Monday 1 [6] 25
Verses for today:
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
John 3:21 KJV
Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
Luke 7:47 KJV
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:38 KJV
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Galatians 1:10 KJV
"Trust not in thine Own Understanding" (Prov. 3:5-6)
"Any Story sounds Right until you hear the Other Side" (Prov.18:7)
Will You Finish?
Monday, January 06, 2025
Silly playground taunts are hard to forget. How about this one, “The last one in is a rotten egg!” Hearing that challenge always prompted us kids to get moving. Spiritually speaking, the lack of movement won’t make us a rotten egg, but hesitation can slay good intentions. Timidity will rob us of many excellent opportunities, and if we view those occasions as serendipitous, we negate God’s plans for us.
A brand-new year stretches before you and me. It’s new to us, and we have no idea what it holds, but this is certain: The next twelve months contain no accidents. God knew this year before time began. He’ll go before us in what we encounter, do, and speak. That should cause you to ask yourself, “In what manner will I finish this year?”No, I’m not asking if you’ll live or die.
The question is much greater in importance. I am asking, “Will you jump head-first into what needs to be done for the kingdom of God? Will you decide to live for Him full force or be hobbled by reluctance?Are there needs at your church waiting to be met? If the Lord has shown you a need, fill it! Are those opportunities terrifying to you yet honoring to God?
Get with it! If we are Christ’s, we must set aside our worries and follow Him. I would rather get an A+ for trying and failing than an F because I didn’t trust the Lord enough to step out for His glory.Believer, whatever you do, set your sights on the finish line and go for it!
Awaiting His Return,
Pastor – Jack HIBBS
Pope Francis calls out abortion and assisted suicide in first 2025 homily:
Pope Francis called on people around the world to reject abortion and assisted suicide in his New Year message at the Vatican.
At New Year’s Day Mass in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Pope Francis called on all people to “respect the dignity of human life from conception to natural death”.
The Pope asked for a “firm commitment” to defend “the precious gift of life, life in the womb, the lives of children, the lives of the suffering, the poor, the elderly, the lonely and the dying”.
2024 saw the release of horrific death tolls from abortion and assisted suicide. This included a record-breaking number of abortions in the UK, now up to a quarter of a million unborn lives lost in England and Wales (as of 2022).
There were also over 15,000 deaths from assisted suicide in Canada in 2023, as reported last month.
The news from Canada came after MPs voted to approve Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide bill at its second reading. MPs will scrutinize the draft law in the new year, which could still see it rejected.
SPUC comment
A SPUC spokesperson said: “As we enter 2025, now is the time to recommit ourselves to respect and protect human life, whether that life is an unborn child, or an elderly or disabled adult threatened by assisted suicide.
“So many lives are at risk across the world. In the battle for life, we can expect victories and defeats, but the only true defeat is not fighting at all and losing hope.
“Though the challenges we face in the world might at times seem overwhelming, it’s important that we keep perspective, knowing that life is a gift. We must all aspire to live our pro-life values as well as advocating them.
“While life starts at conception, hope begins with the knowledge that life is a good thing, which should be celebrated. Let 2025 be the year when people of all identities, faiths and opinions see life for what it really is.”
Donna Warren
Donna also sent this to me...
Justin Trudeau expected to announce his resignation plan Monday morning
Trudeau will prorogue Parliament until March 24, sources say
OTTAWA—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to announce his resignation plan at a late-morning news conference in the nation’s capital, the Star has learned.
Trudeau is expected to announce he will resign, but for the time being he intends to stay on as Liberal party leader until a new leader is chosen, a source said.
A senior government source has also confirmed that Trudeau met with Governor General Mary Simon early Monday morning and received her approval to prorogue Parliament until March 24.
It is far from clear whether that will satisfy his mutinous caucus, most of which have now — at least privately in caucus meetings — called for him to leave.
Trudeau will take questions at a news conference outside Rideau Cottage, the residence he has occupied for more than nine years since becoming prime minister, said a senior source.
After a full-on press from most of his fellow MPs to leave the top job after Chrystia Freeland quit as his finance minister in mid-December, Trudeau could no longer ignore calls, including those by his Ontario, Atlantic and Quebec caucuses that it was time to go.
Prorogation suspends the current Parliament, which was set to return at the end of January. It will mean the end of any legislation currently before the House of Commons and force the government to reopen with a throne speech when the commons comes back.
It also means the Liberals will be able to avoid any confidence votes during this time.
The Star reported Sunday that Trudeau will announce his intentions before an emergency Liberal caucus meeting on Wednesday.
Details of Trudeau’s exit were still being discussed Sunday night, including the exact timing of the announcement, the source said.
This is a developing story.
Watch him HERE:
"I INTEND to resign as party leader, as prime minister AFTER the party selects its next leader through a robust nationwide competitive process." I hate to be the bearer of bad news but words matter. He did NOT resign from anything. He simply said he "intends" and "will" (in french) resign at a future date. He gave no indication when that would be or how long the leadership prossess will take. Right now the only thing that has happened is he prorogued parliament until March 24th effectively consolidating all parliamentary powers into the PMO office. He has more power right now then he did this morning. March 24th is a long ways off and a lot can happen between now and then. My gut tells me that between now and then he will look for or manufacture a crisis that he will use to justify invoking the emergency act for a second time. That will allow him to keep parliament suspended, give him access to money and provide an excuse to postpone the election. We are in an extremely dire political situation.
Germany - No Electricity until after 11 am??
Welcome to Germany’s green economic miracle. The year is 2025!
Germany’s so-called Energiewende (transition to renewable energies) has had one unmistakable result: Germany now finds itself rapidly nearing the brink of a third world country where the power supply is no longer reliable and brownouts becoming more and more a daily routine.
What’s happening is the opposite of what was once promised by the know-it-all climate wisemen: “Green energies would lead to a clean and prosperous country that would be the envy of the world.
So much for their fantasies.
The reality, as reported yesterday by Germany’s leading daily, Bild here: Germans in south Germany are now being told that their laundry and e-car charging are to be done only at certain times!
According to online Bild yesterday: “People in Baden-Württemberg should use as little electricity as possible on Friday from 8 am to 11 am. The transmission capacities of the power lines from the north of Germany to the southwest were over-utilized,”
Consumers were asked to avoid the use of all energy-intensive appliances.
Grid operator TransnetBW issues energy supply Red Alert yesterday
Recall that Germany’s green energy masterminds decided that it would be best to decommission the country’s fleet on nuclear power plants, and to produce weather-dependent power with wind farms operating in the north of country, and then supply it to southern Germany via power transmission lines. There’s on problem with the masterplan from the green masterminds: the wind doesn’t blow all the time and so shortages result and rationing becomes necessary!
According to the StromgGedacht from grid operator TransnetBW in Stuttgart, to avoid overloading the grid: “Electric vehicles or batteries (of laptops etc.) should also not be charged from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. if this can be avoided.”
Read the Full ARTICLE at the above LINK
Patrick Bestall
London Garbage Problem Solved:
Walking around the neighbourhood there are a lot of large items that have been out at the road for months. Looking really junky. I’m wondering if people aren’t aware that these items can’t be collected with normal waste. You have to now schedule a pickup.
I did that for a mattress a couple months ago and it was very efficient. Appointment needs to be at least 5 days before your regular “garbage day.” Here’s the link! Let’s clean up all the mattresses, couches and office furniture. f Curbside garbage collection | City of London
Freezing Temps this weekend coming:
You need to be aware... Prepared?
Here is good advice:
Patrick Bestall
What is Happening in our CHURCHES?
New parishes are planned across US to accommodate ‘tsunami’ of male worshippers who have Converted since Pandemic
RC's added, Protestants subtracted, Orthodox stayed the same
Orthodoxy remains unchanged from the early Church when it went public at the time of Constantine. This explains the great attraction. Also, the strength of Russia today.
Roman Catholicism continues to "grow" or evolve organically, adding more new doctrines that are not supposed to be contrary to anything in Tradition, but many are today! This explains the shrinking numbers of Catholic parishes.
Protestantism returned to the early Church as it was when it was still private and persecuted. That doesn't make it perfect as the letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation attest. It explains the search for liturgy in Messianic congregations.
Young, single men are flocking to the Orthodox church after discovering the “masculine” Christian religion through online influencers.
Some converts said they felt disillusioned with the “feminisation” of the Protestant church and were attracted to the “authenticity” of Orthodoxy, which they claim pushes them physically and mentally.
Priests are now planning to open new parishes to accommodate the “tsunami” of young men who have converted since the pandemic.
They say that most of the new converts found the Orthodox church by watching YouTube videos or listening to podcasts.
Matthew Ryan, a former atheist, found Orthodoxy after he saw a comment about good and evil on YouTube after “hitting rock bottom”.
The science teacher, 41, who had moved to Salt Lake City in 2022 to escape New York’s “draconian” Covid rules, began researching the Bible.
This eventually led him to a one-hour YouTube video in which a Protestant visits an Orthodox church and speaks to a priest.
“I watched that, and I was like, OK, this makes a lot of sense,” Mr Ryan said.
“What really drew me to Orthodoxy… was the structure, the guidance, the authenticity and the historicity”, he said.
Mr Ryan, who was baptised into the Orthodox church in September, is among scores of men who have joined the strict church since the pandemic.
A 2023 survey by the Orthodox Studies Institute of Orthodox clergy in 20 parishes across 15 states found there had been a 80 per cent increase in the number of converts to the Orthodox church in 2022, compared with pre-pandemic levels in 2019.
Of these, 60 per cent were men, compared with 54 per cent in 2019.
Many of them had been drawn to the “masculine” nature of church, which puts emphasis on denial and pushing yourself physically.
Worshippers must stand for long services, which can last upwards of five hours. They must fast, too, sometimes for up to 40 days.
This, some felt, was in stark contrast to other religious denominations where they felt the church had been “feminised”.
Emmanuel Castillo, 32, converted to the Orthodox church in 2019, a journey that started when he began reading the Bible while he was guarding al-Qaeda prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.
The former wrestler belonged to a Protestant church, but felt his services were not too different to his Saturday night in a bar.
They had the “same kind of lighting, same kind of music, same kind of the same feeling, and after reading the gospels and the book of Acts, you know, I knew that’s not how they worshipped 2000 years ago, I kind of knew, hey, I’m, I don’t think I’m in the right church.”
Searching for something he felt “embodied the teachings and practices of the early Christians”, in 2018 he found St Ignatius Orthodox Christian Church near his home in Mesa, Arizona.
The father of two, who has since left the military, was baptised the following year.
His Instagram page is filled with images showing off his muscular physique alongside quotes from Bible verses.
Mr Castillo is open about his faith with his thousands of online followers and receives scores of messages from young men interested in the Orthodox church.
He believes part of the surge in men converting to the Orthodox church is a rejection of the “feminisation” of other denominations.
“It’s unfortunate that feminism has kind of sunk its teeth into all of our organisations to include Christianity,” he said.
He said that at Protestant churches, the majority of the leaders “aren’t good, strong men”, whereas the Orthodox church leaders are more like “father figures”.
He said: “They look like men. They look like fathers, they’re strong, spiritually, mentally, physically... I think young men right now are yearning to follow a good father.”
Jesus Christ, he thinks, is the “perfect example of masculinity”, someone capable “of calling down all of Heaven’s armies to destroy his enemies” but who instead chose to serve others.
“I’m very comfortable with physicality and because of my Orthodox faith, I’m also very comfortable at just, you know, being soft and kind... but being capable also of violence towards, you know, those who would do harm to those I love... I think young men, too, they want that.”
Father Paul Truebenbach agrees that part of what is drawing young men to the Orthodox church is because they “naturally want to be masculine, in the most positive sense of the word”.
Fr Truebenbach, who was the priest Mr Ryan watched on YouTube video when he was looking into Orthodoxy, has seen the number of converts in his congregation triple since the pandemic. Most of these are single, young men in their 20s.
“It’s a tougher form of Christianity... I think a lot of men have embraced that and realised this is a form of self-denial with real results that actually brings peace and joy to the heart like nothing else”, said Fr Truebenbach, of Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Salt Lake City.
He said that men in his parish have started taking cold plunges, as well as making their fasts more extreme to push themselves.
Father Timothy Pavlatos, who leads St Katherine Greek Orthodox Church in Chandler, Arizona, agrees that the “challenge” of the Orthodox church appeals to many young men.
“Orthodoxy is challenging in the physical sense too, and it requires a lot... they live in a world where it’s instant gratification and just take what you want, what you feel you want, what you think you need, Orthodoxy is the opposite of that, it’s denying yourself.”
Whereas before the pandemic a maximum of six people would convert annually, this year he currently has 29 catechumens – people studying the Orthodox faith.
Of these, he said, the majority found the church online.
He had to enlist volunteers to help with the “tsunami of people coming in” and they are looking at starting new Orthodox churches nearby.
Dr Sarah Riccardi-Swartz, an assistant professor of religion and anthropology at Northeastern University, whose research looks at recent Orthodox converts in the US, said that she started seeing an increase in people seeking out Orthodoxy from 2016.
She said this increased “dramatically” during the pandemic, to what she refers to in her upcoming book as the “Covid conversion period”.
Dr Riccardi-Swart said: “We were at home for a lot of 2020 and even some of 2021, people had time to create content and find content online, and we saw in that period the rise of young males and males in general, who were Orthodox or interested in becoming Orthodox, creating content for people to find Orthodox.”
She said part of the appeal to young men is there is a phenomenon called “muscular Christianity” and the desire for “a sort of strong-man religion”, which she said is not unique to Orthodoxy.
“You have people finding Orthodoxy and saying, ‘Hey, this is sort of masculine, this is militarised, this is really hard on my body, it’s aesthetically challenging”, she said.
But she added that alongside the language of strictness and militarisation, she has noticed “problematic ideological issues”, such as misogyny, voiced by some converts online.
It is hard to get an accurate picture of how many Orthodox Christians there are in the US because of a lack of data.
The most up-to-date figures are from 2010, when the Pew Research Center found that 0.5 per cent of the US population was Orthodox.
Seraphim Holland, a priest at the St Nicholas Orthodox Church in McKinney, Texas, has also witnessed the surge of converts in recent years.
His congregation has tripled in size since the pandemic, and the main temple cannot accommodate the 200 people who attend the church on Sundays, so there are now two services.
Most of the new converts found the church online and around 60 per cent are unmarried men.
Mr Holland said that one aspect that appeals to newcomers is that while other churches are being drawn into rows about cultural issues, such as debates around the LGBTQ community, the Orthodox church does not shift.
“I think there’s a lot with those sorts of things... society kind of goes to the new thing, and people feel pressured to believe the new thing, to talk about the new thing, to accept the new thing. We don’t feel that pressure”, he said.
He added: “We are not anti-LGBTQ... we are pro-Christian morality.”
One of the recent converts at Mr Holland’s parish is Longin, 23, who found his Protestant church started to feel “empty” to him.
The small-engine mechanic, who had been studying theology at the time, became interested in the Orthodox church when he began hearing about the “martyrs” who had been persecuted. This, combined with the world “shutting down” during the pandemic, prompted him “to look for something that gave me that same drive, which I guess the evangelical church didn’t really have”, he said.
“You have the worship, you know, the guitars and the drums and stuff, and then you sit down for a sermon, and then that’s kind of it, you know,” he said. This was in stark contrast to the Orthodox church in McKinney, Texas, where he found worshippers standing for lengthy services.
“I just went to go see and I haven’t really looked back since,” he said.
The Telegraph
Mind Games - play to win:
[A great composition by Patrick Bestall]
Pain means nothing. Ask a motorbike stunt rider. I listened to one on the news today, "Yeah, there's some bumps and bruises, but it's worth it". A skier could tell you the same thing. Getting a broken leg won't stop him from going for the thrill of the ride down the slope. A boxer takes a beating. A first year student joining a frat house takes a hazing. A soldier submits to the pain of Boot Camp. A monk accepts solitary confinement in a cell. A missionary accepts the unknown. Why? All for the joy set before them. It's a mind game they play to win.
A good experience can seem awful. Ask someone to eat a worm. It's actually nutritious. Ask someone who was convinced they didn't sleep when they actually did (a University of Oxford sleep study monitored them). Ask the woke snowflakes who break down in tears and anger when Trump wins an election. Ask theater goers who sat comfortably munching on popcorn while being filled with fear or horror watching the Exorcist.
It's all about "framing". Those who don't mind pain have framed the experience in the same picture that contains a reward. Those who fear the worst, even though they have no reason to fear, have framed the experience with no reward in the picture. Their mind-frame is so small they won't let reality enter the picture.
I'll give you another example. "Reframing" is when you change the picture in the frame. I have a friend who was bothered by nightmares from a child trauma experience. A social worker suggested he consider the experience to be an animal he could befriend, like a cat. It didn't work. It became an angry cat. I prayed with my friend to use a "holy net" to capture the cat and carry it away, just like I once prayed to bind the "strong man" and cast him out. It worked. My wife had horrible trauma-based memories too and she'd put them in an imaginary TV where she could turn down the volume, and eventually just change the channel.
Here's another example of Reframing. I used to be kept awake by my wife's snoring. Then I noticed the dog, who slept on the floor on her side of the bed. Her snoring didn't bother him. He took comfort from it, from her close presence. So I mentally imagined how he must be thinking. It worked. That's like a dripping tap that keeps you awake because you frame it as needing to be fixed. But water dripping on your tent during a shower is framed as something natural and it doesn't keep you awake.
Good hypnotists or CIA mind controllers can get you to shoot someone if they reframe it to convince you it's play-acting or a good deed for your country.
Each time you read the bible the scripture gets reframed. Typically, the first time it's from the perspective of things in your past. You see what you did wrong. Second time, as it applies to your current activities and problems. Third time you're apt to apply what you're reading to the future, to avoid mistakes and help others plans.
So, there are many ways to frame and reframe things, changing the size of your frame to include or exclude more factors, changing the time frame, and perspective. Try looking at things through someone else's eyes. What "if you walked a mile in their shoes"? What if you were working for the CSIS security services and placed on assignment overseas as a mole doing menial work to get close to your target. Would you care about the attitude of those employed around you? If you were inside Jesus what would be on his mind as he looked at the day ahead through your eyes? (That's double framing.)
I tried this once and realized that I was wasting both my talents and his, and I decided it would be better to forget about mine so Jesus could take responsibility for how my life turned out. Even if my life went nowhere like some of the martyrs and saints who suffered alone for years, it would be God's responsibility to make it pay off somehow. Jesus' mother lived that kind of life. Many a mother lived like that and was lucky to see her prayers pay off. That's called framing someone else's life. It's not always all about you. Jesus made this clear when he said in so many words, "Whatsover you do unto others, do it as unto me". Frame his life and there's no pain or fear that can leak from your life into his which is full of supernatural peace and joy. His frame of mind will keep it out.
As I write this, I can hear an annoying sound coming through the floor that sounds like shooting in a video game. It won't bother me because I'm reframing it to be the sound of a ship's engine, a ship ride I've paid dearly to enjoy.
Thank you,
RUMOURS Circulating out there...:
I may not agree with everything from the content producers I share. Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content !
You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!
What we think that we know...
Terrorist Threats in Washington DCWashington D.C. On Lockdown with Fences, 11, 800 National GuardGeneral Flynn Recommending a Private Inauguration For Trump’s Safety
10 Days of Communication Darkness Set to BeginOn Inauguration Day Mon. 20 Jan. 2025
Note: As of Wed. 1 Jan. 2025 the bankrupt US Corp. was defunct, Donald Trump was still Commander-in-Chief of the Republic while restoring American’s sovereignty, Maritime Law was dead in the water and because of Bomb Threats, Washington DC was placed on Lockdown with 7,800 National Guard, 4,000 officers surrounding the city: BREAKING: D.C. ON LOCKDOWN – 7,800 NATIONAL GUARD SOLDIERS – 4,000 OFFICERS – FENCES INSTALLED – – American Media Group
[Content Redacted]
Since Wed. 1 Jan all Banks and eight billion people have been transitioning into the Quantum Financial System.
According to leaked documents the Jan. 1 2025 ISIS Terrorist Attacks were orchestrated by the FBI. FBI Whistleblowers were exposing a cover up machine, CIA Mind Control and deliberate FBI & CIA targeted incidents to cause chaos.
A CIA Insider has released an Obama plot using the CIA to plant thousands of ISIS Cells across the US.
A Chemtrails Pilot has revealed a plot by the CIA to blanket the World in “Death Fog” in a plan to k**l billions in 2025!
· RFK Jr. is exposing the truth they never wanted you to hear: fluoride in your water is poisoning America. IQ loss, bone cancer, thyroid damage, and even spiritual suppression through pineal gland calcification – the dangers are undeniable. And yet, public health officials have stayed silent for decades.
· Sun. 5 Feb. 2025: Over 200,000 Military Troops Mobilized for 10 Days of Truth, Global Arrests, Deep State Raids. Military units in Eastern Europe, South America, and Southeast Asia have launched aggressive raids on bio-labs, underground bunkers, and secret data hubs.
· Dr. Robert Malone, world renown chemist credited with inventing Myrna Technology, revealed how the Pharmaceutical Industry plans to vaccinate people without their consent by putting it in the food supply.
· Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet.Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.
· Fight To Save Our Constitution. Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court: Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
· Help Save T******d Kaitlynn and Let Her Go Home!!! GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!
· Give a Little, Help a Lot: A Family In Desperate Need of Help:
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025 Situation Report (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 5, 2025 – The US Military News
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Global Currency Reset. Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 – Largest Transfer of Wealth in Human History… – – American Media Group
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2024 Situation Report: Byington Bombshell Report: Update Sun. 5 Jan. GCR Mon. 6 Jan. means Trump Inaugurated To President of American Restored Republic? | Politics | Before It’s News
· Sat. 4 Jan. 2025 Situation Report (video): JAN6 DEM PROTESTS, AMENDMENT 14, CIA/FBI, ISIS ATTACKS, CIVIL WAR, CHINA PANDEMIC 2.0
Possible Timing:
· Fri. 17 Jan. GESARA Announcement: President Trump told banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt starting Fri. 17 Jan. 2025 with the national debt already taken care of by switching to the QFS, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Jan 2025. …Gesara DurPreusse on Twitter Sun. 12 Jan. 2025.
· Mon. 20 Jan. Red Folder EAS/EBS Project Odin/Starlink: Project Odin, controlled by the military will run a major broadcast revealing governmental, banking, and military corruption across ten countries, potentially making this one of the most pivotal days in history.
· Mon. 27 Jan. 2025: The first Med Beds will be introduced to the public, bringing hope and healing to millions. These advanced technologies will begin their initial rollout, prioritizing those in critical need and children suffering from long term illnesses.
· Wed. 29 Jan. 2025: Global Healing Centers equipped with Med Beds begin operations in strategic locations worldwide. Training programs will be launched to educate specialists in this life-changing technology.
· Fri. 31 Jan. 2025: Public demonstrations of Med Bed capabilities will be broadcast globally, showcasing their potential to restore health, reverse aging and eradicate disease. A new standard of well being will be established, redefining humanity’s relationship with Healthcare.
· Mon. 3 Feb. 2025: An international Med Bed Access Program is announced, ensuring equitable distribution and usage. Leaders affirm that every individual, regardless of status or location, will have the right to healing and restoration.
· Wed. 5 Feb. 2025: Global tribunals begin, holding Big Pharma Executives and their collaborators accountable for Crimes Against Humanity. Reparations are announced, including the funding of new Health care programs and access to innovative treatments for all.
· Fri. 7 Feb. 2025: Health Freedom is declared. Countries around the World announce plans to dismantle corrupt medical systems, ensuring that profits will never again take priority over human well being.
· Mon. 10 Feb. 2025: People begin to learn about natural healing methods, suppressed alternatives and the science of true wellness. Humanity begins to reclaim it’s health and power.
· The fall of Big Pharma: marks the end of decades of manipulation and suffering. A new path forward is being forged, one built on truth, transparency and care for every individual. The future of healthcare has arrived.
· End of March 2025: The outdated US Fiat Dollar will cease to exist, replaced by a new standard rooted in transparency and equity.
· Mon. 26 May 2025 Memorial Day: Q Post 3387 on July 9, 2019 said we have six more years (before the changeover to a Restored Republic) = Memorial Day 2025. President Trump announced that he will organize a massive celebration commemorating the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Independence of 1776 that will start on Memorial Day and continue into July 4th, 2025.
Global Currency Reset:
· Mon. 6 Jan. 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially be activated Worldwide. This secure, transparent and decentralized system will replace the old banking structure, ensuring fairness and equality for all …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
· Iraqi Dinar to be active on the Forex on Tues. 7 Jan. 2025:
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025 Norman: An international banker has confirmed that Iraq Banks are online and the World will experience an economic shift by Mon. 20 Jan. 2025:
· Sat. 4 Jan. 2025: CBI has stopped auctions, Dinar Rate has stabilized: Iraqi Dinar Iraqi Dinar Rate Stability and RV Done Now Iraqi Dinar Latest News Iraqi Dinar Today
· Sat. 4 Jan. 2025 MAJEED: The CBI will be back on Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 after the reevaluation happens! … to manage liquidity for the currency after being on Forex like India and Egypt. “The Authority emphasizes its efforts to regulate the market, enhance transparency, and foster public and private sector participation. The event marks the beginning of a promising year for the Iraqi stock market.” All that happening on Tues. 7 Jan. 2025. And no, they do not have to wait for the stock market to open because Forex is an international market that does not depend on the stock market of the country to be open. They already adjusted the payroll and they will start paying the salaries on Sun. 5 Jan. 2025 based on the new rate. If people getting less money without knowing that rate has changed inside the country, they will go insane, so the government will announce.
· On Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 the Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially be activated Worldwide.
· Thurs. 2 Jan. 2025 Frank26 and WalkingStick: Iraq’s foreign minister was in DC and gave the new Dinar Rate to the US Treasury. The US has now been paid in full and has lifted the remaining sanctions on the Iraqi Banks!
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: BQQM! Declassification of Information: NESARA GESARA, White Hats, Quantum Financial System (QFS), and Banking Cartels! – – American Media Group
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: QFS NEWS: All Banks are Transitioning Over Into the QFS – Start Getting Hold of the ISO 20022 XLM and XRP – 8 Billion People Will Inevitably Transition to the QFS – – American Media Group
Restored Republic:Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: EBS Shockwave Incoming: Over 200,000 Military Troops Mobilized for 10 Days of Truth, Global Arrests, Deep State Burns, and GESARA’s Wealth Transfer Begins! – Gazetteller
· The number of troops deployed globally has surged to over 200,000 in the last two weeks.
· These forces are not only securing infrastructure but actively dismantling DS strongholds in real time.
· Military units in Eastern Europe, South America, and Southeast Asia have launched aggressive raids on bio-labs, underground bunkers, and secret data hubs.
· Reports from credible sources indicate that several bio-labs in Siberia and Antarctica have been seized.
· These labs, allegedly producing advanced bioweapons, were slated for deployment in 2025 as part of the DS’s last-ditch effort to regain control through another manufactured pandemic.
· Evidence collected at these sites will be among the revelations presented during the EBS broadcast.
· Underground Tunnel Networks: The Cabal’s Darkest Secret: Military forces have uncovered sprawling underground tunnel networks beneath major cities, some of which span continents. These tunnels, often disguised as abandoned subway projects or forgotten Cold War bunkers, housed the DS’s most heinous operations.
· In Paris, a shocking discovery was made beneath the Eiffel Tower: an elaborate subterranean facility used for t*********g children and storing sensitive DS documents. Similar tunnels have been exposed under Rome, Sydney, and Chicago. Videos from these locations are being compiled for the EBS broadcast and will include footage of children being rescued and horrifying evidence of exploitation. The world will not be able to unsee these atrocities.
Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: Patriots Prepare: January 20 EBS Confirmed – 10 Days of Darkness Incoming, The Day the Cabal Falls, Trump’s Return Guaranteed! …Julian Assange on Telegram
· The events of January 2025 are hurtling us toward a seismic shift. New leaks show the Deep State is in a panic, scrambling to cover its tracks while the Alliance strikes back. This is not just a battle—it’s the dawn of our victory.
· The Truth About CERN: A Gateway to Control CERN, once hailed as a beacon of science, is now exposed. Whistleblowers reveal it’s not just a lab; it’s a portal to other dimensions. The elites used this for dark purposes, tapping into otherworldly powers. But no more—the Alliance is shutting it down, turning CERN into a force for good.
· Antarctica, The Forbidden Continent: Unveiled Hidden under the ice of Antarctica are bases and ruins from ancient, advanced civilizations. The Deep State exploited these for decades, hoarding life-changing tech. But the Alliance is now in control, set to unveil wonders that could transform our world.
· The Banking Collapse That Wasn’t an Accident: Leaked emails show the global banking collapse was a setup by the elites to enslave us under a digital currency. But their plans were foiled by the Quantum Financial System, which saved countless assets from their greedy hands, redistributing wealth back to the people.
· The Lunar Shadow War Secrets Revealed: The Moon is more than a natural satellite—it’s a control center. The dark side hides bases used to manipulate us, but recent Alliance raids have freed us from this bondage. Technologies recovered are set to liberate and enhance human abilities like never before.
· Global Weather Manipulation: The HAARP Conspiracy Confirmed HAARP was real—used by the Cabal to wreak havoc through controlled disasters. Now, under Alliance command, HAARP’s tech will be used to heal and prevent disasters, taking back control from the corrupt.
· The Real Reason for the Communication Blackout The upcoming January 20 EBS blackout is crucial—it blocks a planned AI cyberattack by the Cabal. Starlink’s AI has neutralized this threat, ensuring safety and control during the blackout.
· The Vatican’s Hidden Agenda: Time Travel Exposed The Vatican hid a device, the Chronovisor, which manipulated timelines. Recovered by the Alliance, it will now be used to correct our history, freeing us from elite distortions.
· What Comes Next: A Call to Action Stay alert and informed. Prepare for the blackout and support the Alliance. The rebirth of humanity is underway. The Deep State’s end is near, and a new era of freedom is on the horizon. Stand strong, patriots. The Golden Age is almost here.
The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States ( How To Save America | Republic for USA (
Wars and Rumors of Wars:
The Real News for Sun. 5 Jan. 2025:
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: Joe Biden awarded George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The Prime Minister of Hungary literally exposed the document proving George Soros is behind the global illegal migrant invasion. At least 106 American citizens have been murdered by the illegals Soros imported since Joe Biden took office.
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025 Corvallis Oregon: Train Crash into Marys River as Trestle Fails:
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: JENNIFER ANISTON ARREST: FIRST INDICTMENT [UNSEAL] Will Trigger Mass Pop Awakening. First Arrest Will Verify Action and Confirm Future Direction. Friends = END. – – American Media Group
· William Rodríguez, famously dubbed “The Last Man Out,” was a janitor on 9/11 who heroically saved lives by unlocking doors with a master key. However, when he began speaking about explosions in the basement before the planes hit, he was swiftly ignored and even pressured by the FBI to stay silent. Despite his firsthand account, his testimony was never included in the 9/11 Commission Report.
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: YOU’RE THE TARGET: The WHO’s Biometric and DNA Surveillance Agenda Is HAPPENING – This Is the Fight for Humanity’s Future! – Gazetteller
· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: BQQM! Join Me On Another Red Pill Journey! Breaking the Illusion: The Hero’s Journey in The Truman Show – A Quest for Truth and Freedom – Truman Must Follow the White Rabbit! Enjoy The Show! – – American Media Group
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Sun 5 Jan. 2025 RFK Jr. Declares War on Fluoride in U.S. Water …David Wilcock on Telegram
· RFK Jr. is exposing the truth they never wanted you to hear: fluoride in your water is poisoning America. IQ loss, bone cancer, thyroid damage, and even spiritual suppression—the dangers are undeniable. And yet, public health officials have stayed silent for decades.
· “Fluoride is an industrial waste,” RFK Jr. declared, tearing apart the long-running narrative that it’s a health benefit. In reality, this toxic byproduct of aluminum and fertilizer industries has infiltrated our water under the guise of dental health. But the studies are clear: fluoride isn’t saving your teeth—it’s stealing your future.
· IQ Loss and Brain Damage: RFK Jr. sounded the alarm on fluoride’s impact on intelligence: “It causes dramatic IQ loss, particularly in unborn fetuses.” Research proves it. Prenatal fluoride exposure leads to cognitive impairments in children, stripping them of their potential before they’re even born.
· Spiritual Assault: Fluoride doesn’t stop at harming your body—it invades your very mind. By calcifying the pineal gland, it cuts off your connection to higher awareness. “It’s the part of our brain that creates spiritual feelings,” RFK Jr. explained. This isn’t just a health issue; it’s an existential threat.
· Bone Cancer and Fractures: Prolonged fluoride exposure weakens bones, increasing the risk of fractures and deadly bone cancer. Meanwhile, your thyroid—the gland regulating your metabolism—is under siege, leading to fatigue, weight gain, and depression.
· The Great Fluoride Scam: It all started in the 1940s. Industries needed a way to dump their toxic waste—and we became their dumping ground. They sold fluoride as a health miracle while laughing all the way to the bank. But RFK Jr. isn’t fooled.
· “We already get fluoride in toothpaste. We don’t need it in our water,” he said. And yet, fluoride continues to flow—because it’s profitable. Follow the money, and you’ll see who’s really benefiting: chemical manufacturers, Big Pharma, and corrupt officials.
· A Nation at Risk: Millions of Americans drink this poison daily, unknowingly putting their health—and their children’s futures—on the line. The evidence is clear. The solution is simple. “Just get the fluoride out of the water,” RFK Jr. demands.
· This is a Fight for Freedom: This is bigger than health—it’s about reclaiming control. Fluoridation is a violation of your rights, your body, and your mind. RFK Jr. is leading the charge to end this toxic legacy, but he can’t do it alone.
· It’s time to rise up. Demand accountability. Fight for a fluoride-free America. The future of our children, our health, and our nation depends on it.
Sun. 5 Jan. 2025 Shadow of Ezra on Telegram
· White Hats took control of major corporations right after [they] were caught stealing the 2020 election.
· Blackrock, Statestreet, and Vanguard along with twitter 1.0 were the first to be confiscated.
· The Blackrock Aladdin AI system manages 6 trillion USD in portfolios… all this data was used to confiscate other major corporations, NGOs, etc… the money trail led everywhere.
· When Trump toured the Globe in 2017every world leader was confronted and told the terms, surrender or else.
· BRICS+ Sovereign Alliance is the new COG enabled global command center.
· BRICS+ Sovereign Alliance has laid waste to NATO, UN, WEF, WHO, ABCDE
· The last 8 years we saw the destruction of these world governance bodies one at a time, little by little… White Hat narrative Deployment after another… slowly revealing [them] for [their] true nature.
· So when you hear “Putin has taken control of Ukraine’s largest lithium deposit,” understand what is at play here. Putin, BRICS+ Spokesperson, announced the US seized Ukraine’s lithium deposits.
Sun. 5 Jan. 2024 Bombshell: Snowden Exposes HAARP’s Sinister Agenda! …Ben Fulford on Telegram
· Edward Snowden’s explosive revelations have uncovered the horrifying truth behind HAARP, the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Once thought to be a benign research facility, HAARP is now exposed as a weapon of mass control—a tool used by the Deep State to manipulate weather, assassinate enemies, and control minds globally.
· The Weapon Hidden in Alaska: Located in Gakona, Alaska, HAARP operates a 36-million-watt antenna array that manipulates the ionosphere under the guise of scientific research. According to Snowden, it is actually used to target individuals and nations, causing “natural” deaths like strokes and heart attacks or destabilizing entire regions through weather manipulation.
· Global Mind Control: Snowden revealed that NATO employs HAARP to suppress dissenters, making them act irrationally or insane, discrediting their voices. These waves can even induce homicidal delusions—a terrifying method used to silence opposition.
· Verified Evidence: Snowden provided documents from top military officials, confirming HAARP’s dark capabilities. These revelations align with earlier claims by whistleblowers like Nick Begich, who described HAARP’s ability to manipulate emotional states as disturbingly easy.
· Worldwide HAARP Installations: HAARP facilities aren’t limited to Alaska. Similar sites in Sweden, Russia, and other nations extend this weapon of mass destruction globally. The U.S. military and corporations like BAE Advanced Technologies are complicit in this international conspiracy.
· The Fight for Truth: This is more than a conspiracy; it’s a war for humanity. HAARP isn’t just about controlling the weather or targeting enemies—it’s about enslaving minds, destroying agriculture, and dictating the future of nations.
· Will You Stay Silent?: The Deep State thrives on secrecy, and HAARP is its ultimate weapon. It’s time to demand transparency, accountability, and an end to HAARP’s sinister operations. The clock is ticking, and humanity’s survival is at stake.
· The Storm is here. Will you rise, or will you let the Deep State control your future?
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