Sex in the media (including the Internet).”

  • · For nine to twelve-year-olds the WHO advises educators to enable children to “make a conscious decision to have sexual experiences or not,” wrongly implying that children are able to consent to sex at such a young age.

The controversial document was originally published in 2010, but it recently received media attention after Tory shadow minister for education in Wales, Laura Anne Jones, called on the WHO to “rescind the advice immediately,” adding that the Welsh government should “distance themselves” from the “frankly disturbing” WHO guidelines.

Jones furthermore stated that “[w]e must stop this pushing of harmful gender ideology into sex education in Wales and the UK, with immediate effect,” according to the British Telegraph.

Tanya Carter from the advocacy group “Safe School Alliance” has called for an “urgent enquiry” into a potential link between the sexual education curriculum in the U.K. and the guidance issued by organizations such as the WHO and UNESCO, according to the Daily Mail.

“We find it extremely concerning that the UN and WHO are promoting an approach that is experimental, unscientific, and appears to be aligned to the work of unethical individuals and organisations, including those promoting the acceptance of paedophilia,” the Safe School Alliance recently said, according to the Daily Mail.

Catholic activist Alexander Tschugguel told LifeSiteNews that he and the German pro-family organization Demo für Alle already tried to warn people about these WHO guidelines several years ago. Back then, many people simply could not believe that the WHO would publish such a horrendous document, even when they were shown the original source, Tschugguel recalled.

According to the Telegraph, a WHO spokesperson said that the organization “stands by its guidance and it remains accessible,” adding that “[o]ur guidelines reflect established psychological facts about children’s understanding of their bodies and psychosocial development based on decades of research.”

Dutch journalist and author David Sorensen recently published an exposé in which he argues that organizations like the WHO, the U.N., Planned Parenthood, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are using modern sexual education to sexualize children and normalize pedophilia.

Trump just flipped Biden’s world upsidedown with this major victory:

Donald Trump has once again become Joe Biden’s biggest adversary. And Joe Biden is falling behind.

Because Trump just flipped Biden’s world upside down with this crucial victory. The Democrats are playing a dangerous game with their 2024 election chances because of one major bet they are making.

The Democrats largely believe that Joe Biden’s only shot is to run against Donald Trump in the general election in November 2024.

There’s a growing sentiment that Ron DeSantis carries way too many major benefits over Joe Biden including being arguably the most well-approved high-profile politician in the country right now as well as his youth compared to Biden. So, Democrats are doing everything in their power to steer Trump into the driver’s seat to of the Republican nomination by giving him the spotlight. That’s what the CNN town hall was all about.

But the Democrats could be making a huge mistake by doing this as Donald Trump is showing signs that he might be storming back for a landslide victory in the next Presidential election.

Exhibit A is what just took place in the Kentucky primary for governor this week.

Donald Trump endorsed Kentucky State Attorney General Daniel Cameron for the Republican nomination to run against Democrat Governor Andy Beshear this November 7th to become the next Governor of Kentucky.

There were a number of well qualified conservatives who were running for the Republican nomination, and it set up a well-fought race for all of the contenders in the primary cycle. In fact, Ron DeSantis even sent out a last-minute endorsement of Kelly Craft for the Republican nomination for Kentucky Governor as well. DeSantis usually plays it close to the chest with endorsements, so there was a feeling that this was a big race for the players involved.

However, Trump’s endorsed pick, Daniel Cameron, just won by a fairly comfortable margin this week carrying a little less than the overall majority with 47.7% of the vote.

Second and third place were tightly contested with Ryan Quarles and Kelly Craft garnering 21.7% and 17.2% of the vote respectively. Cameron’s sixteen-point victory over the runner-up Ryan Quarles is smaller than most primary elections in southern states like Kentucky, but it’s noteworthy considering the context of this election.

As we noted, Kelly Craft did receive an endorsement from Ron DeSantis. Now, to be fair, it was effectively at the last hour so it would be foolish to assume that Ron DeSantis carries to weight with American Republican voters because this one endorsed candidate didn’t win. But that doesn’t downplay how critical Trump’s endorsement win is for the context of the 2024 Presidential election. Again, the Democrats are playing the hand that Trump is supposedly too politically toxic anymore to accomplish anything, including winning a big election.

If that’s the case, why did Trump’s endorsed candidate just make a big wave in the Kentucky Republican primaries to win the role of taking on the Democrat incumbent? The reality is that Joe Biden and the Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It’s entirely possible that Joe Biden has not a shot against Ron DeSantis like they initially thought. But they might be wondering if they made a huge mistake by doubling down on making Trump out to be a villain because the writing on the wall thus far seems to indicate that Joe Biden is going to have an extremely tough time at the polls against Trump as well.

Ron DeSantis is expected to announce his candidacy soon, and it’s very possible that he ends up winning the Republican primaries over Trump. You have to wonder if the Democrats are now hoping that’s the case.

[DC Dailey Journal]

Lew Rockwell: Weekend Edition,

James Howard Kunstler

Tom Luongo

Dr. Joseph Sansone

Kennedy Hall

Tom Wyatt

Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Restoring Truth

Michael Snyder

Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay

Julie Kelly

Matt Lamb

Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:

This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU

must make up YOUR OWN MIND!

Durham Report Update!

The dirty details.

Durham Report Documents Worst Government Corruption in American History

Special Counsel John Durham released his long-awaited report on intelligence agency activities in the 2016 presidential election, and it is damning. According to the Durham Report, President Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan, then-Vice President Joe Biden, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and the infamous former Director of the FBI James Comey were briefed in August 2016 about the plan by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to create a false narrative linking President Trump to Russia. The FBI knew the Steele dossier was a sack of lies, and yet they still pushed false allegations in the nefarious FISA warrant applications against Carter Page. They made it a point to try to crush Trump and those around him. It was a purely political, banana republic effort to change the course of a presidential election and presidency. Many key Durham report findings were already disclosed thanks to Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) investigations and litigation. Durham let down the American people with few and failed prosecutions. Never in American history has so much government corruption faced so little accountability. Let me be clear, the FBI and Justice Department – and their political masters in the Obama White House – are responsible for the worst government corruption in American history. President Trump is a crime victim who was targeted by a seditious conspiracy by Obama, Biden, Clinton and their Deep State allies. Judicial Watch Client, Decorated Veteran and FBI Analyst Whistleblower Testifies to Congress on Weaponization of Government Marcus Allen, a decorated veteran, FBI analyst and Judicial Watch client, testified this week at a House Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee hearing titled “Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.” We represent Allen in a lawsuit against FBI Director Christopher Wray for violating Allen’s constitutional rights by falsely accusing him of holding “conspiratorial views,” stripping his security clearance, and suspending him from duty without pay (Marcus O. Allen v Christopher Wray (No. 22-cv-04536)). Allen is also represented by Tristan Leavitt and Jason Foster of Empower Oversight ( The FBI revoked Allen’s security clearance because apparently, the FBI believes that any views contrary to its own regarding what occurred on January 6 constitutes as disloyalty to the United States. The lawsuit details Allen’s outstanding military and FBI service:

Because of his outstanding military service, [Allen] was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. In 2004, [Allen] was designated the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity Runner-Up for Intelligence NCO of the Year.


In 2015, [Allen] joined the FBI as a staff operations specialist. Among other tasks, he has provided ad hoc all-source analytical support to the FBI Charlotte Field Office Joint Terrorism Task Force. He has consistently been rated “Exceeds Fully Successful” on his FBI performance evaluations. He received the FBI Charlotte Field Office Employee of the Year Award in 2019.

[Allen] first received a Top-Secret security clearance in early 2001.

Despite Allen’s exemplary service, in a January 10, 2022, letter the FBI asserted:

The Security Division has learned you have espoused conspiratorial views both orally and in writing and promoted unreliable information which indicates support for the events of January 6th. These allegations raise sufficient concerns about your allegiance to the United States and your judgment to warrant a suspension of your clearance pending further investigation.

In a February 17, 2022, letter the FBI further notified Allen that he was being placed on administrative leave without pay due to the suspension of his security clearance. The lawsuit states:

[Allen’s] allegiance is to the United States, as he has demonstrated during his years of exemplary military and law enforcement service to his country. [Allen] was not involved in the events of January 6 and did not support them in any material way. The FBI has made no allegation or offered any evidence to the contrary. [Allen] has expressed no view that could be reasonably interpreted as personally expressing support or sympathy for any unlawful activity that occurred on January 6. The FBI has not identified any specific statements or actions supporting its contention that Plaintiff has done otherwise.

We contend that the FBI did not give Allen a chance to clear himself, despite his repeated inquiries. In early May 2022, however, the FBI requested that Allen appear for an interview. He promptly complied. The interview request came only days after FBI Director Wray was confronted by members of Congress over concerns that the FBI was weaponizing the security clearance process to target politically conservative employees. Since that time, Allen has received no further word on the status of the FBI’s investigation. On June 7, 2022, Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to Wray regarding the firing of FBI employees, noting that, “Multiple whistleblowers have called it a ‘purge’ of FBI employees holding conservative views.” Pentagon Inspector General Concludes Naval Academy Superintendent Made False Statements to End Midshipman’s Career We received 19-pages of records from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) consisting of an internal report by its Inspector General titled “Report of Investigation of Vice Admiral (VADM) Sean L. Buck, U.S. Navy, Superintendent, U.S.Naval Academy,” which concluded that Buck made false statements in discussions with senior Navy officials during disenrollment proceedings against a midshipman for perceived inappropriate tweets. We uncovered the internal report, dated September 2022, thanks to our March 2023 FOIA lawsuit (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Defense, No. 1:23-cv-00566). We sued after the Department of Defense’s Office of Inspector General(“DODIG”) failed to respond to a December 2022 FOIA request for all records related to an investigation conducted by the DODIG, which it publicly referenced in its most recent annual report to Congress. The reference is on page 54 of the Report to Congress. In the report, DODIG informed Congress of the following incident:

The DOD OIG investigated allegations that a Navy vice admiral made false official statements to senior Navy officials on three occasions. We did not substantiate the allegations. We concluded that the vice admiral did not make a false official statement, as defined by Article 107 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, on any of the three occasions. The DOD OIG initiated this investigation based on complaints filed with the DOD Hotline.

The report we just uncovered details that following Vice Admiral Buck’s interview with the midshipman at issue (whose name is redacted), Buck made false statements internally to other Navy officials on three separate occasions when he “asserted that [the midshipman] said he would use military force against civilians.” The report also notes that Buck used these false statements to support his recommendation that the midshipman be disenrolled from the Academy and be required to reimburse the Navy $174,753 for his tuition. (The DODIG’s Whistleblower Reprisal Investigations Directorate, which produced the report on Buck, “investigates allegations of whistleblower reprisals made by members of the armed services and employees, contractors, and grantees of DOD and the DOD intelligence community.”) In a November 12, 2020, memo, Buck recommended to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Manpower and Reserve Affairs that the midshipman be disenrolled from the United States Naval Academy after Buck claimed he had lost confidence in the midshipman. Based on Buck’s recommendation, the Secretary of Navy disenrolled the midshipman from the Naval Academy. However, after the midshipman sued, the Navy ultimately allowed him back into the Academy to complete his remaining credits, “graduate from the USNA, receive a commission as an ensign on May 28, 2021, and enter active duty.” A news report by The Stars and Stripes suggests the midshipman in question may have been Chase Standage. The report concludes:

We concluded by a preponderance of the evidence that [Vice Admiral] Buck did not make a false official statement, as defined by Article 107 of the [Uniform Code of Military Justice] … However, we found that VADM Buck made a statement that was false during both the conference call with [redacted] on February 18, 2021, and the office visit with [redacted] on February 24, 2021. We further found that VADM Buck knew that his statements were false, but we could not determine by a preponderance of the evidence that VADM Buck intended to make those false statements on either occasion to deceive [redacted] or [redacted].Separately, we concluded that VADM Buck did not make a false official statement to former Secretary Braithwaite.

The IG made “no recommendation” regarding Buck. The documents show how Pentagon leaders let a vice admiral – the head of the US Naval Academy – off the hook for knowingly making false statements to justify his recommendation to end the career of a young midshipman over tweets. It is disturbing that it took a federal FOIA lawsuit to uncover how this senior officer made a series of false statements as part of his unusual effort to destroy this midshipman. HHS Earmarks Millions for Illegal Immigrant Minors’ Long Term Foster Care Children pouring across the border without parents are becoming wards of the state – on your dime. Our Corruption Chronicles blog explains.

It is not enough that American taxpayers spend billions of dollars annually to “temporarily” care for the onslaught of illegal immigrant minors that cross into the U.S. through the Mexican border until they get released to relatives or sponsors. Now the Biden administration is quietly doling out tens of millions more for long-term foster care through fiscal year 2024. The money will go to providers that will give Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) with no family in the U.S. continuing “quality care in a community setting.” The accommodations will focus on migrants up to 17 years of age, including pregnant and parenting teens and those who are “especially vulnerable or with other special needs,” according to the Department of Health and Human Services, the agency distributing the money.The allocation comes just weeks after Judicial Watch reported that the government is spending $50 million on “post-release” services for the never-ending influx of migrant youths. HHS is responsible for underage migrants and the agency, through its handsomely funded Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), has spent a fortune to care for the mobs of mostly Central American youths that have crossed into the U.S. through the Mexican border in the last few years. Because those under 18 are welcomed with open arms hundreds of thousands have entered the country in the last few years and HHS spends billions of dollars annually to house, medically treat, entertain, and school UAC when they arrive in the U.S. In fact, HHS oversees dozens of state-licensed care facilities to house the young migrants when they arrive in the country and as of May 2, 2023, there are 8,492 unaccompanied children in HHS care, according to the latest agency figures. In fiscal year 2021 ORR provided shelter to an unprecedented 122,731 UAC. In fiscal year 2022, a record 149,000 UAC were apprehended by federalagents. The overwhelming majority of UAC in U.S. custody, approximately 72%, are over 14 years of age and 66% are male. Nearly half (47%) come from Guatemala, 32% from Honduras, 13% from El Salvador and 8% from other countries. The living accommodations are supposed to be short term, until the government can place the migrants with family or a sponsor even though Uncle Sam still pays for costly medical, educational, legal and other services after release. The new funding for long term care indicates that American taxpayers will get stuck with a much bigger tab than previously disclosed to support UAC. The extended services will also include “acculturation and adaptation” care to help the illegal aliens develop social and interpersonal skills, education, legal and mental health. Daily education for the UAC in long term foster care will be a minimum of six hours based on basic academic competencies and secondarily on English language training. Foster homes will establish summer education plans tailored to the migrants’ needs, including individual counseling by a qualified mental health professional when needed. Mental health professionals will identify special needs and issues that require immediate intervention, including previous juvenile justice or criminal involvement. “Care providers are required to provide or arrange for the required services in a manner that is sensitive to the age, culture, religion, dietary needs, native language, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other important individual needs of each” young migrant, the grant announcement states. It also says all UAC in U.S. care are entitled to human rights protections and freedom from discrimination and abuse and that providers must ensure that all migrants who are LGBTQI+ are treated fairly and served during their time in custody. “Care providers are required to have the capacity to provide services in the language spoken by the majority of UC in their facility(ies) and/or provide translation services,” the document states, adding the obvious, that “most UC in ORR custody speak Spanish.” The agency further writes that applicants for the new pot of money should “have the flexibility to care for the expanding cultural and linguistically diverse populations that are referred each year.” This is all part of the Biden administration’s red-carpet rollout for underage illegal immigrants. It is important to note the irony of a system that spends so much money to accommodate a demographic that also includes hardcore criminals and violent gangbangers. For instance, a teenage Salvadoran gang member recently arrested for the murder of a Maryland woman came to the U.S. as a UAC. A few years ago, two UAC were charged with raping a 14-year-old girl in the bathroom of a Maryland public high school. The illegal immigrants were both charged with first-degree rape and two counts of first-degree sexual offense. Both were in the ninth grade like their victim. One came from El Salvador and the other from Guatemala. A year earlier two UAC—both 17—from Central America executed a Massachusetts man by shooting him in the head shortly after being welcomed into the U.S. by the Obama administration. Both had ties to the notoriously violent street gang Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), authorities disclosed at the time.



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