Monday 3-27-23
Verse(s) for today:
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:17 KJV
Iron sharpeneth iron; So, a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17 KJV
Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10 KJV
Thought(s) for the Day:
Pastor – Jack HIBBS:
“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” Colossians 2:8
Caring parents teach their kids the phrase “stranger danger.” It’s not that they’re paranoid or want them to be afraid of everybody, just cautious and safe. Spiritually speaking, adults should adopt that same level of caution. When new people come into our lives, it is wise to get to know their doctrine before we form spiritual bonds. Believer, it is important to be on guard. False teachers don’t say, “Hey, I’m here to lead you astray.” Heresy never presents itself like that. It’s more like a virus—small, easily shared, and sometimes deadly.
Viruses need a living organism to survive, making every human just another opportunity to covertly infiltrate, duplicate, and dominate. Once inside, a virus hijacks the host’s cells and spreads its infection—a tactic that resembles that of false teachers. It’s an ugly word picture, but an effective one. Doctors say washing your hands is the easiest way to ward off a virus. Water won’t dilute the pathogen, but it doesn’t allow it to stick. Likewise, if you saturate yourself in the whole counsel of God, deception will not stick. You can fight off false doctrine by cleansing your mind and heart with the pure water of the Word of God. Read it, study it, memorize, and pray it into your life. Also, make a point of talking about what you’ve learned with like-minded believers, and you’ll recognize deception for what it truly is—an attack upon your soul. Awaiting His Return,
Christians today face growing challenges to prove that their faith is credible. Josh McDowell's Evidence That Demands a Verdict defends the faith, answering relevant questions posed by today’s culture.
[Pastor – Jack Hibbs]

VIEW this and understand the Falseness in the ‘Green’ New World! Find out the TRUTH for yourself!
[Richard Phillips]

The key points being made in this analysis of the so-called "pro-Palestinian" movement and groups are:
1) Inviting leaders of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups to speak at their events and participate in protests like "Israel Apartheid Week" shows that these groups do not actually care about helping Palestinians or improving their lives. Their real aim is to spread hate and lies against Israel.
2) By empowering and mainstreaming terrorist groups, these "pro-Palestinian" activists are causing greater harm to Palestinians, not helping them. These terror groups are oppressing Palestinians and misusing resources and funds for weapons and tunnels, not building schools, hospitals and improving livelihoods.
3) These groups never condemn Hamas for human rights abuses and repression of Palestinians. They do not actually care about Palestinian rights, freedoms and welfare. They only want to eliminate Israel.
4) Accusing them of being "pro-Palestinian"
To read the details, please go to this LINK:
[Gate Stone Institute]

We've got some more totally normal Biden family stuff here guys
That's Hunter's niece, Natalie Biden, smiling for the camera while snuggling with a sleeping Hunter, who, in case you forgot, is a proven degenerate sexual deviant.
That's a screen shot from this video.The teeth, nose, and widow's peak are unmistakable.
Hunter's laptop was left at the computer repair shop in 2019. Natalie was born in 2004. So assuming this picture was taken in the prior year or two, Natalie would have been 13 or 14.
Hey, what uncle doesn't sleep with his 14-year-old niece? What man in his late 40s wouldn't sleep with the young teen daughter of his recently deceased brother while dating that recently deceased brother's wife?
Totally normal stuff, guys! At least for the Biden family, it is!
By the way, Natalie's mother eventually tried to stop Hunter from being able to see her, which he was very upset about. Just more normal stuff, I'm sure.
[Hunter Biden]

What Really Happened on J6 – Mindy Robinson
Via Mindy Robinson:
As someone who was at J6, what was portrayed on TV couldn’t have been more vastly different then what happened in real life. The rally was peaceful until Capitol police started shooting flash bang grenades indiscriminately into the crowd causing mayhem, injury, and death. The biased two-tier justice system between patriots upset about a questionable election, and BLM rioters who set fire to the city just months earlier…have not gone unnoticed. Corrupt Congress members and their paid shills in the media blew up J6 to be an “attack on democracy” to run cover for themselves, and demonize anyone who dare question these criminals in DC, the unconstitutional covid tyranny they unrolled out, government censorship of citizens and journalists, and the highly questionable 2020 election we still haven’t gotten answers for. Now that Elon has freed Twitter, and given political discourse a new life…we have a chance to expose what really happened that day, and why the powers that be lied about it.
You can find me uncensored on GAB @AmericanAFMindy Twitter @iHeartMindy and please check out my Rumble page and new series in America. [Mindy Robinson]

David YEO:
F@K!ng $p@c3 (3 Min)
Th3 T$un@M! 0f D3@TH$ !s H3r3 (8 Min)
$p@n!$h $0cc3r PL@y3r Ru$h3d +o H0$p!T@L (1 Min)
0Z: $ch00L$ DoubL!ng D0wn 0n CL!m@T3 F3@r-Mong3r!ng (9 Min)
$0ng: J@B Tw0 T!m3$ (3 Min)
B3Y0nd Th3 R3$eT: An!MaT!0n (24 Min)
2 Yrs Ago: Dr. Andr3W 0n $h3dd!ng (6 Min)
UK: H!ghL!ghT$**MP's V@XX $p33ch (4 Min)
!n$id3 Th3 Ec0n0m!c R3$3T**Th3 Fed C0!N (7 Min)
International forks in the road (cliffhangers):
[Patrick Bestall]
Full newscast is 22 minutes. Lots of controversial decisions being made.

[Patrick Bestall]
Maxime shoots back:
People's Party war of words with the Conservatives about foreign policy:
“Pierre needs to explain why he promotes globalist policies like unrestricted mass immigration, and why he supports the Paris Climate Accord,” Bernier said.
“Both of these policies are crucial pieces of the United Nations globalist agenda.”
Bernier noted that his past comments about “communist China” were from his 2016 Conservative leadership campaign.
He said that he “discarded that policy long ago.”
“Since he founded the PPC, we have always taken a hardline stance against China,” he said.
Bernier then said that if Poilievre and other Canadian “establishment” politicians were not so focused on fighting “unnecessary foreign wars in Ukraine,” they could take “real threats like Communist China seriously.”
As for his attending the Davos summit in 2008, he clarified in a video that he was there “as Foreign Affairs Minister.”
Recently, Bernier said that Canada should not be involved in “proxy war between the US and Russia.”
[Patrick Bestall]

Novak Djokovic hit CNN with one answer that left them floored:
For the details, please go to the LINK above…
Based on the summary, here is what I understand: Novak Djokovic is currently tied with Rafael Nadal for the most grand slam singles titles in tennis history with 22 each. Djokovic missed out on two major tournaments this year - the Australian Open and U.S. Open - due to COVID-19 restrictions and entry policies. Djokovic chose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 due to his diet and fitness regimen. As a result, he was deported from Australia prior to the Australian Open and barred from entering the U.S. to compete in the U.S. Open due to President Biden's vaccine mandates. Though Djokovic said he has no regrets about his decision, he expressed disappointment at losing the opportunity to compete in those tournaments, especially the U.S. Open which remains one of his most successful grand slam events. He hopes the policies will change by the 2023 U.S. Open.
[Un-Muzzled News]

Theories Surface About Fifth Airplane During 9/11 Attack:
A recently released documentary has raised doubts regarding United Flight 23 and if it was supposed to become the fifth plane used in the 9/11 attacks.
For details, see LINK above…
This is an interesting development regarding the possibility of United Flight 23 being the fifth plane intended for use in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The key points raised in the documentary and article include:
1) There were four suspicious passengers seated in first class, including a man wearing a burka and who appeared to have a bodyguard. Flight attendants reported witnessing these individuals.
2) The plane was delayed in taking off from the gate, and one of these passengers became agitated and demanded the plane take off immediately. This behavior seems unusual and concerning.
3) After the second plane hit the World Trade Center and flights were grounded, four open hatches were found on the plane's floor, indicating the plane may have been breached. However, the hatches were supposed to be shut and the plane locked up. This was seen as suspicious.
4) Box cutters were found on a nearby plane but were seemingly placed on the wrong aircraft. [Main Street Press]

Easter musical (1 hr):
This is an amateur Baptist Church musical production, using an excellent script and musical score, better than the more expensive Easter musicals I've watched. I'd love to know who wrote it. 1 hour
If you want to do the original play script and music, you'd have to contact Faith Baptist Church in Hamilton New Jersey.
[Patrick Bestall]

WATCH: Biden FAA Pick Withdraws After GOP Exposes Inexperience:
Watch the VIDEO…
[Patrick Bestall]

Biden bombed Nord Stream to start war:
[Patrick Bestall]

Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND!
Sun. 26 March RV Intel Update Report, Scott Brunswick: This was going to be a long message but I was informed to keep it brief so I apologize in advance. So please do not inbox me wanting to know more.
· As of right now everything is in the hands of the security teams. The security teams will determine when all buttons are pushed in relations to everyone’s protection.
· The likelihood is for things to start on a Monday. There 26 facets to what that means.
· Those some 70 banks that were closed or dismantled was part of a huge operation do seize 1,000’s of cab@l accounts. That has been finally accomplished. All of those accounts have now been frozen with all of their assets moved into the hands of the right people. Eventually to we the people.
· The “R”, “SG”, “DODT”, and “MMT” (cannot mention the full names), trust accounts have these monies in them to fund the global population. This occurrence was done over the last two weeks and this is why it was very quiet as it had to be that way.
· The big banks have now been bought out by the proper channels and resume activity under the QF$ without any restrictions moving forward.
· Thank you Alliance, White Hats and other entities who choose now to stay anonymous. This is the news we have been wanting to hear for 100+ years. This is only 1/15 of what I can share. God is good is all I can say my friends-SB
