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Sunday 11-13-22

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Summary as I am able:

11-13-22 Sunday

💥 💥


💥God’s WORD for TODAY!

But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Hebrews 13:16 KJV

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Isaiah 26:3 KJV

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

Psalm 19:7 KJV

Quote of the day

In his book, Federalism and the French-Canadians published in 1968, Pierre Trudeau was asked a point-blank question:

“What kind of country would you like to make Canada?”

Trudeau Sr. replied:Labour Party socialist, or Cuban socialism, or Chinese socialism.”

Like father like son [Patrick Bestall]

Like FATHER... Like SON:


New Evidence Points to COVID Shots Causing Child Hospitalizations:

Children’s hospitals are clogged in certain parts of the country right now. Kids are being hospitalized with something called the , or RSV. It’s a virus that causes infants and children to catch a form of bronchitis. It causes common colds in adults and pneumonia in the elderly. A big and obvious question the last few weeks has been, why are so many kids suddenly catching this?

One theory is because of the lockdowns. Kids didn’t get flu shots during that time period, so now they’re more likely to catch RSV. But… now we have some new evidence, and it’s probably not going to surprise anyone.

RSV is surging right now in both the US and Canada. The theory mentioned above sort of made sense when we talked about this issue a couple of weeks ago. Maybe children’s immune systems were weakened by the lockdowns, and now they’re paying the price because of that? But presented with new evidence, there’s a more obvious culprit and that’s the COVID shots.

Before we even get to that evidence, we should consider where kids are suddenly filling up the hospitals. This phenomenon of unprecedented numbers of RSV infections is happening in Democrat-controlled cities and states. Chicago children’s hospitals are totally clogged right now with kids who have bronchitis. At one school in San Diego, they had such a bad wave of RSV-related bronchitis that 40% of kids were missing class in late October, according to the LA Times.

The truth is that hospitals are filling up in blue cities and states where parents are more likely to have vaccinated their kids against COVID. It’s not the lockdownsthat are causing kids to get sicker now. It’s the fact that their parents were scared of COVID because of all the media and government lies about it, so they got their kids jabbed.

In Moderna’s 2- to 5-year-old trial group, 0.4% of shot recipients developed an RSV infection within 28 days of getting jabbed. 0.1% of kids in the placebo group got infected. The vaccinated kids caught RSV infections at 4X the rate of unvaccinated kids.

In Moderna’s 6- to 11-year-old trial group, 0.3% of jabbed kids developed an RSV infection, versus 0% of kids who received a placebo shot. The Moderna shots clearly increase the risk of vaxed children catching an upper respiratory tract infection.

Your child is less likely to get sick if you skip the Moderna shot entirely.

What about Pfizer?

Pfizer released the results of what happened when they jabbed a group of 6-month-olds to 4-year-olds:

“SAEs (serious adverse events) reported in the BNT162b2 group included RSV bronchiolitis (5 participants).

“SAEs reported in the placebo group included bronchiolitis or RSV bronchiolitis (3 participants).”

So, both trial groups saw increased incidents of RSV infections of kids within 28 days of vaccination. It happened across the board in all age groups that we know about.

It looks like it’s safe to throw that theory about lockdowns weakening kids’ immune systems out the window now, doesn’t it?

The massive spike in RSVs began after we started vaccinating kids. The awful thing about RSV infections is that when a person gets them as a baby, these infections tend to get progressively worse as that person ages. Kids catching bad RSV infections now are going to have rough lives with more infections than the average unvaccinated person. This current wave of RSV infections in kids is worse than any previous spike that doctors have seen. And once again, it looks like the main cause is the COVID shots.

Joe Biden is still walking around bragging that the USA is the only country on earth that is now vaccinating kids 5 and under. Hooray for us? He says it as if we’re somehow smarter and better than other countries that are looking at the evidence and coming to the obvious conclusion: These shots are bad news. Multiple countries have now banned the shots for healthier and younger people, including the UK and Australia. How much longer are we going to have to put up with this in America? Probably until 2024.

Action needs to be taken – Right NOW! [Conservative GLOBE Media]

Trudeau turned his BACK on his own PEOPLE [Veterans] to Present a GIFT of $330 Million to CAMBODIAMoney that we DO NOT HAVE!

What was so important that Trudeau had to go to Cambodia instead of Honouring our soldiers on Remembrance Day?

[Patrick Bestall]

Reds under our Beds:

In addition to the Chinese troops and pilots training in Canada, our red PM has allowed Chinese reds to party in Canada these four ways:

1. As reported by the National Post in July 2020, Canada's Liberal government "awarded a Chinese Communist Government controlled company with a contract to supply security equipment for 170 Canadian embassies."

2. The central banks of China and Canada have renewed a bilateral currency swap agreement; the People’s Bank of China has announced. “The swap line has a size of 200 billion yuan (30.96 billion U.S. dollars), or 39.39 billion Canadian dollars. It will be valid for a five-year period and can be extended on mutual consent.”

3. For several months, the Trudeau government has been sitting on briefing notes from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service(CSIS) setting out how Beijing quietly funded 11 candidates in the 2019 federal election.

4. ‘A Brazen Intrusion’: China’s Foreign Police Stations Raise Hackles in Canada [Patrick Bestall]

Return to MASKS???

Meanwhile, a secretive GoFundMe page has managed to raise $32,000 so far to attempt to take the Ontario government to court and demand masks be forced on students across the province. The organization — labelling itself Ontario School Safety refuses to disclose the persons behind the campaign, arguing that “it is not uncommon for those voices that are advocating for safety to be targets of harassment.”

While the University of Waterloo rushed to reinstate a mask mandate on Wednesday, doctors who work at Toronto-area hospitals tell True North that a broader return of such mandates just isn’t needed.

“It’s a little bit of theatre in my mind,” says Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti, an infectious diseases physician, reflecting on the recent talk of renewed mask mandates. “We’re 2.5 years into this. The vast majority of us have immunity, whether from infection, vaccines or both.”

Dr. Chakrabarti says he supports an individual choosing to wear a mask for personal reasons but has concerns with the direction the broader discussion has headed. [Patrick Bestall]

Canadians Must Be Told Which of Our Politicians Are Working for Foreign Powers

As first reported by Blacklock’s, it is known within the government security apparatus that multiple Canadian politicians at all levels of government are working for foreign countries:

  • · “MPs,

  • · provincial legislators and

  • · city councillors are known to be in the pay of foreign agents,

  • · a former espionage officer yesterday told the Commons ethics committee.

The foreign agents’ source country was not named though cabinet has accused China of clandestine activities: “What we know for sure is we have various foreign countries that succeeded in recruiting elected officials – again, municipal, provincial or federal.””

This means that – at this very moment – our democracy has been subverted and infiltrated from within.

We can’t trust our democracy and we can’t even call it a democracy if we have numerous elected officials that are working for a foreign power rather than Canadians.

Why haven’t Canadians been told?

This all raises the following question:

  • · Why haven’t Canadians been told who the foreign-controlled politicians are?

  • · How can the government possibly justify keeping that information from the public.

  • · If the government works for us – which is how it is supposed to be – we should know about this.

We MUST know about this.

And the fact that we don’t tells you that there are clearly people within the Liberal government likely very high up who work for a foreign power rather than Canadians.

Indeed, many Canadians felt that kind of doubt about Justin Trudeau himself, due to his repeatedefforts to distance Canada from our traditionalallies and move us more into the orbit of Communist China.

Those efforts only ceased when public opinion became so anti-Communist China that backbench Liberal MPs started to push back on Trudeau’s agenda, but there is no evidence this was the result of any ideological shift on Trudeau’s part. [Spencer Fernando]


Canadian teacher gets cancelled for teaching truth about residential school deaths:

A B.C. schoolteacher claims he’s being cancelled for teaching outside of the box by daring to educate his students about the leading cause of death during the time residential schools were in operation.

Jim McMurtry, son of retired chief justice of Ontario Roy McMurtry and an award-winning educator of nearly 40 years, says his “non-conformist teaching which sometimes combats the political indoctrination of school” has been met with him being suspended twice, his pay docked, and him now facing a recommendation for termination by the Abbotsford School District.

[Rebel News]

Crypto Collapse and Fake Money:

I could talk about the FTX collapse for hours on end. But there's no time!

Here's the whole awful glorious mess crammed into 99 seconds.

This whole situation is very multifaceted and all-around BONKERS: [Patrick Bestall]

Trump Supporters Arrested by Feds Finally Go Free:

True the Vote leaders Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips were released from jail on appeal after being held in contempt of court since Halloween for refusing to release the name of an informant in the defamation and hacking case against them.

True the Vote’s lawyers appealed the contempt order from federal district Judge Kenneth Hoyt to the 5th District Court of Appeals, arguing the contempt finding was in error and the pair should be released. The Appeals Court granted their release but kept the remainder of Judge Hoyt’s order in place.

In September, Engelbrecht and Phillips were sued in federal court by Konnech, a Michigan-based election software company. Konnech alleged that True the Vote, Engelbrecht, and Phillips led a social media company claiming a Chinese election-meddling conspiracy damaging its business and prompting threats to Konnech’s founder, Eugene Yu.

Yu was arrested a short time later after the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office alleged that Konnech and Yu violated their contract with Los Angeles County by illegally giving Chinese contractors access to data that was supposed to be stored in the US. That case remain spending and Yu has filed for a dismissal of the charges.

Engelbrecht and Phillips were held at the Joe Corley Federal Detention Facility, a temporary lock-up used by the US Marshalls and ICE. During their stay in lock-up, True the Vote used the pair’s detentionin a fundraising and public relations blitz, with a True the Vote representative appearing on Tucker Carlson’s show to discuss the jailing of the group’s two leaders.

Former President Trump also brought up their jailing, inaccurately claiming the two were sent to prison. True the Vote also sent out fundraising emails notifying supporters that Engelbrecht was in “federal prison.”

During the segment on Tucker Carlson’s show, the host defended Engelbrecht and Phillips for refusing to name the “confidential FBI source,” arguing they were entitled to keep a confidential source secret.

In a statement after her release from lock-up, Engelbrecht expressed gratitude to her supporters and vowed to continue protecting and defending election integrity. She said those who believed “imprisoning” her and Phillips would “weaken our resolve have gravely miscalculated.” [Presidential Insider]

IRS Scandal Suggests Giant Error in Released Details

In a recent op-ed in the Daily Caller, writer Andrew Wilford, a senior policy analyst with the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, alleged that the Internal Revenue Service’s massive budget increase in the laughingly-named “Inflation Reduction Act” was justified by an unproven claim.

Wilford argues that Congress agreed to give the IRS an additional $87 billion based on IRS Commission Chuck Rettig’s “personal opinion” that the gap between what taxpayers pay and what the IRS believes it is owed could be as big as $1 trillion a year.

Based on that personal opinion, Congressional Democrats and President Joe Biden began promoting the idea that increasing the IRS budget could raise hundreds of billions of dollars in additional tax revenue over the next decade.

President Biden claimed over $700 billion in additional revenue would be added while Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed the budget increases could add as much as $1.4 trillion in tax revenue.

Wilford contends that Rettig’s personal opinion isn’t supported by the data, not even the agency’s own numbers. The IRS estimated that the tax gap doesn’t amount to a trillion dollars a year as Rettig opined.

Instead, it amounts to around $381 billion. He notes that the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the additional IRS spending in the Inflation Reduction Act would likely only increase tax revenues by a little over $100 billion, not the crazy amounts claimed by Biden or Warren.

Wilford also argues that the increased IRS enforcement in the Inflation Reduction Act won’t generate the kind of tax revenue Democrat politicians think it will.

Instead, the only way to find that added tax revenue is through “increased audits” “to find places other taxpayers committed tax fraud” and by “hassling” “honest taxpayers” who made honest mistakes while “trying to comply with our monstrously complex tax code.”

Read Wilford’s op-ed below.

Maxime BernierP.P.C.:

Interesting things to read and watch!

Here are some interesting things you may have missed over the past two weeks. I toured Northern Ontario and was interviewed by the Timmins Press. You can read the article(s) here: - Bernier sees Northern Ontario as a potential hotbed for PPC support - You can watch the latest episode of the Mad Max Show hosted by PPC Executive Director Daniel Tyrie and me. Among the topics discussed:

  • · Some interesting revelations at the Commission on the Emergencies Act,

  • · Trudeau wants half a million immigrants per year,

  • · my Norther Ontario tour,

  • · the coming by-election in Mississauga, and

  • · more!

I also did three interesting interviews with independent media over the past two weeks to discuss current political events.

Finally, if you are not on social media, you might be interested in some of the tweets I posted in the past week.

Check the ones below I selected for you! [Maxime Bernier]

David YEO:

FE: GOD's Energy Dome (6 Min)

C0VID & The Vaccine HOAX Documentary (60 Min)

Young Hearts Part 27**EXCESS DEATHS**Elephant in the ROOM (10 Min)

FE: North STAR (1 Min)

Anti-Christ's Army in Place (19 Min)

OZ: STEW & MARIA**XMAs Lockdowns? (11 Min)



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.


Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.

Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:

There is MUCH coming soon!

A different Perspective:

This is out there – floating in the Network…

💥💥💥High Level Banker 💥spills the beans....

Chrystia Freeland was in the USA LAST WEEK to secure a 500-BILLION-dollar loan for Canada. Secretly. Without our knowledge or consent. NOBODY IN THE WORLD is talking about this. We need to FORCE THIS ISSUE into MAINSTREAM MEDIA. - your friendly neighborhood Chris Sky.


Chrystia Freeland is predicting a balanced budget — eventually.

Here’s why she’s not bragging about it now.

The price tags on commitments the federal government have already made but not yet budgeted for are enormous, Heather Scoffield writes.

Probably the biggest surprise in last week’s budget update from Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland was a trajectory towards a balanced budget — and that the minister didn’t make a big deal of it.

Don’t expect that sliver of a surplus to last.

The fall economic statement projected steadily declining deficits over the next few years until the books move slightly into the black by $4.5 billion in 2027-28.

But there are so many loose ends that need to be tied before we get to that point, and several of them are set to be extremely expensive — never mind if there’s a hurtful recession.

From health care to defense, from climate change to foreign policy, the price tags on commitments the federal government have already made but not yet budgeted for are enormous.

The most urgent for many within the government, the business community and those concerned about the environment is confronting the impacts of Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.

The IRA offers up billions of dollars in subsidies and incentives to:

1. those involved in clean energy,

2. emissions reductions and

3. electric vehicles.

Initially, as the IRA came together this summer, Canadian leaders did a victory lap, and rightly so. After much pressure and lobbying by Canadians, the U.S. agreed to extend tax credits for electric vehicles to those made across North America, not just in the United States.

But since then, reality has set in, and global investors involved in electric batteries and clean energy alike are eyeing the U.S. with interest —💥💥💥 to Canada’s detriment.

Canada doesn’t look quite as shiny by comparison, even though the Federal Government is showering the electric vehicle market with billions of dollars, both to:

· develop

· supply and

· production along the supply chain and

· also to build up and

· subsidize demand.

The same goes for clean energy initiatives.

And that’s a problem for the Federal Liberals, who have bet heavily that strongsupport for:

· clean energy,

· electric vehicles,

· critical minerals and

· battery production

will keep:

· Ontario’s auto industry humming,

· allow mining and

· the energy industry to transition to low-carbon supply chains and

· bring down emissions

all at the same time.

💥We have a lot riding on the success of their bet.

Freeland’s fall economic update:

· recognized the challenge,

· included a couple of new tax incentives, and

· promised more to come.

But government departments are scrambling to understand exactly how Canada’s competitiveness will be affected by the American law, and then to design new ways to match.

The answers won’t be cheap — and they probably can’t even wait until the next budgetsince multibillion-dollar investment decisions with long-term implications are being made right now.

Indeed, the Business Council of Canada, representing the country’s biggest companies, wrote to Freeland this week imploring her to deliver the budget well before the end of March.

“The Federal Government has set aggressive targets for the green energy transition which require immediate action. Any delay in the budget cycle will make it harder for Canadians to achieve them,” wrote president Goldy Hyder.

But that’s not all.

The Liberals have promised to produce a Climate Adaptation Strategy this month.

It won’t be serious unless:

· it comes with funding to bolster infrastructure across the country,

· rethink how we build and live, and

· prepares us for the increasingly destructive and

· costly extreme weather events

that keep slamming our communities.

They’ve also promised a fully funded strategy to redo Canada’s relationship with the Indo-Pacific region.

Like climate, the plan won’t be serious unless:

· it comes with the money necessary to boost Canada’s diplomatic and

· trade presence in the region

· while fending off national security threats from China.

Canada has also committed to dramatically increase our Defense Spending in response to commitments to NATO, NORAD and the ongoing occupation in Ukraine. The last budget went only part of the way to meeting Canada’s obligations because there was a policy vacuum. That vacuum:

· is being filled,

· policy is being prepared, and

· money will have to follow.

And, of course, the elephant in the room is Health Care. The provinces are asking Ottawa for another $28 billion per year as a starting gambit. The federal and provincial health ministers’ meeting imploded in disagreement this week, with everyone throwing up their hands and walking away with no deal.

But that’s not likely to last, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has committed to putting more money on the table. Not $28 billion a year, but more.

Meanwhile, the economy is officially teetering on the brink of a recession, with a bias to the downside. Right off the bat, a steep slowdown would stifle the government’s revenue flows and require higher spending on Employment Insurance and other supports. And there will be pressure to stimulate the economy back to health.

So, it was no wonder Freeland didn’t toast the return to projected balanced budgets last week. Unless she and her cabinet colleagues make some very difficult decisions, that glimpse of a surplus will be only fleeting.

Heather Scoffield is the Star’s Ottawa bureau chief and an economics columnist. Follow her on Twitter: @hscoffield

[The Toronto STAR]


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