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Friday... The Week-end has arrived!

Friday 6 - [28]-24... 


Verses for today:


The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul:

Psalm 23:1-3 KJV


... while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV


... and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32 KJV


Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

Hebrews 4:11 KJV




It was a SHOCKING night for the DEMOCTRATS... Did you watch the BIDEN TRAIN-WRECK?

The DEMS have some hard decisions to contemplate as a RESULT of the BIDEN TRAIN-WRECK Performance.



Joe Biden Resorting To Clinton Support for Fundraiser Surge Amid Declining Campaign Enthusiasm:

President Biden significantly boosted his 2024 re-election campaign funds with an $8.1 million haul during a high-profile fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, assisted by former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Fox News reported that this event added to the over $40 million raised in recent high-profile fundraisers, further extending Biden's lead over Trump in overall fundraising.

The McLean fundraiser was hosted at the home of former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

The evening drew notable figures, including author John Grisham, and featured sharp criticism from Biden towards former President Donald Trump, whom Biden referred to as a "convicted felon" following Trump's recent 34 felony convictions.


Clintons Join Biden at Fundraiser

The high-profile event took place just three days after Biden made Democratic Party fundraising history by securing over $30 million at an event in Los Angeles. That record-setting fundraiser was attended by former President Barack Obama and various celebrities, marking an exceptional period of fundraising success for Biden’s campaign.


The recent fundraisers, comprising events in Virginia, Los Angeles, and California, have collectively raised over $40 million. These events have further solidified President Biden’s financial advantage over Trump in the race for campaign funds.

Despite the Biden campaign’s successes, it's noteworthy that Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) had outpaced Biden and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) earlier, raising $141 million in May.


Trump’s overall fundraising received a boost partly due to attention surrounding his criminal trial convictions, culminating in a reported $27.5 million gained during a trip through California and Nevada.

Biden’s recent Virginia fundraiser underscored the strength of his campaign’s financial backing. Former Governor McAuliffe’s residence provided the setting for the event, where President Biden continued to emphasize the theme of democracy being “on the ballot this year,” a sentiment he reiterated amid his critique of Trump.


Prominent Figures in Attendance

The presence of Bill and Hillary Clinton at the Virginia event highlighted their continuing influence within the Democratic Party. Alongside Biden, the Clintons drew significant attention to the fundraiser, boosting participation and donations.

Author John Grisham’s attendance also underscored the diverse array of support Biden’s campaign is garnering. The blend of political heavyweights and respected figures from other sectors contributed to the fundraiser's overall success.


The McLean fundraiser’s success came on the heels of Biden’s impressive Los Angeles event, where substantial contributions were secured thanks to the mobilization of key party figures and celebrities.

This momentum continued to add to Biden's lead over Trump in overall fundraising, crucial for maintaining campaign operations going forward.


Biden’s campaign, acknowledging the need for a robust financial base, has capitalized on the involvement of prominent Democratic figures. The Virginia event was a key part of this strategy, ensuring that the campaign remains well-funded and competitive.


Trump’s Fundraising Efforts

While Biden’s campaign highlighted its fundraising achievements, Trump’s camp has also demonstrated considerable fundraising prowess. The May performance of Trump’s campaign and the RNC positioned them ahead of Biden's efforts earlier in the race, emphasizing the competitive nature of both campaigns.

Trump’s financial boost, partly driven by recent legal controversies, showcases the diverse sources of campaign income. His reported $27.5 million earnings from a recent West Coast trip indicate significant backing from his supporter base, despite ongoing legal challenges.


The ability to consistently secure high fundraising totals plays a vital role in Biden's campaign strategy. As the presidential race heats up, maintaining a financial edge over Trump enables the campaign to sustain its activities and outreach efforts.

The involvement of prominent figures such as the Clintons signals the high stakes of the 2024 election and the strategic moves by Biden's campaign to leverage influential allies for fundraising success.



President Biden’s fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, marked a significant boost for his re-election campaign, raising $8.1 million with support from Bill and Hillary Clinton.

This event followed a record-setting $30 million fundraiser in Los Angeles and contributed to over $40 million raised in recent efforts.


Despite Trump's strong fundraising in May and a notable recent haul in California and Nevada, Biden's campaign has established a formidable financial lead with the help of prominent Democratic figures and diverse support. As the 2024 election approaches, both campaigns are demonstrating the critical importance of fundraising in securing a path to victory.

American Digest


Macron's "Civil War" Rhetoric:

Would they create false flag uprisings just to scare Le Pen voters into switching?  Or postpone elections like in the US?  That's a dangerous tactic... Oh what a tangled web we weave... When first we practice to deceive!

Patrick Bestall


'We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them,' the company noted.

Tractor Supply Company issued a statement announcing that it will stop sharing data with the Human Rights Campaign; nix diversity, equity, and inclusion positions; and ditch its carbon emissions goals. The Human Rights Campaign is a pro-LGBT advocacy group.

In the statement, the company listed five points, declaring that it will:

  • ·        "No longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign"

  • ·        "Refocus our Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring, networking and supporting the business,"

  • ·        "Further focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaign"

  • ·        "Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment,"

  • ·        "Withdraw our carbon emission goals and focus on our land and water conservation efforts"


BlazeTV host Lauren Chen summed up the development in a tweet, noting, "Tractor Supply is basically DISAVOWING wokeness."

'This response will have major ripple effects across corporate America...'

Robby Starbuck had called Tractor Supply out for promoting wokeness and urged people to respectfully reach out to the company to register their displeasure.


And Tractor Supply's statement on Thursday appears to indicate that the company, which describes itself as "the largest rural lifestyle retailer in the United States," faced public pressure to change course.

"This is a great victory for sanity in corporate America and the single most successful boycott of our lifetime," Starbuck told Blaze News in a statement. "Our 3-week campaign of reporting proved that we can make change happen and that we can enter a new era where the customer is king again instead of the woke bankers at Blackrock. Now every company has to wonder who will be exposed next.


If Tractor Supply truly makes these changes then I look forward to visiting my local store again so we can encourage similar behavior from other companies. Our eyes are on the prize to end wokeness and restore sanity… This was a great first step."

The BLAZE Media

Parents were stunned after a Federal Judge made a shocking move citing this Common Concern:

America has become more divided than at any other time in recent memory. 

Years of identity politics have divided many Americans along racial, political, and religious grounds. 

But parents were stunned after a federal judge made a shocking move, citing this common concern.


Federal judge sends a powerful statement after making this key decision 

Following the death of George Floyd in 2020, America erupted in violence and chaos. 

In addition to the widespread rioting, many school systems started teaching controversial “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) lessons. 


These lessons, which combine “woke” political messaging with Marxist themes, often tell children that all white people are “inherently” racist, among other disturbing claims. 

As the radical details of CRT lesson plans became public, some school districts and systems across America started pushing back against CRT. 

The state of Oklahoma, for example, passed HB 1775 in 2021, which bans the teaching of radical lessons such as CRT, among other things.


However, last week, U.S. District Judge Charles Goodwin issued a temporary injunction on certain parts of HB 1775. 

More specifically, Goodwin blocked the implementation of HB 1775, as well as a portion that prohibits universities from addressing racism or sexism during freshman orientation. 

Opponents of HB 1775 claim that the measure acts as a form of “censorship,” depriving students of the radical lessons taught in CRT programs. 


Democrat Oklahoma Representative Jacob Rosecrants recently echoed these concerns and expressed his support of radical far-Left policies like CRT to Tulsa’s KTUL News.

Rosecrants told the Tulsa-based media outlet, “You’re just not supposed to say anything that makes somebody feel uncomfortable about their race and their, and their sex. What are you, what are you even talking about when you’re talking about that? You’re talking about flat-out censorship.”


“This basically says, Hey, listen, this can’t be enforced while this is in litigation. So continue to teach the way that you were going to teach before,” the Oklahoma Democrat then stated. 

Similar accusations of censorship have emerged all across America in recent years, with those on the Left decrying the banning of books with LGBT and other “woke” themes. 


Supporters of these so-called “book-bans” and “CRT bans” often point out that these books and themes contain age-inappropriate stories and lessons, which they believe do not belong in schoolhouses. 


The recent news from Oklahoma demonstrates the Left’s persistence in protecting CRT 

As more school districts dabble in CRT lessons, the disturbing details of these lessons have increasingly emerged to the public. 

In many cases, these lessons teach students to glorify and seek out victimhood, consistently pointing the finger at white, Christian, conservative men. 

With this in mind, it should not surprise anybody on the left that such radical lessons would create a backlash amongst the people they attempt to vilify. 


Further litigation will determine the extent to which Oklahoma can control what goes into public school lesson plans, a right that states have enjoyed for many years. 

Unmuzzled News

Additional Corporate News:

Corporate America has largely abandoned the average American to embrace the petty causes of far-left special interest groups. But one company is taking a stand. Tractor Supply Co., a breath of fresh air and common sense in the midst of corporate insanity, says it has listened to the voices of its loyal customers and decided to reject the leftist agenda that has plagued so many businesses.

For too long, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have wreaked havoc on businesses, forcing employees into positions where they must either violate their conscience or face termination. DEI, as a movement and an ideology, has destroyed workplace morale, divided teams, and promoted a toxic culture of identity politics over merit and hard work.But Tractor Supply Co. is charting a different course. In a statement dated June 27, 2024, the company announced its commitment to serving the true American spirit—one that values hard work, community, and traditional values. The statement reads: …




Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors


RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!




From the information herein it’s assumed that matters regarding the Global Currency Reset and changeover to Restored Republics of the World is imminent.

The Military was waiting on the World Court for legalities according to Common Law, to be finalized between nations.

President Trump will soon be back and within 12 hours of his announcement, our World would begin changing.

Everything has been completed for NESARA/GESARA payouts including GESARA being announced through certain media, making it legal.

All debts of various nations including the US, have been settled using GESARA funds collected from the Cabal. GESARA has begun paying out in several countries, with the US payouts to citizens scheduled.

Payouts for the Global Currency Reset has been authorized, scheduled and reported.

Word was that right now some Tier 3 Zim Holders were in Reno meeting with their Wealth Managers and proceeding with the redemption process. The Pentecostal Group has already started to pay out their Group One.

On Thurs. 27 June the new Iraqi Dinar rate was available to citizens of Iraq through their debit cards and ATMs.

Iraq has scheduled an announcement of their new Dinar Rate by publication in their Gazette on Sat. 29 June, with the celebration scheduled for Sun. 30 June.

Very soon Tier4b was expected to begin exchanges in China, the process going across Asia and into Europe and then to the US.

The Pentecostal group will begin to pay out their Group Two on Thurs. 4 July – the same day the US will be celebrating Independence Day with major announcements expected.


You’ll Never Find the Following News in The Mainstream Media:

  • ·        Pentagon officials say that Pelosi asked them to stage a Military Coup against Trump.

  • ·        There were 16,000 MS13 gang members who were rounded up by the White Hats and shipped out of the US to a distant island.


  • Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA:Thurs. 27 June 2024 Bruce:

  • ·        All of my information tonight is coming from Iraq.

  • ·        Today one of our sources was at the Iraqi Airport in Baghdad and was able to use his Iraqi debit card to access funds. For him to do that he had to have the new Iraqi Dinar Rate.

  • ·        Today a source in Iraq said we would have the Iraqi Budget in the Gazette over this weekend.

  • ·        My sources say Tier 4b notification could come the last three days of this month – Fri, Sat or Sun. 28, 29, 30 June.

  • ·        Iraq was planning on celebrating their new Iraqi Dinar Rate on Sun. 30 June

  • ·        Trump was expected to return between July 1-5.

  • ·        We know SCOTUS has already made a decision on 2020 voter fraud and the announcement of such should come out at any time – which would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.

  • ·        The contract rate on the Dinar went up another dollar today. They will give that rate to you if you are a US citizen.

  • ·        We don’t know when this is going to go. My Iraqi contact said our time was coming in a matter of days.


Thurs. 27 June 2024 MarkZ: The new Iraqi Dinar Rate was not in the Wed. Gazette, but they did fully expect their new rate in the month of June. The country cannot function too long with the ATMs loaded with the new gold-backed Dinar Note. Banking contacts say it will happen sometime between July 4-8, while outsiders were saying July 12-13. ***[This EVENT keeps moving... like trying to stick jelly to a hot wall]... at some point it WILL HAPPEN!


Thurs. 27 June 2024 Wolverine:

  • ·        My contact in Brazil just called and said “We won. We won. They have stated paying out.”

  • ·        No one really knows when the RV is going to hit. It will come as a thief in the night.

  • ·        The people that I have spoken to are people that have high level contacts and they are not gurus or messengers.

  • ·        I received an audio from a friend which was a conversation of the paymaster and him and telling when his money is going to be deposited and how many dollars (which is a lot of zeros). That was real not a made up stories.

  • ·        Looks like things have started and/or ready to go.

  • ·        I received great news regarding Asia and the Philippines which will be going soon. All good news from Asia.

  • ·        I also have great news from my source in Brazil: “Good information – and the people in Brazil have indicated to you officially, by part of the table, they were notified that everything is as scheduled and everything reported has already been authorized.” Also, some people in Brazil are going around with Bibles and thanking God for everything. People are getting very emotional, and people are being told to remain grounded. So, emotions are high quite down there!

  • ·        I should receive Intel coming from Reno and hopefully get the news I have waited for. My associate has spoken to my Whale and said we are now closer than ever! He is waiting to get notified and waiting to go to Reno or whatever table he belongs to.

  • ·        We will get notified, hopefully, any day right now. We have been told that before the end of the month we will be able to hopefully celebrate.

  • ·        We heard from TNT saying that by Sunday we will celebrate, and all is lining up with Iraq.

  • ·        All this has been very hard and draining on me Thank you for all your support. One of the toughest roles I have ever done. I have been involved in many things prior to the internet, but when the internet came through the attacks started. I was confronted with unrelenting things I had never encountered before, and to think I was not even a leader. When I embarked on this spiritual journey, I never thought these things would occur as we are here to help humanity, not here just for ourselves, but to help our fellow man. Things from all fronts saying it is happening.

  • ·        My friend called, and it was an incredible emotional call, and he is getting really excited.

  • ·        I am sure this news I have given you will lift your spirits, and hopefully in a few hours, I will get some news from Reno, and if it is the news I am waiting for, then we will have an emergency live call and we will get Carpathia to talk with us.

  • ·        The Pentecostal group came out and it looks they have actually started to pay out Group One.

  • ·        The owner came out with a post saying they are going to start paying the Second Group by the 4th of July.

  • ·        Maybe Bruce got it right this time, as the notifications may come today, so keep an eye on your emails as they may pop up! Have a beautiful day, Wolverine

  • Wed. 26 June 2024 Texas Snake: Well it looks like Wolvie was right.

  • ·        The call confirmed what I had posted earlier plus indicated the exchange process will begin in China move eastward to Europe and then to the US.

  • ·        They anticipate a start soon but cannot confirm the exact start date.

  • ·        They are also positive we are almost there.


Global Financial Crisis:


Restored Republic:


TIC TOK Mr. Pool 2.0:

1. The military team worked from 24th to 26th May on NESARA/GESARA. The team was working on the party and the release of funds.

2. There was a soft announcement of GESARA.

3. We know timeframes of events, not exact dates.

4. The debts between nations have all been forgiven and wiped clean.

5. GESARA has started between all governments worldwide.

6. Foreign currency will not pay off debt, for currency will help you.

7. Social Security will not exist.

8. The money coming to everyone will come in structured payments up to $5000 for 60 and above. Possible time frame January 2025.

9. Everything is done. The military is waiting on the world court for all legalities to be finalized properly between nations according to common law.

10. The World Court are going over paperwork.

11. Nothing more needs to be done.

12. Disable seniors will get $7500

13. There’s no rules to get $7500

14. There’s 200 programs where everyone will get financial abundance according to GESARA.

15. Everything stolen will be returned 1000 times over and more.

16. This is the day of abundance that will blow your mind.

17. The military worked all night long and wanted US all to receive the abundance.

18. The military ARE IN CHARGE not President Trump or the White Hats.

19. The military are playing 5D chess with President Trump.

20. The military have to be strategic and meticulous in the execution of the final stages of the plan.

21. Stop attacking each other. Stop attacking Intel providers.

22. When you are angry and impatient you choose to stay in a negative energy field, you damage yourself.

23. On the 25th the military was working on NESARA all night long.

24. From the 24th to 26th NESARA the following was achieved: GESARA announced publicly under the US and it was made liquid. The money is flowing.

25. 1st to 4th get rid of a mindset of lack. Start thinking abundance.

27. GESARA was announced to select media outlets through the Starlink Satellite System.

28. GESARA was announced and this made it legal.

29. The process is slow because of the legalities.

30. 12th to 16th there is no can. We are waiting for the world court for the paperwork to be verified according to common law.

31. Cabal lies to banks and bankers found out they were angry. Some bankers quit their jobs because we are so close to the end of this.

32. 17th to 20th Michael/Michelle Obama IS NOT running for President.

33. Anything that is negative is a lie.

34. This is happening now not 2025.

35. January 1st Iraq becomes illegal as a legal tender in IRAQ.

36. The banks are getting ready for the RV and GCR.

37. So much IS happening and HAS happened.

38. President Trump will be back overnight.

39. Everything is imminent.

40. Everything changes within 12 hours after the announcement worldwide. (Donald Trump).


The Real News for Thurs. 27 June 2024:

  • ·        The Department of Homeland Security is reportedly identifying more than 400 migrants as ‘subjects of concern.’ The worry here is that they got into the U.S. through an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network. The location of dozens of these migrants–still a mystery.

  • ·        Thurs. 27 June 2024 Alert – Thousands in Outages:

  • ·        Thurs. 27 June 2024:

  • Thurs. 27 June 2024: Hunter Biden just received the bad news that made him lose his lunch | Informed American

  • ·        Wed. 26 June 2024: Trump just released a heartbreaking four minute compilation of the awful crimes committed by Biden’s illegal aliens. All of it is just from June 2024 alone.

  • ·        Thurs. 27 June 2024 America, If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer: Alabama Attorney General is repeatedly questioned whether Joe Biden is the “duly elected and lawfully serving” President of the United States. He would not say it in on the record in testimony. Over and over he omitted “duly elected and  lawfully serving”. He would not say it. This video is very telling.

  • ·        With All The Corruption Being Exposed Recently About The FBI, I’m Resharing This Video. It All Makes So Much Sense Now: “9/11 (September 11th, 2001) is the biggest lie of our lifetime — The FBI confiscated between 80 to 90 videos they have of what hit the Pentagon. The Pentagon, just so your viewers know, is the most heavily defended building in the world. The pilot who, allegedly was piloting the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, his name was Hani Hanjour, and he, according to the 911 Commission, was the worst pilot out of the bunch. Now they supposedly, were training on Cessnas. So he went to this flight school, and he was such a poor pilot that the instructors wouldn’t even certify him on flying a single engine propeller plane. Yet, he is supposed to have taken this commercial jet liner and done some aerobatic maneuvers to bring it in almost ground level and go into the side of the Pentagon. So at the time it had, an active, surface to air missile defense so they could shoot down incoming planes. There are more security cameras around the Pentagon even back then. The FBI confiscated between 80 to 90 videos they have of what hit the Pentagon. They won’t release it. Like I said, the more you investigate, the more you don’t wanna look at it. 911 is the biggest lie of our lifetime.”

  • ·        Thurs. 27 June 2024: BREAKING NEWS! The Great DNC Email Purge: All 20,000 Leaked Democratic National Committee Emails DELETED From Wikileaks Server – American Media Group (


Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

  • ·        Thurs. 27 June 2024 Danish authorities will levy €100 cow as the first tax on greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. According to the Financial Times, livestock accounts for 11% of global emissions, with cows producing almost two-thirds of them. I would like to remind everyone that CO2 accounts ONLY for 0,04% of the atmosphere and that human activity (including farming) accounts for only 3% of that 0,04%! The carbon emissions narrative is a total FRAUD to control and tax us to oblivion!


Thurs. 27 June 2024 Biden Crime Family:

  • ·        Since Joe Biden was Vice President, his family and their shell companies have hauled in $18 million from foreign sources.▪️ $7.3 million from China▪️ $4 million from Ukraine▪️ $3.5 million from Russia▪️ $1 million from Romania▪️ $1 million from Panama▪️ $142,300 from Kazakhstan (for a Porsche!)▪️ $1 million in other foreign payments

  • ·        Joe Biden met with nearly every foreign national funneling his family millions of dollars.▪️ Chairman of CEFC Ye Jianming▪️ Chinese Fund Executive Jonathan Li▪️ Burisma Corporate Secretary Vadym Pozharsky▪️ Russian Oligarch Yelena Baturina▪️ Kazakhstani Oligarch Kenes Rakishev

  • ·        Joe Biden’s son and brother have lied to Congress about his role in his family’s corrupt influence peddling schemes.▪️ Lie: Hunter Biden had no affiliation with the slush fund account that received foreign payments after foreign business associates met with then-Vice President Biden.▪️ Lie: Hunter Biden sent the threatening text to the wrong Chinese business partner invoking Joe Biden’s presence and expectations about payment.▪️ Lie: James Biden said Joe Biden did not meet with Tony Bobulinski while they were pursuing a deal with a Chinese Communist Party affiliated entity.

  • ·        We’ve referred Hunter and James Biden to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution for making false statements to Congress.

  • ·        We will continue to hold Joe Biden and his family accountable for their corruption.


Thurs. 27 June 2024 White Hat Intel:

  • ·        BIDEN will step down around August 19. Several sources including U S. Colonial Douglas Macgregor is setting this date. The CIA/DNC want BIDEN removed.

  • ·        In the next 3 months CIA/FBI are planning to stage a George Floyd like event to SPARK RACE WARS and this WILL be part of Obamas Plan to run on the Staged false flag event.

  • ·        The CIA/DNC Deep State Attorney Generals and courts are trying to set up Trump to be arrested after the debate Thurs. 27 June 2024. They are planning to use Gag Orders that are illegally in place. They are hoping Trump breaks the Gag Order.

  • ·        Deep State Attorney Generals and Courts are already filling arrest orders in the state of Georgia.

  • ·        The White Hat Intelligence knows that whatever happens on Thurs, Trump will be arrested in the next months.

  • ·        Trump must be out of harms way and cannot be connected to the Super Massive collapse that’s going to happen with the Near Civilization Death Events and near Civil War riots. Trump is highly protected by the Military Operations.

  • ·        You are watching Military Operations play out that were leading to 11.3 Laws of War Operations and protocol.

  • ·        The Russia Gate exposure is set in full motion. Paul Ryan had the Russian Dossier and knew it was all fake and a set up, but held the full papers.

  • ·        No panic in DC as White Hats are washing to expose Russia Gate and painting a picture of Treason.

  • ·        Treason: CIA operations were using SOROS money to create Secretary of State project to buy and elect Secretary of State officials to change voting rules and laws.

  • ·        Lots is happening Patriots, including the Federal Reserve being hacked by cyber attack. It’s a fake inside job and the Deep State is trying to attempt to use this false flag event to start Central Bank Digital Currency.

  • ·        Right now the feds are blaming Russian-linked gang claims on Federal Reserve hack – and their threats to release America’s banking secrets TODAY.

  • ·        Months ago I gave you this information so you could understand the Military White Hats know every stage of ALL OPERATIONS and counter measure and GAME THEORY OPERATIONS are in place.


2020 Election Fraud:

  • ·        There was a Sat. 9 Jan 2020 raid by US Military Special Op Teams on CIA Headquarters in Langley Virginia. The raid produced firm evidence that the CIA, Democrats and other traitors had conspired with foreign entities led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to interfere in the 2020 Election.

  • ·        For many years the Chinese Communist Party (not the Chinese government, which was working to become a democracy) had been involved in a takeover of America. That war culminated when just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Election, the CCP bought Dominion Voting machines that in collusion with the Democratic Party, CIA and Vatican, threw millions of Trump votes to Biden.

  • ·        Months prior to the 2020 Election Trump made sure every state was sent watermarked ballots in which to print names of those running in the 2020 Election. A Military count of those water marked 2020 Election Ballots later confirmed that Trump won in every state but one with an over 80% win.

  • ·        The CCP paid for and the CIA developed Smartmatic Software and Dominion Voting Machines while conspiring with the Vatican, Italian Government and other communist parties to throw Trump votes to Biden in the 2020 Election.

  • ·        Back in 2019 Biden’s actor knew the 2020 Election would be cooked and even said so in public, “We have put together the most comprehensive voter fraud organization in the history of politics and you guys did it for the Obama Administration also”: Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. (

  • ·        The Democrats were so confident of the set up for 2020 Election fraud that they had the Biden actor brag that he didn’t need US citizen votes to get elected: Joe Biden Tells Voters “I Don’t Need You To Get Me Elected” (

  • ·        Before the 2020 Election Ukraine Courts had ruled that Biden had stolen billions from their country:

  • ·        Even before that US Vice President Biden had bragged about blackmailing the Ukraine prosecutor: UKRAINE PRESS RELEASE ABOUT JOE BIDEN – Survivalist (

  • ·        On Thurs. 28 Jan. 2020 certain traitors in both the House and Senate recognized Trump as the acting US President when they voted, again, to try to impeach him. Under rules of the Constitution you could not impeach a US President if he didn’t presently hold the office.

  • ·        None of the 2020 Election Fraud tactics worked for the Democrats – but they didn’t know it. Within days of the fraudulent 2020 Election the US Military had completed and verified an official count of watermarked ballots that proved Trump won the election by an over 80% vote.

  • ·        At that point the Military decided to keep Biden in as a so-called president of the bankrupt US Inc. in order to charge them with the crimes they would commit. Obama had pardoned so many that they needed new crimes in order to convict them.

  • ·        Just prior to Biden’s pre-recorded-in-Hollywood-by-Castle Rock Entertainment Inauguration, Washington DC, Capitol Hill and the White House were secured within miles of barbed wire fences and 60,000 National Guard troops. Over a week later, over 30,000 troops and the barbed wire fencing remained.

  • ·        For the next two days after the Jan. 20 2021 Inauguration the Military was said to have gathered over 200 elected officials from various state governments. They were said to have taken them for a helicopter rides, forcing them to confess about crimes of treason in regard to foreign interference (including the Chinese Communist Party) in the 2020 Election.

  • ·        Early Mon. morning 25 Jan. 2021from 3am to 6am arrests of 80 to 140 Congress people were underway at Capitol Hill – after which Congress seemed to have disappeared. House cancels business during first full Biden week – Washington Times US Military at the White House Arresting Congress | Politics | Before It’s News

  • ·        The war between the CCP and the US actually ended on Thurs. 28 Jan. 2020.  Former Navy Intelligence officer Simeon Parkes reported a showdown in the South China Sea. The CCP had been trying to take over Taiwan. Taiwan was where gold was stored that would back countries including the US, for a Global Currency Reset. Parks said that there were air battles between America and Taiwan fighter jets against CCP jets and “the CCP lost big time.”

  • ·        The New World Order fans had lost their war. A banker source out of Zurich said they had promised to settle everything by Fri. 29 Jan.


Military Tribunals:

  • ·        Deep State Special prosecutor Robert Mueller was believed to have been charged for his involvement in the 9/11 cover-up (he was appointed FBI Director 7 days before 9/11 and oversaw 9/11 so-called “investigations”), plus he conducted an ongoing fake Russian witch-hunt against Trump.

  • ·        Earlier that Saturday morning 9 Jan. 2020 there had been two attempts on Trump and his wife Melania’s lives (there were said to have been twelve plus such attempts since he gained office). Trump had had enough. He immediately instigated the Insurrection Act (put into law by George Bush Jr. after 9/11), and then turned his authority over to the US Military.


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