Summary as I am able:
11-18-22 Friday
💥 💥

God’s WORD for TODAY!
And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.
Isaiah 60:3 KJV
The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; And his kingdom ruleth over all.
Psalm 103:19 KJV
The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
Psalm 19:7 KJV
💥💥💥 3 Cheers for Alberta (and more cheers coming):
Danielle Smith fires Alberta’s top doctor who pushed lockdowns, vaccine mandates
In a statement Monday, the Alberta government said Dr. Mark Joffe will take Hinshaw’s place in the interim.
EDMONTON, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — Alberta Premier Danielle Smith seems to have made good on a promise this week by firing the province’s pro-lockdown and pro-mandate Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Deena Hinshaw.
In a statement Monday, the Alberta government said Dr. Mark Joffe will take Hinshaw’s place in the interim. Joffe serves as the vice president and medical director for Cancer Care Alberta, Clinical Support Services, and Provincial Clinical Excellence for Alberta Health Services (AHS).
“Dr. Joffe’s interim appointment takes effect Nov. 14 and will continue until the minister of health rescinds the appointment. He will continue in his current contract with AHS, with no additional compensation for the chief medical officer of health role,” said the government.
The government noted that Joffe is an experienced health-care leader with a “lifelong passion and interest in the prevention of infectious diseases.”
While Smith has fulfilled her promise to axe Hinshaw, many have raised concerns that Joffe has been selected as her replacement, even temporarily, considering his history of supporting much of Hinshaw’s actions.
For example, during the COVID-19 so-called pandemic, Joffe was an ardent supporter of the experimental vaccines and went along with, and played a significant role in, the province’s response to the virus.
Joffe notably signed his name to a statement last year condemning the use of ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID. He also made strong statements in favor of the still experimental COVID injections, saying, “Go & get that third booster dose of vaccine as soon as you’re eligible.”
“If you’re an Albertan who is not yet vaccinated, you should run, not walk, to get vaccinated,” he said at the time.
It is unclear how long Joffe will serve in the role as chief medical officer, but Smith has noted previously that she is consulting with her team on revamping AHS from top to bottom.
While Joffe’s appointment does not seem to be a stark departure from Hinshaw, Smith has seemingly made fighting back against the mainstream political COVID narrative a top priority.
She recently made good on a promise to offer legal protections to those who choose not to get the COVID jabs, ordering her province’s minister of justice to draft a law prohibiting “discrimination” based solely on one’s injection status. Smith also banned any future mask mandates from returning to the province’s schools. [Life Site Media]

💥💥💥Canada's Euthanasia Law is a Moral Outrage: 💥💥💥
EPC co-sponsored a successful Symposium on Nov 16 at the European Parliament. Margarita de la Pisa MEP from Spain moderated (on my right). This was the first Euthanasia Symposium at the European parliament.
💥Article 1: Canada's euthanasia law is a moral outrage (Link).

💥Article 2: World Medical Association Journal: Normalizing Death as "treatment" in Canada (Link)
(Article begins on page 27).

💥Article 4: Canada requires doctors to falsify death certificates (Link).

💥Article 5: Legalizing assisted suicide increases suicide (Link).

*The Québec College of Physicians are urging Canada's Federal government to permit infant euthanasia (infanticide).
(Link to article on infant euthanasia) *EPC has a post-card campaign opposing infant euthanasia for sending to (MP's).
Order the post-cards by contacting EPC at: 1-877-439-3348 email: Register for our webinar (today): Assisted suicide and disability (Link). Purchase the Life Protecting Power of Attorney for Personal Care (Link) [Alex Chadenberg]
💥💥💥"Trudeau’s Canada Will Pay Poor People to Be Euthanized" on YouTube:
VIEW the YouTube here: [Anne McLachlan]
This VIDEO has been REMOVED by YouTube!

I think it was amazing that the government (FBI) admitted that it had 6 people embedded in one January group and 20+ people embedded in another. I remember that one group was the Proud Boys. Therefore, the real President [TRUMP] would be completely exonerated for the January 6th breech. I remember that there was a man who egged the people on to enter the building. That FBI man, has now conveniently retired. I had wanted to hear the Jessie video again. The link still worked but it was not the Jessie Watters news blast. [The ORIGINAL has been REMOVED by YouTube]
Go to FOX News 15th November to VIEW the CONTENT! [Patrick Bestall]


Fed Report #004
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the fourth edition of the Fed-Report. This week, we cover the following topics.
· Hospital Overwhelm and Calls for Restriction
· CUPE/PC Update
· Lt. Maisonneuve’s Controversial Speech regarding the Canadian Forces
· Trudeau the victim of misinformation
· Obesity rate updates in Canada
· The viral ‘Triple Threat’
There is a media storm behind the growing number of infectious disease hospitalizations (RSV, Influenza, and COVID) in Ontario, including in Pediatric wards. At first glance, this is a very troubling situation. News organizations, public health figures, and other talking heads are taking full advantage of the fear created in parents by pushing for increased restrictions, mainly school mask mandates.

Upon closer investigation, we must understand a few details before acting irrationally.
First, at the time of this writing, there are 87 children in Ontario hospitals with RSV. Last year at this time, there were 65. The increase is meaningful but not shocking. COVID-19 only accounts for six pediatric (5-19 YOA) hospitalizations in the last 14 days, with 62% of COVID hospitalizations resulting from incidental testing. Incidental testing means the child entered Hospital for other reasons and, while testing, happened to test for COVID-19 asymptomatically.

There were 918 positive Influenza tests across all age groups between November 30th and October 5th (total positive tests, not hospitalizations). What does this data mean?
· RSV cases are not wildly above expected seasonality, and
· COVID-19 is barely on the radar in pediatric settings;
· Influenza A is the most prominent disease in circulation.
So why are we treating the current uptick in common respiratory illnesses as a novel pandemic with the same calls for restriction we had during the thick of the COVID pandemic? For reference, in 2018, Influenza A killed 58 children in Canada (significantly higher than COVID related deaths in the same age group), and there weren’t any calls for widespread masking, lockdowns, or any other intervention. What is different today? To answer this question, I sat with Dr.Andrew Appleton, COVID team lead, Asst. Professor of Medicine and Internal Medicine Specialist at LHSC. You can listen to the entire conversation here. We discuss his first-hand experience in Hospital, why mandates aren’t the solution, and the true cause of healthcare overwhelm.

CUPE/PC Update
Lecce, Ford, and the PC’s released their additional offer in CUPE negotiations. According to Lecce, an additional 335M over 4 years was offered to union leaders, and negotiations again broke down. The increase amounts to a 3.59% increase which is up from the 1.5%-2.5% varied offer originally on the table. Shortly after releasing this information, CUPE announced another planned strike to begin on Monday.

I have no doubt that these negotiations are complex, and the public will never understand the full story of who is to blame for ongoing breakdowns. I also believe these workers deserve better compensation, but as a taxpayer, citizen, and father of three, I have lost my patience with CUPE. Not the workers, but with the leadership. Parents and students have had their lives routinely disrupted over the better part of three years. The private employment sector took a massive hit, and business owners are struggling to get back on their feet. Striking is the ‘nuclear option’ that holds parents, children, and the province hostage until CUPE gets their way. It is an abuse of union power, and the parent support the union had a few weeks ago will begin to deteriorate. 3.69% isn’t a big raise, especially considering recent inflation, but it is more than any government has offered CUPE in the last decade, including two Liberal Premieres (Wynne, McGuinty). Striking also speaks to the inability of CUPE to effectively negotiate for their workers, so instead of finding an alternative route that serves rather than harms the public, they are taking their ball and going home. The longer this strike goes, the weaker the public image of CUPE will be. That’s bad for everyone, including, if not especially, the workers.
Retired Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve’s Speech

While accepting a top defense award in Ottawa, Retired Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve took the gloves off when referencing senior Government officials and the direction the Country is headed. He began by taking a swipe at Trudeau’s rhetoric during the early days of the Convoy protest in Ottawa, stating “can you imagine a military leader labeling half of his command as:
· deplorables,
· fringe radicals and
· less-thans and then expect them to fight as one?”
He then moved on to attack victimhood culture with the statement, “Today’s world is also where taking personal responsibility for our own actions has disappeared from the landscape while the phenomenon of collective apologies flourishes in our country,” he told the audience of 600. “Individuals and groups fight over who gets to wear the coveted victims’ cloak.” He wrapped up with commentary on climate change at the cost of prosperity and self-sufficiency. The General continued, “Canada’s prosperity is being sacrificed at the altar of climate change as opposed to being used to help the world transition to clean energy,” he added. Recent actions by activists who have thrown soup and paint at art treasures to raise awareness about the lack of action on climate change are “as heinous as it is useless,” Maisonneuve added. “The perpetrators should be punished not celebrated.”
I appreciate anyone willing to speak the truth, especially from a prominent leadership position. I also agree with much of the sentiment Maisonneuve puts forth, regardless of the straightforwardness. The military has been the boon of much controversy in the last five years for their public move to openness and acceptance, which some believe weakens the institutions’ image. Moves like allowing vivid hair coloring, face tattoos, and adjustments to dress codes, to some, are viewed as bending to far-left pressure and away from core military values. The net benefit or harm from motions like these can be debated, but what can’t be refuted is the core purpose of National Forces. At the end of the day, military troops are responsible for extreme violence and putting their lives at risk during the most horrific periods in a Nation’s history. It’s not a tech startup they’re running over there and treating a military operation as though it’s Twitter headquarters probably isn’t a wise move. The Canadian Forces recently announced their inability to attract recruits, even after opening up their marketing and bending their classically strict regulations. While impossible to measure, it is plausible to theorize that men and women most likely to be attracted to such a potentially violent, dangerous job are no longer the focus of recruitment efforts. Canada has never been known for its strength of military forces, but we are slowly moving toward becoming not just a laughingstock but a danger to National security.

Justin Trudeau (or rather, his team) posted a tweet that remained live for 12 hours before being erased. In the communication, Trudeau condemned the powers in Iran for moving to execute 15,000 protestors. It turns out this was a false story thatJT’s team did not correctly vet before making the post. A mistake like this normally wouldn’t be worth pointing out, but as you know, our Prime Minister has been the poster-boy against misinformation and disinformation, lobbying for Bills such as C-11 to essentially censor content creators on the internet.
This slip shows:
A-anyone can make the simple mistake of believing falsehoods, regardless of their position or access to reliable information, and B- correcting the error is as easy as erasing the post and printing acknowledgement and retraction (which Trudeau did not do).
The spread of lies and false information over the internet isn’t different from the spread of the same before the world wide web. Mistakes will be made, and the intentional spread of phoney headlines has always existed and will continue to exist.
The remedy is to spread information that corrects the falsehoods rather than put the government in charge of who can say what under the guise of safety.
Obesity rate updates in Canada

Thank you so much for reading this edition of the Fed-Report. And please, feel free to share this issue and send me your thoughts at
[Patrick Bestall]
David YEO:
💥Manitoba MP asks for inquiry (10 Min)
💥Pre-Natal RN: 10x Increase in FETAL Deaths (11 Min)
The UFO Script: Created to Cover the 'Saucer Technology' (4 Min)
💥Fatty Liver: Reverse (12 Min)
Pandemic Black Eyed Babies (13 Min)
STEW & Doc CAROL: 💥Canadian LAW Euthanize (14 Min)
Morning Update:
Deputy Minister of Finance describes race against time to prevent economic damage from border blockades:
The federal government was in a race against time to stop the escalating economic damage created by the February border blockades, Michael Sabia, the Finance Department’s most senior public servant, told the inquiry into the use of the Emergencies Act.
He testified that government and media projections of the daily economic impact to the country underestimated the fact that the scale of harm would escalate sharply the longer the blockades continued.
With U.S. lawmakers weighing Buy America provisions that could have cut Canada out of future electric-vehicle manufacturing, Sabia said Canada’s reputation as a reliable trading partner was at risk and the concern had risen to the level of discussions between U.S. President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Read more:
[The GLOBE & MAIL Media]

Before it was hit by missiles, Polish grain facility was used as shelter for Ukrainians fleeing war
When Ukrainians began streaming across the border in February seeking safety from Russia’s invasion, 62-year-old Bogdan Wos got to work. His employer, Italy-based Agrocom, agreed to allow the office space in its warehouse in Przewodow to serve as a makeshift shelter and Wos quickly filled it with refugees.
Tragedy struck when at least one missile, likely fired by Ukraine’s air defence forces, slammed into the Agrocom warehouse at around 4 p.m. The building, once a safe haven for Ukrainians fleeing the war, was destroyed. Wos and another long-time employee, 60-year-old Bogdan Ciupek, were unloading a truck filled with corn when the rocket hit. Both died on the spot. Today, the village of Przewodow, Poland, remembers Wos as a “guy with a big heart.” [GLOBE & MAIL Media]

The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
There is MUCH coming soon!
A different Perspective:
This is out there – floating in the Network… You need to make up your own mind!
Thurs. 17 Nov. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#
· Mass Arrests have been increasing since Trump’s speech.
· Redemption Center Staff were on call as of Fri. noon and through the weekend to start appointments on Mon-Tues. 21, 22 Nov.
· Iraq to bring out their in-country Dinar Rate either Sat. or Sun. 19, 20 Nov.
· Last Tues. 15 Nov. they began redemption of boxes of Zim Sheet Bonds in Zurich and Miami.
· This weekend Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) should receive notification to set appointments.
Thurs. 17 Nov. 2022:
On Tues. President Trump averted World War III, while North Korea fired Ballistic Missiles. Fox News: Ukraine’s Zelensky tried to frame Russia for a Ukrainian missile that hit Poland in order to drag the U.S. into starting World War 3. Trump Averts World War III — Again - American Media Group (
JFK Jr. to reveal himself as alive, and the sitting Vice President of the Republic. “I officially rejected the Democrats Party today. American patriots will see their favorite Vice President as a Republican in 2024. This country should control by Conservatives." … Statement by Office of John F. Kennedy Jr. 16 Nov. 2022
Republicans Announce Investigation into Joe Biden Crime Family, Allege He Was Directly ‘Involved’ With Hunter’s Dealings, with disclosure of numerous federal crimes, including "conspiracy or deception of the United States."
A Supreme Court case regarding the 2020 election just hit the docket. It involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress. This action is against 388 federal officers in their official capacities which include President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Michael Richard Pence (“Respondents”). Also, it is about the congress ignoring over one hundred claimants, on J6, that the election was rigged. They did not investigate the claim, as they should have, and installed Biden. Under the constitution this is treasonous, as they were aiding the enemy. When the allegations of a rigged election came forward the Respondents had a duty under law to investigate it or be removed from office. Uh, Guys... A Supreme Court Case Regarding The 2020 Election Just Hit The Docket - American Media Group (
Five years of Military Tribunals on the Elite have been recorded for release to the general public.
In the next three weeks 86 countries were set to be under Martial Law. Dr. Charlie Ward: "86 Countries Will Be Under Martial Law In The Next Three Weeks" - American Media Group (
JFK’s Murderers Revealed Including Presidents Johnson and Bush: Declassified After 59 Years - Phone Tap Revealed JFK’s Murderers - American Media Group ( Tap on Hoover’s phone indicates that behind the shooters were J. Edgar Hoover, Alan Dulles, LBJ, and G.H.W. Bush under control of the Illuminati Central Bank Cartel.
Congress opens investigation on the Biden Crime Family. Rep Comer: “I don’t think a lot of people realize the evidence that’s already out there pertaining to Hunter Biden, and I don’t think anybody realized that Joe Biden is in fact involved in a lot of these.” Is this about to get so bad for Joe that the 25th Amendment comes into play, as DJT predicted?
North Korea fires missile after threatening 'fiercer' step. North Korea has launched a short-range ballistic missile toward its eastern waters, hours after it threatened “fiercer” military responses to the U.S. bolstering its security commitment with allies South Korea and Japan.
Istanbul: Another False Flag in Istanbul car bombing. CIA, Mossad Stage Setup in progress. They (DS) are throwing a lot of assets into the fray today. Somethings got them petrified. Wonder what that could be?
Project 2024 officially started in New York City Wed. 16 Nov. at 7:30 pm EST.
Judge says FBI agent can be deposed for allegedly working with Meta to bury Hunter Biden laptop story. GOP AGs say FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Elvis Chan 'colluded' with Meta to bury story.
Military Tribunals have been running in the US since the start of 2019, authorized by President Trump’s Executive Order. Issues such as treason and crimes against humanity fall under the military purview and allow for a speedy trial in secrecy, commonly resulting in executions or lengthy stays at GITMO. The Executed: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI
It’s being reported that many public figures have been replaced by stand in clones/ doubles these days. Actual Clones: This is a person grown from test tubes, known as “in vitro” or implanted in a womb, having identical genetic makeup to another person.
Synthetic People: These persons look every bit as real as a real person although are made of certain tissues extracted from cattle for example. Organic Robotoids: This is an artificial life created totally different than clones or synthetics. Organic robotoid technology is being used to make exact as possible copies of important people.Doubles (Look-alikes): An ongoing program to find look-alikes for prominent people, as well as a program to create secret identical twins (which are separated at birth and never see each other).
The Executed: Clones/Doubles: Now that we are clear human cloning is very real, we can take a look at a few of the most obvious public figure clones/doubles. These people are merely place holders until the public has awoken enough for full disclosure and declassification of their disgusting crimes against humanity. We have to consider that any of the following could be clones, doubles, actors, transvestites hiding in plain sight, holographic, or CGI.
Statement by Office of John F. Kennedy Jr.: Since many of the fake channels named John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy have been made, I officially declare that the only reliable and related channels are @hsretoucher17, @JFKRed and @CBKNEWS
