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Sunday 6 - [30]-24... 


Verses for today:


Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Psalm 23:5-6 KJV


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4 KJV


The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul:

Psalm 23:1-3 KJV





Biden Debate Backstory & More:

90 minutes - a real education.  Did you notice Biden's earpiece?  A video clip is obvious (not the discredited "wire" but something wireless he briefly took out of his ear).  Who was telling him what to say...was it meant for him to self-destruct...what Trump could do...and more.

Jack Posobiec Issues Emergency Warning: Biden Planning WWIII As October Surprise / US Faces Total Destabilization & Civil War — MUST-WATCH

Veteran Navy intel officer Jack Posobiec joined Alex Jones live in-studio Friday to share his expert analysis of the current state of the union:

Patrick Bestall


FAKE "Joe Biden" Is Back!

  • One Day After the Dismal Debate with Trump;

  • FAKE "Joe" Wearing Silicone Mask put on campaign trail:

A FAKE "Joe Biden" is back and on the campaign trail, committing willful felony, criminal fraud against the American People and criminal Impersonation of the President of the United States.


The latest fake - this one with Hazel colored eyes instead of Biden's blue eyes - appeared at a Campaign Rally. His silicone mask appeared to be melting or drooping near his eye brows, and coming unglued out of his ears!

The sloppy impersonation is designed to commit willful fraud upon the American people; to make them think they have an energetic and competent President, when the reality is they don't.

Below is video from the campaign rally just one day after joe mumbled his way through the first televised debate with Donald Trump. No rational person can avoid seeing this is an impersonator.  No rational person can avoid seeing the silicone mask sliding down where "Biden's" eyebrows are:

Or around his other eye, the silicone mask literally DETACHING around the eye socket near the nose:

No rational person can avoid seeing this fake's HAZEL-COLORED eyes instead of Joe Biden's Blue colored eyes:

No rational person can avoid seeing the tabs in the center of "Biden's" ear canal, drooping out from sweat or failing glue.

What you are about to see is willful, criminal, impersonation for the purpose of fraud.   The Biden Campaign is committing it.  The United States Secret Service (protecting this fraud) is committing it. The Democrat Party is committing it.


People are already wondering aloud if Joe Biden has Brown Eyes, so let me lay this diversion nonsense to rest, right now. Below is a photo of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, in the White House, taken by ABC News and being fed into my website from the ABC News Server:

The direct Link to this image on the ABC News server is:  

Joe Biden has BLUE eyes.

The diversion tactic of "I think I remember . . . . . brown eyes . . . ." is not going to work and is not going to be tolerated here.  Joe Biden has BLUE eyes.  The guy at his campaign rally had Hazel Eyes.  Period.  Full stop.

Patrick Bestall




Has Our WORLD become ‘WOKE’?

Dangerously… woke? Watch this free Documentary:

you probably thought that nothing can shock you. After the lockdowns… the mandates… the riots… Well, there’s more coming at us, and fast. As crazy as things have become, there’s still room for it to get worse… And the “Woke Agenda” goes deeper than you think!


On Independence Day, we remember the sacrifices made for America's independence. Today, our freedoms are under threat once more. Independence isn't just a word—it's a way of life. And it’s being eroded by hidden forces.

It’s time to reclaim what’s rightfully ours.


Every day, our rights to free speech, personal choice, and access to information are being systematically undermined. We’re experiencing an unprecedented assault on our freedoms by those who wish to keep us compliant and uninformed. Our friends at Heritage House Media have embarked on an ambitious project, and they’d like to invite you along for the ride.


They’ve created a spellbinding documentary called Woke Revealed.

Starting today, July 4, 2024, they’re releasing it ENTIRELY FREE to the public.


Whether you see "Woke" as progress or a threat to liberty, it’s essential to be informed.


Don’t let opinions shape your understanding—seek the facts.  


Let’s fight for our freedom with knowledge and vigilance.

The VR23 Team


PS: Imagine…


A future where your children grow up in a world without the freedoms we take for granted. That future is closer than you think unless we act now.


Remember the spirit of '76?

  • ·        It’s our turn to fight for freedom.

  • ·        Not with muskets.

  • ·        This is a battle of information… We succeed with knowledge and vigilance.

  • ·        Join thousands of concerned patriots who are standing up for our nation. Don’t be left in the dark—act before it’s too late. This crucial information is being actively suppressed.

·        Our freedoms were hard-won.

·        Don’t let them slip away in silence—this is a documentary film you need to both see… and share.


A Velvet Glove Hiding an Iron Fist

Gone are the days when the Mafia engaged in the "protection racket." Today, Governments, big tech, the mainstream media, and complicit businesses drive this twisted game of "Woke" ideology…

They claim it’s for…



                                                                                                              ......"protection, and"

                                                                                                                                                           ......"social justice".

Sounds noble, right? And yet, look closer.

Wokeness appears gentle, yet hides an iron fist—censorship and control crushing dissent and free speech.

  • ·        Civil liberties? Shattered.

  • ·        Free speech? Stomped on.

  • ·        The economy? On shaky ground.

  • ·        Connections that make us human? Splintered.


In this storm of control and censorship, there’s a spark of resistance.

They’re not backing down in the face of criticism or ridicule. This group, driven by a clear-eyed vision of what’s at stake, invites you to join them.

Thinkers and doers are standing up.

They refuse to back down in the face of criticism or ridicule.

Now’s the moment for clear thinking and bold moves.

Ready to see what’s really going on?

Woke Revealed exposes the truth behind the façade.

For the First Time Ever...

Starting July 4th, and FOR A LIMITED TIME

  • ·        Dive into the core of "Woke" culture.

  • ·        Experience firsthand as we peel back the layers to expose the contradictions, absurdities, and outright threats beneath the surface.

  • ·        Discover how a movement that preaches openness celebrates censorship and enforces tyranny under the guise of progress.

  • ·        "Join a documentary set to disrupt the status quo.

  • ·        Ignite a conversation about what truly matters: individual rights, free speech, and their vital role in preserving our democracy.


Woke Revealed cuts through the noise, shining a light on the shadowy corners of this cultural movement. Unveil the hidden agendas and complex ideologies that define "Woke".

Are you prepared to see the truths hidden in plain sight? Confront the realities of the "Woke" doctrine and understand its impact on our society.

It’s time to open your mind and uncover the hidden truths, intricacies, and dangers of what it means to be “Woke”...

The Topics Covered Are:

Vaccines Revealed




CIA Warns:

Deadly Strike Coming to America's Power Grid:



Can you keep your family safe when the lights go out?

Former CIA Director stunned listeners with a stern warning...

An attack on America's infrastructure would "blackout the national grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for over a year. Killing 9 out of 10 Americans by starvation and societal collapse".

In fact, attacks on just nine of the nation's 55,000 electrical substations could result in coast-to-coast blackouts, plunging millions into darkness for up to 18 months. Terrifying.


They ignore dire warnings from national security experts about our vulnerable power grid. Warnings of physical, electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) and cyberattacks...

And who suffers? YOU and your family.

Imagine a blackout lasting months. Your life would be frozen in time right at the moment your power fails. An entire country plunged into darkness.

Without a generator, your fridge, electric range and microwave would be dead. All the food in your fridge and freezer – spoiled.


That's why many Americans are taking matters into their own hands and are securing their own solar powered generator.

Solar generators are a smart choice becau


Our top recommendation in portable solar generators is the Patriot Power Generator.

THIS breakthrough solar generator is safe enough to use inside. And never needs gas, ever.

And you'll have peace of mind knowing that you and your family have a safe, reliable and easy-to-use source of backup power. To survive a blackout, storm, grid-down event... or worse.

It's why the Patriot Power Generator was recently featured on Fox & Friends...

Fox & Friends featured a breakthrough solar generator right before a "polar vortex" sent thousands of Americans into total darkness.

Skip Bedell recommended it as the perfect gift to prepare for winter storms.

And then BOOM!

Demand surged and 4Patriots sold out of generators.

Then a massive ice storm hit the nation. The folks who were fortunate enough to claim their silent, fume-free solar generator were thanking their lucky stars.

Because despite power outages, rolling blackouts and bone-chilling temperatures...

Those who acted fast and got their 4Patriots solar generator had peace of mind and could power critical devices like lights, space heaters, communications, critical medical devices and even fridges and freezers.

Sadly, those who didn't prepare were left to hope and pray the lights came back on soon.


The Patriot Power Generator 2000X now has double the capacity, more power, and newly expandable than our previous best-selling model.

It was designed to safely and dependably meet your power needs. And best of all, it harnesses the power of the sun to keep a state-of-the-art lithium-iron-phosphate battery charged, so it delivers life-saving power for FREE.


Unlike other generators, you'll never run out of gas. You'll have a power supply that you can recharge endlessly. And its portability is a huge advancement over chunky gas generators, or home-installed systems.

You can take the Patriot Power Generator 2000X with you if you are forced out of your home. You'll have an ample supply of AC electricity available to power your fridge, freezer, or medical devices.


Even your coffee maker... power your cell phones, computers, radios... and so much more. You can even use it to power an electric blanket to keep you warm.



The Patriot Power Generator 2000X is a completely self-contained system that silently provides up to 2,000 continuous watts of totally FREE, renewable power. And it's so easy to use a child can use it.

  • ·        Unfold and set up the solar panel in the sunlight.

  • ·        Plug in the solar panel.

  • ·        Now plug in your electronic devices and enjoy free power from the sun!

Amazingly, it takes just 6 hours to fully charge via AC cord. It holds a charge for up to a year.


But don't delay. Once we run out, it could be a while before we can get you one.

Frank Bates

Patriot Headquarters



Big Brawl Breaks Out LIVE On Anderson Cooper When Kamala Comes On:

Vice President Harris was questioned by CNN’s Anderson Cooper over President Biden’s appalling performance in the debate on Thursday night. Cooper cited a report by CNN’s John King, in which the reporter stated that Democratic strategists and lawmakers are considering whether to put pressure on Biden to resign, and inquired as to the vice president’s support for the proposed action.


“Some within your own party are wondering if President Biden should even step aside. What do you say to that?” Cooper enquired. Harris tried to promote President Biden’s performance rather than respond to the question.

“Listen, first of all, what we saw tonight is the president making a very clear contrast with Donald Trump on all of the issues that matter to the American people. Yes, there was a slow start, but it was a strong finish. And what became very clear through the course of the night is that Joe Biden is fighting on behalf of the American people, on substance, on policy, on performance,” she said. “Joe Biden is extraordinarily strong. And that cannot be debated.”


After the debate, a visibly irritated Cooper retaliated by pointing out that some Democrats had voiced worries both openly and privately about President Biden’s qualifications. “On substance and policy and performance tonight, I mean, the president’s performance tonight clearly was disappointing for his supporters. CNN is reporting Democratic lawmakers watching the debate were worried about the president’s performance. One said it was a ‘disaster,’ another called it a ‘train wreck,’ Cooper shot back.

“Listen, people can debate on style points, but ultimately, this election and who is the President of the United States has to be about substance. And the contrast is clear,” Harris retorted, dismissing the idea of President Biden’s resignation once more. The vice president continued to tout her running mate’s accomplishments and made up accusations against Trump that he was in favor of a national abortion ban.

Cooper, not to be outdone, said that Democrats had voiced their concerns. Following that, the two got into a verbal altercation as Harris kept complimenting Biden on his performance and Cooper pressed for details regarding Biden’s capacity for leadership.

“This was a debate that your campaign wanted,” the CNN host said after Harris rattled off a number of what she deemed to be Biden’s accomplishments. You pushed for this debate at this moment. Obviously, I mean, you can’t honestly say, I mean, can you say that you are not concerned at all having watched the President’s performance tonight?” Cooper probed.

“It was a slow start. That’s obvious to everyone. That’s obvious to everyone. I’m not going to debate that point,” Harris replied.                     

The Republic Brief



Internal Displaced Persons [IDPs] here and there:


Internal Displaced Persons, unlike the "DPs" after WWII, are living a hard life in camps in their own country, the victims of civil war.  The USA is prepared for this with over a thousand empty internment camps in 50 states. 

40 minutes - very alarming and fact based.

Here's where they are located

That's not too bad if you put only a thousand people in each camp it totals only a million IDPs.  In Nigeria there are three million.

Why would God let this happen?  Watch the Insanity of God docu-movie, and be blessed by the courage and peace of persecuted Christians.  Let their example prepare you to be an IDP if it comes to that, or deprivations in your own home in a "15 minute city".

Patrick Bestall

Ukraine about to Crack:

The Ukraine ARMY is melting away... Yet USA keeps sending Armaments... depleting their own Preparedness for War!


Supreme Court Delivers Devastating Blow to The Administrative State

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court has produced an astounding array of outcomes. On Friday, the court added to its list of rulings with a judgment that delivered a serious blow to federal officials whose suggestions for corporate governance were frequently and blindly adopted by lower courts.


Conservative and moderate justices sided with opponents of federal procedures they argued infringed firms’ and people’ rights under the 7th Amendment of the Constitution, upending a 1984 decision in the Chevron case in a 6-3 ruling. According to the New York Times, the prior precedent was one of the most often cited in American jurisprudence, having been cited in 70 Supreme Court cases and around 17,000 instances in lower courts.

Mark The decision “wip[ed] out 40 years of precedent that required federal courts to defer to expert opinions of federal agencies,” according to senior writer for Slate Joseph Stern, who issued a dire warning. The trio of liberals disagrees. This choice is really important.


The Supreme Court's reversal of Chevron constitutes a major transfer of power from the executive branch to the judiciary, stripping federal agencies of significant discretion to interpret and enforce ambiguous regulations. Hard to overstate the impact of this seismic shift.

  • ·        Today's ruling is a massive blow to the "administrative state," the collection of federal agencies that enforce laws involving the environment, food and drug safety, workers' rights, education, civil liberties, energy policy—the list is nearly endless.

Continuing on, Stern wrote on X, “The Supreme Court’s reversal of Chevron constitutes a major transfer of power from the executive branch to the judiciary, stripping federal agencies of significant discretion to interpret and enforce ambiguous regulations. Hard to overstate the impact of this seismic shift. Today’s ruling is a massive blow to the ‘administrative state,’ the collection of federal agencies that enforce laws involving the environment, food and drug safety, workers’ rights, education, civil liberties, energy policy—the list is nearly endless.”


Chevron’s backers contended that the established system gave officials with specialized knowledge more power to direct important areas under federal law. On the other hand, critics responded that when career officials submit recommendations to the courts, shifting presidential administrations can give rise to political considerations.

According to Justice Elena Kagan’s minority opinion, the majority of conservative justices “disdains restraint, and grasps for power,” turning stare decisis into “a laughingstock” and causing “large-scale disruption,” as reported by Stern.

  • ·        Today's ruling is a massive blow to the "administrative state," the collection of federal agencies that enforce laws involving the environment, food and drug safety, workers' rights, education, civil liberties, energy policy—the list is nearly endless.

  • ·        Kagan: "In one fell swoop, the majority today gives itself exclusive power over every open issue—no matter how expertise-driven or policy-laden—involving the meaning of regulatory law. ... The majority turns itself into the country’s administrative czar."

The justices’ varying opinions on a number of issues over the past two weeks have shocked court observers. For example, the justices have sided with liberals on abortion and social media limits while giving conservatives victories on gun rights and other curbs on administrative authority. When asked how he would handle abortion now that Roe v. Wade is no longer the supreme rule of the land, former President Donald Trump declared the high court to be more unbiased than ever during Thursday night’s presidential debate.

The idea was mocked by President Joe Biden, who pointed out that Trump has claimed credit for selecting the justices who voted to overturn Roe. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), one of the president’s allies, has persisted in pushing Democrats to increase the court’s size.

The Republic Brief




Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!



Restored Republic via a GCR:



The Real News for Sat. 29 June 2024:

  • ·        Oil Naturally Produced From Within The Earth: Someday we’ll all learn oil isn’t made from dinosaur fossils. It is naturally produced from within the earth, like the blood within our bodies. It is a renewable resource which can never run out. The scarcity tactics is used by the elites to promote them as “fossil” fuel, because allegedly being fossil fuels, it means that it will run out, therefore keeping the prices high. In fact there is almost as much underground oil, as there is water here on Earth.

  • ·        2020 Election Fraud, True the Vote Organization: “4.8 MILLION ballots were trafficked in the 2020 Election. 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked in every Swing State True the Vote has looked in. “It’s an organized crime that was perpetrated on Americans.”

  • ·        Sat. 29 June 2024 Illinois To Begin Offering Drivers Licenses To Illegal Migrants. The Process Of Turning Illegals Into Voters Is Beginning.

  • ·        Sat. 29 June 2024 Michigan’s voter registration mailings have Michelle Obama on the cover.

  • ·        Now the Biden Administration was asking soldiers dismissed for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine to come back. Draft coming to fight and die in Biden and Obama’s wars. They don’t require your arm. They want your life. Gearing up for WWIII.

  • ·        Sat. 29 June 2024: Deep State New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg Arrested by US Military for Treason and Election Fraud. Bragg set up Trump on 34 fake felony charges:

  • ·        Sat. 29 June 2024: Nvidia reveals Blackwell B200 GPU, the ‘world’s most powerful chip’ for AI. Blackwell is a revolutionary GPU representing more than just an enhancement, but rather a significant leap towards AI super learning. This chip enables AI models to learn and adapt at unparalleled velocities, boasting speeds 10-100 times faster than its predecessors.


Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:


Sat. 29 June 2024 White Hat Intel:

  • ·        The Presidential Debate of 2024 between Trump & Biden was a deep fake staged Event according to the Global Military Alliance Intelligence.

  • ·        The normal 7 second delay of live TV performance, shows and interviews was changed to 3-4 minutes. (This gave ample time to adjust the several performances of the Biden character and several rehearsed STAGED moments.)

  • ·        There is no way any live show took place with 3-4 minute delays.

  • ·        There was not one person as a witness from the general public to witness the live debate. (It’s important to have live witnesses from the general public to be in attendance and a witness on behalf of the American people as the debate and arguments are recorded for legal reasons, Presidential records and placed in U.S. archives).

  • ·        The media was banned from the debate.

  • ·        All phones and cameras were forbidden from the 50 yards of the debating set which was closed off as private.

  • ·        Ground crews and workers were all forbidden to enter the building during the debate.

  • ·        Trump security and Biden security were not allowed inside the debate room.

  • ·        Only a half full of people were allowed in that were in the political spectrum.

  • ·        Intelligence Assessment: Staging a Devolution Plan and Continuity of Government and Military Operations were obviously in place.

  • ·        This comes after the release of Julian Assange before the debate and directly after the debate the U S. Supreme Court intervening against The Department of Justice ruling on January 6 political prisoners, therefore releasing hundreds of political prisoners and EXPOSING an unjust JUDICIAL SYSTEM.

  • ·        The coming lawsuits against Biden, DOJ and FBI in the behalf of the J6 political prisoners WILL EXPOSE the deep state operations connected to a MILITARY COUP against Donald J Trump. The coming lawsuits WILL bring evidence into the light of full corruption of the CIA Pentagons involvement of military COUP connected to all three branches of government and enterprises.

  • ·        Moreover it’s becoming clear that MASSIVE World Alliance OPERATIONS is taking place as Trump confirms that Russia China and North Korea will not be enemies if he is re-elected as President.

  • ·        Trump, Putin, XI, Modi bin Salman plus BRICS Nations were all working together and would make a peace pact and a secure financial world future of a gold/ precious metals and commodity back system that would destroy the CIA/Rockefellers/Rothschild/Federal reserve Fiat system and world banks money laundering operations.

  • ·        The FAKE Presidential debate was military world COMMS that showed the world Deep State Cabal that the U S. is under Military control of Devolution operations leading to 11.3 operations.

  • ·        The STAGING was to let the Deep State know that the Military Alliance can stage the world’s biggest debate and control the narration. Game Theory Operations in place.


Sat. 29 June Benjamin Fulford Report:

  • ·        The FAKE BODY DOUBLE of Julian Assange was killed in London Jail in 2020 and another body Double was placed in. Why?

  • ·        CIA Director Pompeo said he wanted to kill Assange. News stories broke that the U.S. Government plotted to kill Assange trended.

  • ·        The CIA did go after Assange and did kill the body double in 2020. Then another Assange double was placed by White Hats (They were trolling the CIA/ Deep State).

  • ·        Assange was placed in protective custody this whole time. The REAL story is TRUMP’s (w/world Associates) paid for Assange’s defense. (Trump did personally wire funds also… All this WILL come out in due time with paper trail).

  • ·        Two months ago the Military Intelligence White Hats received the Assange Kill Switch and made moves to free him.

  • ·        NOW White Hats/military have FULL control of servers, software and the Assange Internet KILLSWITCH programs and have finished all the investigation and sealed indictments connected to ALL THE INFORMATION WIKI LEAKS HAD STORED IN KILLSWITCH OPERATIONS.

  • ·        There is major panic at the Pentagon, CIA Deep State Military Intelligence and Washington DC ELITES as the real ASSANGE makes a real reappearance. They know there is no use to kill him now because the military have all the data and servers and KILLSWITCH KEYS.

  • ·        There is true panic in DC corrupt Three Letter Agencies and Deep State military leaders as the KILLSWITCH HOLDS KEYS TO THE REAL EVENTS OF 911 documents and emails and phone calls connecting Bush, Cheney, Clinton CIA Darpa to 9/11 Events.

  • ·        Trump also said he wanted to expose Anthony Weiner. This all connected to ASSANGE AND MILITARY OPERATIONS. This why there is complete panic inside Hollywood and top of music industry.

  • ·        CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN is very busy with USSF and the ASSANGE KILLSWITCH KEYS.

  • ·        At the same time the U.S. military has been hosting Mexican nationals for emergency training in the Colorado mountains. Large underground bunkers near Cheyenne mountain. The reason White Hats are secretly training thousands of Mexican nationals for war and battle is because they are being sent back to Mexico in underground Maglev Trains. There is panic in parts of the Patriot communities that CHEYENNE mountain has been taken over by cartels and Mexicans. This far from the truth. The REAL TRUTH is White Hats are training tens of thousands of Mexicans for a revolution to over throw the Mexican government controlled by the CIA operations for over a half a century.


Thurs. 27 June Presidential Debate:

  • ·        US Congressman: Biden ‘is mentally unfit to be President of the United States.’

  • ·        Numerous Democrats have expressed concerns about Biden’s poor performance and its implications for the future of his candidacy, according to CNN. Sputnik has reached out to experts to get their first impressions of the debate.

  • ·        Paul Gosar, US Congressman: “With tonight’s debate, Joe Biden stammered the quiet part out loud: he is mentally unfit to be President of the United States.”

  • ·        Ronald Vitiello, former acting US Customs and Border Protection Deputy Commissioner: Biden’s claim that the US southern border is more secure under his administration compared to former President Donald Trump’s is nonsense.

  • ·        “Media reports have a 40% reduction in encounters at the Border since the executive order was signed. That still keeps us at over 1 million [illegal crossings on the southern border] per year,” he said.

  • ·        Art Del Cueto, National Border Patrol Council Vice President: “Our borders have been in shambles since day one of the Biden administration… The Border Patrol union never has nor never will endorse President Biden.”




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