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Saturday 6 - [29]-24... 


Verses for today:


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4 KJV


The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul:

Psalm 23:1-3 KJV


... while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV




Breakfast for Israel August 7, 2024 - LONDON

Guest Speaker - Stephen Harper:

Breakfast for Israel will take place on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 between 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the RBC Place (former Convention Centre).

The breakfast is complimentary


The Guest Speaker will be the Right Honourable Stephen Harper.

Mr. Harper will share his experience from a recent visit to Israel, as well as his perspective on other issues concerning Israel, the Jewish People and the world.


During the event, JNF will present their most recent and very relevant project in one of the Kibbutzim in the Gaza envelope. Guests who may be interested in supporting the cause will be able to make a donation during the breakfast, or after the breakfast - by contacting the JNF London's office directly. We would appreciate your help in disseminating the information among people who might be interested in attending and would appreciate receiving your thoughts on the best way to do it.


Finally, please find attached promotional material that JNF has prepared. The sponsorship package is relevant only to those who you think may be interested in being sponsors.


Follow-up Information:

"In regards to the Breakfast for Israel,  there is no minimum donation, and there is a reason why the breakfast is complimentary. The main concept of the event is to bring together people who care about the facts and support Israel and the Jewish people, and also tap into circles of people who are less familiar with the JNF and its projects in Israel.

People may decide not to donate at all, and that's fine. Other than that, any donation is appreciated and every dollar counts.


Personally, I prefer people who make small donations, but for them, because of their income level, it could be a huge effort. When they make it a priority, it shows how much they like the cause and they are willing to help and make the effort. Also, as I mentioned before, people don't have to donate at the event. They can always make a donation when their financial condition allows it. The only caveat is that JNF will not issue a tax receipt for a donation smaller than $18. If people don't care about tax receipts, then there is no issue.


1.      It is best if you want to attend that you, please send your names and e-mail addresses to Jack.

2.      JNF will send them private tickets with a QR that they will have to present at the entrance. Please note, you will find Jacks email here: Jack <>


Jack is asking for this event to be spread to anyone you know who loves and supports the Jewish people and the land of Israel.

If you plan on attending, please make sure that you send an email to Jack with your NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS

Jack Malkin - President,

JNF London


Bill Maher was Stunned to learn one Truth about Alvin Bragg from a Democrat Hero:

Alvin Bragg became a household name by being the first prosecutor to bring criminal charges against a former President.

But Bragg’s case hasn’t quite worked out like he hoped.

And Bill Maher was stunned to learn one truth about Alvin Bragg from a Democrat hero.

Bragg’s lawfare backfires 

Bragg’s decision to bring sham criminal charges against Donald Trump is blowing up in the left’s face.

A new CBS poll shows Trump’s lead over Biden unchanged from before the conviction.

Polls from Emerson and The Hill find Trump running the table in the battleground states.

And as Bill Maher pointed out on his Real Time show, the conviction turned into a fundraising bonanza for Trump, who erased Biden’s lead on campaign cash on hand.


“The trial in New York, the one he got convicted for, was the greatest fundraising bonanza ever. He is now. He was lagging behind Biden, and now he’s pulled quite a bit ahead. That trial was the greatest reason people had to send their checks for five, ten, 25, whatever dollars to Donald Trump. Yeah. So I mean, look, it’s it’s a it’s a Hobson’s choice always with him because he’s always guilty. Yeah. It’s not like he’s not guilty of any of these crimes, but the repercussions might be worse.” Maher stated.


The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee outraised Biden and the Democratic National Committee $141 million to $85 million.

Trump and the RNC now show $171 million cash on hand compared to $157 million for Biden and the DNC.


Democrats avoided weaponizing the justice system 

Maher said this is why past President’s avoided prosecutions to settle old political scores when they took office.

“I mean, this is something politicians always had to face. Remember when Obama came to office? They’re like, how can you not put those people in jail, those Wall Street people? And Obama was like, yeah, that would feel good. And it is the right thing to do. But it’s also more the wrong thing to do because it’ll tank the whole economy,” Maher continued.


“Those are the kind of tough decisions that you have to make. So I you know, I was always with you on on the one in New York, the hush money trial. I don’t think they should have brought that one. It was just always going to look like a sex case, and people were always just going to look at it that way,” Maher concluded.

Democrats also wanted to see Obama prosecute President George W. Bush for torture after the scandal at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Obama knew that would set off a tit for tat series of political prosecutions as each side sought retribution.


Andrew Cuomo Calls out Alvin Bragg

During the pandemic, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo became a left-wing hero to authoritarian leftists looking to weaponize government against American citizens. 


But even Cuomo – a fiercely partisan Democrat who also served as the Attorney General of the State of New York – now admits he thought Bragg bringing charges against Trump was an abuse of power.

Cuomo told Maher that Bragg never would have sought the indictment had Trump not been running for President and his name not been Donald Trump.


“That case, the attorney general’s case in New York, frankly, should have never been brought. And if his name was not Donald Trump and he if he wasn’t running for president, I’m the former AG in New York, I’m telling you, that case would have never been brought. And that’s what is offensive to people. And it should be, because if there’s anything left, it’s belief in the justices,” Cuomo stated.

Americans realize this is the case.


That’s why a criminal conviction didn’t dent Trump’s standing in the polls.

24/7 Politics




The Democracy Report Card, June 28, 2024:

Scott Ritter

A Democratic Republic and Islamic Theocracy put their respective democratic systems on full display for the world. In one, democracy emerged victorious. In the other, two geriatrics embarrassed themselves.


The American presidential “silly season” has been in full swing for more than a year and a half. Former President Donald Trump announced his candidacy on November 15, 2022. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. did the same on April 5, 2023, followed by the incumbent, Joe Biden, on April 25, 2023. A score or more of other persons who announced their candidacies have since withdrawn from the race.


A few remain who aren’t serious contenders. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised and spent by these candidates and their supporters. More than a billion dollars will be spent before this race is finished. Money, more than politics, is the litmus test for American democracy—if you have it, you can throw your hat into the ring. Without it, you have no chance.

Iranians vote in the 2024 presidential election (left); Trump and Biden at the CNN debate (right)


 Scott will discuss this article and answer audience questions on Ep. 172 of Ask the Inspector.


Iran lost its President, Ebrahim Raisi, in a tragic helicopter crash on May 19, 2024. Under the Iranian Constitution, a new election had to be organized within 50 days; Iran announced that the election would be held on June 28, 2024. The Guardian Council, under the Iranian Constitution, evaluated several candidates, including former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who had indicated their interest in running for the vacant seat. Six candidates were deemed qualified (Ahmadinejad was not one of them).


The principal factor considered by the Guardian Council when approving a candidate is their adherence to the Islamic values of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Money does not factor into their consideration at all.

The Iranian Presidential campaign season ran from June 12 through June 27. During this time, five televised debates were held where all candidates were provided an equal opportunity to respond to questions and articulate their respective positions on the issues of the day.

Two candidates eventually withdrew from the race, leaving four—the speaker of the parliament, Mohammad Ghalibaf, the former nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, a reformist, Masoud Pezeshkian, and Mostafa Pourmohammadi, a former Minister of Justice.


On June 27, CNN held the first of two scheduled debates between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was not permitted to participate. There was no live audience, and the moderators of the debate were able to silence the microphones of the participants to prevent disruptions from either candidate. One candidate looked as if he was more suited to a retirement home. The other showed a disturbing inability to tell the truth. Neither did their nation proud.


On June 28 the people of Iran went to the polls. Voting was extended until midnight to accommodate those eligible voters who wanted to cast their votes.

There are parts of the world where democracy thrives.

And then there is the United States.

Scott Ritter Extra

Post by Jason Whitlock on X:

My thoughts on the DEBATE

My cynicism is running wild today after that debate farce. The Democrats appear to be handing the election to Trump. My fear is this is a setup. The institutions needed to rebuild and restore this nation have been captured by the secular left.


The illegal immigration we've allowed over the past 3+ years has destabilized all major cities. Our foundations have all been cracked. Perhaps the law fare being executed against Trump isn't to deny him the presidency. Perhaps it's being done to make the presidency necessary for his short-term survival. It feels like Trump is being installed back in the White House so that he and his supporters can be blamed for what the globalists have planned next. History is being repeated.


The globalists need a bad guy, a leader they can paint as the face of evil. The masses love a simple story, a single scapegoat to blame, vilify, and eliminate. I'm concerned Trump is just another piece on the chessboard being moved around. Only a spiritual revival can restore our foundations. People are placing their hope in a political solution. Be careful what you wish for. My cynicism tells me last night was nothing to celebrate. I hope I'm wrong.

Jason Whitlock

Donna Warren


Scripture clearly states 1Sa 17:47  And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands. 

The Clay never instructs the Potter... And Gal 5:17  For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.  Our God is Sovereign...

2Ch_7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

All the GLORY is His... therefore if we HELP Him... then we are entitled to some of the GLORY... 

Jason is right in the sense that it is NOT in man [us] to do anything for Him...


  • ·        What we do for Him is WOOD-HAY-STUBBLE...

  • What He does through us is GOLD-SILVER-PRECIOUS STONE!

  • ·        What we do is turned to ASHES!

  • ·        What He does comes out better [dross is burned off] Light reflects more brilliantly...

Joseph learned over his whole life that God is SOVEREIGN... What his brothers did to him was EVIL... BUT... God meant it for GOOD!

As the brothers begged for Food due to the FAMINE... Joseph was in Charge handing out the Food that Egypt had been blessed with... He was in Egypt because the EVIL done by his brothers and therefore, he could FEED THEM!

It is my prayer that those providing TRUMP with Spiritual Guidance are aware of these Principles.

Don Brooks


Food War vs Spiritual War:

Starving your enemy into surrendering - it's not a new tactic of war.  It's centuries old.  OK let's turn the tables.  Instead of being starved into dependency by any government, let's do spiritual warfare.  Pray for regime change in China.  There are more Christians than Communists, and the Christians are mostly in the countryside growing the food.  Pray for the collapse of Communism in China as quickly as it fell in the USSR.  

Meanwhile prepare to replace our lost food production.  Given how much of it is full of stuff to make us sick it probably wasn't worth continuing anyway.  Grow your own and learn ways of storing food.  There are plenty of good methods on YouTube you can watch while we still have power. 


Better still, form a book reading club and meet monthly to share what you've bought to learn homesteading, gardening, recipes and preserving and storage.  Join a Trading club like we have in London (our Trading Post).  You can trade services as well as products.  Form a team to grow, cook, preserve and store foods.


PS - Maybe our food chain is being strangled by sabotage of our food processing system, but we still have so much produce and meat that is going to waste, we can survive if we want to rescue it.  See how in my next email "half our food is wasted".  

Patrick Bestall

Half our Food is wasted BUT...


Get the app for Too Good To Go and buy $5 "Surprise Bags" at stores and restaurants near you. 

Just let them know you are coming, and they'll tell you what time of day or night to come.


Volunteer to help deliver excess food in London.

Harvest Hands

Doug Ford removes MPP Goldie Ghamari from caucus after she met with British far-right figure

“The premier has made the decision to remove MPP Goldie Ghamari from the Ontario PC caucus, effective immediately,” Ford’s office said in a statement Friday morning.


Goldie Ghamari has been thrown out of the Progressive Conservative caucus after meeting with a controversial, far-right Briton — a meeting that came on the heels of a number of “serious lapses in judgment,” Premier Doug Ford’s office says.

“The premier has made the decision to remove MPP Goldie Ghamari from the Ontario PC caucus, effective immediately,” his office said in a statement Friday morning.

“This decision follows repeated instances of serious lapses in judgment and a failure to collaborate constructively with caucus leadership and as a team member. While this decision did not come easily, it has become clear that MPP Ghamari can no longer continue in her role within our caucus.”


Ghamari responded to the move on Friday morning in a post on X. 

“When one door closes, another one opens,” she wrote. 

The ouster was lauded by the National Council of Canadian Muslims, which had been urging its supporters to email and call the premier.

“This was the last straw of many, many issues we’ve had over the years” with Ghamari, said council spokesperson Uthman Quick. 

“We’re pleased that action has been taken quite swiftly” and that the premier has been clear “that hate has no place in Canada, in Ontario. I think that’s the most important factor right now.”

Ghamari, who represents the Ottawa-area riding of Carleton, met with Tommy Robinson and had briefly posted on social media about their video conversation before deleting it.


Ford has previously said Ghamari is a “strong voice” speaking out against Islamophobia and antisemitism, but after the post about Robinson he criticized her for giving “a platform to an individual whose behaviour and beliefs are at odds with our government.”

Kristin Rushowy

Queen’s Park Bureau

Donna Warren


Food Processing Plants Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under Biden:

Folks, this is truly stunning.

They are trying to destroy our food supply!

As someone who sits in this chair and covers the news each day, I see this firsthand.

Heck, we covered this one just this morning:

I knew there have been a lot of food processing plants and other food supply buildings that have burned down, blown up or otherwise met a catastrophic, untimely end in the last 3 years, but I had no idea just how many until I saw it all together in one place.

I've been here to cover each of these, but it's really jarring when you see it all in one place.

Watch this video:

STUNNING: This map shows all the food processing plants that have either caught fire or been destroyed...

They are trying to destroy our food supply! (@DailyNoahNews) January 31, 2024

If you're not the video type, then see it in print below...

Here's a complied list of nearly 100 fires from 2021 and 2022 from Rumble:

1— 4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant

2— 7/25/21 Memphis Kellogg plant

3— 8/13/21 JBS beef plant

4— 8/24/21 Patak Meat Company

5— 7/30/21 Tyson River Valley ingredient plant

6— 10/21/21 Darigold plant

7— 11/15/21 Garrard County food plant

8—11/29/21 Maid-Rite Steak Company

9—12/13/21 San Antonio food processing, West side Foods

10—1/7/22 Hamilton Mountain poultry processingPlant

11—1/13/22 Cargill-Nutrene feed mill. Lacombe, La

12—1/31/22 Winston-Salem fertilizer plant

13—2/3/22 Wisconsin River Meats

14—2/3/22 Percy dairy farm

15—2/5/22 Wisconsin River Meats processing facility destroyed by fire in Mauston, Wisconsin.

16—2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas

17—2/15/22 Shearer's Foods Food processing plant explodes in Hermiston, Oregon.

18—2/16/22 Indiana Louis-Dreyfus soy processing plant

19—2/18/22 Bess View Farms

20—2/19/22 Lincoln premiere poultry

21—2/22/22 Shearer's Foods potato chip plant

22—2/22/22 Fire destroys Deli Star Meat Plant in Fayetteville, Illinois.

23—2/28/22 nutrient AG Solutions fertilizer facility burns

24—2/28/22 Shadow Brook Farm & Dutch girl Creamery burns

25—3/4/22 294,800 chickens destroyed at farm in Stoddard, Missouri

26—3/4/22 644,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland

27—3/8/22 243,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in New Castle, Delaware

28—3/10/22 663,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland

29—3/10/22 915,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Taylor, Iowa

30—3/14/22 Wayne Hoover dairy farm, barn full of cows burns

31-3/14/22 2,750,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Jefferson, Wisconsin

32— 3/16/22 Walmart Distribution Center burns for 76 hours in Plainfield Ind.

33—3/16/22 Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas

34—3/17/22 5,347,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Buena Vista, Iowa

35—3/17/22 147,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Kent, Delaware

36—3/18/22 315,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland

37—3/19/22 Walmart Food Distribution center catches fire in Plainfield, Indiana

38—3/22/22 172,000 Turkeys destroyed on farms in South Dakota

39—3/22/22 570,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska

40—3/24/22 Major Fire at McCrum Potato Plant in Belfast, Maine.

41—3/24/22 418,500 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska

42—3/25/22 250,300 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Franklin, Iowa

43—3/26/22 311,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota

44—3/27/22 126,300 Turkeys destroyed in South Dakota

45—3/28/22 1,460,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Guthrie, Iowa

46—3/29/22 Maricopa, Az. Food Pantry burns down 50,000 pounds of Food destroyed in Maricopa, Arizona.

47—3/31/22 Rio Fresh Onion factory damaged by fire in San Juan, Texas

.48—3/31/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Osceola, Iowa

49—3/31/22 5,011,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Osceola, Iowa

50—4/6/22 281,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina

51—4/9/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota

52—4/9/22 208,900 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota

53—4/12/22 89,700 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina

54—4/12/22 1,746,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Dixon, Nebraska

55—4/12/22 259,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Minnesota

56—4/13/22 Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire.

57—4/13/22 Plane crashes into Gem State Processing, Idaho potato and food processing plant

58—4/13/22 77,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota

59—4/14/22 Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.

60—4/14/22 Salinas food processing plant

61—4/14/22 99,600 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota

62—4/15/22 1,380,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Lancaster, Minnesota

63—4/19/22 Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon

64—4/19/22 339,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota

65—4/19/22 58,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Montrose, Colorado

66—4/20/22 2,000,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Minnesota

67—4/21/22 Plane crashes into and destroys General Mills

68—4/22/22 197,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota

69—4/23/22 200,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota

70—4/25/22 1,501,200 chickens destroyed at egg farm Cache, Utah

71—4/26/22 307,400 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania

72—4/27/22 2,118,000 chickens destroyed at farm Knox, Nebraska

73—4/28/22 Egg-laying facility in Iowa kills 5.3 million chickens, fires 200-plus workers

74—4/28/22 Allen Harim Foods a chicken processing company based in Delaware killed nearly 2 million chickens

75—4/2822 110,700 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin

76—4/29/22 1,366,200 chickens destroyed at farm Weld Colorado

77—4/30/22 13,800 chickens destroyed at farm Sequoia Oklahoma

78—5/3/22 58,000 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin

79—5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Beadle S Dakota

80—5/3/22 114,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania

81—5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Lyon Minnesota

82—5/7/22 20,100 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin

83—5/10/22 72,300 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania

84—5/10/22 61,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania

85—5/10/22 35,100 Turkeys destroyed Muskegon, Michigan

86—5/13/22 10,500 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin

87—5/14/22 83,400 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania

88—5/17/22 79,00 chickens destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania

89—5/18/22 7,200 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania

90—5/19/22 Freight train derailment Jensen Beach FL

91—5/21/22 57,000 Turkeys destroyed on farm in Dakota Minnesota

92—5/23/22 4,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania

93—5/29/22 200,000 Chickens killed in fire in Minnesota

94—5/31/22 3,000,000 chickens chickens destroyed at Forsman egg farm facility in Stockholm Township, Minnesota

95—6/2/22 30,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania And

96— S & P Meats Burn Down in Spokane, WA. Gone In Summer 2021

Just like I sincerely doubt Hillary and Bill Clinton have over 100+ friends and close business associates who committed suicide or died under strange circumstances, I do not believe these are all accidents.

No way.

This looks intentional to me.

This looks like an intentional destruction of America from the inside to me.

So now the big question: What can YOU do about it?  

And how can you keep your family safe?

Read this:

Former Soldier’s Insider Warning Reveals America’s Food Security Nightmare

Teddy Daniels risked his life and bled for America. He was awarded the Purple Heart for his bravery...

And he continues caring for and protecting his nation.

So when he warns us that something big is coming... We better listen.

Recently, Teddy releaseda new set of shocking discoveries. His insider access and military experience brought to light a dangerous threat that looms over America.

A danger that threatens one of our most critical pillars of infrastructure...

Our food supply.

In this exclusive report, Teddy reveals the causes and consequences of this threat...

Along with 3 Fatal Food Secrets that you need to know to keep yourself and your family safe.

You won't hear any of this from the corrupt mainstream media.

In fact, has anybody else pulled back the curtain on what is really going on with America's food supply before this? (Teddy explains everything here.)

In the first 2 minutes you’ll learn about this looming threat...

Stay tuned a bit longer and you'll learn the 3 Fatal Food Secrets and what Teddy personally does to prepare and keep his family food-secure…

No matter how bad things get.

To access Teddy's Exclusive Report – before it's too late – Click Here.



Democrats cringe at Biden's debate performance

Democrats are in damage control mode this morning after President Joe Biden’s debate performance last night. Headlines describe their reactions as ranging from “anxiety” to “panic.” Meanwhile, Iranians are voting today on who will replace former President Ebrahim Raisi, who died last month in a helicopter crash.

For more breaking news, visit

Here’s what we’re sifting today:

By Josh Schumacher

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Thursday night debated for 90 minutes about topics ranging from Supreme Court opinions to their golf games. CNN hosted the debate in a studio in Atlanta with no audience and strict time limits on candidates’ responses. Biden paused and verbally stumbled on several occasions and listed his policy accomplishments in a monotone rasp. Trump countered with a more energetic demeanor. Biden began demonstrating more energy as the debate progressed.


What issues did they cover? Moderators asked Trump and Biden about their stances on immigration, the economy, abortion, Israel, Ukraine, and Israel. They also challenged both candidates on their age and fitness for the job of president.


Biden, now 81, said he’d spent much of his career as the youngest person in politics. He said that, even as an older man, he had made progress serving the United States and had succeeded in bringing benefits to Americans through negotiations with world leaders and business people. Trump, who is 78, claimed that he felt as good as he had a quarter of a century ago. He added that he had taken two cognitive tests and aced them, and touted his success as a golf player.

Dig deeper: Visit WORLD’s Election Center 2024 for the latest campaign news and voter guides.



READ Magazine and Digital reports:

· In Liberties, Steve West explains the Supreme Court per curiam opinion about Idaho’s Defense of Life Act.

· In The StewLeo Briceno writes about the vote by Democrats in New York to unseat Rep. Jamaal Bowman.

· In WORLD Magazine, Leah Savas covers Mark Houck’s lawsuit against the feds for a “malicious” investigation.

LISTEN to The World and Everything in It and other WORLD podcasts.

  • · On Culture FridayMyrna Brown and Nick Eicher talk with John Stonestreet about the Christian Reformed Church and God’s created design, the role of the state in protecting minors, and the Ten Commandments in Louisiana classrooms.

  • · Collin Garbarino reviews Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot by Angel Studios.

  • · For Listener FeedbackNick Eicher and Myrna Brown field the recent listener comments and commendations.

  • WATCH WORLD Watch with reports on:

  • · The Supreme Court of Israel rules ultra-Orthodox Jews must be drafted by the military.

  • · The Chinese lunar probe returns from the far side of the Moon with souvenirs.

  • · Hannah Harris explores where flowers got their names.

WORLD today!

The current and former U.S. presidents met in Atlanta for their first debate of this election season.



TRUMP 'WON" the First Round

The Avoidable Crisis of Food Waste

Daniel & Don Brooks

N Korea-Russia Military Pact:

Is that what you call a "trial balloon"?  Seems both sides are doing that a lot lately.

North Korea has not announced that it will dispatch troops to support Russia’s war against Ukraine within a month, despite multiple news reports that have made this claim this week.


Picking up on comments made during a U.S. government briefing, the British tabloid Daily Express, Ukrainian website Kyiv Post and other outlets have reported as fact that Pyongyang stated it would send engineers to Russian-occupied Donetsk to rebuild the war-torn city. 


The reports come after Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un signed a mutual defense treaty last week and as North Korea has allegedly been sending artillery and ballistic missiles to Russia in support of its invasion.

While this possibility cannot be ruled out completely, neither North Korea nor Russia has made any such announcements so far. 


The unconfirmed rumors of deployment instead spread through a combination of anonymized single-source reports and multiple levels of misinterpretation as those reports spread globally, a familiar pattern for DPRK-related misinformation.



Speculation about North Korea’s alleged move to directly enter the Ukraine conflict originated in a report by South Korean broadcaster TV Chosun last Friday, which cited an anonymous ROK government official’s claim that Pyongyang plans to dispatch military engineers to aid construction efforts in the Russian-controlled Donetsk region.

The official reportedly claimed that North Korea will deploy an elite Korean People’s Army engineering corps as early as next month, citing its past efforts to raise foreign currency under the guise of construction firms such as the U.S.-sanctioned “Namgang Construction.”


Reuters subsequently mentioned the TV Chosun claims as background information in a report about a statement by a DPRK military official condemning Washington for allowing Ukraine to use U.S.-made weapons to carry out counterstrikes against Russia-based targets.

In the statement released through the official Korean Central News Agency on Monday, Central Military Commission Vice-Chairperson Pak Jong Chon affirmed North Korea’s support for Russian efforts against what he described as a U.S.-backed “proxy war” in Ukraine, but did not say Pyongyang would dispatch troops.


However, during a press briefing on Tuesday, a reporter asked Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ruder a question that linked the rumored deployment of engineers to Pak’s statement, framing it as a confirmed announcement rather than unverified speculation. 

“North Korea’s Central Military Commission announced that North Korea would join forces with the Russian military. And as part of the North Korea and Russia military alliance, the North Korean Army engineer unit would be dispatched to Donetsk, Ukraine, which remains occupied by Russia,” the journalist said when asking for the Pentagon’s take on the matter.


Ryder appeared unaware of such speculation, but replied that it would be worth keeping an eye on such developments, stating that any North Korean troops deployed to Ukraine would simply serve as “cannon fodder in an illegal war.”

The same journalist repeated the question during a State Department press briefing on Wednesday, but spokesperson Matthew Miller said he had not seen any such reports and added that the U.S. remains opposed to potential Russia-DPRK military cooperation in “occupied Ukrainian territory.”


However, by this time, the British tabloid Daily Express and some influential social media accounts had already picked up Ryder’s “cannon fodder” comments the previous day and repeated the incorrect description of the deployment claims as an official North Korean announcement.

While some news outlets cited the TV Chosun claims as the story gathered steam, some others such as Ukraine’s Kyiv Post and Kyiv Independent soon ran stories referencing the Daily Express article’s claims without verifying the source of the rumors.


However, for now, that is all these reports are — rumors.

As Russia and North Korea ramp up military cooperation, the possibility of DPRK troops joining the war cannot be ruled out. Back in 2022, the two sides even discussed the possibility of North Korea sending workers to Russia-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine to help rebuild after the war.

But so far, North Korea has not officially announced plans to dispatch engineers or other military personnel to support Moscow’s war efforts.

NK News Media

Bryan Betts

Patrick Bestall

Tidal Waves hitting West Africa:

I wonder if enemies of China want to ruin the cities they've built in Africa?

Remember that unusual tidal wave north of Antarctica?  Twice, wasn't it?

1.   The “Venice of Africa” is sinking into the sea

2.   Megacities on the continent’s western coast are being swamped by rising oceans


It may not look like much any more, but in its heyday La Chaumière was “the premier nightclub in all Saint Louis”, recalls Cheikh Badiane. When the tide was low, the long beach extending far into the distance was wide enough for crowds to gather for football matches on the sand.


But in recent years, the ageing fisherman says, “so many catastrophes have happened.” La Chaumière is closed. The Koranic school along the waterfront is no more. A few years ago, during a particularly terrible flood, a house next to a mosque collapsed, killing the carpenter who lived there. These days, when the storm-surge comes, the waters go all the way to the war memorial a couple of hundred metres inland. Inch by inch, home by home, Saint Louis is being washed into the sea.


A crowded island city built among waterways, Senegal’s former colonial capital—dubbed the “Venice of Africa”—is especially exposed to a changing climate and rising oceans. The thin peninsula on which fishermen like Mr Badiane live has the Atlantic on its west and the mouth of the Senegal river on its east.


A botched attempt, in 2003, to reduce flooding by digging a canal only worsened things, putting a whole neighbourhood under water. A study commissioned by the Senegalese government found that 80% of the city will be at risk of flooding by 2080. “Saint Louis is a city of water,” says Mr Badiane. “If we’re not careful, it will all disappear.”

The is more detail at above LINK

 Middle East & Africa June 29th 2024

The Economist



Florida Standoff Ends with Suspect Detained After Shootout:

 June 27, 2024

An active shooter incident escalated into a perilous standoff on Wednesday, culminating in the arrest of the armed suspect at a Melbourne apartment complex.

According to Daily Mail, Melbourne Police were summoned to the Pentagon Gardens apartments early Wednesday morning following reports of suspicious activities.

The city, located about 70 miles southeast of Orlando, Florida, soon became the focus of an intense law enforcement operation.


The suspect, after initial reports were made, barricaded himself inside one of the units, resulting in a closure of the surrounding areas, including major roads like Babcock Street and Strawbridge Avenue.

Local authorities and Melbourne Police Chief David Gillespie urgently advised the public to steer clear of the ongoing police activity for safety.


As the standoff stretched over a few hours, the tension increased when the suspect emerged and openly engaged in gunfire with the police.

The police responded, and the altercation resulted in the suspect being injured, although details about his medical status remained undisclosed at the time.


A Timeline of the Standoff at Pentagon Gardens

Initial response by the Melbourne Police to the suspect's suspicious behavior was met with immediate violence as gunshots erupted shortly after their arrival. This led to a swift escalation into an armed confrontation that lasted several hours.

Throughout the incident, SWAT vehicles lined the area, with heavily armed officers taking strategic positions around the complex.


Meanwhile, reporters at the scene conveyed the harrowing sounds of continuous gunfire, marking a stark reminder of the situation's gravity.

Ultimately, the suspect was apprehended after a hazardous exchange of gunfire. Police Chief Gillespie remarked:

We still have a guy in there. We still have officers out there in harm's way. I want to make sure that they get out of there safely and get this subject into custody.


Community Disruption and Immediate Effects

The extensive police operation significantly disrupted local routines. With major thoroughfares blocked and a significant police presence, daily activities around Pentagon Gardens apartments were notably affected. Residents and bystanders were filled with anxiety as the area buzzed with law enforcement and media presence.

Notably, no police officers were reported injured during the standoff, a testament to the effectiveness of their training and the precautions taken throughout the ordeal.


The police later declared the area safe, albeit with a continued investigative presence on-site as they pieced together the events of the day.

The Melbourne Police Department reassured the public through social media, stating:

The incident has been contained at this point, however, the investigation remains ongoing. While there will still be a law enforcement presence in the source, there is no further threat to public safety.


Lessons to learn from this tragedy

1.      Community Awareness: Always remain aware of your surroundings and report suspicious activities immediately. Early reports can significantly aid police response and potentially avert danger.

2.      Safety First: In cases of nearby criminal activity, prioritize safety by following law enforcement directions promptly, whether it is evacuating or sheltering in place.

3.      Community Preparedness: Engage in community safety programs that educate on responses to various threats. Remember, while preparedness can mitigate risk, crime can occur anywhere, and victims should never be blamed.


Why this story matters

This incident underscores the unpredictability of public safety threats and the importance of rapid police response. It highlights the bravery and readiness of our law enforcement agencies and the critical need for community cooperation during crises. In broader terms, it triggers a dialogue on urban safety and preparedness, essential in today’s ever-evolving societal dynamics.


In conclusion, the standoff at Pentagon Gardens apartments serves as a critical reminder of the threats that can arise suddenly in any community. It emphasizes the importance of vigilance, preparedness, and community support in fostering a safe environment for all residents. The resolve and professionalism of the Melbourne Police have undoubtedly saved lives, underscoring their role as protectors and first responders in urban settings.


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Tommy Robinson Released!

I can’t believe it. David just beat Goliath.

Tommy Robinson has been released by the Trudeau government, and has been given permission to fly to Toronto, where he will give a speech on Sunday night.


In case you haven’t been following the news, Tommy is a British journalist and free speech activist. He landed in Canada last week, and began a Rebel News speaking tour.

But right after his first speech in Calgary, eight police arrested him, bundled him into an SUV, and took him to a holding cell at Calgary’s federal building.

He was released on the condition that he not leave southern Alberta – effectively cancelling his speech the next night in Edmonton. But the Toronto speech is not scheduled until Sunday night.


The video of Tommy’s arrest went viral globally. It was seen more than 30 million times across different platforms.

People started asking questions. Since when has Trudeau ever cracked down on any immigrant? Since when are eight police sent to arrest someone? At Roxham Road, all police ever did was help fake refugees carry their luggage across the border.


And since when did the immigration department put an internal travel ban on anyone? There are literally millions of non-citizens in Canada, none of whom are barred from giving speeches.

We knew this was illegal. So we hired the best immigration lawyers in the city.

Yesterday those lawyers made the case to the Calgary office of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

And today, they told us: they’re backing down!


Tommy and I will fly to Toronto, where he will speak about his experience! 

Thank you to everyone who helped us fight back – not just by spreading the word about this injustice, but also by chipping in to help us pay for the top immigration lawyers. (We haven’t received their bill yet, and it won’t be cheap. But it’s worth it – not just for Tommy himself, but as a big win for freedom of speech.)


If you can help us cover that legal bill, please do, by clicking here or going to

And if you’re in the Toronto area – I hope to see you on Sunday night! (There are still some tickets, which you can get at

There are still tickets left – get yours now at

Today is a great day for Canadian freedom. It shows you can fight back and win. And courage counts!

Ezra LevantRebel News

P.S. Please help me cover the cost of our top-notch lawyers – help us out at They really saved the day!




Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!



Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 29 June 2024


 “Check Mate!”President Donald Trump Expected To Return Sometime Between Mon. – Fri. 1-5 JulySCOTUS has already made a decision on 2020 Voter Fraud, with the announcement of such to happen at any time – which would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Fri. 28 June 2024

“I just received a call from people working on the RV. It’s 100% confirmed that it’s a go.” …Wolverine Fri. Evening 28 June 2024

World War III Reaching DEFCON 1!Avian Plandemic False Flag!Bank Runs Imminent!Meanwhile, Trump Won The DebateWhile Biden Floated Around In La La Land!

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

What We Think We Know as of Fri. 28 June 2024:We know that SCOTUS has already decided on (and very likely agreed with) two cases of 2020 Voter Fraud brought by Sidney Powell and the Brunson Brothers – a positive decision on either of which would verify that Trump actually won the election and was the sitting US President, while dissolving the Biden Administration and all of Congress.

On Friday Fox News announced that SCOTUS will make an important announcement on Mon. 1 July, while word was floating around that Trump would be back as US President sometime between Mon. 1 July and Fri. 5 July.

– All of which added up to a likely very soon implementation of Martial Law in the US until a new Election could be held.

  • ·        “Last Night’s Debate provided enough material to fuel many generations of comedians to come!” … The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Fri. 28 June 2024

  • ·        Fri. 28 June 2024: Among documents released today was a video from security cameras in a motel room during the 2020 Election. Biden and two governors were recorded on tape planning a large-scale assassination of President Trump.

  • ·        Fri. 28 June 2024: Biden Could Be Criminally Prosecuted for the Murder of Nursing Student Laken Riley. President Joe Biden faces potential criminal prosecution for the alleged murder of nursing student Laken Riley.

  • ·        Fri. 28 June 2024 evidence was released that Princess Diana wrote down in her notes that the now King Charles was planning to assassinate her and it would happen in a car accident exactly like what actually happened.

  • ·        Fri. 28 June 2024 Mass. Passes Law Allowing Sale of Unborn Babies:

  • ·        The Federal Reserve has been hacked and over 33TB of Data was now missing. Judy Note: Hummm …I wonder who would do that on the eve of the Global Currency Reset and Trump’s return?

  • ·        Fri. 28 June 2024 Situation Update: BQQQQQQQM! Judy Byington: ORANGE MAN ACTIVATED.THE RESTRICTERS ARE OFF! NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING. . . – American Media Group (



  • ·        On Thurs. 27 June 2024 a source at the Iraqi Airport in Baghdad used his Iraqi debit card with the new Iraqi Dinar rate on it to access funds.

  • ·        On Fri. 28 June 2024 evidence was released of Biden and two governors planning the assassination of President Trump in 2020, plus evidence that Biden may be tied into the murder of Nursing Student Laken Riley.

  • ·        On Sat. 29 June 2024 the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was scheduled to be published in their Gazette.

  • ·        On Sun. 30 June 2024 the Iraqi government has scheduled a celebration of the new Iraqi Dinar Rate.

  • ·        Fox News reported that on Mon. 1 July 2024 SCOTUS was scheduled to make an important announcement – believed to be their decision on 2020 Voter Fraud which could dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress, reinstate Trump as the lawfully elected US President and place the US under Martial Law until a new election could be held.


Global Currency Reset:

  • ·        Fri. 28 June 2024 Wolverine: “I want you all to get ready as Iraq is going to have a massive celebration this Sunday 30 June. The RV is nearly here and it’s going to be very emotional for all of us. I’ve been told that all funds have been deposited to start payments for Nesara/ Gesara. I’m also hearing good news coming from Reno as well. I’m also hearing that Biden will quit after the debate as it was the most embarrassing performance by any USA president in the history of the USA. People overseas are roasting the debate and making a mockery of it. It’s a complete laughing stock. Trump will be placed as the legitimate president of the USA this coming Monday 1 July according to a lot of intel. I pray that is true.”

  • ·        Thurs. 27 June 2024 Bruce: On Thurs. 27 June a source at the Iraqi Airport in Baghdad used his Iraqi debit card with the new Iraqi Dinar rate on it to access funds. My sources say Tier 4b notification could come the last three days of this month – Fri, Sat or Sun. 28, 29, 30 June. Iraq was planning on celebrating their new Iraqi Dinar Rate on Sun. 30 June

  • ·        Thurs. 27 June 2024 MarkZ: The new Iraqi Dinar Rate was fully expected in the month of June. Banking contacts say it will happen sometime between July 4-8, while outsiders were saying July 12-13.

  • ·        Wed. 26 June 2024 Texas Snake: Wolverine confirmed my Intel that the exchange process will begin in China move eastward to Europe and then to the US. As most know our Saturday is Iraq’s Sunday. The new Budget was included in the latest Gazette but the rate was not given. I now have it from three different sources that Iraq is planning a nationwide celebration for this Sunday 30 June. There are many foreign dignitaries in country for the party and the rate will be announced and the new ATM’s with the new currency will be opened. So this is my hoped for announcement for tomorrow Sat. 29 June. GOD Bless.


Fri. 28 June 2024 TNT Call:

  • ·        Iraq is ready to party on Sunday 30 June.

  • ·        The lower denomination Dinars are in the ATMs.

  • ·        Banks have been notified that the Dinar is exchangeable once they get the go, which they are expecting between this evening Fri. 28 June and Sunday morning 30 June.

  • ·        Sudani told the Iraqi people that there is going to be a change in the banks.

  • ·        Tier 2 & 3 banks in the US have also now been advised to “get ready.”

  • ·        Banks have been doing practice runs for the last two days, and the biggest issues that keep occurring, were with people not having their currency separated and organized.

  • ·        The budget is expected to be published in the Gazette on Sat. 29 June.

  • ·        Bankers from Indiana, Chicago, NY, NJ, FL and DC texted Tony during the call and advised that they are ready, and that some of them are staying late tonight, and that some are starting early tomorrow morning.

  • ·        Tony believes that our window is still any time after 4:00pm Eastern today, through Sunday morning.

  • ·        Ray believes that it’s coming tonight Fri. 28 June, so that’s what we’re all going to pray for.


Global Financial Crisis:

  • ·        June 2024: Saudi Arabia will not be renewing the 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States. Instead, they will be selling oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan. This should be treated as a black swan event, but you wouldn’t know it because the U.S. government is more focused on investigating tire tracks over a street intersection. Remember, the revolution will not be televised.

  • ·        NEW YORK, June 27 (Reuters) – Ten large banks including Bank of America (BAC.N), Goldman Sachs (GS.N), and JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N), will pay $46 million to settle a long-running antitrust lawsuit accusing them of conspiring to rig the now $465.9 trillion market, for interest rate swaps. Other settling banks include Barclays (BARC.L), BNP Paribas (BNPP.PA), Citigroup (C.N), Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE), Morgan Stanley (MS.N), NatWest (NWG.L), and UBS (UBSG.S)


Restored Republic:

  • ·        John McAfee was about to expose some of the world’s largest child traffickers and pedophiles before he “committed suicide” in a Spanish prison, where he was held on fabricated tax charges. McAfee provided government secretaries with laptops containing viral spyware, allowing him to control the entire government computer system. McAfee’s web security software was used on computers at the White House, granting him access to Hillary Clinton’s emails and those of other high-level politicians. Hillary Clinton denied him entry into the United States. McAfee always insisted he was never suicidal. Yesterday, marked the three-year anniversary of his “death.”

  • ·        Fri. 28 June 2024 Julian Assange: This is it. The hour is upon us and I am bringing the storm of the century. History in the making. Welcome to the main event, patriots. It’s showtime. A show so big that will leave everyone speechless. They are not ready for it! After 1 WEEK I will lock this channel down to PRIVATE, which means you will only be able to access with provided INVITE LINK. You will not be able to JOIN or VIEW my channel, unless you JOINED before the lockdown. It must be this way so no one can stop me from SPREADING THE TRUTH. This will last until the BLACKOUT. MAJOR VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED – SPREAD THE WORD! Patriots are in control. 20-40 Million Patriots Worldwide. You have 1 WEEK to join this channel. After that I will deactivate invite links. SHARE this channel and only this CHANNEL. I am here on Telegram and nowhere else. No other sites. All of you need to understand that it had to be this way. Soon you will realize the meaning of this. EVERY LIE WILL BE REVEALED. Prepare backups. Archive everything. They will try to shut us down, but they won’t stop us WE WILL PREVAIL. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. JOIN PRIVATE LINK


  • ·        As Head of the Cabal Deep State Globalists, the thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families claimed to be descendants of Cain (Canaanites) with ranks that included names such as Poseur, Kennedy, Rockefeller (Hillary Rockefeller Clinton), Onassis, Carnage, Bush and Rothschild.

  • ·        By 1832 they had set up and owned the Vatican Bank and organized Central Banks across the World including all twelve major banks such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sacs, Barkleys, HSBC and Chase.

  • ·        The thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families were behind the Act of 1871 that instigated the Corporation of the US of America, or District of Columbia that threw away our Constitution.

  • ·        In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold and began illegally laundering US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, tax offices, Central Banks and corporations – Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City.

  • ·        The Plan to change all that has been 117 years in the making after Nikola Tesla and Van de Graaf first met to figure out workings of this Deep State in 1903.

  • ·        Ninety years later by 1993 during HW Bush’s Administration, the Bloodline Family’s 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold ran out (notice the Satanic numbers of 90-1993-99 connection).

  • ·        Around the year 2000 the Global Military Alliance formed to take down the Cabal. Twenty years later as of 2020 that Alliance was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Q (composed of around 100 influential figures), QAnon (headed by JF Kennedy Jr), Pentagon Generals, the National Security Agency and various militaries across the globe including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.

  • ·        Fourteen years after the Cabal’s lease ran out by 2008 (notice the Satanic numbers of 7+7=14), the Cabal and global monetary system, was functioning on a fiat US dollar. The Cabal couldn’t even pay interest owed on their lease of gold from the Chinese Elders so created a “mortgage crisis” that took even more monies from US Taxpayers.

  • ·        2008 was when the BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) formed for the purpose of taking the global financial system away from the Deep State Cabal and giving it back to The People through changing currencies of the world to gold/asset-backed.

  • ·        Five years later on 21 March 2013 the Gold Treaty was signed by (eventually) 209 nations.

  • ·        Five years after that in 2018, President Trump signed the National Quantum Initiative Act into law, which established the National Quantum Coordination Office (NQCO) and Quantum Computer that handled the Quantum Financial System, along with a secure, transparent voting system for elections.

  • ·        That same month of Oct. 2019 the Vatican was raided, after which global elite politician money laundering at the Vatican Bank was exposed. An international military force repatriated to the US Treasury, 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the Vatican according to Charlie Ward, Ph. D, whose team secured the gold and valuables. “The military also arrested 13-demon-bloodline families, Mafia heads, the Pope and 350 personnel in the Vatican. Then they cleared out the Vatican of cash, gold and valuables in 650 plane loads and flew it to Fort Knox and other US Treasury locations”

  • ·        As a result over 6,000 Vatican bank accounts used to blackmail world leaders have been closed as the Vatican Bank lost their status as a money-laundering center.

  • ·        Five months later by March 2020 the Alliance had taken down the heads of the thirteen Illuminati Bloodline families in Venice. Now it was on to arrests and military tribunals of political elites in the US and across the Globe.

  • ·        Six months later by Sept. 20 of that year of 2020 AMG News Headlined: “GITMO to prepare for high level American prisoners.”

  • ·        A month later on Thurs. 1 Oct. 2020 a dam broke to disclose Obamagate, Bidengate, Fisagate, Russiagate and Fake Newsgate, while arrests of political elites began. On that same Thurs. 1 Oct. at 12:0015 am EDT Q posted “Red October, Hunters Become the Hunted, Patriots in Control, the Hunt is On”:

  • ·        On that same Thurs. 1 Oct. Trump was on Fox News saying, “We caught Comey, Hillary and Obama.”


The Real News for Fri. 28 June 2024:


According To Joe Biden At The CNN Debate Against Trump, there was zero evidence of Voter Fraud in America:James O’Keefe’s Veritas Exposed Ballot Fraud Taking Place Nationwide, Mainly Democrats, Even Judges Buying Thousands Of Votes: “So how much money are we talking? — just so you know we’re talking between $5-$8 per vote” — I’m going to bring in 3500 votes to the plate nationwide. He was paying me $5,000 a month, but now he’s paying me $8,000 a month. Some Texas Republicans secretly working for Democrats.”

“Rodriguez said she was also hired to help candidates running for judge. “So, those three judges that you’re talking about, and that’s her name? Renee Yanta, Nicole Garza, right? They’re paying me $3,500. Me, $3,500 to make sure that their name is on the ballot,” she said.

Yanta is a Republican and Garza is a Democrat. Rodriguez even said she looks forward to judges, like Yanta, being in her debt. “Renee Yanta, she’s running for [judge], so the thing is, I’m going to have people like that with me, like in my pocket, you know what I’m saying?” she said.

O’Keefe said, “Rodriguez is more than just a political consultant. She directs a team of more than a dozen operatives, who act as hired guns for Republicans and Democrats looking to pay for votes. If Rodriguez is truly responsible for 7,000 votes delivered in Bexar County so far, it is a stunning example of how fragile our republic has become.”

Fri. 28 June 2024 White Hat Intel:

  • ·        The arrest of pedophile rings throughout the United States is picking up speed.

  • ·        This will be massive for 2024 – a collusion course with much bigger fish than Epstein or P Diddy. It’s going to connect to the ex president and to the US Attorney General – a massive ring.

  • ·        Right now raids are happening through Florida and the islands.

  • ·        The once 200,000 Sealed Indictments are reaching 500,000.

  • ·        This info comes from direct 3 LETTER agency sources and is also hitting the info grid.


Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

  • ·        The World Economic Forum touts ‘carbon removal plants’—each of which removes five million tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere each year—as “crucial to meeting global climate goals”, despite the fact that CO2 currently makes up just 0.04% of the atmosphere, and if it drops to half of that, all plant life—and thus all animal and human life—will perish.


Urgent Insider Update: Major Changes on the Horizon:

Biden’s Surprising Exit:

  • ·        Breaking reports suggest President Biden may step down on August 19, a date highlighted by insiders like U.S. Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

  • ·        Speculations point to the CIA and DNC orchestrating this unexpected move.


Michelle Obama to Take the Helm?

  • ·        Exciting whispers reveal that Michelle Obama is in talks with top CIA and DNC officials to step in as the new presidential candidate after Biden’s departure.


Staged Events and Racial Tensions:

  • ·        Alarming claims indicate a planned CIA/FBI operation to stage a dramatic event, reminiscent of the George Floyd incident, aiming to ignite racial tensions and support Michelle Obama’s campaign.


Trump Under Legal Siege:

  • ·        Behind closed doors, plans are allegedly in motion to arrest Donald J. Trump using strategic gag orders, particularly targeting actions in Georgia.

  • ·        This controversial move is rumored to shield Trump from a looming economic collapse and ensuing civil unrest.


Secret Military Operations:

  • ·        Unveiling the bigger picture, it’s suggested that military operations are actively protecting Trump, setting the stage for significant strategic developments.


RussiaGate and Explosive Treason Claims:

  • ·        Explosive revelations about Paul Ryan’s role in the Russian Dossier scandal emerge, exposing it as a deliberate setup.

  • ·        Bold accusations fly against the CIA, accused of using Soros funds to manipulate voting laws through Secretary of State projects.


Federal Reserve Cyber Attack Drama:

  • ·        The Federal Reserve faces a dramatic cyber attack, allegedly an inside job by the Deep State to introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency.

  • ·        Blame is cast on a Russian-linked gang, with threats to reveal America’s banking secrets causing a stir.


Preparing for What’s Next:

  • ·        This unfolding narrative hints at a grand military strategy, with every move meticulously countered by white hats.

  • ·        Prior insights provided to patriots now prove prescient, preparing us for these critical operations and the battles ahead.


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