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EXPLOSIVE! This is my MOST INFORMATIVE Post-to-date!

Writer: donbrooks777donbrooks777



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Consider and make up your own mind.

Proverbs 18:5

It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.

Trump’s Final Battle May Play Out in Congress

President Trump Highlights January 6, 2021, Washington DC Event

*Ukraine Press Release Biden Bombshell:

Demands Return of Billions stolen from the Ukrainian People that was laundered through the Biden Family:

The Ukrainian Press Conference outlined international corruption sanctioned under a request from Democratic Senators and demanded return of billions stolen from the Ukrainian people that was laundered through the Biden Family.

*Sun. 27 Dec. Powell Releases Massive 270-page Document on Election Fraud: Judy Note: On Sun. 27 Dec. Joe Biden was charged with money laundering billions stolen from the Ukrainian people and appeared connected to the Christmas Morning Nashville Missile Strike Explosion:

General Flynn: “Will the American Republic Survive Our Own Legal System?”

Refuse to Be Divided – It is Happening Within 24 Hours – Prepare Now:


“Deadly Force” Zone Activated in Wake of Strike on Nashville Voting Machine NSA Spy Hub" 24 Hour Period is Over - Nashville Dis-Info Clown Show from Here On Christmas Day 25 Dec. Nashville Tenn. Missile Strike Explosion: 1.An assessment of the Nashville explosion made by the SVR based on the revelations made by former CIA-NSA computer expert Edward Snowden, who, in 2013, revealed the NSA hidden spy hubs located in American cities—revelations that, in 2015, were analyzed by the New York Times in their article “AT&T Helped U.S. Spy On Internet On A Vast Scale”, that stated: The National Security Agency’s ability to spy on vast quantities of Internet traffic passing through the United States has relied on its extraordinary, decades-long partnership with a single company: the telecom giant AT&T.” 2. This was a secret relationship between the NSA and AT&T to begin a massive spying operation against the American people in 1985, known as Fairview Surveillance Program. 3. One of whose most vital NSA spying hubs is located in the AT&T building in Nashville at the epicenter of this explosion, specifically its massive underground conduits underlying the streets of downtown Nashville. 4. Immediately following this explosion AT&T reported a widespread outage—an outage to include northern Alabama, where is located one of the most critical military bases in America known as Redstone Arsenal. 5. The Redstone Arsenal had strategic importance. President Trump has elevated that importance since he began moving his loyal FBI forces there by the thousands. 6. Those experts knowing what war looks like have begun sounding warnings like: “PREPARE FOR WAR: After January 6th, expect all hell to break loose across America.” 7. An American news website: “It seems pretty likely the place that blew up was the NSA fairview VOIP monitoring site as leaked on one of the snowden maps...I don't see any reason why the only thing on the street that would be censored by google would be the "at&t store"...Now if you had a hardened government facility with secret shit in it that you absolutely didn't want to be captured by anyone might you put a self destruct mechanism in place? 8. The SVR in this report extensively referenced the ANTIFA train derailments that moved into the United States from Canada earlier this year. 9. ANTIFA train derailments were linked to the attack on the NSA spying hub in Nashville: FBI having arrested two women from Bellingham-Washington a month ago on charges of a terrorist attack on a railroad facility by them placing a “shunt” on the tracks. 10. Barely 48-hours ago, the FBI having to rush large forces into Washington State after the fiery and explosive derailment of a train carrying oil cars. 11. Rumors are circulating among ANTIFA forces that once “Comrade [B]iden” is put into power they will be given $120-million in funds to establish safety command and control systems in suburbs across the US in all 50 States. 12. Americans are awakening to the truth that Communist China started World War III by releasing the coronavirus disease. 13. All of which makes it more than clear why this reports conclusion section is devoted to a discussion about the article just published by American journalist J. Robert Smith entitledThe New Phony War”, that begins by stating as fact: As of the November elections, the nation is at war…It’s a 21st-century war, so it’s very different…Because it’s new, the scope and magnitude aren’t easily understood…It hasn’t been declared…It may never be…Hence, for many millions of Americans, perceptions are clouded or lagging…In human affairs, with change, this often occurs.” 14. This was a direct reference to the “Phony War”, which was an eight-month period at the start of World War II, during which there was only one limited military land operation. 15. Most worrisome about this article are Security Council Members assessing as true its assessments about the United States. 16. It’s the second American civil war, and its origins predate the November elections fraud, which seems on track to steal the presidency from the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump. 17. The genesis of this civil war is the ideo-cultural war that has waxed and waned across the nation since the late 1960s. So, November’s election thievery might better be regarded as an outgrowth and escalation -- a potentially nation-shattering escalation – of that decades-old cultural conflict. 18. America’s first civil war had its phony phase of sorts, too. Lincoln was elected on November 6, 1860. Fort Sumter was attacked on April 12, 1861. Over five months, tensions built, and then hostilities commenced. 19. We’ve entered momentous and perilous times, comparable to the four years of the Civil War and the eight years of the Revolution. How this war evolves is unknowable. Wars tend to have lives of their own. No patriot should assume a favorable outcome. The days ahead must be hard fought, for victory must be hard won. It’s simply the price of freedom. Americans Forget Russia Has Saved Them Three Times As War Enters 265th Year World Watches As Freedom Makes Last Stand On Earth Nashville explosion was actually a missile strike, and the target was the AT&T / NSA hardened switching facility “spy hub” ‘Shrouded in obscurity’: AT&T asks the FCC to crack down on Big Tech companies like Facebook, Google and Apple ALL major U.S. cellphone companies guilty of privacy violations: Bombshell report reveals they track you and sell your location data to bounty hunters AT&T to deliberately HOAX its own customers by falsely labeling 4G phones with “5G” icon Residents of Charlotte, N.C., speak out against mass 5G implementation Report: “Internet Bill of Rights” concept gains traction as Trump gets alerted to big tech’s censorship

Treasonous Army Generals Fear Trump’s Militia Option: Miles Guo of Gnews says that the intelligence agencies of the world are fully aware Trump will be President for a second term. Guo warns that China’s domestic economy will instantly collapse as certain events unfold. Trump’s second term will make sure this happens. Defense Dept. official Andrew Knaggs lays out the spectrum of action President Trump may invoke, from the least controversial (the courts) to the most controversial (military martial law). Knaggs confirms Trump can appoint a special counsel himself and does not need the AG to do it. Discussion of the explosion in Nashville, and why it may have been a pilot test run to find out how easily telecommunications infrastructure can be taken out with conventional explosives. (Note: New video has since emerged, revealing this attack appears to be a missile strike from an aircraft, not merely an RV vehicle bomb.) Nashville Mayor laughs and smiles when discussing the bombing. The US Army may be plotting a physical coup against President Trump, to remove him from the White House. Militia defenses may soon be needed at the White House and the D.C. area. An analysis of militia structure and effectiveness. What happens when cities begin to fall? Survivors exile to neighboring communities. The 20th Amendment and how it changed Inauguration Day from March 4th to January 20th. Americans Prepare for January War: We are all going to get through this together, no matter how bad it gets. Brandon Tatum reveals, “People are willing to take up arms” to protect the republic and defeat tyranny. VP Pence, a traitor, is planning on accepting the Joe Biden electors on January 6th and fleeing the country as the civil war begins. Rudy Giuliani reveals, “You’re going to find it out all at once – it’s going to be very shocking to the country.” The American people should use this holiday time to shore up preparedness plans against the events that are likely to occur in January. Blue cities — which are the “terror hubs” of America — may find themselves under siege. Expect outages and disruptions affecting power, food, water, communications and transportation. Patriots may begin to stage citizens’ arrests of corrupt, criminal traitors in government, which may include governors, mayors, elections officials and similar criminals. If patriots begin to “go kinetic” in their actions, expect the left-wing media to demand Trump invoke the Insurrection Act, which the President could use to go after deep state traitors (while patriots would back off). If Trump wins on January 6th, which does not seem likely at the moment, the radical Left launches its kinetic attack on America, and Trump will need to invoke the Insurrection Act anyway. New “legal memo” claims Texas lawsuit could be re-filed with SCOTUS by the United States of America, and SCOTUS would be forced to hear it. ATF pauses proposed new regulations on arm braces. Here’s a strategy to avoid being criminalized by the ATF, even if you own arm brace pistols. The Wisconsin Voters Alliance files suit against Pence, Congress and the Electoral College to force state legislatures to approve electoral votes. De Blasio turns NYC into a medical police state for UK travelers. Rush Limbaugh, a great American hero, is still subject to the laws of cause and effect. Chemotherapy is suicide.

Rand Paul Says:

'The Fraud Happened; the Election in Many Ways Was Stolen,' Then Lays Out How to 'Fix It'

Charlie Ward Videos:

(Problem with the sound? Enter through: ) Thurs. 24 Dec. Christmas Eve Charlie Ward Update:

Gun-toting freshman Congresswoman will oppose Biden’s electors from battleground states

==> WaPo: Microsoft Cloud Customers Compromised by Russian Hackers

Explosion Rocks Nashville: Intentional but Meant to Limit Casualties

The FBI’s Latest Homegrown Terrorist Plot Is an Obvious Joke but What Is Going to Happen to the People Involved Is Not


The American Presidents—Washington to Lincoln

COVID-19 Hoax: A Study Showed that 99% of COVID-19 Was Dead in 30 Seconds With Use of UV LEDs:

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Prompts Serious Allergic Reaction

Nurse gets Bells Palsy (1 Min)

Informed Consent: Banned Documentary (70 Min)

Dr. Andrew Wakefield:

"It's not a Vaccine. It is Geoengineering." (10 Min)

Kiwi Tests + (2 Min)

Vatican: COVID Vaccine is Morally Acceptable (1 Min)

Del Bigtree:

Jorge Araujo (Resigned at Merck) 'Vaccines Do Not Give Herd Immunity' (4 Min)

Health Canada warns against unlicensed PPE company

Judge Sides with Fraudulent Voters and Orders Drop Boxes Left in Place

Bernie Sanders LOSES It, Calls Trump WHAT?

Washington Post compares denying election results to denying the Holocaust

Biden’s pick for Department of Interior would end gas and oil leasing on public lands

Joe Biden to launch environmental agenda on day one of presidency


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