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Saturday 8 - [24]-24... 


Verses for today:


Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for their's is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:10 KJV


And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Romans 5:3-5 KJV


Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

Acts 3:19 KJV


But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33 KJV




Court gives RFK Jr. Green Light to Sue Biden-Harris Admin. over Censorship:

Kennedy has an opportunity to hold the Biden-Harris administration accountable that others were denied in Murthy v. Biden.


Afederal court rekindled hopes this week that the Biden-Harris administration could be held accountable over its efforts to have critics censored during the pandemic, ruling that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children's Health Defense, an organization he leads, have Article III standing to sue.


The U.S. Supreme Court let the Democratic administration off the hook in June for its well-documented efforts to shut down critics of its COVID-19 policies and preferred narratives during the pandemic — policies and narratives that have been shown in the years since to have been in many cases unfounded and/or destructive.


The court's 6-3 ruling in Murthy v. Biden asserted that the states of Missouri and Louisiana, along with other plaintiffs, lacked standing to sue the Democratic administration.


'There is a substantial risk that he will suffer similar injury in the near future.'

Although the plaintiffs in Murthy were ultimately tripped up — a decision Justice Samuel Alito indicated the country might come to regret — theirs had a companion case that still had legs: Kennedy v. Biden.


U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty of the Western District of Louisiana, whose injunction the SCOTUS reversed in Murthy, gave Kennedy the green light Tuesday to run down the Democratic administration in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.


"The Court finds that Kennedy is likely to succeed on his claim that suppression of content posted was caused by actions of Government Defendants, and there is a substantial risk that he will suffer similar injury in the near future," wrote Doughty.

In February, Doughty, a Trump-nominated judge, granted Kennedy an injunction blocking elements of the Biden-Harris administration, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FBI, from coercing social media companies to engage in suppression or outright censorship of content containing free speech.


This injunction was, however, put on hold pending the Supreme Court's Murthy ruling.

Following the SCOTUS' June 26 decision, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals kicked the case back to the district court, affording it an opportunity to reconsider Kennedy's standing, admitting also that he may have stronger grounds.


'This means the Biden-Harris Administration may finally be held accountable for its censorship.'

With the ball back in his court, Doughty noted that Kennedy was "identified as a member of the so-called 'Disinformation Dozen,' which was made up of twelve individuals that the Government specifically targeted for spreading alleged disinformation regarding COVID-19."


The judge indicated that elements of the Biden-Harris administration "specifically targeted" Kennedy. After all, he dared hold "positions contrary to Government positions on COVID-19, including mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine injurieslockdowns, etc."


Doughty wrote:

There is ample evidence in the record showing that Kennedy has been directly censored in the past. Not only was he a part of the alleged 'Disinformation Dozen,' which was repeatedly flagged and/or censored at the behest of numerous Defendants, but he was also censored for his anti-vaccine and anti-COVID-19 rhetoric.


Therefore, Kennedy has more than satisfied the first element for Article III standing, that is, he suffered an injury-in-fact when he was censored.

According to the judge, Kennedy's presidential candidacy and political ambitions put him at further risk for future injury, raising the hypothetical of the FBI working in concert with private and governmental outfits to censor campaign-related information deemed "misinformation."


Kim Mack Rosenberg, CHD general counsel, told the defender in a statement, "Judge Terry Doughty carefully and clearly analyzed the law and facts and applied the framework from the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Murthy v. Missouri regarding standing."

"GREAT NEWS!" Children's Health Defense tweeted. "This means the Biden-Harris Administration may finally be held accountable for its censorship of us via #BigTech."

The Blaze News

JFK Jr. Historic Speech!

Wow! a 50 min. speech like none other, a political game changer!  And during his last 15 minutes it's the best statistical summary I've ever heard of how evil men have corrupted the food, health and farming industries!  Did you know that the USA has the highest rate of chronic diseases in the world...and the government spends 5 times more on healing chronic disease than it does on the Pentagon's military budget!?  At one time it was only about 3%!  


Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy scorched the Democrat Party Friday while declaring support for Donald Trump. Alex Jones reports:

Patrick Bestall


Donald Trump delivers Ominous Warning about the Harris/Walz Campaign that’ll leave you speechless:

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are arguably the most radical presidential ticket America has ever seen. But Trump is now exposing even more of their radical stances.


As Donald Trump delivers an ominous warning about the Harris/Walz campaign that’ll leave you speechless.

In a recent statement, former President Donald Trump strongly warned Second Amendment supporters about the Democratic presidential ticket’s stance on gun rights, claiming that Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate have plans to confiscate legally owned firearms if elected.


“Let’s call it what it is. Really, it is gun confiscation. That is a violation of your constitutional rights,” Trump stated in a video address shown during the Gun Owners of America convention.

He emphasized his belief that Harris has consistently supported what he described as “gun confiscation schemes,” noting that she seeks to enforce mandatory buybacks of certain firearms. “We’re not going to let that happen,” Trump firmly added.


Throughout her political career, Harris has been open about her stance on gun control. She has backed policies such as banning semi-automatic rifles and limiting cartridge-holding magazines.

During her first campaign rally, Harris expressed her commitment to addressing gun violence. “We, who believe that every person should have the freedom to live safe from the terror of gun violence, will finally pass red-flag laws, universal background checks, and an assault-weapons ban,” she said.


Harris’s running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D), has echoed similar sentiments, pledging to ban AR-15-style firearms, which are a popular style of weapon in the U.S.

Trump warned that Harris and Walz could overstep their power as leaders, comparing their intentions to that of dictators.


“That’s really putting her right alongside some of the most dangerous dictators anywhere in history,” he remarked.

The former president also criticized Harris’s tenure as California’s attorney general, recalling her opposition to concealed carry permits.


According to Trump, Harris set the bar so high for citizens to prove their need for personal protection that “practically nobody was able to get one.” He deemed this position extreme, contrasting it with his pledge to defend Americans’ constitutional rights to protect themselves. “But in contrast, I will always defend your constitutional right to protect yourself when I’m president,” Trump said.


Trump, who remains a favorite among several pro-gun groups, including the National Rifle Association, highlighted his track record on gun rights during his time in office.

While he largely blocked gun control measures, he did approve a ban on bump stocks—a decision that was later overturned by the Supreme Court.


Urging gun owners to take action at the ballot box, Trump expressed concern that not enough of them vote. “I need every single gun owner to make a plan to go and vote,” he stressed, acknowledging that, despite being a significant voting bloc, many gun owners fail to participate in elections. “If the gun owners of this country voted, just a small percentage of them, we would have a victory like you’ve never seen,” Trump said.


His remarks, delivered via video at the Gun Owners of America convention in Knoxville, Tennessee, were later shared with Secrets on Wednesday. Tim Macy, chairman of Gun Owners of America, lauded Trump’s remarks as his “strongest take on gun rights to date.” Macy highlighted the importance of the upcoming election for gun rights advocates, pointing to Trump’s running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), as a reliable pro-gun ally.


Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America, echoed this sentiment, stating, “Our rights are absolutely on the ballot, and it’s essential that gun owners do everything we can to turn out the pro-gun vote and ensure Kamala Harris is not the next occupant of the White House.”


You can watch Donald Trump’s remarks to the Gun Owners of America convention below:

The Federalist Wire



The real reason Ukraine invaded Russia: blow up the nuclear plant!  They failed to destroy the heavily guarded nuclear facility in Ukraine, so they tried a surprise attack on the one in Russia!  Crazy you say?  No crazier than blowing up the Nordstream gas pipeline which Russia and Germany built.  


Yes, the radiation could be a disaster worse than Chernobyl, killing millions across the continent, but this is not about Russia vs Ukraine, not even about the New World Order vs a multi-polar world.  It's about Satanists vs Christians.  Most weekends Putin goes to church.  Where's Zelensky?  Playing on the piano?

Patrick Bestall

All Hell broke loose at the DNC after a Black Lives Matter Activist Angrily Confronted this former CNN Host:

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz hoped the Democratic National Convention would bring all the warring factions on the Left together. They couldn’t have been more wrong.

And all hell broke loose at the DNC after a Black Lives Matter activist angrily confronted this former CNN host. 


Democrats turn on one another at the DNC 

Democrats from across the nation assembled in Chicago to participate in this year’s Democratic National Convention. 

The theme of the Democratic Convention was supposed to be joy and unity. 

Speaker after speaker went on unhinged rants, voicing their hatred for Donald Trump and his millions of supporters. 

That’s one thing leftists seem united on at the DNC.

But not everyone was on board with the Walz-Harris campaign and their establishment cronies’ decree to present a public picture of sweetness and light. 


The event that was supposed to unite and energize Democrats, quickly went off the rails. 

Much like the disastrous 1968 Democrat Convention – also in Chicago – mobs of protestors descended upon the convention, highlighting the sharp divides within the Party, like the establishment elites’ demands for never-ending funding for foreign conflicts. 


Meanwhile, Democrats inside the Convention also bickered with one another. 

For example, Black Lives Matter activist Ja’Mal Green of Chicago notably confronted former CNN host turned keyboard warrior Roland Martin regarding a social media feud. 

The pair’s dispute centered around a key prong of one of the few economic plans Kamala Harris has publicly touted for a teetering economy she helped drive to the ledge.


In the wake of Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote in the U.S. Senate for President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion inflation package, prices have surged on nearly everything.

Supply constraints and inflation have hit Americans hard, particularly on energy, housing, and groceries.

That’s among the reasons Kamala Harris has kept a wide distance from reporters and has stuck to reading off of teleprompters almost exclusively.


The one economic policy Kamala Harris and her media pals aren’t running from though is her campaign messaging about spending billions in taxpayer funds in the name of helping first-time homebuyers – a plan that critics say is sure to do the exact opposite and instead make housing even more unaffordable for most Americans.


Critics argue that, just as in the 2008 Housing Crisis, at the end of the day it’s mostly Democrats’ establishment cronies who would benefit from the cash infusion, while the homebuyers get put into subprime debt on mortgages they can’t actually afford to make payments on.

It’s that housing policy that began the bickering between Green and Martin after Green shared a post on social media about it last week.


Green chimed in, telling his followers, “Does anybody want to tell me what “first generation” is code for? Lol. Pay attention to the cryptic words being used to show us what agenda is their agenda. Yet you literally have black folks acting like the democrats will prioritize you when you have the lowest homeownership rate in the country at 44%. Like stop!” 

Roland Martin later responded to this tweet, calling Green “dumb” and “clueless” for daring to question Kamala Harris’s campaign promises. 

This insult did not sit well with Ja’Mal Green, who confronted Roland Martin at the Democratic National Convention. 

Video footage shows Green pushing his way through a packed crowd, eventually reaching Martin, and yelling to Martin that “You tweeted calling me dumb yesterday!”

Martin did not appear to reply to Ja’Mal Green, with some of his cohorts appearing to block the outraged BLM activists from reaching Roland Martin. 


Democrats were hell-bent on silencing dissent at the DNC 

Polls show a very tight race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, meaning that every vote matters tremendously. 

Democrats have made unifying their base a top priority, disregarding and even attacking anybody who has the nerve to question Kamala Harris and her platform. 


The silencing of dissent follows a pattern of quieting opposition within their ranks, and especially when it comes to those both inside and outside the Party who’ve been opposed to Kamala Harris and her sudden rise to power. 

With the DNC coming to a close, many political experts warned that tensions could boil over at any moment during the final months of the election and that those same radical left-wing extremists who continue to refuse to fall in line could soon become the vanguard of the chaos Democrats have planned to disrupt the 2024 election. 

Unmuzzled News



Harris Adviser Outlines Climate Change Priorities At DNC

By Aileen Barro on

 August 23, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is prepared to take "bold action" on climate change, according to a senior adviser speaking at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Wednesday.

As reported by Bloomberg, Ike Irby, a senior adviser to Harris, outlined the vice president's climate priorities during a meeting of the DNC's Environmental & Climate Crisis Council.


Irby stated that Harris plans to build a clean energy economy, reduce emissions, protect public health, ensure energy security, and hold polluters accountable. These priorities align with the Democratic Party's commitment to addressing climate change and environmental issues.


Harris's Previous Climate Proposals and Current Plans

During her brief 2019 presidential campaign, Harris introduced a $10 trillion climate plan. This ambitious proposal aimed to achieve 100% carbon-neutral electricity by 2030, implement a price on carbon emissions, and halt new fossil-fuel leases on public lands. However, Harris has yet to provide detailed information about her current climate and energy plans for the 2024 campaign.


The lack of specifics in Harris's current climate agenda leaves room for speculation about how closely her 2024 plans will align with her previous proposals. As the campaign progresses, it is likely that Harris will provide more comprehensive details about her climate change policies and initiatives.

Despite the limited information available about Harris's current climate plans, Irby's statements at the DNC meeting suggest that the vice president remains committed to addressing environmental issues and building upon the progress made during the Biden administration.

Potential Impact on The 2024 Campaign

Climate change and environmental policy are likely to be significant issues in the 2024 presidential campaign. Harris's adviser's outlined commitment to bold action on climate change may help differentiate the Democratic ticket from its Republican opponents.


The emphasis on building a clean energy economy and reducing emissions aligns with broader Democratic Party goals and may appeal to environmentally conscious voters. Additionally, the focus on energy security could resonate with voters concerned about the economic and geopolitical implications of energy policy.


As the campaign progresses, Harris may face pressure to provide more specific details about her climate plans, particularly given the ambitious nature of her previous proposals. The extent to which she elaborates on these plans could influence voter perceptions and shape the climate policy debate during the




Harris's adviser has outlined the vice president's commitment to taking bold action on climate change at the Democratic National Convention. The priorities mentioned include building a clean energy economy, reducing emissions, protecting public health, ensuring energy security, and holding polluters accountable.


Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, plan to build upon the environmental progress made during the Biden administration, with a focus on expanding protections for public lands and addressing environmental justice concerns. As the 2024 campaign unfolds, more details about Harris's specific climate plans are expected to emerge.

Capitalism Institute


Kamala Harris Vows Middle Class Tax Reduction as President

 August 24, 2024

In a decisive moment at the Democratic National Convention, Kamala Harris outlined a major fiscal proposal tailored to uplift the middle class.

According to Reuters, Kamala Harris has committed to implementing a substantial tax cut for the middle class if she is elected president.

The Democratic presidential candidate expressed her dedication to reshaping the U.S. economy in favor of over 100 million middle-income Americans. In her convention speech last Thursday, Harris contrasted her fiscal strategies directly with those of her Republican opponent, Donald Trump.


Focusing on Economic Policies and Middle-Class Benefits

Harris was vocal about the flaws she perceives in Trump's previous economic decisions, specifically his tariff policies which she described as indirect tax hikes. She articulated a vision for an "opportunity economy" that promises fair competition and success for all economic participants.


During her convention address, Kamala Harris detailed initiatives that would extend beyond mere tax reforms. These include strong stances against price gouging, particularly in the grocery sector, and a push to increase the availability of affordable housing.


Resistance from large U.S. corporations and potential hurdles in Congress were acknowledged by Harris. She referenced past challenges faced by similar proposals under the presidency of Joe Biden, highlighting the contentious nature of her ambitious plans.


The Contrast with Trump's Economic Policies

Harris’s approach starkly contrasts with the Trump administration's tariff implementations and tax policies which, according to her, failed to effectively serve the middle class. Instead, she proposes a proactive economic framework that focuses primarily on tax relief for middle-income Americans.


With potential resistance from corporate entities and congressional leaders, Harris’s proposals, though ambitious, signal her determination to re-align economic policies with the needs of the average American.


Senator Harris’s commitments aim at rectifying what she considers pivotal economic missteps that have disproportionately affected the middle echelons

of American society.


Proposals Aimed at Broad Economic Reforms

Senator Harris also took the opportunity to criticize the broader economic strategies of the Trump administration, asserting that her approach would be fundamentally different.

"Instead of the Trump tax hike, we will pass a middle-class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million Americans," she declared. Her campaign identifies this tax reduction as a key element in building what Harris calls "a defining goal of her presidency": a robust middle class.


Kamala Harris emphasized her dedication to the middle class: "My presidency will be about correcting the course, not just with simple policy tweaks but with a blueprint that brings tangible benefits to middle class Americans."

The anticipated tax cuts and economic reforms highlighted by Harris have stirred discussions on how these policies might be implemented in the face of existing political and economic challenges. Her stance on issues like price gouging and housing aims to directly benefit consumers and low-income families, building on her vision of an economy that works for all.


Looking Toward a Progressive Economic Future

In the broader context of her economic ambitions, Kamala Harris’s proposals reflect a shift towards preferential treatment for the middle class. By prioritizing tax cuts and combating corporate practices that hurt everyday Americans, Harris sets the stage for a presidency that could potentially reinvigorate middle-class prosperity.


Harris’s promises of a middle-class tax cut, coupled with critical reforms in other areas of economic hardship, offer a clear, distinct direction from the current policies under Donald Trump, aiming to empower an overlooked segment of American society.


The effectiveness of Kamala Harris's plans will largely depend on her ability to navigate through congressional challenges and pushback from corporate interests, thereby shaping her potential presidency’s ability to make significant changes in the lives of millions.

Capitalism Institute


Starbucks CEO's Commute under Fire

Editor at LinkedIn News

Most of us commute to work via subway or car or train. But Starbucks is letting new CEO Brian Niccol use a company-owned jet to get to its Seattle headquarters from his California home. The perk, revealed in a new SEC filing, is drawing criticism from climate activists, who take issue with private jets' high carbon emissions compared to other forms of transportation. Back in 2020, Starbucks set a public goal to halve its carbon emissions "in our direct operations and supply chain," but the company's total emissions have actually jumped 8% since 2010. 

  • ·        A private jet can emit 2 metric tons of CO2 in an hour, while the average European Union citizen produces 8.2 tons in an entire year, per one European advocacy group. 

  • ·        And as for that hybrid work policy: Starbucks requires employees at its Seattle HQ to be in the office at least three days a week — a policy Niccol will also have to follow, according to a company spokesperson. 


Mixing labor unions, Doritos Locos Tacos and piglets -- yes, piglets 🐖-- in one story wasn't on my 2024 bingo card. But that's what came out when I took a look at what Brian Niccol's past and present suggests about his upcoming tenure as Starbucks CEO.Here's the deal.

When Niccol takes over Starbucks in September, he'll do so without training wheels. Sure, he'll have an "immersion" like the one other Starbucks leaders experience. But unlike his predecessor, he'll take charge immediately -- not after shadowing company patriarch Howard Schultz for six months.

The contrast underscores Brian's 20-year restaurant career at places like Taco Bell and Chipotle, as well as the urgency to tackle a bunch of issues facing Starbucks, from slumping demand to ongoing negotiations with unions. Eric Gonzalez at KeyBanc summed it up perfectly: "That just shows you the confidence that they have in him." But I won't give away more. If you want to [Wanna] hear what piglets have to do with this, read on!

This is why ESG/Sustainability continues to have a credibility issue. The same Board that approved Starbucks sustainability targets just approved this guy’s commute. What’s the tone from the top? Sustainability sells, but it’s not really who we are, or what we believe?

Brian Niccol is costing Starbucks a pretty penny.When your CEO is commuting 1,000 miles by private jet, it’s tough to keep a straight face while touting your company’s sustainability goals. This isn’t just about optics—it’s about integrity and walking the talk. Starbucks has long positioned itself as a champion of environmental consciousness, but actions like this cast a shadow over those claims. 

The disconnect between the company’s stated goals and this new commuting arrangement is glaringly obvious, and it risks eroding trust among consumers who are increasingly demanding authenticity.Let’s be clear: leading by example means making sacrifices and showing that you’re in the trenches with your team, not flying high above them—literally.

If Starbucks wants to maintain its green credentials and keep its brand values intact, it might need to rethink the perks that send the wrong message. 'Cause at the end of the day, nothing undermines a company’s environmental commitments like a carbon footprint that rivals a small country.è1

A CEO will commute 1,000 miles? Do you believe it? It is not by chance that “Starbucks new boss [is] under fire for [his] 1,000-mile commute.” Is he going to drive? No! Is he going to fly commercial? No. Private jet. He is clearly not like the rest of the employees. 

There are many issues with this commute arrangement, but any smart person, anyone who has been in the army will tell you that the troops have no respect for generals who are not with them in the trenches. And the same is true for coaches who coach via zoom. I once interviewed for a position in Austin, Texas, and I told the hiring manager that I was going to commute from New Jersey.

My daughter was still in high school and I did not want to relocate her. The hiring manager looked at me and asked me point blank: Do you really think this would work? Deep in me I knew it will not. As you get tired of commuting, you find more reasons to work from home. But even more importantly, when there is a crisis and you need to go to the office quickly, you simply cannot do it.


The list goes on and on, and the troops on the ground feel and know that you will be the Zoom CEO, and they have to fight in the trenches alone, and make decisions without you, and solve crises without you, and yet when bonus time comes, they have to praise you and give you credit. And all that feels so fake that employees resent you. Better to be honest with yourself upfront.

Editor at LinkedIn News



Byzantine Empire lasted 11 Centuries:

If the United States were to last as long as the Roman Empire, including its Byzantine period, it would have to continue as an independent country, with political and cultural continuity, until the year 2899. 


To maintain a unified nation state for over eleven hundred years is a remarkable achievement by any standard, and the Romans accomplished it while facing existential threats and efforts to extinguish their polity during virtually every period of their existence. Now, nearly six hundred years after the demise of the empire, its influence still resonates in a number of fields, albeit almost entirely unnoticed and unappreciated.

Patrick Bestall



California Democrats Advance Legislation to Subsidize Illegal Immigrants Buying Homes

California's Senate committee has pushed forward a bill that could transform homeownership prospects for migrants in the state.

Fox News reported that the legislative proposal aiming to allow migrants and illegal immigrants to access a state-managed homeownership aid program has successfully advanced through a key Senate committee.

The California Senate Appropriations Committee has recently approved legislation that would permit migrants and undocumented immigrants to participate in the "Dream For All" shared-appreciation loan program. This initiative, managed by the California Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA), is designed to assist first-time homebuyers through down-payment support.


The program’s structure is such that when a home is eventually sold or transferred, the homeowner must repay the initial down payment assistance provided by the program, along with a portion of the appreciation in the home’s value.

This recent committee vote, which went along party lines at 5-2, brings the bill one step closer to becoming law. It now awaits the full Senate's approval and the signature of Governor Gavin Newsom.


Program Designed To Extend Homeownership Broadly

The primary author of the bill, Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, emphasized the bill's intent to extend the reach of homeownership. By including undocumented individuals, the legislation aims to promote financial stability and personal security for a broader segment of California’s population.


"When undocumented individuals are excluded from such programs, they miss out on a crucial method of securing financial security and personal stability for themselves and their families," Arambula explained.


Participants in this program can use an individual tax identification number instead of a Social Security number to purchase homes, enabling foreign-born individuals and those without legal status to qualify for home ownership.

The program’s popularity was evident when the initial $300 million allocation in loans was exhausted in less than two weeks. This overwhelming demand led to a restructuring of the application process from a first-come, first-served basis to a lottery system to ensure a more equitable distribution of resources.


"We really want to make sure that funds for this round are distributed equitably," stated CALHFA’s spokesperson, Eric Johnson, highlighting the adjustments made to improve fairness in the program’s administration.

Despite these changes, concerns about fairness and priority continue to surface, particularly among those who argue that legal residents should be prioritized in such state-funded programs.


Debate Over Bill's Impact on Legal Residents

State Senator Brian Dahle expressed strong opposition to the bill, voicing concerns that it might undermine the interests of legal residents struggling with homeownership affordability. "[G]ive priority to those who are in our state legally," Dahle argued, pointing out the competitive disadvantage this bill could create for legal residents.


Despite these criticisms, supporters of the bill maintain that it will not impact California's budget deficit negatively. The Sacramento Bee reported that the fiscal implications for the state would remain neutral, with no additional burden on the state's financial resources.


This legislation, if passed, could mark a significant shift in how California manages housing assistance, particularly in how it integrates undocumented residents into the fabric of community and economic stability.

The American Digest


Fluoride in Water hits Main Stream:

It was always a conspiracy theory of the harmful effects of fluoride in drinking water but now its becoming main stream.... Maybe now is the time for we push London city hall to revisit it.  CTV reports on it. 


 A U.S. government report expected to stir debate concluded that fluoride in drinking water at twice the recommended limit is linked with lower IQ in children.


The report, based on an analysis of previously published research, marks the first time a federal agency has determined — “with moderate confidence” — that there is a link between higher levels of fluoride exposure and lower IQ in kids. While the report was not designed to evaluate the health effects of fluoride in drinking water alone, it is a striking acknowledgment of a potential neurological risk from high levels of fluoride.


Fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces cavities by replacing minerals lost during normal wear and tear, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The addition of low levels of fluoride to drinking water has long been considered one of the greatest public health achievements of the last century.


“I think this (report) is crucial in our understanding” of this risk, said Ashley Malin, a University of Florida researcher who has studied the effect of higher fluoride levels in pregnant women on their children. She called it the most rigorously conducted report of its kind.


The long-awaited report released Wednesday comes from the National Toxicology Program, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. It summarizes a review of studies, conducted in Canada, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, and Mexico, that concludes that drinking water containing more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter is consistently associated with lower IQs in kids.


The report did not try to quantify exactly how many IQ points might be lost at different levels of fluoride exposure. But some of the studies reviewed in the report suggested IQ was 2 to 5 points lower in children who'd had higher exposures.

Since 2015, federal health officials have recommended a fluoridation level of 0.7 milligrams per litre of water, and for five decades before the recommended upper range was 1.2. The World Health Organization has set a safe limit for fluoride in drinking water of 1.5.


The report said that about 0.6% of the U.S. population — about 1.9 million people — are on water systems with naturally occurring fluoride levels of 1.5 milligrams or higher.

“The findings from this report raise the questions about how these people can be protected and what makes the most sense,” Malin said.


The 324-page report did not reach a conclusion about the risks of lower levels of fluoride, saying more study is needed. It also did not answer what high levels of fluoride might do to adults.

The American Dental Association, which champions water fluoridation, had been critical of earlier versions of the new analysis and Malin’s research. Asked for comment, a spokeswoman late Wednesday afternoon emailed that the organization’s experts were still reviewing the report.


Fluoride is a mineral that exists naturally in water and soil. About 80 years ago, scientists discovered that people whose supplies naturally had more fluoride also had fewer cavities, triggering a push to get more Americans to use fluoride for better dental health.


In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan became the first U.S. city to start adding fluoride to tap water. In 1950, federal officials endorsed water fluoridation to prevent tooth decay, and continued to promote it even after fluoride toothpaste brands hit the market several years later. Though fluoride can come from a number of sources, drinking water is the main source for Americans, researchers say.


Officials lowered their recommendation for drinking water fluoride levels in 2015 to address a tooth condition called fluorosis, which can cause splotches on teeth and was becoming more common in U.S. kids.

Separately, the Environmental Protection Agency has maintained a longstanding requirement that water systems cannot have more than 4 milligrams of fluoride per litre. That standard is designed to prevent skeletal fluorosis, a potentially crippling disorder which causes weaker bones, stiffness and pain.


But more and more studies have increasingly pointed to a different problem, suggesting a link between higher levels of fluoride and brain development. Researchers wondered about the impact on developing fetuses and very young children who might ingest water with baby formula. Studies in animals showed fluoride could impact neurochemistry cell function in brain regions responsible for learning, memory, executive function and behaviour.


In 2006, the National Research Council, a private nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C., said limited evidence from China pointed to neurological effects in people exposed to high levels of fluoride. It called for more research into the effect of fluoride on intelligence.


After more research continued to raise questions, the National Toxicology Program in 2016 started working on a review of the available studies that could provide guidance on whether new fluoride-limiting measures were needed.

CTV News

Patrick Bestall


What You Need to Know About the Historic Kennedy Announcement:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. surprised everyone today with a twist that defied expectations. While the big news was an imminent Trump endorsement, it was Kennedy’s other revelation that arguably had Trump and Kennedy fans even more excited. Let’s take a closer look at what he had to say.


The first thing Kennedy did when he took the stage was declare that the Democratic Party now represents the exact opposite of democracy.

“As you know, I left that party in October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with. It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money. When it abandoned democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president, I left the party to run as an independent.”

He then delivered the proof, detailing how the Democrat Party subverted democracy under the guise of “saving” it.

  • ·        “At the voting booth, the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself.”

  • ·        “It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden.”

  • ·        ” Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor, also without an election.”

Kennedy’s second biggest announcement, believe it or not, is that he will be withdrawing his name from 10 battleground states.


He’s taking this step to avoid being a spoiler candidate that helps Kamala Harris get elected.

Kennedy clarified that he wasn’t formally ending his campaign, which allows his supporters to continue backing him in most states where their votes are unlikely to affect the overall outcome.


This move positions him to establish a third party if he receives 5% of the vote, offering a chance to shake up the two-party system without directly threatening Trump’s chances of winning.


Then came the big revelation:

Kennedy revealed that Donald Trump has asked him to join his administration if he wins.


“Last summer, it looked like no candidate was willing to negotiate a quick end to the Ukraine war, to tackle the chronic disease epidemic, to protect free speech and our constitutional freedoms, to clean corporate influence out of our government, or to defy the neocons and their agenda of endless military adventurism.”


Be sure to View the VIDEOs in the following LINK:

“But now, one of the two candidates has adopted these issues as his own, to the point where he has asked to enlist me in his administration. I’m speaking, of course, of Donald Trump.”

What would Kennedy do under a Trump administration?

  1. He would be tasked with ending the chronic disease epidemic.

  2. Specifically, he said he’s going to fix the corrupt health agencies.

  3. “These agencies—the FDA, USDA, and CDC—all of them, are controlled by giant for-profit corporations… With President Trump’s backing, I’m going to change that,” Kennedy said.


In the final minutes, an emotional Kennedy delivered a powerful promise to end the chronic disease epidemic with Trump’s backing.

This is well worth watching/reading:


“If I’m given the chance to fix the chronic disease crisis and reform our food production, I promise that within two years, we will watch the chronic disease burden lift dramatically. We will make Americans healthy again. Within four years, America will be a healthy country. We will be stronger, more resilient, more optimistic, and happier.


“I won’t fail in doing this. Ultimately, the future, however it happens, is in God’s hands, in the hands of the American voters, and those of President Trump. If President Trump is elected and honors his word, the vast burden of chronic disease that now demoralizes and bankrupts the country will disappear.


“This is a spiritual journey for me. I reached my decision through deep prayer, through hard-nosed logic, and I asked myself, what choices must I make to maximize my chances to save America’s children and restore national health? I felt that if I refused this opportunity, I would not be able to look myself in the mirror, knowing that I could have saved the lives of countless children and reversed this country’s chronic disease epidemic.


“I’m 70 years old. I may have a decade to be effective. I can’t imagine that President Harris, a President Harris, would allow me, or anyone, to solve these dire problems. After eight years of President Harris, any opportunity for me to fix the problem will be out of my reach forever.


“President Trump has told me that he wants this to be his legacy. I’m choosing to believe that this time, he will follow through. His son, his biggest donors, his closest friends, all support this objective. My joining the Trump campaign will be a difficult sacrifice for my wife and children, but worthwhile if there’s even a small chance of saving these kids.

“Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other. That’s why I launched my campaign—to unify America.


My dad and uncle made such an enduring mark on the character of our nation, not so much because of any particular policies they promoted, but because they were able to inspire profound love for our country and to fortify our sense of ourselves as a national community.


“Held together by ideals, they were able to put their love into the intentions and hearts of ordinary Americans and to unify a national populist movement of Americans. Blacks and whites, Hispanics, urban and rural Americans, inspired affection and love and high hopes, and a culture of kindness that continue to radiate among Americans from their memory.


“That’s the spirit on which I ran my campaign and that I intend to bring into the campaign of President Trump. Instead of vitriol and polarization, I will appeal to the values that unite us, the goals that we could achieve if only we weren’t at each other’s throats. The most unifying theme for all Americans is that we all love our children.


“If we all unite around that issue now, we can finally give them the protection, the health, and the future that they deserve. Thank you all very much.”

Kennedy taking charge of the chronic disease epidemic is exactly where he belongs, and I’m thrilled to see this partnership become official.

The Vigilant FOX


Bernie Sanders BLOWS Theo Von’s mind as he explains how Democrats Stole the Election from him:

Comedian and podcaster Theo Von has been on fire with his interviews lately — and his sit-down with Bernie Sanders is no exception.


Which is why Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shared a timely clip from “This Past Weekend” during which Sanders admits that the Democratic Party robbed him of winning the Democratic Party's nomination after he won the first few primaries.


“I felt like you didn’t get treated fairly, to be honest,” Von tells Sanders of his run for Democratic presidential nominee.

“That’s what happens when you take on the establishments. What happened is we won the first three primaries, and then the establishment got very, very nervous,” Sanders explains.

“There were a whole lot of candidates in the Democratic primary, and they said, ‘Hey, it’d be a good idea if you all dropped out, let Joe Biden be the one candidate.’”

“Do they call? Is there a call that you get and it’s like you’re not going to move forward?” Von asks, adding, “How does the establishment work?”


“What happened is I won the popular vote in Iowa. I won the New Hampshire primary. I won the Nevada primary. And those were the first three, and then the front page of the New York Times: ‘Democratic Establishment very nervous Bernie Sanders could win the whole thing.’”


Sanders said pressure was applied to the other candidates to drop out in order for Biden to win, and once they did, everyone rallied around the current president.

“Do you think that our election process is still Democratic?” Von asks.


“Yes and no,” Sanders responds. “If you’re going to win, and I have 10 times more money than you do, I will beat you 95% of the time. I mean, that’s a fact.”

“In terms of who has the real power, money people do.

And I use the term oligarchy, and oligarchy is a society where small numbers of very wealthy people control the economic and political life of the country. I think we are moving rapidly in that direction,” he adds.


“It feels like an almost privatized communism in a way,” Von responds.

“That’s a very good point,” Sanders says, pleasantly surprised.

The BLAZE Media




Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors

RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!





World’s Largest Military Sting Operation in Progress in Over 32 Major Countries.Blackout Black Swan Event[Content Redacted]QFS and GESARA Activation ImminentPrepare for Revolutionary Change!

The Strongest Weapon in the United States is a Patriotic American Stand. Do Not Fear. We Got This!

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

I’m not a Conspiracy Theorist. I’m a “Things Don’t Add Up and It’s Pretty Obvious Theorist.”


As the Global Financial System continued to collapse, Deep State Cabal Elites were expected to destroy power grids Worldwide in an effort to prevent a complete financial meltdown of their bankrupt system only shakily held up with fiat monies.

Don’t worry. A Worldwide Blackout would only give reason for the Global Military Alliance to activate their Emergency Broadcast System (EBS); switch to Tesla Free Energy across the Globe and implement the gold/asset – backed Global Quantum Financial System that backed GESARA/ NESARA while destroying the Deep State Cabal Banker’s control over our money they have held since 1913.

With GESARA’s wealth distributed to everyone willing to work, there will be no more poverty, while homelessness will be unknown. People of 3rd World Nations will be incentivized by GESARA funds to return home to build up their own countries. Those sovereign governments will be 10% of their present size, with honest officials placed in office through fraud free elections.

The transition from Nuclear Energy to Quantum Energy will create new industries and businesses, plus the emergence of the Quantum Network will revolutionize the way we can safely and privately connect with each other.

Med Beds will assure no more drugs, addictions, illness or disease of any kind.

The large corporations manned by the Global Elite Cabal that have been poisoning our air, water and food will be dead broke, their CEOs incarcerated. With redemption of Zim Bonds by the General Public, the most comprehensive funding of Humanitarian programs in Earth’s history was underway and carefully designed toclean up the air, water and planet.

People will be incentivized to grow their own healthy food in off grid homes that produced their own energy and water, thus The People would no longer be forced to adhere to unreasonable regulations and the loss of freedom that goes with living in crowded communities.

The People’s Common Law Courts and Justice will assure Freedom for all on Planet Earth.


Fri. 23 Aug. 2024 ALERT! The Great Blackout ignites, Black Swan Event overthrows Elites, QFS and GESARA activation imminent – prepare for revolutionary change! …GITMO TV on Telegram

  • We are on the brink of a meticulously engineered catastrophe, orchestrated by the global elite to strip away our freedoms and plunge us into chaos. But what the elites fail to grasp is that this engineered Black Swan event will be their undoing.

  • As the old world crumbles, a new era will rise from the ruins. The stock market, cryptocurrencies, and the power grid—everything used to control us—is about to implode, signaling the dawn of a revolutionary transformation.

The Black Swan Event: The Final Gambit.

  • This Black Swan event isn’t a random catastrophe; it’s the final, desperate move of a corrupt system nearing collapse. The financial structure that has enslaved us for decades is set to be obliterated, bringing down the power of the global elite.

  • The financial bubble they’ve inflated is about to burst, leading to a stock market crash, cryptocurrency wipeout, and global economic chaos. They believe they can control this collapse and engineer a reset on their terms, but they are gravely mistaken. This collapse will be their downfall.

The Blackout: The Elites’ Desperate Move

  • As the financial system collapses, the elites will make their final, desperate move: a deliberate blackout. This power grid shutdown will be a calculated act to plunge the world into darkness and fear, aiming to prevent a complete financial meltdown and keep us subdued.

  • But this blackout is also the trigger for a massive change. It will activate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), signaling the end of the old financial order and the birth of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), designed to liberate us from elite control.

The Emergency Broadcast System: Catalyst for Change

  • The recent EBS test was more than a drill—it was a rehearsal for the upcoming financial reset. When the blackout occurs and the EBS activates, it will mark the end of the old world and the rise of a new financial order, powered by QFS, GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act), and NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act).

The Quantum Financial System: A New Dawn

  • The QFS is not just a new financial system; it is a revolutionary, decentralized, and incorruptible system powered by quantum technology. It will ensure fair wealth distribution and dismantle the power of the global elites, ending their long reign of financial tyranny.

  • This system will be immune to the corruption and manipulation of the old order, rendering it obsolete. The impending blackout will act as a catalyst for this transformation, making way for the QFS to usher in an era of freedom and prosperity.

The Fall of the Elites: A New Era Begins

  • The Black Swan Event will mark the end of the global elite’s dominance. The stock market crash, blackout and EBS activation are all part of a grand plan to liberate us from their control. The old world is collapsing, and the elites’ attempt to maintain their power will fail.

  • When the lights come back on, a new world will emerge. The QFS will replace the old systems, GESARA and NESARA will reshape our financial landscape, and the power of the global elites will be shattered. The age of financial tyranny is ending, and a new era of freedom and prosperity is about to begin.

Prepare now, for once the lights go out, there will be no turning back. The old world is dead; the new era has begun.

Possible Timing:WORLDWIDE last days of August, NESARA/GESARA on Telegram Fri. 23 Aug. 2024

● End of the Biblical Period. (LENT)

● Planes and Trains stopped

● Lights/Power turned off

● Transition to Tesla Free Energy.

● 34 satanic buildings and dams bombed.

● Bitcoin servers shut down. 99.5% of Cryptocurrencies switched to Chinese currencies.

● Scare Event of World War 3. Nuclear Sirens.

● Water Event.

● Stock Market Crash.

● Global Martial Law.

● CASTLE ROCK Scenario

● Quantum Systems.

● Project Odin Activated.


● Election Flipping via FISA

● Military Tribunals

● Military Tribunals/Confessions/10-day movie.

● Revelations

● Inauguration

Global Currency Reset:

With Intel on the GCR almost none existent, it is my opinion that, as Head of the Redemption Committee Dr. Charlie Ward has repeatedly stated, Tier4b would not be sent notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments until after a Global Financial Crash.

There was indication that the Deep State Cabal would soon attack power grids and cause a Worldwide Blackout in an effort to stop a Stock Market Failure.

A Worldwide Blackout would certainly incentivize the Alliance to give a Green Light for a Worldwide Emergency Broadcast System Alert that would in turn, bring in Tesla Free Energy and the Global Currency Reset.

No one knew when all that would occur, but it was clear it would be soon. In the last few days people in different countries including the US have reported that they have been notified of their exchange/ redemption appointments, gone into those appointments, set up their new QFS Accounts, been made liquid and signed NDAs.

Restored Republic:


With Intel on the GCR almost none existent, it is my opinion that, as Head of the Redemption Committee Dr. Charlie Ward has repeatedly stated, Tier4b would not be sent notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments until after a Global Financial Crash.

There was indication that the Deep State Cabal would soon attack power grids and cause a Worldwide Blackout in an effort to stop a Stock Market Failure.

A Worldwide Blackout would certainly incentivize the Alliance to give a Green Light for a Worldwide Emergency Broadcast System Alert that would in turn, bring in Tesla Free Energy and the Global Currency Reset.

No one knew when all that would occur, but it was clear it would be soon. In the last few days people in different countries including the US have reported that they have been notified of their exchange/ redemption appointments, gone into those appointments, set up their new QFS Accounts, been made liquid and signed NDAs.

Restored Republic:


Fri. 23 Aug. White Hats: The year is 2025.

  • Donald Trump is your President, the border is secure, WW3 has been cancelled, and the economy is recovering.

  • RFK Jr. is the head of a 3-letter agency, cleansing our government, tackling the health crisis, and enacting the Covid reckoning.

  • Elon Musk is an advisor to Trump, and leading the Government Efficiency Task Force, helping to trim the fat, drain the swamp, and using his expertise in manufacturing, energy, transportation, space, information, etc., to help return the US to her greatness.

  • Vivek Ramaswamy is serving as a top diplomat and valuable asset to the Trump administration, using his experience with Pharma and Deep State corruption to assist Trump in his retribution, and carry on the future of the MAGA movement.

  • General Mike Flynn is serving as a top intelligence director, where he has the tools to hunt Deep State actors, and reveal where the bodies are buried.

Fri. 23 Aug. 2024 Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram: The future is uncertain, but hope remains.

  • As we face the approaching collapse, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the media and uncertainty. But it’s important to remember that with everything we see, there is a new beginning.

  • The Old World, with its corrupt financial system and oppressive governments, is dying, but a new world is being born, powered by quantum energy and free from the cabal’s control.

  • This New World won’t be without challenges, but it will also be full of opportunities.

  • The collapse of the old financial system will give rise to new and innovative forms of money, like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

  • The transition from nuclear energy to quantum energy will create new industries and businesses, and the emergence of the quantum network will revolutionize the way we communicate and connect with each other.

  • But for this New World to emerge, we must first endure the collapse.

  • The Black Swan Event that is happening will be catastrophic, but it is necessary. It will be the catalyst that frees us from the cabal’s control and allows us to build a better, brighter future.

Fri. 23 Aug. NESARA (U.S.) National Economic Security and Reform Act and GESARA (Worldwide) Global Economic Security and Reform Act will be deployed sequentially.All debts will be forgiven.

Every inhabitant of the planet will be given a monthly allowance.

A single tax will be levied only on new goods.

Forgives all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debts due to illegal banking and government activities

Dissolves the IRS and eliminates all income taxes

Creates a flat sales tax on non-essential “new items only” (food, drugs and all used items will not be taxed)

Increases benefits for senior citizens

Brings Constitutional Law back into all our courts and legal matters – retraining all judges and lawyers in Constitutional Law

Provides for new representative elections in accordance with Constitutional Law

Monitors elections and prevents illegal activities by billionaires and special interest groups

The Federal Reserve System ends and a New Banking System begins that is consistent with Constitutional law.


Fri. 23 Aug. 2024 Yes, This is Real, Mr. Pool on TelegramYes this is realNo power bills, no more taxes, no more fees, mortgages are illegal.You get it all back.God works in mysterious ways.Nesara/Gesara.Transition To Greatness.It was always about this.No more Poverty, Homelessness, People of 3rd World Nations to return home to build 1st world destinations.People Govts 10% of the size.Plenty of wealth for everyoneHomes for everyone.No more drugs/addictions/illness/disease of any kind.The 3 Med Beds fix it allReverse all conditions.Not so bad ey?Freedom for ALL on PLANET EARTH.The way this PLANET is supposed to be.

“CASTLE ROCK” The Event to go down on Biden.Everyone blames Biden.Military Overturns the Election.King Trump saves the day.Hero.The King steps asideThe opposition charges the King’s Position.A Major Event Goes Down.[FAKE] Global War Scenario Activating All Militaries WorldWide.In Real Life.The Police & Court System rule the land.NESARA/GESARA comes in.All Judges, Police & Lawyers must stand down WORLDWIDE. The corrupt ones arrested. The others Retrained in Constitutional 1776 Law.Back to the Chess Board.By activating a World War scenarioThe Kings Men (Military) go from being  Pawns & Bishops(Below) the Police to becoming Kings & Queens. (Above) They then Mop Up the other teamFlawlessPlanet Earth Liberated.1776“When Q said “Do Anons Know What Is About To Be Unleashed”This ExactlyAll those Dog Comms



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